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Psychiatric Morbidity and Other Factors

Affecting Treatment Adherence in Pulmonary
Tuberculosis Patients

Article · April 2013

DOI: 10.1155/2013/489865 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Argiro Pachi Dionisios Bratis

Νοσοκομείο Σωτηρία Νοσοκομείο Σωτηρία


Athanassios Tselebis
Νοσοκομείο Σωτηρία


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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Volume 2013, Article ID 489865, 37 pages

Review Article
Psychiatric Morbidity and Other Factors Affecting Treatment
Adherence in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients

Argiro Pachi, Dionisios Bratis, Georgios Moussas, and Athanasios Tselebis

Psychiatric Department, Sotiria General Hospital of Chest Disease, Athens, Greece

Correspondence should be addressed to Athanasios Tselebis;

Received 30 April 2012; Revised 3 January 2013; Accepted 7 February 2013

Academic Editor: Jeffrey R. Starke

Copyright © 2013 Argiro Pachi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

As the overall prevalence of TB remains high among certain population groups, there is growing awareness of psychiatric
comorbidity, especially depression and its role in the outcome of the disease. The paper attempts a holistic approach to the
effects of psychiatric comorbidity to the natural history of tuberculosis. In order to investigate factors associated with medication
nonadherence among patients suffering from tuberculosis, with emphasis on psychopathology as a major barrier to treatment
adherence, we performed a systematic review of the literature on epidemiological data and past medical reviews from an historical
perspective, followed by theoretical considerations upon the relationship between psychiatric disorders and tuberculosis. Studies
reporting high prevalence rates of psychiatric comorbidity, especially depression, as well as specific psychological reactions and
disease perceptions and reviews indicating psychiatric complications as adverse effects of anti-TB medication were included. In
sum, data concerning factors affecting medication nonadherence among TB patients suggested that better management of comorbid
conditions, especially depression, could improve the adherence rates, serving as a framework for the effective control of tuberculosis,
but further studies are necessary to identify the optimal way to address such issues among these patients.

1. Introduction may be overrepresented in this population. Conversely, psy-

chiatric illness may develop subsequent to TB infection, and
Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic infectious multisystemic dis- mood disorders seem to be particularly common in TB
ease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis [1] and is one of
patients compared with those with other medical diagnoses
the leading causes of mortality worldwide [2–4]. The World
Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that 2 billion
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) goal of tubercu-
people, almost a third of the world’s population, have latent
TB [5, 6]. Every year about eight million people develop this losis control remains elusive [25, 26], and this failure has been
disease, and some three million die of it, over 95% of these blamed on numerous factors such as inadequate emphasis
from developing countries [7, 8]. In 2005 the highest rates per on human dimension of tuberculosis control [27–29] which
capital were from Africa (28% of all TB cases), and half of all includes nonadherence with medication and results in mul-
new cases were from six Asian countries, namely, Bangladesh, tidrug resistance and therapeutic failure [30, 31].
China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, and the Philippines [9, 10]. The purpose of this study is to investigate factors associ-
Beginning in 1985, a resurgence [11–14] of TB was ated with medication nonadherence among patients suffering
observed, primarily in certain groups, including the homeless from tuberculosis with emphasis on psychopathology as a
[15], those who are HIV seropositive [16], individuals with a major barrier to treatment adherence [32, 33].
history of alcohol or drug abuse [17], and immigrants from a The literature indicates that psychiatric comorbidity [34]
country in which TB is endemic [18]. before and after tuberculosis onset, psychological issues such
Many recipients of psychiatric services possess one or as stigma [35], isolation [36], sense of social support [37],
more of these risk factors [19, 20], and, consequently, TB helplessness [38], and other psychological reactions to the
2 Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

On the other hand, studies report high prevalence rates of

355 total articles in psychiatric comorbidity among patients with drug-resistant
both Medline and
tuberculosis [40] and that prevalence of depression signif-
icantly correlates with severity and duration of the disease
[41, 42].
The causal relationships between mental disorders and
tuberculosis are complex. Severe mental disorders are associ-
211 articles in Medline 140 articles in PubMed ated with high risk of tuberculosis acquisition and transmis-
sion [43] and with poorer adherence to anti-TB treatment.
Conversely, diagnosis with tuberculosis increases risk of
psychiatric comorbidity.
23 focused on TB 15 focused on TB Only by taking these observations together along with the
without attention to without attention to fact that the prevalence of tuberculosis rises in specific groups
mental health mental health [179] especially among individuals who are more likely to
Rejected Rejected
be psychologically distressed than the general population,
such as homeless, immigrants, and HIV patients, does a
11 focused on mental 13 focused on mental complete picture emerge, and researchers conclude that in
health outside the health outside the order to increase the cure rates of tuberculosis psychiatric,
context of TB context of TB comorbidity must be firstly identified and treated [82].
Rejected Rejected

2. Method
80 were irrelevant 41 were irrelevant
2.1. Search Strategy. Using the terms “tuberculosis and mental
Rejected Rejected
illness,” “anxiety and depression in tuberculosis,” “risk factors
for nonadherence to tuberculosis treatment,” and “psychiatric
and antitubercular drugs,” we searched Medline and using
the terms “mental illness stigma and tuberculosis,” “mental
43 extra specialized 30 extra specialized illness primary care and tuberculosis,” and “tuberculosis non-
Rejected Rejected adherence and psychosocial factors,” we searched PubMed.
Articles were restricted to English, and publication dates were
from 1950 to 2012. This yielded 355 articles. However, after
excluding 38 articles that focused on TB without attention to
54 selected articles 41 selected articles mental health, 24 articles on mental health outside the context
(−8 common articles) (−5 common articles) of TB and another 121 irrelevant and 73 extra specialized
articles outside our primary focus, 94 articles were found,
but 82 were kept for review, after excluding common articles.
Then, 34 articles with publication dates older than 5 years
were sent to Scholar Google in order to check their citation
46 final articles 36 final articles indexes. With this method, we located 53 additional articles
with publication dates during the last 5 years. We reviewed
the reference section of all (135) retrieved articles in order to
locate additional publications not found in our initial search
18 articles with publication 16 articles with publication (Consort diagram—Figure 1).
dates older than 5 years were dates older than 5 years were We reviewed each article, noting date of publication, key
sent to Scholar Google, in sent to Scholar Google, in
order to check their citation order to check their citation results, and conclusions and then assigned the articles to
indexes: 25 more were found indexes: 28 more were found different categories according to our primary focus.
Firstly, we reviewed the past medical literature, from an
historical perspective. Then, we theorized upon issues regard-
We reviewed the reference We reviewed the reference
section of all (71) retrieved section of all (64) retrieved ing the complex interrelation and interaction between psy-
articles in order to locate articles in order to locate chiatric disorders and tuberculosis, followed by accumulated
additional publications not additional publications not
found in our initial search found in our initial search data and results from clinical studies indicating prevalence
rates of psychiatric comorbidity and specific psychological
Figure 1: Consort diagram of the method. reactions and disease perceptions in tuberculous patients.
Afterwards, we performed a review of the literature on
psychiatric disorders in patients receiving antituberculosis
drugs, possibly resulting in comorbid states as well as in
disclosure of the diagnosis [39] as well as medication side- treatment interruption which compromises treatment effi-
effects [40], all adversely affect the treatment adherence. cacy leading to cases of high-grade drug resistance.
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment 3

Table 1: Categories of psychiatric conditions in TB patients.

Psychiatric conditions arising after TB are diagnosed (as reactions to the medical illness or a direct physiological consequence of the
illness)—according to DSM-IV:
(i) adjustment disorder,
(ii) mood disorders (e.g., major depression),
(1) (iii) anxiety disorders (e.g., PTSD, acute stress disorder, and GAD),
(iv) somatoform disorders (e.g., pain disorders and neurasthenia),
(v) delirium and other cognitive disorders,
(vi) personality change due to a general medical condition.
Differential diagnosis in this category is necessary between a psychosocial issue and a diagnosable mental disorder.
(2) Psychiatric complications associated with antituberculosis therapy.
Preexisting psychiatric disorders potentially increasing risk of TB and risk of progression from latent TB infection to active TB (e.g.,
substance related disorders, psychotic disorders, mood disorders, and psychological factors affecting medical condition).
Coexisting psychiatric disorders exacerbated by TB, without necessarily being etiologically related but complicate the diagnosis and
management and can alter its course (e.g., specific phobia).
Comorbidity as a result of commonly shared risk factors for the development of a variety of psychiatric disorders and TB (e.g.,
substance related disorders and low socioeconomic status).

Finally, we summarized factors affecting treatment adher- tuberculous patients some writers implied that the number
ence, and we concluded that management of psychiatric of neurotics among them was greater than the number
complications, especially depression which is more prevalent encountered among the general population [187–189], but
in tuberculosis, is necessary and possible without compro- figures are lacking. When figures do come up, Day [190]
mising antituberculosis treatment. believed that 30% of patients he observed in an English
sanatorium were “ill of mind,” Breuer [191] reported that
for 34% of his patients, tuberculosis was “psychologically
3. Results determined,” and Forster and Shepard [192] found that 31% of
The literature review yielded in sum 135 articles: 4 on epi- tuberculous patients in Cragmor Sanatorium were suffering
demiology, 3 on the past medical literature, 59 on results from from an “abnormal mental state.” Bobrowitz [193] mentioned
clinical studies on psychiatric comorbidity in TB patients, that from 20% to 50% of patients of the Otisville Sanatorium
12 on psychological reactions and disease perceptions, 28 in New York leave against advice mainly for psychological
on psychiatric disorders in patients receiving anti-TB drugs, reasons and Ashmore and Bell [194] found that among
17 on factors affecting medication nonadherence, and 12 veterans tuberculous patients who left against advice in their
on interactions involving TB medications and psychiatric first year of treatment, chronic alcoholism, psychopathy,
medications. The overall citations are many more since we and ignorance, all played a part. Also, tuberculous patients
reviewed the reference section of these retrieved articles. have been psychoanalyzed by Jelliffe and Evans [195] who
concluded that they were “childish, selfish, self-centered,
irritable, dissatisfied, and ungrateful.” Wittkower and Todd
4. Psychiatry and Tuberculosis [196] described the various states of mind in these patients:
“constructive resignation and indifference, depression and
4.1. A Review of the Literature. The psychological aspects anxiety, defiance and ultra-cheerfulness, resentment and
of tuberculosis have always been a topic of interest over apathy.”
the centuries [180–182] and the association of tuberculosis Scattered through the literature, there are numerous
and mental illness became a subject of statistical analysis reports suggesting that the natural history of tuberculosis is
as early as 1863 [183]. Clouston analyzed the deaths from modified under the influence of emotional factors, and Hartz
tuberculosis in an Edinburgh asylum, after comparing figures [197] noted that “an individual may react to life situations with
from La Salpetriere and a New York state asylum and raised an anxiety state or other personal behavior in such a way as to
the question if conditions of living in asylums favor the interfere with healthy living, and these reactions may thereby
development of tuberculosis or there is a special relationship become a most significant factor in the onset and course of
between tuberculosis and insanity. Later, studies [184] in clinical tuberculosis.”
New York state hospitals indicated that prevalence rates of
tuberculosis, diagnosed by X-rays findings, increased with
the length of time between first admission and the X-ray
survey, emphasizing the role of the contagious factor [185]. 5. Psychiatric Comorbidity in Pulmonary
Concerning psychopathology of tuberculosis, Jacobson Tuberculosis
firstly observed that some tuberculous patients are euphoric
and appear totally unaware of the gravity of their illness [186]. 5.1. Theoretical Considerations. There have been times when
This clinical observation was later rejected by other studies the high incidence of tuberculosis in mental illness was inter-
[187, 188]. When attempting to describe the personality of preted to mean that perhaps tuberculosis may cause mental

Table 2: Prevalence studies of psychiatric comorbidity in Tb patients.

Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
The neurotic scores on MPI
of cardiac patients awaiting
40 TB inpatients of the
surgery were the highest,
Sanatorium, in Punjab.
followed by chest diseases
The mean scores of TB About 56% of the male patients had a habit of
TB patients of patients awaiting surgery.
patients were compared drinking.
and vasectomy cases The “physical distress”
with the mean scores of Although scores on the “neurotic dimension” of
(1) Maudsley Personality (which is of course a section of CMI reveals that
patients suffering from MPI of chest diseases patients and TB patients are
Moudgil (1972) Inventory (modified) normal population) had a patient of cardiac illness
(a) cardiac illness where similar, there is a significant difference in scores
[44] (2) Cornell medical Index lower scores on MPI awaiting surgery scores
surgery was indicated on the “physical distress” section of CML It may
(Health Questionnaire). tuberculosis, highest followed by patients
(4); (b) chest disease be concluded from this fact that the difference in
and vasectomy cases had of chest Diseases.
where surgery was physical distress will not have a corresponding
lower scores on CMI. In Maudsley Personality
indicated (4); (c) difference in neuroticism level.
Inventory and in Cornell
Medical Index (Health
cases (10).
Questionnaire), 𝑃 = 0.05 or
100 tuberculous patients No correlation between the
The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect
to analyze the effect of social group variable and
Psychiatric interview and of social background factors on the psychiatric
Kuha (1975) social background those obtained in the
psychological tests (MMPI, and psychological examination. On the basis of
[45] factors on the psychiatric psychiatric interview or the
Rorschach, and Wartegg). the projective tests, subjects in the lower social
and psychological MMPI test could be
classes were considered more disturbed.
examination. demonstrated.
31% psychiatric morbidity
50 TB patients admitted Lack of emotional control, in patients admitted in
No significant differences were found on
to the TB Ward of K.G.’s insecurity, anxiety, and medical wards
Dubey (1975) Rorschach test. On Thematic Apperception Test,
Medical College and Rorschach test, TAT. depressive [47]
[46] more females projected fear of death and fear of
Gandhi Memorial and features were observed in psychiatric morbidity
being cast out of the social sphere.
Associated Hospitals. 60% of the cases. of 20% in their study of two
general medical wards [48].
Excluded those patients who had previous history
In primary care,
of any psychiatric illness before developing
96 inpatient proved male 52 out of 96 patients clinics/center have
Purohit (1978) Self-rating pulmonary tuberculosis and patients developing
cases of pulmonary showed evidence of estimated a prevalence rate
[49] depression scale of Zung. psychiatric illness other than depression.
tuberculosis, in Udaipur. depression (i.e., 54.17%). of depression: 21%–40.45%
Depression was related to the duration and
severity of the illness.
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Table 2: Continued.
Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
24.4% of 258 patients to be
suffering from a purely
psychiatric problem
(anxiety neurosis 12.8% and
depression 10.1%) and an
272 pulmonary Psychiatric screening additional
29.4% of psychiatric
tuberculosis patients schedule developed on the 12% to have an associated
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

Yadav (1980) comorbidity (19.4% with a Patients aged below 50 years, with a positive
with positive sputum, in basis of Wing’s psychiatric disorder
[54] diagnosis of depression and sputum.
Agra. Screening PSE/diagnostic bringing the overall
6.6% with anxiety).
labels according to ICD. morbidity to 36%. [55]
36% psychiatric
morbidity in patients seen
in general practice
(Outpatient departments)
[56, 57].
100 tubercular
patients/control group:
patients undergoing
treatment for long-term 32% of tuberculosis patients
Tandon (1980) Hamilton rating scale for 7% control cases The depression was directly related
fever of any etiology demonstrated the presence
[58] depression. 𝜒2 = 23.2, df = 2, 𝑃 < 0.001. to the duration of illness.
except tuberculosis from of depression.
a clinic of Tuberculosis
and Chest Diseases
Hospital, Allahabad.
7.14% of patients with
70 inpatients with TB 28.87% of psychiatric
nontuberculous All patients had been on medication and followup
matched to 70 inpatients Clinical evaluation comorbidity (15.7% with a
bronchiectasis were found for at least 6 months without any untoward
Mathai (1981) with nontuberculous, was performed, and diagnosis of depressive
to be abnormal in reactions to ensure that the symptoms produced
[59] bronchiectasis, from the diagnosis was arrived at as neurosis, 7% with anxiety
psychiatric terms were not due to antituberculous medication per
sanatorium for chest per ICD-9. neurosis, and 3% with
𝜒2 = 10.96, df = l, se/rule out CNS involvement.
diseases, Trivandrum. alcohol dependence).
𝑃 < 0.001.
60 patients of
pulmonary tuberculosis/
41.6% of patients of
and a matched control For male: 𝑡 = 4.84,
pulmonary 41.6 % of patients with
Gupta (1981) group of normal Assessed by Present State 𝑃 < 0.001.
tuberculosis have one pulmonary tuberculosis have reported more than
[60] nonpatient healthy Examination. For female: 𝑡 = 6.88,
diagnosable one-life event in preceding one year.
relatives were selected 𝑃 < 0.001.
psychiatric disorder.
from TB Hospital,

Table 2: Continued.
Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
A depression rate of 49% in
31% of medical inpatients
150 patients of hospitalized tuberculous
had psychiatric
pulmonary patients, which decreased
comorbidity (16% The depression was directly related
Natani (1985) tuberculosis admitted in Beck with favorable response to
depression, 9% anxiety to the duration of illness, severity of disease, and
[41] Hospital for Chest Depressive Inventory. chemotherapy but
neurosis, and 5% organic response to chemotherapy.
Diseases and increased in those with
brain syndrome)
Tuberculosis, Jaipur. persistently positive
sputum, up to 64%.
The depression was related to the duration of
illness, and severity of the disease/excluded those
110 hospitalised TB
Meghnani (1988) Hamilton rating scale for 41.9% of medical in patients patients who had previous history of any
patients in a Chest A depression rate of 53.6%.
[61] depression. had depression [62]. psychiatric illness before developing pulmonary
Hospital in Jodhpur.
tuberculosis and those with severe illness and on
specific anti-TB meds.
Premorbid personality peculiarities are
Neurotic disturbances have significantly correlated with the incidence and
been diagnosed in 64.7% of nature of mental disorders being most frequent in
the patients, with asthenic individuals with asthenic and psychasthenic
Immerman (1988) 232 patients with new
and depressive syndromes features. Specific antituberculosis therapy fails to
[63] cases of tuberculosis.
constituting 84.7% of all control neurotic disturbances by the end of the
mental disorders. main course of the inpatient treatment in 51.5% of
the patients which poses a question about the
necessity of psychotropic therapy.
The prevalence of psychiatric illness was higher in
100 cases of chest 56% in the control group females than males, high between 15 and 44 years
70% in the study group
diseases: 50 tubercular were found to have (91%) and more in the low socioeconomic group,
were found to have
and 50 nontubercular/ Cornell Medical Index psychiatric illiterates, and semiliterates; more in housewives,
Singh (1989) [64] psychiatric problems/
control group, admitted Questionnaire. problems/anxiety state was unskilled workers, and large and joint families.
depression was prevalent in
to a Chest Hospital, in most common in the Higher psychiatric morbidity was observed in
the study group (77%).
Kanpur. control group (57%). chronic, far-advanced and resistant tuberculosis
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Table 2: Continued.
Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
Revealed the following
general types of a response
to the disease: alienation
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

from the people around,

depression reaction (18%),
negative attitude to
treatment (16.1% of the
patients refused treatment
and 13.1% refused surgical
To examine the mental treatment), social The mental status and the
These mental disorders gravely affected the
status and personality adaptation impairment, types of response were
patients and made treatment of the basic disease
Vinogradov (1991) traits of 61 patients with neglect of the generally shown to differ from the
MMPI more complicated. A long-term conservative
[65] newly diagnosed accepted behavior patterns, same reactions in somatic
treatment aggravated depression, hysterical, and
pulmonary tuberculosis and schizoid personality patients with other
schizoid personality traits.
of limited extent. traits. Along with this, the abnormalities.
individual forms of a
response to disease
detection were
determined. They were
manifested by a number of
symptom complexes:
hypochondriac (13.6%),
anxiety depression (18.4%),
and paranoid (9.1%).
The prevalence of
psychiatric disorder in
100 black hospitalized
The 13-item shortened BDI primary care was 21.3%.
Westaway (1992) tuberculosis (TB) Self-esteem scores dropped in accordance with
and the Rosenberg A depression rate of 68% Depressive neurosis (51.7%)
[21] patients in Pretoria, category of depression.
Self-Esteem scale. and anxiety neurosis
South Africa.
(36.3%) were the most
common disorders [66].

Table 2: Continued.
Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
Prevalence of major
psychiatric disorders in
primary health care is 11.9%
in US (1995).
6.3% of patients attending
121 TB patients seen in a
Fullilove (1993) 22% psychiatric primary care facilities suffer
Medical Center in New
[67] comorbidity. from depression [68]
in acutely ill medical
inpatients 27.2% prevalence
of psychiatric disorders;
major depressive disorder
was present in 5.1% [69].
Depression followed by
anxiety neurosis was the
153 cases of pulmonary Cornell Medical Index commonest of the
tuberculosis who had (CMI) to monitor psychiatric disorders. In The study suggested that identification of the
Significantly higher
Chaudhri (1993) been defaulting in their psychiatric illness and EPI, the defaulters had patients at the start of treatment could help in
proportion of defaulters
[70] treatment patients and Eysenck’s Personality more of neurotic reducing default because depression and anxiety
had abnormal CMI scores.
91 freshly diagnosed (to Inventory (EPI) for personality compared with neurosis could be treated along with tuberculosis.
serve as controls). personality evaluation. controls, while the
extrovert traits were about
53 outpatients with
pulmonary tuberculosis
30-item General Health The types of psychiatric disorders encountered
seen in a Nigerian chest
Questionnaire (GHQ-30), 15% prevalence of included mild depressive episode, generalized
clinic compared to 20 30.2% prevalence of
Aghanwa (1998) the Present State psychiatric disorders in the anxiety disorder, and adjustment disorder
long-stay orthopedic psychiatric disorders/11.3%
[71] Examination (PSE), and a orthopedic group and 5% (ICD-10). Psychiatric morbidity was higher in
patients with lower limb prevalence of depression.
clinical evaluation based on in healthy controls. tuberculosis patients with low educational
fractures and 20
ICD-10. attainment.
apparently healthy
EPQ-R neuroticism The degree of neuroticism correlated significantly
On neuroticism scale 78%
Bhatia (2000) 50 outpatients attending scale/Dysfunctional with scores on subscales of DAQ. Higher
of patients scored
[72] a TB Hospital in Delhi. Analysis Questionnaire neuroticism showed higher psychosocial
(DAQ). dysfunctioning.
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Table 2: Continued.
Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
157 male inpatients: 42
with recently diagnosed
(RDtb), 39 with Composite International Depression and/or anxiety Depression and/or anxiety
Aydin (2001) Patients with psychiatric comorbidity had higher
defaulted (Dtb), 39 with Diagnostic Interview comorbidity was 19% for comorbidity was 47.3% for
[73] disability scores than the groups without
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

multidrug resistant (CIDI)/Brief Disability RDtb, 21.6% for Dtb, and COPD.
psychiatric comorbidity.
tuberculosis (MDRtb), Questionnaire. 25.6% for MDRtb.
and 38 with COPD, in
Ankara, Turkey.
Studies done in primary
care clinics/center have
estimated a prevalence rate
17.3% of subjects satisfied of depression of
Revised Clinical Review
the International 21%–40.45% [50–53].
Schedule for assessing
52 TB patients attending Classification of Diseases 10 36% psychiatric
psychiatric morbidity and 1/4 of patients defaulted during 5 months
Manoharam (2001) a primary care centre in Primary Care Criteria for morbidity in patients seen
the Short Explanatory treatment while just a third completed 6 months
[74] Vellore. psychiatric disorders. in general practice
Model Interview to identify course of therapy.
Depression was the (Outpatient departments)
patients’ perspectives of
commonest disorder [56, 57].
their illness.
(13.5%). Prevalence of major
psychiatric disorders in
primary health care 22.4%,
depression (9.1%) [68].
103 tuberculosis eases
TB patients exhibited The tuberculosis patients were receiving treatment
and a similar number of Denial of problem was seen
features pertaining to from two DOTS centres in East Delhi, and the
age, sex matched more in controls.
Bhasin (2001) Illness Behavior general hypochondriasis, controls were from the same locality.
controls to find out the The differences between the
[75] Questionnaire (IBQ). affective inhibition, and A valid illness behavioral profile of these patients
difference in illness two groups were
affective disturbance more to be used as an adjuvant to the implementation
behavior profile of the statistically significant.
than controls. of the revised tuberculosis control programme.
two groups.
A retrospective record Depression was the most
Side effects of medication include: depression
review of 60 patients frequent baseline finding,
Furin (2001) Defined using DSM-IV newly diagnosed in 18.3% patients after a median
who had received occurring in 38.3% of the
[76] criteria. of 8.5 months, anxiety in 11.7%, and
individualized therapy patient population and
psychotic symptoms in 10%.
for MDR-TB. alcoholism in 3.3%.

Table 2: Continued.
Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
206 patients with In both group, males fell ill
pulmonary tuberculosis with tuberculosis in the
In contrast, females with mental disorders are
and mental disorders prime of their life, whereas
much less susceptible to tuberculosis than
from the Kirov Region females did at their old age.
Rogacheva (2002) mentally healthy patients.
compared with 154 Males with mental
[77] Women of reproductive age are the least prone to
control patients with disorders are more
tuberculosis particularly in the presence of mental
pulmonary tuberculosis susceptible to tuberculosis
without mental than mentally healthy
disorders. patients.
The adolescent patients
differed from healthy
individuals by inadequate
110 adolescent patients communicability, sensitive,
This also had led to the lower behavioral range,
with respiratory liability to accumulation of
Lukashova (2002) made social adaptation difficult, promoted the
tuberculosis and 89 negative emotions, by bad
[78] susceptibility to stress exposure, and increased a
healthy adolescents aged need for support and
risk for a disease.
from 13 to 17 years. feelings to be taken hard, by
marked internal strain, and
yearning for showing
his/her individuality.
Somatization, obsessive
compulsiveness, anxiety,
phobic anxiety, and
paranoid ideation,
psychoticism and the mean → were significantly higher
Symptom Checklist 90
132 patients with of positive factors of than those of the control
Yang (2003) (SCL-90) and Social
tuberculosis and 71 SCL-90 of the tuberculosis group/.
[79] Support Rating Scale ∗
healthy volunteers. group → /. were much lower than
The SSRS results of those of the control group.
subjective and objective
supports and total score of
social supports of the
tuberculosis group∗
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Table 2: Continued.
Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
Irrespective of the duration
of the disease, specific
253 patients with psychological peculiarities,
The study has developed a procedure to prevent
fibrocavernous Standard multifactorial and altered behavior and
the manifestation of aggressive behavior in
Sukhova (2003) pulmonary tuberculosis personality study and the attitude to themselves and
patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.
[80] and 178 patients with Lusher tests, special others appear in both males
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

Goal-oriented correction prevents distresses

infiltrative pulmonary questionnaire surveys. and females, leading to the
resulting in decompensation.
tuberculosis. socially dangerous
manifestation of behavioral
The psychological
characteristics were more
152 males with impaired in male patients By recognizing that life quality is an integrative
fibrouscavernous with chronic pulmonary indicator of the functional parameters of health
Sukhov (2003) pulmonary tuberculosis tuberculosis. Life quality in and the social and psychological parameters of
psychological personality
[81] and 123 males with male patients with chronic living standards and life way: life quality in all
infiltrative pulmonary pulmonary tuberculosis is male patients with pulmonary tuberculosis may
tuberculosis. still worse than in those be considered to be low.
with first diagnosed
pulmonary tuberculosis.
Baseline depression and
baseline anxiety were
A retrospective case
observed in, respectively,
series was performed A 6.7% prevalence rate of
52.2% and 8.7% of this Baseline rates of anxiety and psychosis were
among the first 75 depression in the general
Vega (2010) [40] Based on DSM-IV criteria. cohort. The incidence of comparable to those of the general population of
patients to receive population of Lima, Peru
depression, anxiety, and Lima.
individualized MDR-TB [82].
psychosis during MDR-TB
therapy in Lima, Peru.
treatment was 13.3%, 12.0%,
and 12.0%, respectively.
46% of psychiatric Depressive disorders are more in lower
morbidity, majority is 31% psychiatric morbidity socioeconomic groups, patients with longer
100 patients hospitalized depressive disorders (36%) in patients admitted in duration of tuberculosis illness, who stayed in
Vhandrashekar for pulmonary MINI-International Neuro followed by anxiety medical wards [47] hospital for longer duration and patients receiving
(2012) [83] tuberculosis in Psychiatric Interview Scale. disorders psychiatric morbidity non-RNTCP drugs. Anxiety disorders are more in
Bangalore. (24%)/comorbidity of of 20% in their study of two lower educated group, tuberculosis associated
depressive and anxiety general medical wards [48]. with complications and patients with longer
disorders in 16% of patients. hospital stay.

Table 2: Continued.
Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
Being widowed or single, increasing age,
The prevalence of
unemployment, duration of illness, duration of
105 patients affected by psychiatric disorder in
treatment, and being accompanied to hospital
tuberculosis seen at the primary care was 21.3%.
Aniebue (2006) Zung Self-rating depression 41.9% of patients had increased the prevalence of depressive symptoms
chest clinic of University Depressive neurosis (51.7%)
[84] scale. depressive symptoms. amongst TB patients. However, unemployment,
of Nigeria Teaching and anxiety neurosis
being accompanied to hospital, and duration of
Hospital. (36.3%) were the most
treatment significantly increased prevalence of
common disorders [66].
depression in affected patients.
Revised Clinical Review 30% had anxiety or tension
100 patients attending Schedule for assessing while 26% had loss of The negative reaction like tension and depression
Prevalence of major
tuberculosis clinic under psychiatric morbidity and interest for life or were more common in less educated patients.
psychiatric disorders in
Eram (2006) [39] Rural and Urban Health the Short Explanatory depression. 6% of patient Similarly, this negative reaction was also more
primary health care: 22.4%,
Training Centre in Model Interview to identify denied the diagnosis while prevalent in low socioeconomic class compare to
depression (9.1%) [68].
Aligarh. patients’ perspectives of 20% of them could not educated and higher socioeconomic class.
their illness. explain how they felt.
Substance abuse was identified as the only factor
that was strongly associated with nonadherence
with odds ratios for baseline alcohol
dependence—4.38 (95% CI: 1.58–12.60); reported
alcohol use in a patient during therapy—6.35
8.8% of the patients in the
A retrospective cohort (95% CI: 2.27–17.75); and intravenous drug
cohort defaulted on therapy
study with 207 use—16.64 (95% CI: 3.24–85.56).
and 15.6% took fewer than
participants enrolled in The adjusted odds ratio of nonadherence for those
Gelmanova (2007) 80% of their observed
the DOTS treatment with any kind of substance abuse was 7.30 (95%
[85] prescribed doses. 6.3%
programme was CI: 2.89–18.46).
acquired MDR during the
included in the analysis Substance abuse was also strongly associated with
study period.
of MDR acquisition. default, with an odds ratio of 15.57 (95% CI:
3.46–70.07) among those with baseline
alcoholism and 5.14 (95% CI: 0.87–30.25) for
those with reported alcohol use. Patients with any
form of substance abuse had an adjusted odds
ratio for default of 11.20 (95% CI: 2.55–49.17).
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Table 2: Continued.
Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
In COPD, mean anxiety
was 45.87 and mean
depression was 15.48.
132 patients with In TB patients, mean In BA, mean anxiety was Patients with COPD had the higher depression
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

pulmonary disease (42 Beck Depression Inventory anxiety was 40.67, 43.67 and mean depression scores, followed by patients with BA, whereas
Moussas (2008)
were diagnosed with BA, (BDI), Spielberger’s SD = 9.19, and mean was 14.31. patients with TB had the lowest depression scores.
60 with COPD, and 30 state-trait anxiety scale. depression was 9.93, 28.1% of patients Anxiety was higher in patients with COPD
with TB). SD = 7.71. hospitalized in general compared to patients with TB.
medical or surgical hospital
wards had depression
[74, 87].
108 consecutive Mean prevalence of anxiety
outpatients with Hospital Anxiety and and depression in Pakistan
Depression and lack of perceived control over
tuberculosis attending Depression scale (HADS) found to be around 34%
Husain (2008) 46.3% were depressed, and illness in those suffering from tuberculosis are
the TB clinic at the chest and the Illness Perception (range 29–66% for women
[88] 47.2% had anxiety. reported to be independent predictors of poor
disease department in a Questionnaire (IPQ). and 10–33% for men) in
Medical Centre in community based
Karachi, Pakistan. population.
61% of respondents had
The prevalence of
A cross-sectional clinically significant
psychiatric disorder in
consecutive study with depression presented as
Beck Depression Inventory primary care was 21.3%.
Ntarangwi (2008) 160 TB patients follows, 22.6% had mild
(BDI), socio-demographic Depressive neurosis (51.7%)
[89] attending a Chest depression, 25.2% had
Questionnaire (SDQ). and anxiety neurosis
Disease Hospital in moderate depression, and
(36.3%) were the most
Nairobi, Kenya. 13.2% had severe
common disorders [66].
The prevalence of
65 patients with TB psychiatric disorder in
attending the DOTS primary care was 21.3%.
Issa (2009) Nine-item Patient Health 27.7% of patients had
outpatient clinic in a Depressive neurosis (51.7%)
[90] Questionnaire (PHQ-9). depression.
university teaching and anxiety neurosis
hospital in Nigeria. (36.3%) were the most
common disorders [66].

Table 2: Continued.
Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
82.2% had psychiatric
comorbidity; 85.2% had
Patients with neurotic trait defaulted more as
anxiety neurosis, and 14.8%
Prevalence of major compared to other personality traits. On
214 outpatients had depression. On
Bansal (2010) Cornell Medical Index and psychiatric disorders in multivariate analysis, smoking habit and
registered at DOTS personality assessment,
[34] 16PF-Test FORM-A. primary health care 22.4%, alcoholism were strongly associated with default
centre in Kanpur, India. 54.1% were anxious, 26%
depression (9.1%) [68]. whereas age, sex, socioeconomic class, and
introverts, 15.8% extroverts,
literacy were not.
and 4.1% had other
personality traits.
65 newly diagnosed
22% of TB patients with comorbid anxiety and
Pulmonary TB Prevalence of major
72% of TB patients had depression showed multidrug resistance
outpatients at the Hospital Anxiety and psychiatric disorders in
Aamir (2010) [82] severe/moderate level of (MDR-TB).
District TB Control Depression Scale (HADS). primary health care 22.4%,
anxiety and depression. 50,7% adhered to the treatment after consulting a
Office and TB Centre in depression (9.1%) [68].
24.8% prevalence of
Generic health related psychiatric disorders and
quality of life (Short Form depressive disorder was
Respondents’ mean anxiety
61 patients at three 36 [SF-36] and EQ-5D) and present in 16.9%, in
and depression scores were
clinics in London, at psychological burden primary care in London Although treatment significantly improved
Kruijshaar (2010) high at diagnosis (84.2%
diagnosis, (State-Trait Anxiety [69]. patients’ health status within 2 months, scores for
[91] and 38.6%, resp.), and
and 2 months into Short-Form, Center for At diagnosis, scores for all many domains remain below UK norm scores.
anxiety scores remained
therapy. Epidemiologic Studies eight SF-36 dimensions
high at followup.
Depression Scale, worry were significantly worse
items). than UK general
population norm.
Common mental disorders
A cross-sectional study account for 9.8% of the
Common mental disorders
in three hospitals in global burden of diseases in
(CMD) was present in Individuals who had no source of income, day
Oromiya regional state low and middle income
Deribew (2010) 63.7% of the TB/HIV laborers and patients who perceived stigma and
of Ethiopia with 155 Kessler 10 scale. countries (LAMIC).
[92] coinfected patients and in rate their general health as “poor” were more
TB/HIV coinfected and 1/3 of all patients seen in
46.7% of the noncoinfected likely to have CMDs.
465 noncoinfected HIV primary care facilities in
outpatients. LAMIC present with
CMDs [93].
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Table 2: Continued.
Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
64.3% of patients had
depression (mild mood
166 with TB (36.7% were disturbance—26.1%,
BDI, Social Network
also HIV positive) who borderline clinical
Support Questionnaire, a
were attending a public disturbance—10.3%, 10.9% of the group in the study had feelings of
Naidoo (2010) [38] semistructured
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

health clinic in the Cape moderate helplessness and inadequate social support.
questionnaire designed to
Metropole area of South depression—15.8%, severe
assess helplessness.
Africa. depression—9.7%, and
A cross-sectional study Mean prevalence of anxiety
with 60 TB patients and depression in Pakistan Main causes of depression among the male TB
admitted in the Depression was present in found to be around 34% patients were altered social relationship and
Sulehri (2010)
Department of Chest Beck depressive inventory. 80% of TB patients (86% in (range 29.66% for women among female patients TB stigma. Depression had
Medicine TB Hospital in males and 71% in females). and 10.33% for men) in adverse effect on drug
Faisalabad, Pakistan. community based compliance and TB treatment.
The depression was related to the duration,
600 patients of Depression was present in
severity of illness, and response to chemotherapy,
pulmonary TB admitted 82% in female tuberculous
meaning that rate of depression decreased to
Panchal (2011) [42] in Hospital for Chest Beck depressive inventory. inpatients and in 52.6% in
72.5% in those who responded favorably to
Diseases and males immediately after the
chemotherapy, but in failures of treatment
Tuberculosis, Jaipur. diagnosis.
depression further increases and rises to 86%.
6.78% for severe
60 patients treated for Beck Depression
depression, 32.2% for For patients at first admission in hospital (new
tuberculosis in Inventory—BDI, State Trait
Adina (2011) moderate depression, case), the anxiety score is less than for chronic
Pulmonary Hospital or Anxiety Inventory STAI,
[95] and 32.2% for severe and patients or with multiple admissions. Depression
Sanatorium Savadisla, and Illness Perception
40.68% for moderate was positively correlated with anxiety.
Romania. Questionnaire—IPQ.
24%–36% rates of
Common mental disorders
depression in patients
in 76% of patients (39.47%
50 TB outpatients in admitted in medical wards
Prakash (2011) MINI international depression, 42.1% GAD, Excluded were patients with previous psychiatric
followup or new from a for general medical
[96] neuropsychiatric interview. and 13.15% organic brain or drug history.
Hospital in Patna. conditions
syndrome/52.63% with
Moffic HS, Paykel ES (1975)
suicidal ideation)
and Cavanaugh (1983) [96].

Table 2: Continued.
Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
88 TB outpatients and 81 Depression was more prevalent among patients
family members visiting that were elderly (𝑃 = 0.001), with extensive
The prevalence of Prevalence of depression
Mayowa (2011) the DOTS Centre at disease (𝑃 = 0.01), of long duration (𝑃 = 0.03),
Hamilton Depression Scale. depression was 45.5% was 13.4% among family
[97] University College those with category 2 tuberculosis (𝑃 = 0.003),
among patients. members.
Hospital Ibadan Centre those from a nuclear family (𝑃 = 0.01), and
in Nigeria. patients that were unmarried (𝑃 = 0.02).
66.2% of patients presented
Tangyu Xiu Lu
426 cases of TB A psychological assessment with psychological
outpatients. questionnaire. problems.
Among psychological
problems pulmonary
tuberculosis patients
Structured checklist to Among sociological problems, patients with
undergoing DOTS therapy
A descriptive Study with measure psychological and pulmonary tuberculosis undergoing DOTS
showed maximum results
500 pulmonary sociological problems of therapy showed maximum results in category of
in category of sadness due
tuberculosis patients pulmonary TB undergoing finding difficulty to continue job (41.2%), followed
Williams (2012) to disease (76.2%), followed
undergoing DOTS DOTS therapy. It consists by preferring stay alone (39.6%), followed by not
[99] by feeling emotionally
therapy in selected areas of 20 items to which finding cooperation from colleagues at work place
disturbed (73.2%), followed
of district Jalandhar, respondents were expected (25.2%), followed by feeling of isolation by friends
by patients loosing temper
Punjab. to answer yes/no (any other and relatives (24.8%), and loss of job due to
while dealing with others
specific answer). disease (23.6%).
(53.2%), and in the
presence of sleep
disturbance (51.2%).
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment
Table 2: Continued.
Rates in background
First author/ population or in the control
Study design Measurement instruments Results Comments
references group used in studies and
statistical significance
Overall prevalence of
psychological distress in
this study was 32.9% (K-10
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

≥ 28) and 81.1% (K-10

The prevalence of
≥ 16), respectively.
psychological distress in
The authors in this study
this study is inline with the
recommend the use of a 46.3% perceived their health status as fair or poor.
prevalence rates of
cutoff score of 16 for use in Adherence to TB medication, 33.9% indicated
depression or common
South Africa, particularly, that they had missed at least 10% their medication
mental disorders
A cross-sectional survey within the public sector in the last 3-4 weeks. In this study, there was no
in most other studies with
of 4900 tuberculosis health clinics in order for association found between TB and HIV
Kessler-10 item scale tuberculosis patients.
public primary care cost-efficient treatment treatment nonadherence and common mental
10-item Alcohol Disorder 46%−80% in LMICs rates
Peltzer [100] patients within one programmes to be disorders as found in other studies.
Identification Test of hazardous or harmful
month of initiation of implemented on a large Alcohol use disorders in tuberculosis patients in
(AUDIT). alcohol use.
antituberculosis scale. 23.3% were low and middle income countries:
In general, public primary
treatment. hazardous or harmful Russia: 24–62% alcohol abuse/dependent,
care patients in South
alcohol users 31.8% of men India: 14.9–32% alcohol abusers/alcoholics,
Africa 13.3% and 19.2% and
and 13.0% of women were Brazil: 14–24% alcohol abusers,
in a national
found to be hazardous South Africa: 31–62% alcohol misuse.
population-based survey in
drinkers, and 9.3% of men
South Africa (9%)
and 3.4% of women meet
criteria for probable alcohol
dependence (harmful
drinking) as defined by the
4900 public primary care
Brief screening self-report
adult patients (either Factors that predicted PTSD symptoms were
tools were used to measure
new or retreatment The prevalence of PTSD poverty, residing in an urban area, psychological
Peltzer (2012) PTSD symptoms,
cases) from clinics in symptoms was 29.6%. distress, suicide attempt, alcohol and/or drug use
[101] psychological distress
high TB burden districts before sex, unprotected sex, TB–HIV coinfected,
(anxiety and depression)
from three provinces in and the number of other chronic conditions.
and alcohol misuse.
South Africa.
18 Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

Table 3: Prevalence studies of TB comorbidity in patients with chronic mental disorders.

First author/references Study design Results Comments

25 (14 with the diagnosis of
700 psychiatric inpatients in a schizophrenia) of them suffered from
Collins (1956) [102]
mental hospital. pulmonary tuberculosis and were
under surveillance in the sanatorium.
The incidence rate of tuberculosis
3,251 patients residing in Nagasaki was significantly higher than that of
Ohta, 1988 Eighty-two of the patients had
city and diagnosed as schizophrenia the general population for both
[103] tuberculosis.
between 1960 and 1978. male and female schizophrenic
19% were PPD positive at time of
Lopez (1994) 43 psychiatric patients at a general
discharge, with 2 patients requiring a
[19] hospital at time of discharge.
course of isoniazid prophylaxis.
85 men discharged to community
36.7% were PPD positive, 11.1% had All HIV-positive men, PPD-positive
Saez (1996) living by the on-site mental health
inconclusive results, and 6.7% had or inconclusive and all had active
[12] program between 1990 and 1992, in
active TB. TB.
11 of the 12 infected subjects had
17% had positive results.
experienced at least one of seven
Of the 20 patients with mood
risk factors of tuberculosis infection
71 participants in a psychiatric day disorders, 6 patients (30%) had
(immigration, intravenous drug
McQuistion (1997) program of New York City teaching positive PPD results, accounting for
use, alcohol abuse, history of
[20] Hospital were given a skin half of all positive findings in the total
homelessness, HIV seropositive,
tuberculin test. group. Only 6 (14%) of 41 patients with
known exposure to a person with
psychotic disorders demonstrated
active TB disease, and currently
positive PPD results.
living in a congregate care setting).
Using a screening questionnaire to
assess the likelihood of TB infection
in a random sample of 187 patients
83% were older than 32 years, 61%
seen by a psychiatric emergency While these figures did not reach
were male, 48% were immigrants, 44%
service, based on exposure to risk statistical significance, there
had prior psychiatric hospitalizations,
Sanchez (1998) [104] factors (emigration, age over 32 appeared to be a trend between
35% abused alcohol, 35% were
years, male gender, prior psychiatric various risk factors and TB
homeless, and 17% admitted to
hospitalizations, injection drug use, infection.
intravenous drug use.
alcohol abuse, known exposure to a
person with active tubercular
disease, and concurrent illness).
Sanchez-Mora (2007) 154 psychiatric patients at a
4.5% prevalence rate of tuberculosis.
[105] long-term mental institution.
Independent risk factors for
markers of disease included age,
20.2% rates of positive
immigrant status, homelessness,
Pirl (2005) 535 patients admitted to a state tuberculin compared with 5% screened
and history of substance use. The
[106] psychiatric Hospital, in Boston. positive in the US general population,
study confirms the alarmingly high
𝑧 = 16,12 𝑃 < 0.001.
occurrence of positive tuberculin
skin tests.
In Iran, higher prevalence rates
were found in prisoners, drug
28.8% rate of positive PPD results,
215 psychiatric patients in a abusers, and hospital employees
Hashemi (2009) 40.3% of them had radiographic
long-term mental institution, in (50%, 66.7%, and 36.2%, resp.);
[107] evidences of inactive pulmonary
Hamedan, Iran. however, they imply lower
prevalence rates (1.6–14.2%) in
low-risk groups.
88% were infected. By comparison, the
An elevated risk for TB infection
prevalence of latent TB infection
75 residents exposed to TB at the among adults with mental illness
Cavanaugh (2012) among reported contacts of
assisted living facility for adults with and a risk for sustained
[108] pulmonary TB patients with positive
mental illness, in Florida. transmission when they inhabit
sputum smears in the United States has
crowded congregate settings.
been estimated at 20%–30%.
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment 19

Table 4: Studies reporting patients’ psychological reactions and disease perceptions about TB.

First author/
Reports from studies
Tuberculosis is a disease both of individual and society and patients’ first reactions to the diagnosis were tension/anxiety
Eram [39] (30%), loss of interest/depression (26%), denial (6%), could not explain how they felt (20%), and only 18% were hopeful
of cure.
Rajeswari [109] The initial reaction of patients to the disclosure of the diagnosis was worry (50%) and suicidal thoughts (9%).
People with perceived stigma may have a low self-image and be socially isolated which may predispose them to common
Deribew [92]
mental disorders.
Jaggarajamma Perceived stigma which refers to the fear of discrimination or acceptability was higher than enacted stigma, which refers
[110] to actual discrimination or acceptability.
The most common cause of TB stigma is the risk of transmission from TB infected individuals to susceptible
community members but also because of its association with HIV, poverty, low social class, malnutrition, or disreputable
Courtwright behavior. Also, TB stigma had a more significant impact on women and on poor or less-educated community members,
[111] which is especially concerning given that these groups are often at higher risk for health disparities [112]. TB stigma may,
therefore, worsen preexisting gender- and class-based health disparities, and it is perceived to increase TB diagnostic
delay and treatment nonadherence [37, 113].
People who have a lifelong or infectious disease and who have limited social, psychological, and economic resources find
Naidoo [38] it extremely difficult to maintain a reasonable quality of life and that helplessness [114] and depression have a negative
influence on adherence to treatment.
There are numerous aspects of active TB that may lead to a reduction in the quality of life, such as prolonged therapy
with multiple, potentially toxic drugs that can lead to adverse reactions in a significant number of patients. Also, there is
Marra [115] considerable social stigma associated with active TB leaving the individual feeling shunned and isolated from their
friends and families, and there is a lack of knowledge regarding the disease process and its treatment which may
contribute to feelings of helplessness and anxiety.

illness or that mental illness forms a strong predisposition to In patients with pulmonary disease in particular, func-
tuberculosis [198]. tionality may be severely impaired due to chronic psy-
The literature suggests the mutual influence and relation- chogenic and somatic pain [209], frequent hospital admis-
ship between physical and mental illness, and many studies sions, and dependency from medical and nursing personnel.
report the nature and prevalence of comorbid physical illness The observed higher prevalence of depression and anxiety
with severe mental disorders [199]. Research in this direction in patients with chronic pulmonary disease [210]—compared
is mainly concerned with studying physical morbidity among to other chronic diseases—may be explained within this
psychiatrically ill individuals [200], but studies to delineate context.
psychiatric profile of physically ill persons [201, 202] have also The reasons for the frequent cooccurrence of psychi-
received attention. atric disorders and medical illnesses could be that the first
Medical illness and chronic disease create multiple bur- represents reactions to illnesses and treatment or that they
dens for patients, including the necessity to deal with are a direct physiological consequence of the illness or
pain, suffering, reduced quality of life, premature mortality, complications of treatments (INH-induced psychosis) [83,
financial costs, and familial emotional trauma [110]. The
Also, psychiatric disorders may coincide with medical
risk factors for mental health problems are complex [203].
illnesses, without being etiologically related to them, but
Presence of medical illness [204], stigma, and discrimination they complicate the diagnosis and management and can alter
[92] are major determinants of mental disorders, especially their course. For diagnostic purposes, it is often difficult
mood and anxiety disorders. Usually, the more serious the to determine if the vegetative symptoms of depression or
somatic disease, the more probable will be, to be accompanied somatic symptoms of anxiety are evidences of the psychiatric
by mood and/or anxiety symptoms of variable severity [86]; disorder or symptoms of medical disease, or both.
conditions arising after the somatic disease is diagnosed. Another reason for the frequent comorbidity is that there
Failure to manage such mental health problems increases the are commonly shared risk factors [19] for the development of
patients’ probability of suffering from complications, even a variety of psychiatric and medical disorders (smoking [211],
lethal. low socioeconomic status [93], etc.).
The lifetime prevalence of mood disorder in patients Tuberculosis is a classic example of a disease with both
with chronic disease is from 8.9% to 12.9%, with a 6-month medical and social dimensions, characterized by its close
prevalence of 5.8% to 9.4% [205, 206]. According to findings relation to poor socioeconomic conditions [110]. Increased
from worldwide research, 20% of patients with somatic risk [1, 105] of acquiring active disease occurs with alco-
disease suffer from major depression [207, 208]. holism, smoking, intravenous drug abuse, diabetes mellitus,
20 Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

Table 5: Psychiatric disorders in patients receiving TB medications.

Anti-TB drug Reported adverse event Frequency of event References

Toxic psychoses developed while under treatment with
Isoniazid (INH) or 5 cases seen at Charity Hospital of
isoniazid or iproniazid in combination with other [116]
iproniazid (IPH) Louisiana, at New Orleans
antituberculous drugs
15 out of 30 TB patients
6 showed severe disturbance of function,
Showed some type of neurologic or psychiatric either manifested by mounting signs of
Cycloserine [117]
disturbance of varying severity central nervous system instability (grand
mal convulsions) or in borderline or
outright psychosis.
In approximately 17% of patients using
Peripheral neuropathy is associated with the use of doses of 300 mg daily and
Isoniazid and ethambutol [118]
isoniazid lower frequency to the use of ethambutol

The optic neuritis manifests with reduced visual field or Uncommon during the use of isoniazid
Isoniazid and ethambutol acuity or color vision and ethambutol/is related to generally at [118]
high doses or prolonged use
The behavioral disorders, changes in the rhythm of Alcoholism, diabetes mellitus,
sleep, reduced memory, and psychosis have been malnutrition, and uremia are all
Isoniazid [118]
described for the use of isoniazid. Seizures and coma predisposing factors for neurological and
are described by the excessive intake of isoniazid. psychiatric disorders listed here.
The toxicity acoustic (or vestibular) is a complication
streptomycin [118]
related to the use of streptomycin.
Minor adverse effects.
Changes in behavior: headache, insomnia, euphoria,
Isoniazid [119]
agitation, anxiety, and somnolence can occur in
patients receiving isoniazid
In patients receiving isoniazid,
neurological and psychiatric
Major adverse effects:
manifestations are less common, more
Psychosis, convulsive seizures, mental confusion, and
Isoniazid severe, and often difficult to diagnose. [119]
coma. Attempted suicides have been reported to occur
The differential diagnosis with
among patients using isoniazid
tuberculous meningitis and hepatic
encephalopathy should be established.
Out of the five psychotics, three were manic, and two
11 (five psychotics and six neurotics) out
were depressive.
of 732 in patients of the hospital for
Isoniazid Among the six neurotics, three were depressive and one [120]
tuberculosis and chest diseases,
each of anxiety, obsessive compulsive, and phobic
symptoms were nondose related
8 cases of INH-induced psychosis out of
Isoniazid INH-induced psychosis 4960 hospitalised patients of pulmonary [121]
tuberculosis receiving INH
Five cases developing psychosis while
Toxic psychosis as a psychiatric side effect during
receiving isoniazid that presented with
antituberculosis therapy occurred when isoniazid was
excessive argumentation, mental
given in dose ranging from 2.6 milligrams to 4.5
Isoniazid depression, euphoria, grandiose ideas, [122]
milligrams/kg bodyweight, over a period of eight to
and complex delusions; none of these
thirty six weeks.
patients had any previous history of
mental illness.
Concomitant occurrence of INH- and EMB-induced A case report: an extremely uncommon
Ethambutol and isoniazid [123]
psychosis in a single individual event
Symptoms of restlessness, irritability, emotional
A case report
Isoniazid instability, agitation, apprehension, and fluctuation in [124]
behavior after isoniazid therapy
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment 21

Table 5: Continued.
Anti-TB drug Reported adverse event Frequency of event References
A case of isoniazid psychosis in a 74-year-old, who
developed restlessness, irritability, aimless activity, and A case report
Isoniazid [125]
incongruous actions 10 days after starting isoniazid
A case of isoniazid-induced psychosis with disturbed A case report
Isoniazid [126]
sleep, restlessness, and abnormal behavior
A 40-year-old man with advanced HIV infection and
mycobacterium avium complex infection experienced A case report
Ethambutol [127]
rapid cognitive decline after commencement of
ethambutol, and symptoms fully resolved with cessation
A case of a 51-year-old man with suspected tuberculosis
(TB) pleurisy. An anti-TB trial with INH, rifampicin,
and EMB was given initially. Dizziness, disorientation,
and auditory and visual hallucinations developed after A case report
Ethambutol [128]
seven days of therapy. When the patient was challenged
with EMB, the same psychiatric symptoms recurred but
resolved again after discontinuation of
The neurological
More than 35% of adverse effects
manifestations and
associated with INH were psychiatric in
toxicities of 12
nature, with an incidence of 1.9%.
antituberculosis drugs
Adverse reactions to cycloserine are
(isoniazid, rifampicin In the Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program
mainly dose related with neurological
(rifampin), ethambutol, performed in 1974.
and psychiatric syndromes noted in up to
p-aminosalicylic acid, With rifampicin neurological complications have been [129]
50% of patients.
pyrazinamide, observed infrequently, isoniazid is associated with a
The highest incidence has been observed
streptomycin, kanamycin, large number of accidental and intentional poisonings.
with Southwestern American Indians in
ethionamide, cycloserine,
which this agent was involved in 7% of all
capreomycin, viomycin,
suicide attempts and 19% of the suicide
and thiacetazone) are
In Peru, severe psychiatric syndromes associated with
Occurred in approximately 1.0% of
Isoniazid INH [130]
tuberculosis cases between 1991 and 1999

All case reports describing isoniazid-associated

psychosis were reviewed.
Studies were evaluated for the use of isoniazid,
symptoms of psychosis, onset of symptoms, and dosage
of isoniazid.
The most common psychiatric symptoms associated
with INH were delusions, generally presenting after The incidence of isoniazid-associated
Isoniazid [131]
approximately 4 weeks of taking the drug, and among psychosis is rare
patients of an average age of 35 years (range 17–53).
They summarize risk factors as receiving a dose above
5 mg/kg; age 50 years or older; comorbid disease
including diabetes mellitus, hepatic insufficiency,
alcoholism, and hyperthyroidism; and past psychiatric
A patient who developed a psychotic disorder after 4
months of isoniazid prophylaxis for a positive
Isoniazid [132]
tuberculosis tine test. His symptoms resolved within 2
weeks of discontinuing the isoniazid.
Out of 1149 patients with established tuberculosis who
Primary antituberculosis initially received anti-TB therapy neuropsychiatric
In 0.7% of TB patients [133]
(anti-TB) drugs manifestations were observed during the initial phase
of therapy.
22 Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

Table 5: Continued.
Anti-TB drug Reported adverse event Frequency of event References
Has been reported in 1%-2% of patients
Adverse reactions like anxiety, depression, and taking shorter courses of the drug, with
Ethionamide [134]
psychosis higher rates reported with prolonged
A patient being treated with streptomycin, isoniazid,
pyrazinamide, ethionamide, and prednisolone
Ethionamide developed an acute psychotic reaction and died after A case report [135]
jumping from a second floor window. It is probable that
the reaction was precipitated by the ethionamide.
Dizziness, disorientation, and auditory and visual
hallucinations developed after seven days of therapy.
Following discontinuation of anti-TB agents, the
psychiatric symptoms subsided. When the patient was [136]
Ethambutol A case report
challenged with EMB, the same psychiatric symptoms
recurred, but resolved again after discontinuation of
EMB. EMB may be associated with mania, confusion,
and psychosis.
A case of a woman who experienced an
acute psychosis secondary to
ciprofloxacin administration, which
Have been implicated in rare occurrences of psychosis, resolved on cessation of therapy. [137]
depression, suicidal ideation, delirium, and nightmares. Two cases of organic psychosis, induced [138]
CNS toxicity occurs in 1%–4.4% of patients but with by ofloxacin. [139]
serious adverse occurring in less than 0.5% of patients. 8861 patients receiving ciprofloxacin were [140]
assessed worldwide, and 138 cases
presented with various neurological
adverse reactions.
In a retrospective study conducted by the authors, 4189
reports of consultant psychiatric examinations were
analyzed. In 29 patients, the suspicion of
psychopathological ADR during treatment with
ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin was documented. Reported psychiatric disturbance in 0.7%
Ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin Psychopathological findings included delirious states, of 4189 individuals treated with either [141]
paranoid, depressive and manic syndromes, agitation, ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin.
sleep disturbances, and stupor. In elderly patients,
delirious and paranoid syndromes were predominant,
whereas affective disturbances occurred more often in
younger patients.
Severe psychiatric manifestations—including [143]
hallucinations, anxiety, depression, euphoria, [144]
Have been reported to occur in
Cycloserine behavioral disorders, and suicidal ideation and/or [145]
9.7%–50% of individuals receiving CS.
attempts. Psychiatric symptoms appear most likely to [146]
present within the first 3 months of treatment. [147]

HIV infection, and other factors. The above-mentioned risk order to address the effective interventions which necessitate
factors are very prevalent in psychiatric populations and different knowledge and skills [214].
increase risk of progression from latent TB to active TB [104]. Psychopathology may be a very important negative fac-
Patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis are tor to treatment adherence [169] for patients with somatic
reported to have psychiatric disorders like depression [212], disease, and nonadherence to treatment is a major setback
anxiety, psychosis [83], and also many psychosocial problems for effective tuberculosis control in the community, possibly
[37, 213] like increased smoking [74], increased alcohol responsible for the appearance of drug-resistant TB which
consumption [87], divorce, and isolation from the family is caused by inconsistent or partial treatment of the disease
[36]. However, it is important to draw the line between [215] and probably responsible for nonadherence with latent
a psychosocial issue and a diagnosable mental disorder in TB therapy, which may increase risk of progression from
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment 23

Table 6: Clinically significant drug-drug interactions involving TB medications and psychiatric medications.

TB medications Psychiatric medications Interactions References

Was found to inhibit markedly plasma, but not platelet,
Isoniazid, in therapeutic dose [149]
Is contraindicated because of the potential to induce [150]
Drug that inhibits monoamine
SSRIs or TCAs. serotonin syndrome
No reports of serotonin syndrome induced by
combining SSRIs and isoniazid are published.
Isoniazid can cause increased phenytoin and
carbamazepine serum concentrations and toxicity.
Isoniazid inhibits metabolism of selected
Phenytoin and carbamazepine
selected benzodiazepines (valium
Inhibition of monoamine oxidase and histaminase by [152]
Isoniazid and others)
Isoniazid can cause significant drug-food interactions. [153]
isoniazid has a biphasic effect of inhibition-induction
on one cytochrome P450 isozyme, CYP2E1 and
increases hepatic and CNS valproate toxicity and haldol
2 patients who received isoniazid
in conjunction with
antidepressants. The first patient
was prescribed sertraline
(150 mg/day) in combination
Isoniazid with isoniazid (300 mg/day). The None of patients reported adverse effects. [150]
second patient received
nefazodone (400 mg/day) and
buspirone (10 mg/day) in
conjunction with isoniazid
(300 mg/day).
Are metabolized by similar mechanisms.
Hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes are largely
responsible for metabolism of isoniazid, citalopram,
fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and sertraline.
While it has not been definitively established which
isoenzymes are implicated in the metabolism of
SSRIs (citalopram, fluoxetine,
isoniazid, CYP2E1, CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and
Isoniazid fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and [154]
CYP3A are inhibited to varying degrees by isoniazid.
CYP2C19 and CYP3A were inhibited potently by
isoniazid in a concentration-dependent manner. Both
enzymes were inhibited approximately 40% by doses in
the therapeutic range. Isoniazid induced competitive
inhibition of CYP2D6 and weak noncompetitive
inhibition of CYP2E1.
CYP2D6 is affected negligibly by isoniazid. The
Paroxetine is metabolized
Isoniazid potential for drug interactions would appear to be [24]
primarily by CYP2D6.
Citalopram appears to be CYP2C19 and/or CYP3A4 are inhibited by isoniazid. It
Isoniazid metabolized primarily by might not be the best choice for a patient taking [155–157]
CYP2C19 and/or CYP3A4. isoniazid
Fluvoxamine is known to inhibit
CYP1A2, CYP2C19, and CYP3A3/4 are inhibited by
Isoniazid CYP1A2, CYP2C19, and possibly [158–160]
Fluoxetine inhibits CYP2D6 and
probably CYP2C9/10
significantly, and CYP3A3/4 and
CYP3A3/4 is inhibited by isoniazid [161, 162]
Isoniazid CYP2C19 to a lesser extent
increased potential for drug interactions. [161–163]
metabolite of fluoxetine,
norfluoxetine inhibits CYP3A3/4
and has a half-life of 7 to 15 days.
24 Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

Table 6: Continued.
TB medications Psychiatric medications Interactions References
Sertraline probably inhibits
Isoniazid CYP3A is implicated in the metabolism of isoniazid. [161, 162]
Antidepressants, haldol,
quetiapine, methadone,
phenytoin, valproic acid,
Rifampin Reduces their levels. [164]
lamotrigine, buspirone,
benzodiazepines (diazepam,
tiazolam), and zolpidem.
A case report
Higher than expected doses of nortriptyline were
Rifampin Nortriptyline [165]
required to obtain a therapeutic drug level while the
patient was receiving rifampin.

latent TB to active TB. Additionally, psychiatric disorders infection and evaluate them for chemoprophylaxis in order
may hinder adaptation to chronic disease conditions, and it is to avoid the risk of developing active TB.
known that adaptation is a crucial survival factor in chronic
diseases [216].
Temporal and causative associations determine possible 7. Psychological Reactions and
distinct categories of psychiatric conditions in TB patients Disease Perceptions
(presented in Table 1).
People believe that tuberculosis occurring in an individual
is always an interruption in life, physically, psychologically,
economically, and socially. Observations from the early days
6. Results from Clinical Studies of the tuberculosis epidemic, before scientific studies, report
that after the initial shock from the diagnosis, there is often a
Research has shown that people infected with TB are more brief or prolonged period of denial, followed by resignation
likely to develop mental and psychological problems than and depression, leading to distorted perceptions about the
people not infected with the disease [217, 218]. To be afflicted illness. Patients were described to exhibit strong emotions
with pulmonary, tuberculosis is a unique and painful experi- like fear, jealousy, vindictive behavior, anger, noncooperation,
ence in the biopsychosocial history of an individual, and the guilt, or a sense of shame. Rarely, suicides occurred, especially
emergent stress contributes to psychiatric morbidity [59]. when the rest of the family tried to segregate the afflicted
Depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and in a distant institution, or even stooped to a complete
acute stress disorder are the most common stress-related abandonment [223].
conditions of TB patients [36, 219]. Reactions to the stressful The scene changed dramatically in the fifties when tuber-
situation brought about by the illness negatively affecting culosis became highly curable and preventable, assuming
an individual’s ability to work, in conjunction with social that physical, mental, economic, and social trauma had
and respiratory isolation [220], lowered self-esteem, fear been rendered minimal, even that social stigma had nearly
of spreading the illness to others, helplessness brought out disappeared and needed no attention [109, 224].
by incapacitation due to chronic illness, and social stigma Unfortunately, stigma is seen to play a huge role in the
attached to this illness, are all plausible causes that one experience of illness by TB patients, and it is believed that
can postulate for depression and anxiety. Dependence on most TB patients even after full recovery from the illness feel
alcohol and other drugs could be the response to anxiety and the disease can never be completely cured [225]. According to
depression [59]. Lawn [226] “patient perception about TB is usually stained,
The psychiatric morbidity of patients is considered to be and patients permanently hold negative feelings towards the
a psychogenic reaction of neurotically predisposed people to disease.” Disease-related stigma occurs when individuals with
their special situation and awareness that they are suffering an illness are deemed undeserving of assistance and support
from a severe and dangerous illness [221]. from other individuals in the society (Schulte [227]). Over
Prevalence studies (Table 2) reporting mean depression time, certain illnesses, such as TB, have been associated
and anxiety rates of 46%–72% establish the need to address with reduced social status, and these negative reactions
mental disorders in TB care [214]. may impede coping and recovery [228]. The psychological
Conversely, individuals with chronic mental illnesses adjustments to illness by a patient are negatively influenced
present a series of risk factors that predispose them to primarily by the negative perceptions that other people
extensive medical comorbidities [102, 222]. Prevalence rates within the society might hold (Fife and Wright [162]).
of tuberculosis among psychiatric patients are presented in In other words, TB often has an impact on the physical,
Table 3, indicating that programs serving people with severe social and mental wellbeing of TB patients ( Rajeswari et al.
mental illness should regularly screen participants for TB [109]), and another element of this impact is the perception
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment 25

Table 7: Studies addressing factors affecting treatment adherence in TB patients.

author/ Factors Proposals
Pablos- Of the 184, 48% patients were nonadherent. In These data lend support to directly observed therapy
Méndez, multivariate analysis, only injection drug was used in tuberculosis.
1997 [166] and homelessness predicted nonadherence.
Further improvements in the care of persistently
Oscherwitz, 46% of persistently nonadherent patients were nonadherent patients may require more psychosocial
1997 homeless, 81% had drug or alcohol abuse, and 28% services, appropriate facilities for civil detention, and
[167] had mental illness. detaining patients long enough to assure completion
of treatment.
18% who received outpatient DOT fulfilled one or
Burman, Innovative programs are needed to deal with
more criteria for noncompliance. Risk factors for
1997 alcoholism and homelessness in patients with
noncompliance were alcohol abuse and
[168] tuberculosis.
The rate of compliance with antituberculosis Locating chest units in the existing primary health
regimen under directly observed therapy was found care facilities will improve the rate of compliance
Erhabor, to be high (73%). DOT improves the rate of with antituberculosis therapy. More attention should
2000 compliance. The only factor that significantly be paid to behavioral aspect of tuberculosis control.
[169] influenced rate of compliance was proximity to the Health workers involved in the management of these
chest clinic. Also, psychopathology could have patients should develop a higher index of suspicion
adversely affected the rate of compliance. for possible psychopathology.
66.7% of subjects completed their treatment. Only The habit of smoking, disregarding own health, and
smoking was found to be associated with poor not adhering to treatment instructions may be a
(2001) [74]
compliance in univariate analysis reflection of the subject’s personality.
Factors associated with adherence to treatment:
Adherence to treatment for latent tuberculosis
Felton, 2005 patient related factors, provider characteristics, clinic
[170] facilities, characteristics of treatment regimens, and
a manual for healthcare providers
disease characteristics.
Lavigne, Smoking prevalence was 21%. 72% of patients were Males and smokers need to have extra supervision to
2006 [171] adherent to LTBI treatment ensure compliance with LTBI treatment.
Factors impacting adherence include: social and
economic recourses prior to the onset and during the
course of the disease, the causal attributions assigned
Advocate a more holistic approach to health care
Naidoo, to TB, the social, cultural, economic, disease related,
programs with the inclusion of mental health
2009 [172] and psychological challenges faced as a consequence
of having TB, quality of health care received, use of
traditional healing systems and feelings of
helplessness, depression, and lack of social support.
Structural factors: poverty, gender, and
discrimination. More patient-centred interventions, and far greater
Patient factors: motivation, knowledge, beliefs, and attention to structural barriers, are needed to
attitudes and interpretations of illness and wellness. improve treatment adherence and reduce the global
Social context. disease burden attributable to TB.
health care service factors.
Few TB programmes that have explicitly offered
Gelmanova, Substance abuse was identified as the only factor that patients treatment for substance abuse generally have
2007 [303] was strongly associated with nonadherence. demonstrated better outcomes than “unexpanded”
DOTS programmes.
Factors were classified into 7 categories; factors
To improve the quality of tuberculosis medical care
related to disbelief and/or prejudice for diagnosis
and services including good and sufficient
and/or treatment (except factors related to drug
explanations on TB and how to cure it and proper
adverse effects) were observed in 51.8%, factors
K. Ito, 2008 managements for drug adverse effects and then to
related to economical problem in 24.1%, factors
[163] expand public economical support for the costs of
related to job or studies in 23.4%, factors related to
medicine and travel expenses to medical facilities
drug adverse effects in 22.6%, factors related to
and to make accessible time and place of the
visiting out-patients departments in 6.6%,
tuberculosis outpatient clinic more convenient and
psychiatric disease and/or drug abuse in 4.4%, others
flexible for patients.
in 9.5%.
26 Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

Table 7: Continued.
author/ Factors Proposals
Develop and implement patient-centred
interventions that encourage shared
decision-making regarding treatment. Provide
ongoing (in-service) training to health staff to
improve and upgrade their competencies with regard
The factors contributing to noncompliance can be
Norgbe, to health education and communication skills.
grouped into three categories, namely, patient
2008 Strengthen patient support and community
related, health care, and community and treatment
[173] advocacy programmes aimed at eradicating the
stigma associated with the disease. Emphasise the
particular needs of individual patients and tailor the
role of support systems to their needs. Plan
interventions to reduce the influence of poverty and
gender on patients and their treatment adherence
Depression and lack of perceived control over illness Treating psychological problems in patients with
in those suffering from tuberculosis are reported to tuberculosis may substantially improve treatment
2008 [88]
be independent predictors of poor adherence adherence.
New TB chemotherapeutic agents which can reduce
Kruk, 2008 The majority of defaulters across the studies
the length of treatment have the potential to improve
[174] completed the 2-month intensive phase of treatment.
global TB treatment success rates.
Lack of knowledge about TB, nonsustainability of
educational campaigns, side effects of drugs, hunger
Recommendations are made for the instigation of
Matebesi, and lack of family support, stigma attached to TB,
enhanced education programmes focusing on
[175] and health-related factors such as the attitude of
patients, the community, and health care providers.
health care providers and the long delay in obtaining
a diagnosis.
16% of patients among patients receiving DOTS
treatment were nonadherent to the anti-TB therapy. Targeting easier access to drugs, an ensured drug
Smoking during treatment and travel-related cost supply, effective solutions for travel-related concerns,
Bagchi, 2010
factors were significantly associated with and modification of smoking and alcohol-related
nonadherence in the newly diagnosed patients, while behaviors are essential for treatment adherence.
alcohol consumption and shortage of drugs were
significant in the residual groups.
Factors related to the patient (lack of means, being a
migrant worker, distance to treatment site, poor Interventions to enhance TB treatment completion
understanding of treatment, drug use, and mental should take into account the local context and
illness), medical team (high patient load, low multilevel factors that contribute to default.
Kizub, 2012 motivation, and lack of resources for tracking Qualitative studies involving health care workers
[177] defaulters), treatment organization (poor directly involved in TB care can be powerful tools to
communication between treatment sites, no identify contributing factors and define strategies to
systematic strategy for patient education or tracking, help reduce treatment default.
and incomplete record keeping), and health care
system and society.
A 30-item TB medication adherence scale (TBMAS)
with a positive predictive value of 65.5% and
sensitivity of 82.9% was developed and incorporated
Nine factors conceptually associated with medication the latest research in TB specific medication
adherence in TB patients: (1) communication with adherence, where predictors for adherence such as
Yin, 2012 healthcare providers, (2) personal traits, (3) patient behavior and patient-provider interaction in
[178] confidence in curing TB, (4) social support, (5) TB treatment have been explored. The resulting tool
mood disorders, (6) lifestyle and habits, (7) coping will help TB medical professionals identify not only
style, (8) access to healthcare, and (9) forgetfulness. TB patients with poor adherence but also potential
reasons for nonadherence and help them to design
and implement targeted interventions to improve
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment 27

of others in the community about TB, which influences the indicate that up to half of all of patients with TB do not
self-perception of TB patients. The self-perception of a TB complete treatment [243], which contributes to prolonged
patient is influenced by the existing health-related beliefs in infectiousness, drug resistance [244], relapse, and death
the community, the culture of the community, which a TB [245]. WHO defines “treatment default” (nonadherence) as
patient lives in, and the expected health behavior of a TB a treatment interrupted for two consecutive months, and it is
patient by the community. well documented that 30% of all patients who are under self-
Although patient’s perceptions about TB remain largely administered treatment do not adhere to the therapy in the
unknown [72], yet the literature shows a lot of reactions first two or three months.
of TB patients to the disclosure of their diagnosis and Different approaches for ensuring medication adherence
these reactions included feelings of loneliness, depression, have been adopted, since 1991, and include Directly Observed
suicidal thoughts, fear, apathy, shock, concern, surprise (in Therapy Short Course (DOTS) [246], medication monitors
relation to the lack of symptoms), and acceptation [109, 115]. [247, 248], and legal action [249, 250], (the use of involuntary
The possible reasons for these emotions may be the stigma detention for persistently nonadherent patients as a last
discrimination and social isolation attached to the disease resort) resulting in cure rates of >80% and default rates
or “physical rehabilitation, illiteracy, lack of knowledge of of <10% [251]. A review of articles published from 1966
TB, or fear of loss of income on account of long duration of through 1996 on DOT programs for TB treatment found
treatment.” [109] that treatment completion rates were greater than 90% when
Studies reporting patients’ psychological reactions and therapy was supervised [252, 253]. Having a health care
disease perceptions about TB are summarized in Table 4. worker present to directly observe patients taking each dose
Evidence also suggests the correlation between suscepti- of anti-TB medication has been proposed as the best way to
bility to tuberculosis and specific personality traits [229], and ensure adherence to treatment, thereby diminishing the risk
studies indicate that in a large number of tuberculosis cases of transmission, relapse or reactivation, and drug resistance
emotional conflict appears to inhibit recovery, and major life [254].
changes [189] provoke relapses. However, even with this approach, patient nonadherence
Emerging disciplines like psychoneuroimmunology and to DOT still occurs [255]. One problem cited is that it
neuroendocrinology could pave the way to better under- is difficult to anticipate who will comply with treatment
standing of the subject and explain how psychological distress [256]. Various factors such as age, gender [257], alcohol
may decrease proliferation of lymphocytes and natural killer and drug dependence [166], absence of symptoms, adverse
cell function and provide clues to recovery from disease and effects of drugs, absence of educational programs, quality of
prevent relapse [223]. communication between patients and health workers [258–
260], health culture [261], beliefs [262, 263], incentives and
8. Psychiatric Disorders in Patients Receiving transportation time [257], and poor economy [264] have
Antituberculosis Drugs been shown to be associated with nonadherence. In sum,
social, cultural, and demographic factors [265] (including
Psychiatric complications have been associated with antitu- educational level and treatment literacy [266]), psychiatric
berculosis therapy since the 1950s [116, 117, 122]. The possible illness, including substance abuse [267] (alcohol and drug) in
environmental and genetic factors of anti-TB medication- addition to those related to medication and also to the process
induced adverse reactions have always been the matter of of health care delivery and most certainly previous history of
concern [230]. It is well documented that the risk of adverse nonadherence [166] have all been cited as the most important
reactions increases with age, malnutrition, and history of barriers to TB treatment adherence.
hepatitis [231, 232], human immunodeficiency virus infec- The ability to predict poor medication adherence at
tion, and hepatitis C virus infection [233]. Genetic factors like initiation of treatment and identify patients at greater risk of
isoniazid-metabolizing enzyme gene polymorphisms [234] dropping out could help in dealing with the problem [268].
were studied a lot, but these studies also showed inconsistent Recently, a 30-item TB medication adherence scale (TBMAS)
results. Until now, the comprehensive study for environmen- with a positive predictive value of 65.5% and a sensitivity of
tal, genetic, clinical, and administrative factors has not been 82.9% was developed and incorporated the latest research
reported. in TB specific medication adherence, where predictors for
More specifically, adverse reactions concerning neu- adherence such as patient behavior and patient-provider
ropsychiatric complications have been reported, mainly with interaction in TB treatment have been explored. The resulting
isoniazid (INH) [134, 235, 236], which is a first line drug tool will help TB medical professionals identify not only
and with ethionamide (ETH) [237, 238] and cycloserine (CS) TB patients with poor adherence but also potential reasons
[239, 240] (both second-line drugs, reserved for patients with for nonadherence and help them to design and implement
drug-resistant tuberculosis) [164, 241]. Psychiatric disorders targeted interventions to improve adherence [178].
in patients receiving TB medications are presented in Table 5. A study that focused on adherence to DOTS, carried out
in India, verified the need to focus research on addressing the
9. Discussion disease from the perspective of patients and health profes-
sionals, who are the essential elements in this process [269].
Nonadherence to therapy by patients has been cited as the In the encounter between health professionals and patients,
principal obstacle in eliminating tuberculosis [242]. Studies DOTS could be an opportunity for the manifestation of
28 Tuberculosis Research and Treatment

subjectivities and to help patients with tuberculosis to recover According to studies, DOTS programmes are more likely to
their capabilities for life during regular consultations. At the achieve better TB control outcomes if they include interven-
same time, it allows identifying vulnerabilities and needs tions aimed at improving diagnosis of alcohol and substance
that can be dealt with, during the process so as to overcome abuse and treating it concurrently with TB, [277, 278] and
them [270], which points to the need for actions within according to DOTS-Plus Guidelines, for MDR-TB patients,
a multidisciplinary team, according to the biopsychosocial all healthcare workers treating drug-resistant TB should
model of health and illness, where adherence is conceived closely work with psychiatric services because there is a high
as a process, not of imposition, but rather of exchange and baseline incidence of depression and anxiety in these patients,
meeting, one that uses the understanding of the context of often connected with the chronicity and socioeconomic stress
patients’ lives as a trigger to meet social and health needs factors related to the disease [279].
[271]. According to all studies, irrespective of regional and
The presence of psychopathology has been found to be population differences a common major factor implicating
one of the causes of nonadherence with therapy in chest treatment adherence is the presence of psychopathology,
conditions [32, 33]. especially depression, among tuberculous patients [280], and
Not only psychiatric patients are at risk of getting TB the high incidence of depression among these patients neces-
infection, as they are often homeless or have unstable housing sitates effective management [281] in order to improve treat-
conditions and lack food and security, but they also fre- ment adherence and overall quality of life of these patients
quently fail to comply with treatment for the same reasons [282]. Results from these studies advocate a more holistic
[67]. approach [91] to healthcare programs with the inclusion
Individuals who are dealing with issues of substance of mental health services in order to provide pretreatment
abuse, HIV infection, mental illness, intellectual disability, psychiatric assessment and necessary intervention and even-
and are also often homeless/under-housed are at much higher tually reduce default rate in tuberculosis control programs
risk of contracting latent TB infection and of developing [34].
active TB disease. This increased risk may be explained Awareness of adherence is, as a complex behavioral issue,
by the existence of a number of challenges that increase influenced by many factors [283] and lack of a comprehensive
an individual’s vulnerability to tuberculosis, such as inad- and holistic understanding of barriers to and facilitators of,
equate access to food, shelter, and income; substandard treatment adherence is currently a major obstacle to finding
and overcrowded shelter conditions; forced migration of effective solutions [253, 284]. Knowledge about the degree
shelter users; preexisting health conditions (e.g., hepatitis that each of these factors correlates with psychopathology,
C, compromised immune system); structural and attitudinal and contributes to nonadherence is lacking, and prospec-
barriers to effective health care; problems in the corrections tive cohort studies addressing the cause-effect relationship
system [272] (i.e., prison conditions); and immigration and between risk factors and psychopathology could clarify such
refugee issues (e.g., lack of identification to access health care issues.
during first few months). These challenges also increase the Also, studies focused on human dimension [28] and on
probability that individuals living in these conditions will be subjective experiences of health care consumers [285] may
unlikely to adhere with TB treatment. provide information on patient experiences of TB treatment
In an earlier study [71] on a tuberculosis population, it adherence which may serve as a tool to better promote
was found that 30.2% of the population had diagnosable treatment and effectuate more patient-centered interventions
mental disorders and none of these were recognized by [286].
the clinic staff. Such lack of knowledge can contribute Finally, randomized control trials investigating the effects
to negative, pessimistic or victim-blaming messages to TB of pharmacological and psychological interventions modified
patients [273, 274], which fuels patients’ distrust and can lead to address not only depression but also issues around adher-
to problematic treatment [161]. The importance of a nonjudg- ence to treatment [287] and illness perceptions [288] need to
mental, nonblaming stance is often cited as foundational for be carried out.
psychotherapeutic care in TB [275] along with the adoption of Studies addressing factors affecting treatment adherence
more power sharing with TB patients. Specific strategies are in pulmonary tuberculosis patients are presented in Table 7.
also identified, including education to help recognize mental
disorder, training in psychotherapeutic strategies [276], and
communication skills building. 10. Treatment of Comorbid
TB is a chronic illness, and research into chronic illnesses Tuberculosis and Depression
has indicated that psychological factors, particularly depres-
sion, and the patients’ perceptions about their illness predict Mood disorders seem to be particularly common in TB
poor adherence. In order to maximize the rate of adherence, patients compared with those with other medical diagnoses.
health workers involved in the management of these patients Currently, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
should develop a higher index of suspicion for possible psy- are recommended as the first-line treatment for depression
chopathology and utilize the available consultation/liaison and tend to be favored over other pharmacologic treatments
psychiatric services [169]. such as tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and monoamine
Treating psychological problems in patients with tuber- oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) because of their relatively benign
culosis may substantially improve treatment adherence. side effect profiles.
Tuberculosis Research and Treatment 29

However, in patients comorbid for TB, concerns have [5] World Health Organization, Global Tuberculosis Control 2010,
been raised over the potential for drug interactions between World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010, http://
various SSRIs and isoniazid, based on the ability of isoniazid report/en/index.html.
to inhibit monoamine oxidase in plasma [289]. Gener- [6] C. Dye, S. Scheele, P. Dolin, V. Pathania, and M. C. Rav-
ally, the combination of SSRIs or TCAs with a drug that iglione, “Global burden of tuberculosis: estimated incidence,
inhibits monoamine oxidase is contraindicated because of prevalence, and mortality by country,” Journal of the American
the potential to induce serotonin syndrome [149]. No reports Medical Association, vol. 282, no. 7, pp. 677–686, 1999.
of serotonin syndrome induced by combining SSRIs and [7] S. Waisbord, Behavioral Barriers in Tuberculosis Control: A Liter-
ature Review, The CHANGE Project/Academy for Educational
isoniazid are published, and, currently, there is insufficient
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