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Sedimentary Geology 138 (2000) 161±177

Bored pebbles and ravinement surface clusters in a transgressive

systems tract, Sant LlorencË del Munt fan-delta complex,
SE Ebro Basin, Spain
E.I.H. Siggerud a,*, R.J. Steel b, J.E. Pollard c
PSG Reservoir Consultants, Strandveien 4, N-1326 Lysaker, Norway
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071-3355, USA
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK

A 25-m thick transgressive systems tract in the Sant LlorencË del Munt, wave-in¯uenced, fan-delta system (Eocene, SE Ebro
Basin) has an internal framework consisting of a cluster of transgressive erosion surfaces, each of which has minor relief and
which are collectively stacked vertically no more than two metres apart. Each erosion surface bounds a cycle containing a
conglomeratic lag (up to 0.5-m thick) followed by a coarsening-upward sandstone to conglomeratic unit (the uppermost levels
of which can be nonmarine). Individual cycles become entirely nonmarine landwards of the termination of the basal-bounding
erosion surface, whereas they thin and eventually become entirely marine basinwards.
The individual erosion surfaces within the transgressive tract, some 16 of them within a 20-m thick lithosome, are interpreted as
wave-ravinement surfaces that repeatedly eroded into the conglomeratic shoreface during transgression. This interpretation, rather
than one invoking nonmarine ¯ooding or other marine erosion surface types, is consistent with the arrangement of bivalve and
sponge borings on the top surfaces of clasts and with the associated lag pavements. Multiphase boring around the entire surface of
clasts, as well as erosion of the clasts at some horizons, particularly in reaches of the tract where the ravinement trajectory is sub-
horizontal, suggest repeated reworking of previously generated lag pavements in zones of minimal aggradation during transgression.
Where the transgressive shoreline trajectory rises more steeply and there has been more rapid aggradation during transgression, the
lag pavements show only single-phase borings, with the borings on the upper surface of the pebble-pavement only.
The close spacing of erosion surfaces within the transgressive systems tract, together with estimates of time span in the tract,
suggest that transgressive erosion occurred with a frequency of less than 500 years. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights
Keywords: Fan-delta system; Erosion surfaces; Transgressive systems tract; Trace fossils; Bored pebble logs

1. Introduction transpressional slip on the Valles Fault System running

along the NE±SW trending Catalan Coastal Range led
The Sant LlorencË del Munt fan-delta complex occu- to the uplift of basement blocks and dispersal of large
pies part of the Ebro Basin of Catalunya in northeastern volumes of detritus as alluvial fans and fan-deltas that
Spain (Fig. 1A). During the Eocene, a period of sinistral prograded north and north-westwards into the Ebro
Basin (AnaÂdon et al., 1985; GuimeraÁ, 1988) (Fig. 1B).
The Sant LlorencË del Munt fan-delta complex that
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: developed from one uplifted and rotated basement-
(E.I.H. Siggerud). slice extends approximately 20 km into the Ebro Basin
0037-0738/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0037-073 8(00)00148-2
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Fig. 2. Architecture of the transgressive and regressive tracts of the El Marcet I fundamental sequence within the Sant LlorencË del Munt fan-
delta complex. Note the geometry of the ravinement complex in the transgressive systems tract.

and forms a 1000-m thick succession of coarse-grained Sedimentation was controlled largely by basin margin
alluvial conglomerates and sandstones that grade basin- tectonics, as well as sea level changes and climate
wards into marine siltstones, sandstones, and limestones (LoÂpez-Blanco et al., 2000).
(LoÂpez-Blanco, 1993; and other papers in this volume). Because of the rapid lateral facies changes, as well
Alluvial progradation was interrupted by a series of as the variety and repetition of facies, an allostratigra-
transgressive episodes of frequency varying from 300 phical subdivision (NACSN, 1983) has been
to 60,000 years (LoÂpez-Blanco et al., 2000), resulting in suggested by LoÁpez-Blanco (1993). The Sant LlorencË
the development of a highly cyclic succession (Fig. 1C). del Munt fan-delta complex has accordingly been

Fig. 1. (A) Location map of Catalunya and simpli®ed map (B) and section (C) of the Sant LlorencË del Munt fan-delta complex.
164 E.I.H. Siggerud et al. / Sedimentary Geology 138 (2000) 161±177

divided into a series of composite sequences, three of basinward-stepping clinoforms that lap down at a
which are shown in Fig. 1C. Within each composite low angle onto the maximum ¯ooding zone (see
sequence there are smaller-scale transgressive± Siggerud and Steel, 1999, Fig. 4).
regressive fundamental sequences (LoÂpez-Blanco, The details of facies development within the prox-
1993). The Vilomara composite sequence consists of imal, intermediate, and distal portions of the El
a lower (El Marcet) overall transgressive succession Marcet 1 transgressive systems tract are shown in
and an upper (Vilomara) overall regressive succes- Fig. 2. Proximal regions are dominated by alluvial
sion. This paper describes details of the ravinement conglomerates and sandstones (see Rasmussen,
surfaces, bored clasts, and associated transgressive 2000, for details) but show an increased brackish
lags within the lowermost fundamental sequence in water in¯uence in the ¯ood basin siltstone facies in
the overall transgressive El Marcet succession. The the upper half of the succession, as indicated by
facies and the sequence stratigraphy of the whole El vertical marine burrows (Ichnofabric 2 of Siggerud
Marcet succession are dealt with by Rasmussen and Steel, 1999). In the uppermost levels of the trans-
(2000) and Steel et al. (2000), respectively. The gressive tract, there are thin nearshore conglomerates
trace fossils of one fundamental sequence (El Marcet and sandstones (just below the maximum ¯ooding
1) within this succession was analysed by Siggerud zone of the sequence) (Fig. 2). The alluvial deposits
and Steel (1999). Interest has arisen in this transgres- consist of a series of erosively-based, channelised
sive El Marcet succession because it is well exposed, ¯uvial conglomerates that grade upwards fairly
it is unusually thick (almost as thick as the overlying abruptly into pebbly sandstones and red siltstones.
regressive succession), and it provides an opportunity There is also a debris ¯ow deposit that is utilized as
to examine how the sediment volumes and facies are a marker horizon in this alluvial package.
partitioned into regressive and transgressive tracts. The intermediate reaches of the El Marcet 1 trans-
The characterization and evaluation of multiple gressive systems tract (Fig. 2) show a succession
ravinement surfaces and their signi®cance within passing from red alluvial deposits at the base up to
transgressive successions also has generated interest. nearshore conglomerates and sandstones. The succes-
sion, though overall transgressive, consists of
repeated small-scale (,2 m thick) cycles, any one of
2. The El Marcet 1 transgressive systems tract which has the following idealized vertical structure,
consisting of (a) up to (d) as follows (Fig. 3):
The transgressive part of the lowermost fundamental
sequence in the El Marcet succession (the El Marcet 1 (a) An erosion surface overlain by a lag deposit or
fundamental sequence, as shown in Fig. 2) is consid- ªpavementº in which pebbles are commonly bored,
ered to be retrogradational or ªtransgressiveº in char- especially on the upper surfaces; these are the
acter because each of the main lithofacies belts coarsest deposits in each cycle.
(shoreface sandstones, shoreface gravels, alluvial (b) An abrupt change up to siltstones and ®ne-
deposits; Fig. 2) is mapped as having a landward- grained marine bioturbated sandstones (the sand-
stepping stacking-pattern through time. This stacking stones tend to coarsen upwards);
character is seen most clearly within the nearshore (c) Upper levels of the sandstones in (b) that
conglomerate belt, which, in detail, has a lower trans- become reddish and/or conglomeratic, sometimes
gressive trend, a middle aggradational trend, and an with a mottled, soil-like appearance (in either
upper highly transgressive character in its most land- case, they may be burrowed by vertical marine
ward segment. The uppermost levels of this transgres- traces);
sive system tract are ®ne-grained argillaceous (d) A new erosion surface capped by a lag deposit
sandstones and, in places (distally), limestones. with bored pebbles;
Above this level, which is interpreted to be a maxi-
mum ¯ooding zone, there is a reversal of the stacking- The cycles listed above could be described as
pattern with a regressive silty to sandy shoreface or ªparasequences,º that is, the basic building blocks of
delta-front lithofacies belt, which shows a series of the transgressive succession along the shoreline
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Fig. 3. Sedimentological log through the transgressive part of the succession at locality 3 (Fig. 2), showing the aggradational stacking of the
ravinement-bounded ªparasequences.º Note the thick transgressive component (ªaº component in cycle ªa-dº) of the ªparasequences.º

reaches. Parasequences tend to form in groups, each marls, and normally graded sandstone beds. The
group de®ning a trend of landward shift (Fig. 2). The limestones (Fig. 2) are mainly Nummulites packstones
parasequence groups numbered 1±4 in Fig. 2 appear (sometimes with coralline algae) and probably
to relate to channel belts in the alluvium behind the originated as bioclastic bars on the transgressed
shoreline area. pavements of the delta front (Eide, 1996). The graded
In its distal reaches, the transgressive systems tract sandstone beds have a tabular geometry, and occur in
of the El Marcet 1 becomes dominated by limestones, groups of beds up to 7±8 m thick. They are interpreted
166 E.I.H. Siggerud et al. / Sedimentary Geology 138 (2000) 161±177

as sediment gravity ¯ows, possibly initiated by delta- from Fig. 2, successive erosion surfaces are not evenly
front collapse, in®lling shallow submarine gullies on distributed in space and time. Although successively
the delta front. The tract becomes progressively more younger surfaces generally extend farther landwards,
dominated by limestone beds distally, and some 4± there are groups of surfaces with a near-vertical
5 km basinwards from the proximal alluvial reaches, (aggradational) stacking, followed vertically by an
the transgressive package is no more than a few abrupt and more extensive landward shift, and a
metres thick. In that distal region there are four new group of stacked erosion surfaces. The stacking-
units, each capped by a limestone. The precise pattern of the erosion surfaces is generally highlighted
geometric relationship of these units to the sub- by the occurrence and distribution of basinward-
sequences of the proximal reaches is still uncertain. wedging alluvial deposits, because the latter are
often red coloured and thus most easily identi®ed
from a distance.
3. Marine erosion surfaces The pathway or shoreline trajectory (Helland-
Hansen and Gjelberg, 1994) which is de®ned by the
The erosion surfaces that underlie the lag deposits line joining points of landward termination of succes-
are a striking feature of the marine facies belt within sively younger erosion surfaces, is clearly landward
the transgressive systems tract. Although they rarely directed and related to a diachronous transgressive
show erosive relief of more than a few tens of centi- ªfront.º It is argued below that each erosion surface
metres, they impart a characteristic sub-horizontal is a ravinementsurface generated by the landward
ªstrati®cationº to the succession, a feature not seen movement of shoreface erosion during a period
in the depositionally similar facies belt of the over- when relative sea level rise was greater than sediment
lying regressive tract (Fig. 2). The erosive surfaces supply. The series of shingled erosion surfaces broadly
(with their overlying bored pebble lags) within the separating nearshore and shelf deposits from coastal
transgressive system tract are of frequent occurrence. plain alluvium, cuts obliquely across the transgressive
There are some 17 of these surfaces within a 20 m tract. Thus, they have the character of shoreface
succession within El Marcet 1 (Fig. 3). erosion surfaces (Heward, 1981) or wave-ravinement
When traced landwards from the intermediate surfaces (Nummedal and Swift, 1987). The unusual
reaches of the transgressive tract, successive erosion aspect of these surfaces here is that they occur as a
surfaces tend to diverge slightly from each other, and vertically aggrading cluster of ravinement surfaces
younger surfaces extend farther landwards than older and not as a single surface as usually described.
ones. The sedimentary cycle between adjacent erosion Shoreface erosion resulted in overall transgression
surfaces contains progressively less marine facies and and destruction of the shoreline, but the trajectory of
progressively more alluvial facies as each of these shoreface erosion varied from very low-angle to
cycles is traced landwards. At the point where any higher angle landwards, corresponding with intervals
cycle contains no marine facies, the basal erosion of ªrapidº transgression or near-vertical aggradation,
surface terminates and from this point landwards the respectively. The aggradational segments of the trans-
ªcycleº can no longer be recognized. There is, thus, a gressive tract highlight the high rates of sediment
clear connection between the presence of marine supply during transgression.
facies and the occurrence of the erosion surface.
When traced basinwards, the erosion surfaces
appear to converge slightly towards each other, and 4. Pavements of bored pebbles
older surfaces generally extend farther basinwards
than younger ones. The sedimentary cycle between The ªbored-pebbleº lags and associated ªdeepeningº
adjacent erosion surfaces contains progressively less of facies within the studied transgressive tract are key
alluvium and becomes dominated by marine near- pieces of evidence for the interpretation of the asso-
shore and shelf deposits. The ªcycleº can still be ciated erosion surfaces as ravinement surfaces.
recognized basinwards as long as the bored lag of Although the lags ultimately derive from river ¯ood
coarse clasts persists basinwards. As can be seen products on the fan-delta front, they are nevertheless
E.I.H. Siggerud et al. / Sedimentary Geology 138 (2000) 161±177 167

the immediate products of marine reworking during (mostly bivalves but also sponges and worms prob-
transgression. ably during abandonment of the gravel pavement)
when sediment supply to the area was low or insig-
4.1. Description ni®cant. Pebbles in some horizons show more than
one phase of boring as indicated by only the inner
Bored pebble-pavements are lag concentrations of
part of the borings being preserved (Fig. 6). Rare
clast-supported conglomerate in beds up to 50-cm
geopetal in®lls indicate that pebbles were rotated in
thick, which lie on a prominent erosion surface.
the gravel before the boring in®ll was lithi®ed (Figs.
They overlie somewhat ®ner-grained beds. The latter
5B and 6). Foraminifera in the sand in®ll con®rm that
commonly show a slight upward-coarsening trend and
both boring and in®lling took place under marine
can become conglomeratic and red-coloured at their
conditions, in sub-tidal water depth, presumably on
tops. The borings are developed preferentially in lime-
the lower to middle shoreface. Pebbles in other hori-
stone clasts in the uppermost pebble layer of any
zons show unabraded shallow borings only on the
conglomerate bed (Figs. 3 and 4A). The clasts with
upper surface of the clasts, suggesting a single genera-
borings are fairly well rounded, and consist of grey
tion of abandonment and preservation of the surface
limestone with sparite patches, rare gastropods and
of the gravel. These probably re¯ect a depositional
ostracods. The clasts are abraded or etched and
hiatus and the formation of a rockground. Similar
bored preferentially on one surface or on all surfaces
bored pebbles of Triassic dolomite have been reported
by irregular or ¯ask-shaped borings that are generally
from the Eocene lag deposits (Roniewicz, 1970) and
in®lled with red sand (Fig. 4B). The borings are iden-
Miocene lag deposits (Radwanski, 1970) of Poland
ti®ed as Gastrocoenolites (bivalve boring; Fig. 4B),
and the basal Pliocene lags of the Barcelona area,
and are circular in cross-section, ¯asked-shaped, 5±
Spain (de Gilbert and Martinell, 1992). All of these
25 mm deep and oriented vertical to the pebble
pebbles were bored by at least two genera of bivalves,
surface (Fig. 4B). The Entobia ispp. consists of rows
sponges, and worms in shallow marine shoreline areas
of small ovoid borings 1±2 mm in length, resembling
with slow sedimentation. The Miocene and Pliocene
strings of beads or sausages (Fig. 5A and B). The rows
examples are associated with Ophiomorpha nodosa
are only rarely observed to radiate or cross-cut to form
sands and were interpreted as shoreline or storm-
crude polygonal networks. Fine straight or branching
generated gravel sheets.
tubes (approximately 0.2 mm in diameter) are asso-
Environmental comparisons can be made with
ciated with the borings. In some pavements, the
recent studies of communities of borers in limestone
borings are preserved only on the upper surface of
rockgrounds of Pliocene±Pleistocene age in the inner
pebbles (when viewed in-situ) or internally adjacent
Mediterranean area (Bromley and D'Alessandro,
to the walls of the bivalve borings (Figs. 4C and 5B), Ê sgaard, 1993). The dominant
1987; Bromley and A
with an in®ll of red silt or very ®ne-grained sand.
borings in the El Marcet pebbles are Gastrocoenolites
These borings belong to the ichnogenus Entobia and
ispp.; the most complete form recognized is the ¯ask-
the most regular forms to E. cateniformis (Fig. 5A)
shaped G. lapidicus (Fig. 6B) rather than the deeper,
produced by sponges (Bromley and D'Alessandro,
more elongated G. torpedo (Bromley, 1994; Kelly and
1984). A third type of boring is small isolate elongated
Bromley, 1984). The circular-cross section and
or slit-like borings similar to the Meandropolydora or
rounded, rather than strongly tapering, inner termina-
Caulostrepsis worm borings described by Bromley
tions of the bivalve borings further support this provi-
and D'Alessandro (1983). Within the larger Gastro-
sional assignment (Figs. 4B and 5B). The entobian
coenolites borings, Nummulites foraminifera occur
sponge borings observed are more dif®cult to identify
stacked; geopetal in®ll orientation commonly indi-
speci®cally (Bromley and D'Alessandro, 1984, 1989),
cates that the host clasts have been rolled after boring
although E. cateniformis (Fig. 5A) was con®rmed by
and geopetal generation (Fig. 5B).
Dr R.G. Bromley (pers. comm.). Crowded Gastrocoe-
4.2. Paleoenvironmental signi®cance nolites borings usually occur in very shallow marine
water of only a few metres depth (Bromley, 1994). In
The pebbles have been bored by marine organisms the Neogene of the inner Mediterranean, the zone of
168 E.I.H. Siggerud et al. / Sedimentary Geology 138 (2000) 161±177

Fig. 4. Bivalve borings in limestone pebbles. (A) Abraded pebble with sand-®lled Gastrocoenolites borings in-situ at the top of the marine
gravel pavement below the maximum ¯ooding surface. (B) Vertical surface cut through a bored pebble where Nummulites specimen can be
observed within sand-®lled bivalve borings on the left. (C) Details of pebble shown in (B) with, at the top, articulate bivalve shells in in®lled
Gastrocoenolites boring; below two well preserved Gastrocoenolites lapidicus borings, where Entobia borings can be observed in walls of
bivalve borings.
E.I.H. Siggerud et al. / Sedimentary Geology 138 (2000) 161±177 169

Fig. 4. (continued)

Fig. 5. In®lled sponge and bivalve boring in limestone pebbles. (A) Entobia borings, possibly E. Caeniformis, on the upper surface of bored
pebble (shown in the cross section in (B). (B) Vertical cut through a bored pebble showing near-surface borings of Entobia ispp. in the upper
surface; downward facing borings of G. lapidicus with rotated geopetal in®llings.
170 E.I.H. Siggerud et al. / Sedimentary Geology 138 (2000) 161±177

Fig. 6. (A) Initial phase of boring: boring mainly by bivalves (1), which were partly in®lled later with ®ne-grained marine sandstone. Transport
phase: transport leads to abrasion of the pebble surface. In some borings, small pebbles block the entrance of the boring, preventing sand from
completely emptying from the chamber (see detail in the ®gure below). First resting phase: borings become in®lled by sparite, producing
geopetals. Renewed transport and ®nal resting: pebble is moved and redeposited to a new position, as shown by the geopetal (see detail in ®gure
below); increased boring by bivalves (2), sponges (3) and worms (4). (B) Schematic drawing of the sectioned pebble shown in Fig. 5 and in the
®gure above. Note the multiphase boring (three generations), that the left-hand borings have small pebbles inside which prevented all sand from
emptying, and that the tilted geopetals indicate that the clast has been transported after the geopetal development.

G. torpedo (which often occurs with entobians and as deeper water than G. torpedo but indicative of
Meandropolypora) is restricted to 1±2 m of water turbulent marine water free from suspended sediment,
depth and may be taken to indicate ancient sea-level probably less than 10 m of water depth. We interpret
notches in limestone cliffs (Bromley and D'Alessan- this to equate with a middle±upper shoreface setting
dro, 1987; Bromley and A Ê sgaard, 1993; Bromley, within the gravelly shoreface of El Marcet 1 (Fig. 7).
1994). Although the association of G. lapidicus with
E. cateniformis and worm borings cannot be assigned
to a precise water depth, they do occur together in the 5. Aggradation events between ravinement
ªBoulder Assemblageº of Bromley and A Ê sgaard episodes
(1993) and the ªhigh diversity entobian dominated
assemblageº of Bromley and D'Alessandro (1987). The sediment that accumulated between successive
These assemblages, common on boulders or pebbles pebble-pavements indicates that renewed shoreface or
in Mediterranean Pliocene rockgrounds, are regarded mouth-bar regression/aggradation occurred prior to
E.I.H. Siggerud et al. / Sedimentary Geology 138 (2000) 161±177 171

Fig. 7. Cartoon showing the ªdevelopment mechanicsº of a bored-pebble-pavement and its relationship to the ravinement surface.

each ravinement episode. Above each lag pavement, or brackish burrowing activity in backshore or
there is abrupt and marked grain-size reduction, which coastal±plain areas as a result of initial sea level
is indicative of the ¯ooding/abandonment phase that rise, but prior to the passage of shoreface erosion
produced the borings (Fig. 3). The coarsening-upward across these environments.
trend of the overlying siltstone±sandstone unit
(usually about 1-m thick) (Fig. 3) re¯ects either shore-
face regression and aggradation during times of 6. Summary of evidence for ravinement
increased sediment supply or a reduced rate of relative interpretation
sea level rise. These upward-coarsening sedimentary
units thus resemble ªparasequencesº (Van Wagoner, The above interpretation of the lag pavement
1991), except for the anomalous presence of thick, borings, together with the character of the sedimen-
intervening pebble lags (Figs. 3 and 8). It is of interest tary unit associated with any pavement, strongly
to note that it is only in these regressive phases suggests that the closely spread erosion surfaces that
that nonmarine and marine facies occur in lateral characterize the gravelly transgressive system tracts
continuity. Within the transgressive phase, there is were formed by wave-reworking processes and are
always an erosion surface separating marine shelf- therefore transgressive ravinement surfaces. The key
nearshore facies from slightly older, nonmarine facies arguments here are:
(Fig. 2).
Another interesting aspect of some of the ªparase- 1. The erosion surfaces formed immediately prior to
quencesº is the occurrence of marine or brackish- (and became the host surfaces for) the marine lag
water crab burrows (Siggerud and Pollard, 2000) pavements, which are so coarse-grained signi®cant
within the uppermost and shallowest (nonmarine) wave energy is required for their formation (Fig. 7).
facies levels, immediately prior to the cutting of the 2. The lag pavements sometimes show evidence of
subsequent ravinement surface. This indicates marine multiphase borings, as well as repeated reworking
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and abrasion, prior to ®nal burial, again implying of marine waters into the back-barrier areas prior to
an association with high-energy events in the the passage of the shoreface erosion surface.
marine environment (Fig. 7). The repeated occurrence of the above cycle
3. The formation of the erosively based lag documents that aggradation occurred during overall
pavements was followed immediately by water transgression, with the repeated landward passage of
deepening and abandonment with respect to clastic shoreface erosion and the subsequent basinward
sediment supply for periods long enough to allow movement of the aggrading shorezone. In this irregu-
the boring. lar manner, the shoreline moved landwards by less
4. Pavement abandonment and boring was followed than 2 km during a relative sea level rise of some
by renewed clastic sediment in¯ux in a regressive, 20 m. Age estimates for the length of time occupied
shallowing upward mode (see below), until trun- by the Vilomara composite sequence (see LoÂpez-
cated by the next transgressive surface of marine Blanco et al., 2000) suggest that the El Marcet trans-
erosion. gressive tract was deposited over the course of 10±
20,0000 years. This implies that the ravinement
The bored pebble-pavements are themselves not process documented here recurred in time intervals
beach or upper shoreface deposits. The transgressive of less than 500 years.
passage of the shoreface generated the erosion surface
that underlies each pavement, and presumably
ensured the destruction of upper shoreface and 8. Relationship between ravinement trajectory and
beach deposits, causing ªpulsesº of gravel and sand pavement types
to be redistributed out onto the lower/middle
shoreface and beyond. Boring took place on this Bored pebble-pavements in zones where the
redistributed debris in the lower pact of the shoreface ravinement trajectory had a relatively steep inclina-
(Fig. 7). tion and, therefore, where there is aggradational stack-
ing of the lag pavements, appear to show mainly a
single generation of borings on the upper surface of
7. Shoreline trajectory during overall the uppermost pebbles in the pavement. Conversely,
transgression pavements in the youngest and uppermost levels of
the transgressive systems tract (where ravinement
The erosion surfaces seen in the intermediate trajectories are relatively ¯at and penetrate far land-
reaches of the transgressive tract are of wave- wards across the underlying coastal plain deposits)
generated origin. The pavements overlying individual show multiphase boring (boring on all sides of the
ravinement surfaces are transgressive lag deposits and pebbles), as well as multiple transport episodes and
the boring of the pavement clasts as well as the abrupt abrasion (Figs. 6 and 9). Pavements in such a setting
upward-®ning of grain-size were caused by water have some pebbles in which (1) only the innermost
deepening and abandonment of the pavement surface. zones of boring are preserved due to abrasion
The overlying upward-coarsening sandstones repre- (Fig. 5B); (2) geopetal structures are multiple and
sent a renewed shoreface or delta-front regressive reoriented with respect to the present horizontal
pulse (ªparasequenceº), culminating in the uppermost position (Fig. 6); and (3) the growth of sponges or
pebbly, reddish sandstones of alluvial origin. The worms is evident on the inner wall of abandoned bivalve
brackish/marine burrows that cut down onto the top borings prior to in®lling with marine sand (Fig. 4B).
of the red sandstones indicate that there was an in¯ux In addition, the bored pebbles are distributed more

Fig. 8. Cartoon showing the formation of ªparasequencesº within a gravelly transgressive systems tract, where aggradation is relatively high.
Time-slice 1: ¯uvial gravel dispersed from the river mouth is reworked at the shoreline by waves. Time-slice 2: shoreline migrates landwards
and the uppermost level of gravel becomes abandoned and exposed to boring by marine organisms. Time-slice ªnº: the shoreline is then subject
to repeated, high-frequency transgressions and regressions, which leave multiple ravinements with bored pavements that alternate with delta-
front accretion/regressive phases. Each bored pavement with its overlying accretional unit comprises a parasequence.
174 E.I.H. Siggerud et al. / Sedimentary Geology 138 (2000) 161±177

completely through the entire thickness of the pave- upwards. The complex history of boring on lag
ment, rather than occurring only along its upper pavements is key evidence for interpreting the ªpara-
surface. sequenceº-bounding surfaces within the marine part
This relationship between boring history and the of the tract as wave-ravinement surfaces.
overall trajectory of shoreface erosion may be Fig. 8 illustrates one of the proposed models for the
explained by the relatively rapid burial of sediment development of the marine tract and its ªparase-
(allowing only single-phase boring) where the ravine- quences.º In the situation where aggradation rate
ment trajectory and aggradation rate was high, in during transgression was relatively high, ¯uvial
contrast to the situations with multiphase boring and gravel, dispersed from river mouths during overall
abrasion, where accommodation space was limited, transgressive conditions, became reworked and
aggradation rates were low, and lag pavements under- abraded at the shoreline by wave activity (ªtime-
went repeated reworking prior to ®nal burial. slice 1,º Fig. 8). As the shoreline migrated landwards
The above trend towards low rates of aggradation (ªtime-slice 2º), the reworked gravel lag was aban-
and increased reworking of pebbles through time on doned and its upper surface was exposed to boring by
the approach to the maximum ¯ooding zone of the marine organisms (Fig. 8). As the shoreline and the
sequence might seem counterintuitive. The time zone of shoreface erosion moved even further land-
interval around the maximum ¯ooding zone in a wards, the area where pebbles were already bored
sequence is often considered to be a period of rela- became buried by a new regressive unit of marine
tively high accommodation creation (e.g. Posamen- sand, which was released by increased sediment
tier and Vail, 1988) with the development of a deeper input. As transgression continued, a new shoreline
water environment. We suggest here that the low- was formed, eroded, and overlain by a lag pavement
angle trajectory of backstepping parasequences is (ªtime-slice 3,º Fig. 8). During burial, the pavement
more likely to have been caused by a reduction of borings were in®lled by marine sand containing
sediment supply (rather than any signi®cant accom- nummulitid foraminifera, indicating lower-middle
modation increase) and a maintenance of shallow- shoreface water depth (conditions of Ichnofabric 6
water conditions. of Siggerud and Pollard, 2000). This chain of events
was repeated so that the transgressive-to-regressive
shoreface units stacked upon one another, with a
9. Conclusions slight landward offset, as a result of the overall rise
in sea level.
Observations of the transgressive systems tract of Fig. 9 shows a more complex transgressive scenario
the El Marcet 1 fundamental sequence suggest that (such as a late transgressive systems tract) where
coarse-grained, high-sediment supply, high-slope, ¯uvially derived gravels are repeatedly reworked,
fan-deltaic systems subject to transgressive conditions bored, and abraded by storm activity as well as
(sediment supply outpaced by relative sea level rise) ªnormalº shoreface erosion. The setting here is one
can leave a record of (a) relatively thick, shallow of a lower rate of sediment input resulting in more
marine/coastal ¯ood basin transgressive deposits; (b) rapid/lower-angle transgression across the coastal
a prominent system of vertically stacked, slightly plain. In this case, the bored pebbles are distributed
landward-offset ravinement surfaces in the marine more evenly throughout the transgressive lags (rather
part of the tract; and (c) basic building blocks (?para- than in the upper surface only). The clasts here show
sequences), about one metre thick, with a transgres- multiphase boring (i.e. the individual pebbles have
sive component that is almost as thick as the overlying experienced several generations of biological contam-
regressive component within the marine part of the ination) (Figs. 4±6). In many of these cases, only the
tract. Each ªparasequenceº consists of a thick, trans- deepest part of the borings are preserved, implying
gressive conglomerate lag deposit containing pebbles signi®cant abrasion occurred after the borings were
along its upper surface that are commonly bored by made (Fig. 4). In other clasts, geopetals are observed
bivalves, sponges, and worms. Overlying marine-to- within the borings, but where the geopetals indicate
¯uvial regressive deposits coarsen and shallow clast movement and reorientation after boring, the
E.I.H. Siggerud et al. / Sedimentary Geology 138 (2000) 161±177 175

Fig. 9. Cartoon showing the development of composite lag pavements with multiphase borings and clast reworking. This is typical of the late-
stage of transgression of the study sequence, or where the ravinement trajectory is non-aggradational (i.e. subhorizontal).

borings were partially in®lled and geopetals formed bored pebble-pavements (Fig. 9.1) made them suscep-
(Fig. 5). In addition, some of the pebbles show sponge tible to further reworking and abrasion during storm
or worm borings on the upper surface and on the inner activity (Fig. 9.2), prior to further generation of boring
wall of the abandoned bivalve borings (Fig. 4) formed and reworking (Fig. 9.3±9.5). The result of this
prior to the in®lling of marine sands process was the production of a relatively thin lag
Fig. 9 shows transgression proceeding with a low- with well-sorted, well-rounded, and multi-phased
angle trajectory across the alluvial plain. The ¯at bored clasts, prior to the borings being in®lled and
topography and shallow burial of the abandoned and buried by ®ne-grained marine sand. These transgressive
176 E.I.H. Siggerud et al. / Sedimentary Geology 138 (2000) 161±177

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