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Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. What is the topic sentence of the following paragraph?

(1) Visiting a dentist can be an uncomfortable experience. (2) One has to make an appointment
with the dentist first. (3) The dentist normally examines the teeth first using terrifying
instruments. (4) X-ray tooth frames cut into the gums. Lights in person’s eyes are annoying. (5)
Most people would rather do anything than go to the dentist.
a. sentence 1 b. sentence 2 c. sentence 4 d. sentence 5
2. What pattern of paragraph development was used in the excerpt above?
a. comparison-contrast c. description
b. cause-effect d. process
3. What pattern of paragraph development was used in the excerpt below?
Smoking has been proven dangerous to people’s health, yet many continue to smoke for various
reasons. For young people, smoking often represents maturity and individuality. Many smoke as
a way to reduce tension. In addition, the regular smoker becomes addicted psychologically and
physically to the nicotine in cigarettes.

a. comparison-contrast c. description
b. cause-effect d. process
4. Which sentence in the paragraph does not support the main idea in the topic sentence?
(1) Adult reentry students often have special needs. (2)They may have time restraints caused by
families and jobs as well as by school. (3) Reentry students are willing to put in the extra time to
be successful. (4) Since they sometimes work slowly than younger students, they may require
more time to complete tasks. (5) As adults grow older, their vision is not as keen so classroom
need excellent lighting with little glare. (7) Also, reentry students may experience hearing
problems making it hard for them to hear everything that is said in the classroom. (8) These
problems, although not serious, do not need to be a barrier to education.
a. sentence 2 b. sentence 3 c. sentence 4 d. sentence 5
5. Which is an appropriate title of the passage based on its content?
a. The Moon c. The Eclipses
b. The Moon and Eclipses d. The Solar System
The moon both causes and suffers eclipses. When she passes exactly between the earth and the
sun, the latter is hidden behind her opaque globe, and we have a solar eclipse – one of the most
interesting of all astronomical phenomena, on account of the marvelous streamers of light, called
the corona, which then appears surrounding the eclipsed sun, and extending away, in some cases,
millions of mile, when the moon passes the earth, on the side opposite the sun – in other words,
when it is full moon – she comes at certain times almost exactly like with the two, and then she
enters the shadow of the earth and is herself eclipsed. Eclipses of the sun are very rare
phenomena at any particular place on the earth because the moon’s shadow is reduced almost to
a point before it reaches the earth, from her average distance of 239,000 miles and it is only
within the shadow that the sun appears eclipsed. The orbit of the moon around the earth is
continuously shifting its place a little, and so the point of her shadow does not reach the earth at
the same place in successive eclipses. Eclipses of the moon are frequently seen because the earth’s
shadow, being much larger than the moon’s , completely buries the latter she passes into it, so the
moon can then be seen eclipsed from all places in the earth above whose horizon she happens to
be at the moment.
G. P. Serviss
6. How is the following paragraph developed?
a. by example c. by cause and effect
c. by details d. by comparison and contrast

Until better sources of energy are found, nuclear power is the answer to our growing energy
needs. Given the enormous demands by industry and private consumers for electrical power,
conventional means of generating power are no longer adequate. Water power and coal have
proved too costly or clean as power sources, and in the foreseeable future, the world’s supply of
petroleum will be depleted. The use of solar energy and the development of synthetic foods may
prove valuable but they are still in their infancy. Nuclear power plants are available today.
Although they are expensive to construct, they are efficient and economical in the long run
because breeder reactors can recycle nuclear waste. Though everyone looks forward to safer and
more efficient sources of energy, nuclear energy is the best choice today.
7. Which sentence in the following paragraph states the topic sentence?
a. first b. second c. third d. fourth
(1) Dancing and chanting to the rhythmic beat of the drums, Polynesian students give visitors to
the Polynesian Culture Center a glimpse of Hawaii’s past. (2)Through its exhibition, the
Polynesian Culture Center shows visitors the many elements of Hawaiian culture brought to
Hawaii by its inhabitants, the Polynesian. (3) For example, the Center shows the similarities
between Polynesian and Hawaiian villages with life-size models,. (4) In addition, the Center
dramatizes Hawaiian legends of ancestors journeying across the ocean in large canoes of
hollowed logs, gardens of bananas, sweet potato, taro and plants exhibit the food carried by the
ocean travelers to their new home.
8. The topic sentence of the paragraph below is
a. a psychologist’s view of life c. new beginnings in life
b. stages of life d. the importance of weddings
(1) A rite of passage, according to psychologists, is an event that prompts movement from one
stage of the life to another. (2) Weddings and graduations are two examples of new beginnings
that are considered significant rites of passage. (3) For the bride and groom, a wedding signifies
the covenant of fidelity and the couple’s public declaration of love. (4) Making the promise for
life before loved ones is the first step to their new life together. (5) Graduations also signify a rite
of passage. (6) Tests will not be scheduled, and paperwork will no longer be graded on a curve.
(7) Whether it is a high school or college graduation, students acknowledge they are beginning a
new path on their journey.

9. The main idea of the paragraph is found in

a. sentence 1 b. sentence 2 c. sentence 3 d. sentence 7
10. Arrange the sentences in order to make a good and sound paragraph:
(1) Changes in food preparation methods, for example, have improved our lives greatly.
(2) The twentieth century has brought with it many advances.
(3) In some ways life is worse, but mostly it is better.
(4) With those advances human lives have changed dramatically.
a. 4, 3, 2, 1 c. 2, 3, 4 1
b. 3, 1, 2, 4 d. 2, 4, 3, 1
11. Which is one of the sentences that introduce the topic?
a. Changes in food preparation methods, for example, have improved our lives greatly.
b. The twentieth century has brought with it many advances.
c. In some ways life is worse, but mostly it is better.
d. With those advances human lives have changed dramatically.
12. If you are to arrange the sentences below to make a sound paragraph, which sentence do you
think should be the thesis statement?
a. A special concern is whether movies and television make children and society more violent.
b. I believe that movies and television do influence our behavior, both for the better and for the
c. Do movies affect our behavior?
d. None of the above
1 For all his ability to travel over a sandy desert without water, the camel has a nasty
temper and
the spirit of revenge. He's not happy until he pays back a wrong, actual or seeming. Knowing this,
drivers and others who use camels a lot have devised an interesting way of letting the camel settle
scores without the person getting hurt.
2 When a driver has made a camel angry in some way or other, he immediately runs out of
He hides near the road on which the camel will pass. He then takes off his clothes and throws them
down on
a heap, which vaguely resembles a sleeping person.

3 Along comes the camel. He sees and smells the clothes of the one who hurt him. Then
pounces upon the pile, shakes every piece and tramples all over everything. Satisfied, he walks away.
driver comes out of hiding, mounts the avenged beast, and rides off.

4 It makes one think of the baby who bumps its head against the leg of the table, turns
around, and
hits the leg in punishment.
-from 1000 Stories You Can Use by Frank Mihalic
13. What is the passage mostly about?
a. a camel and his driver c. a camel’s attitude when angry
b. a driver’s way to trick an angry camel d. a driver’s device to control anger
14. Who is referred to by the pronoun he in paragraph 1, sentence 2?
a. driver c. person
b. camel d. cloth
15. Who is referred by the pronoun he in paragraph 2?
a. driver c. anger
b. camel d sight
16. How does the writer regard the camel?
a. with respect and care c. with humility and love
b. with fear and love d. with contempt and criticism
17. What does the writer think about the camel’s driver?
a. The driver was wise and clever c. The driver is loving and kind.
b. The driver is fool. d. The driver is a friend of a camel.
18. What is implied by the statement, “He’s not happy until he pays back a wrong, actual or
a. The camel does not seek revenge.
b. The camel never stops forgiving an offender.
c. The camel’s happiness depends of the kind of punishment.
d. The camel makes sure to punish anyone that offends him.
19. What happens after the camel has trampled all over the clothes of the driver?
a. The camel walks away. C. The driver comes out hiding.
b. The camel smells the clothes d. The driver walks away from the camel.

The Dangers of Acid Rain

Acid rain refers to all types of precipitation - rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog -that is acidic in
nature. Acidic means that these forms of water have a pH lower than 5.6 average of rainwater. Acid -
rain kills aquatic life, trees, crops and other vegetation, damages buildings and monuments, corrodes
copper and load piping, damages such man-made things as automobiles, reduces soil fertility and can
cause toxic metals to leach into underground water sources.
Rain is naturally acidic because carbon dioxide, found normally in the earth's
atmosphere, reacts with water to form carbonic acid. While "pure" rain's acidity is pH 5.6 to 5.7,
actual pH readings vary from place to place depending, upon type and amount of othe r gases present
in the air, such as sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxides.
The term pH refers to the free hydrogen ions (electrically charged atoms) in water and is
measured on a scale from 0 to 14. Seven is considered neutral and measurements below seven are
acidic while those above it are basic or alkaline. Every point on the pH scale represents a tenfold
increase over the previous number. Thus, pH 4 is 10 times more acidic than pH5 and 100 times more
acidic more so than pH 6. Similarly, pH 9 is 10 times more basic than pH 8 and 100 times more basic
than ph 7.
-from Manila Bulletin, October 2007
20. What is the average pH of rainwater?
A. 5.6 C. 100
B..14 D. 10

21. Why is rain naturally acidic?

A. because water reacts with atmosphere
B.because of carbon dioxide's reaction with water
C.because of acid
D. because of the atmosphere
22. What affects the variation in the actual pH readings?
A..the type of gases C. the type and amount of gases
B.the amount of gases D. the kinds of plants in the area
23. What are free hydrogen tons?
A..electrically-changed ions
B. electrically-charged atoms
C. water measured on a scale
D. electronically-charged atoms
24. Which is not directly stated as an effect of acid rain?
A. death of marine life C. reduction of soil fertility
B. damage of monuments D. extinction of human race

Music Can Heal Mental Wounds but Only in the Right Hands
By Eva Dorothee Schmid

1 Human beings have known about the healing properties of music since Biblical times -
according to the Old Testament for example. David soothed King Saul's aching brow by reaching for
his harp.
2 There are also many references to the healing potential of music in texts left behind by the
ancient Greeks.
3 The same properties are not put to good use in the modern field of music therapy.
Music therapy is psychotherapeutic procedure which does not compete with traditional medicine but
rather tries to complement it.
4 Music arouses emotion, soothes, comforts and can lead to changes in behavior. It can also
encourage the healing process, increase a person's ability to tolerate pain and help them overcome
their fears,
5 All of this can result in changes in the body's chemistry.
6 Studies show that the right sort of music causes the body to release an increased amount of
so-called endorphins with the results that the person becomes less sensitive to pain and feels much
- from Manila Bulletin, August 2007
25. The writer discusses
A. the causes of music therapy C. the music in Biblical times
B. the effects of music D. the music for life
26. The ideas are arranged using _____as a pattern of organization;
A. enumeration C. cause-effect
B. problem-solution D. chronological
27. The writer defines a concept/term in paragraph
A. 1 C.3
B. 2 D. 4
28. According to the selection, the following are the effects of music except.
A. emotional healing C. academic excellence
B. pain tolerance D. behavioral change
29. There are __ effects of music mentioned in paragraph 4.
A. 2 C. 4
B. 3 D. 5
30. The writer wants to explain
A. that music can replace medicine C. when music can complement medicine
B. how music can be useful for well-being D. why music is popular

Medical knowledge in ancient Egypt had an excellent reputation, and rulers of other empires would ask the
Egyptian pharaoh to send them their best physician to treat their love ones. Egyptians had some knowledge of
human anatomy, even though they never dissected the body. For example, in the classic mummification
process, they knew how to insert a long hooked implement through a nostril, breaking the thin bone of the
brain case and remove the brain. Egyptian physicians also were aware of the importance of the pulse and of
a connection between pulse and heart. They developed their theory of “channels” that carried air, water, and
blood to the body by observing the River Nile. If the Nile became blocked, crops became unhealthy. They
applied their theory to the body- if a person was unwell, they would use laxatives to unblock the “channels.”
31. What is the main idea of this selection?
A. Ancient Egyptian physicians
B. Medical knowledge in ancient Egypt
C. The Nile river in Egyptian medical knowledge
D. Infection in ancient Egypt
32. What would happen if the Nile river was blocked?
A. Egyptians would have problems washing their clothes.
B. Fermentation and molds became a big problem.
C. The diet of Egyptians would drastically change.
D. Crops would wither and die.
33. Why did Egyptians practice brain removal?
A. To aid in mummification
B. To unblock “channels” in the body
C. To purge the body of infection
D. To free the dead of the burdens of the human mind
34. Which of the following is evidence that Egyptians were masters of human anatomy even if they
did not perform dissection of human bodies?
A. They have detailed drawings of the anatomy of the human body.
B. They knew how to remove brains during mummification.
C. Egyptian physicians prescribed laxatives to cleanse the body of infections.
D. They correlated to human body with the behaviour of the Nile river.
35. Who did the Egyptians plead to when their loved ones had grave illness?
A. Best Egyptian physicians
B. Prime Minister
C. Moses
D. Pharaoh
36. Reading is defined as a process of constructing meaning through the interactions of several
important factors that make each reading act unique. What are these factors?
a. Reader’s language competence, organization of the text and purpose of the reading.
b. Reader’s existing knowledge, information suggested by the written language, and the context
of the reading situation.
c. Reader’s decoding ability, writer’s cultural background, and the pattern of organization.
d. Reader’s motivation to learn, writer’s expression of ideas and the context.
37. Schema activation helps readers to bridge the gap between the known and the new. Which of the
following is NOT a good activity for schema activation?
a. giving direction c. brainstorming ideas
b. previewing a passage` d. constructing graphic organizer
38. Learning to read English as a second language is influenced by one’s first language proficiency.
This means that ______.
a. First and second language learning are exactly the same in all aspects .
b. The two have totally different sets of semantics and syntax that is why they are learned
c. Second language learning requires little proficiency in the first language for the latter might
hinder the former.
d. First language proficiency allows the transfer of learning because of the reader’s conceptual
understanding needed in processing the second language.
39. Marc Aaron has been exposed to a rich language environment because of mature adult models he
interacts with at home. As a result, he has come to have a firm grasp of word meanings in various
situations. How would this exposure help him to read?
a. His comprehension will not be affected by word knowledge.
b. His listening vocabulary is richer than his reading vocabulary.
c. The print materials he reads will be different form his listening vocabulary.
d. His knowledge of words in listening situations will help him comprehend the print materials.
40 Teacher Lia manages a nursery class. What stage or period of reading should she observe in
teaching reading skills to her pupils?
a. period of rapid growth c. reading readiness
b. beginning reading d. period of refinement
41. A schema is a computer chip in your brain that holds all you know on a subject. Each time you
find something new, you pull out the computer chip on that subject, add the new information, and
return the chip to the storage. The reading technique that activates schema is_____.
a. previewing b. keyword reading c. scanning d. skimming
42. Teacher Merry Ruth includes 4 unknown words together with 5 new important words in
developing vocabulary knowledge among her students. She chooses these four words based on their
relationship to the topic and to the new words she is going to introduce. Which of the following
principles of vocabulary instruction is applied by the teacher?
a. Be enthusiastic about content area language.
b. Limit the number of words taught in each unit.
c. Relate new vocabulary words to experiences and concepts that students know.
d. Repeatedly model how to determine a word’s meaning in text materials.
43.Developmental reading instruction emphasizes the development of ________.
a. wide vocabulary b. reading power c. rapid reading d. literacy skills
44. This is the stage in the reading process that involves the reader’s construction of meaning from
the printed words_____.
a. integration stage b. recognition stage c. comprehension stage d. reaction stage
45. If a teacher provides varied reading activities to for his/her class, such as reading stories to pupils,
giving time for them to silently read what they want to or lending them magazines and other
appropriate reading materials. She/he is trying to provide them opportunities to gain_____.
a. socio-emotional development c. interest in reading
b. physical development d. intellectual growth
46. Why is reading considered an active process?
a. Because it requires students to read a selection and enjoy it
b. Because the reader needs to use his/her previously-learned knowledge and skills to understand
the selection
c. Because it allows the readers to recognize the words in print and pronounce them correctly
d. Because the readers are expected to be acquainted with the format, length, and organization of
the text content
47. A reading strategy that requires readers to check on their thoughts while reading is referred to as
a. organizational strategy c. metacognitive strategy
b. preparatory strategy d. elaboration strategy
48. The very first stage of reading skill development is _____
a. beginning reading c. abstract reading
b. rapid growth and development d. emergent literacy
49. One of the aims of the four pronged approach in teaching reading is _____.
a. development of genuine love for reading
b. refinement in the use of reading tools
c. identification of the general ideas of selections read
d. promotion of extensive reading
50. One of the following does not affect reading comprehension in a big way. Which is this?
a. prior knowledge c. nature of printed materials
b. word pronunciation d. individual’s reading strategies
51. Which kind of reading requires more time and concentration?
a. skimming b. scanning c. idea reading d. exploratory reading
52. With multilingual learners for pupils in grade 2 class, what post-reading activity will you give
them after reading a story aloud to them?
a. using a guide for reader-text interaction
b. writing about what was read
c. answering comprehension questions
d. doing anything they want
53. Miss Padilla teaches reading as part of her language lesson. She thus provides reading experiences
that include having her pupils read library books silently, or make their own book based on their
experiences. What reading model does Miss Padilla use?
a. bottom-up b. top-down c. interactive d. schema

54. . The girls languidly put on their jackets as if they had no energy at all.
Using the comparison clue, the word languidly in this sentence means
a. energetically
b. quickly
c. energy-less
d. lazily
55. The mother was determined to prove her son's innocence; the father was resolute as well.
Using the comparison clue, the word resolute in this sentence means
a. wavering
b. determined
c. not determined
d. vacillating
56. Some people feel perplexed by brain teasers, while others figure them out quickly.
Using the comparison clue, the word perplexed in this sentence means
a. confused
b. at ease
c. edified
d. relaxed
57. After being unable to get a good night's sleep for many days, Allyson became lethargic. She didn't
have the energy to get out of bed.
Using the comparison clue, the word lethargic in this sentence means
a. indolent
b. bubbly
c. exhausted
d. lively
58.. Instead of climbing into bed, she decided to take a nap on the chaise.
Using the comparison clue, the word chaise in this sentence means
a. sleeping bag
b. bed-like furniture
c. chair
d. floor
59. Johnny was besotted in not checking the depth of the water before he jumped in, but it was a good
thing that his father was wise and checked it first.
Using the contrast clue, the word besotted in this sentence means
a. decent
b. unaware
c. foolish
d. incomplete
60. I thought the painting of the waves crashing into the shore was very picturesque, but I thought the one
next to it was quite ugly.
Using the contrast clue, the word picturesque in this sentence means
a. attractive
b. large
c. colorful
d. soothing
61. After being ill and unable to eat for three days, Beverly had a voracious appetite.
Using the contrast clue, the word voracious in this sentence means
a. satisfied
b. quenched
c. small
d. big
62. We were all pretty apathetic in the movie about animals, but we became interested when it started
showing all the tricks dogs could do.
Using the contrast clue, the word apathetic in this sentence means
a. gracious
b. angry
c. uninterested
d. sleepy
Context clues
63.. The diamond ring was radiantly shining on her finger.
Using the synonym clue, the word radiantly in this sentence means
a. brightly
b. really
c. hardly
d. barely
64. We shopped at the emporium, which is as large as the shopping center, for shampoo and bath soap.
Using the comparison clue, the word emporium in this sentence means
a. amusement park
b. bathroom
c. large store
d. library
65. The saturated, dripping dog ran in the house after swimming in the lake.
Using the synonym clue, the word saturated in this sentence means
a. wet
b. old
c. dirty
d. smelly
66. In the pirate story, there were the good guys against the buccaneers.
Using the contrast clue, the word buccaneers in this sentence means
a. actors
b. pirates
c. teachers
d. helpers
67. An evanescent ring surrounded the moon as it rose. It was there for a moment, and then it
Using the explanation clue, the word evanescent in this sentence means
a. full
b. ongoing
c. brief
d. bright
68. The sun made the lake water shimmer.
Using the explanation clue, the word shimmer in this sentence means
a. dirty
b. dull
c. dark
d. sparkle or shine
69 My younger sister can be an irritating nuisance when I am doing my homework.
In this sentence, the word nuisance means
a. help
b. annoyance
c. pleasure
d. delight
70. Melissa sauntered over to our table while Cheryl hurried over.
In this sentence, the word sauntered means
a. walked in a slow, easy way
b. hurried
c. beat rapidly
d. ran
71. We should be careful not to ostracize those who are different from us. It is much better for all if we
are welcoming to everyone.
In this sentence, the word ostracize means
a. embrace
b. exclude
c. welcome
d. include
72. The artist was very careful and exact as he meticulously painted the portrait.
In this sentence, the word meticulously means
a. hurriedly
b. precise or detailed
c. careless
d. sloppy
73.. The sight of the ominous clouds told us that clear weather was far from our area.
In this sentence, the word ominous means
a. stormy or dark
b. clear
c. fluffy
d. bright
74. The playwright was used to receiving nothing but accolades from the critics, but this time around, the
critics panned everything about the play, calling it uninspired and boring.
a. expressions of disapproval b. expressions of approval
c. unwanted advice d. None of the given choices
75. Writers who don't read much generally don't know when they are using clichés; they tend to think
that expressions such as "eyes like stars," "lips like roses" and "lemon-yellow" daffodils originated with
a. original phrases b. grammatical errors
c. unoriginal language d. None of the given choices
76. Because she had never learned to think about the consequences of her actions, her behavior tended to
be capricious. One moment, she was going to marry and have a big family; the next she wanted to
dedicate herself to a career and give up on love. The constant changes in her moods and goals tended to
tire out those around her.
a. impulsive b. organized c. comical d. arranged
77. The young monk led a very ascetic existence. He rose at five in the morning, spent an hour in prayer
and then sat down to a simple breakfast of grains and fruit. The rest of the day was spent in prayer and
work until he ate a light supper and retired at eight.
a. simple b. horrifying c. luxurious d. sophisticated
78. She was apprehended by the police only two hours after the robbery, but being captured didn't make
her humble or frightened. She seemed to have no idea of what was in store for her.
aidentified b. caught c. let go d. reprimanded
79. With its four thousand square feet and attached three car garage, the house was mammoth. But being
big didn't make it pretty. It was an absolute monstrosity, badly designed and uncomfortable to live in.
a.tilted b. mortgaged c. huge d. big
80. In the beginning, the crowd had been orderly, but after the union leader announced that there would
be no wage increase, pandemonium broke out and spread through the hall as people began shouting and
throwing things at the speaker.
a. confusion and disorder b. fights c. the sound of horns d. hell
81. From childhood, he had been a staunch friend who was always there when I needed him. But suddenly
in the past year, he had become unreliable and withdrawn.
a. casual b. devoted c. unstable d. disloyal
82. When she was twelve, she hated her gargantuan height, which made her tower over the boys in the
class. But as the eighteen-year-old star of her college basketball team, she gloried in it.
a.enormous b. slender c. crooked d.midget

83. Which word/phrase is nearest in meaning to the italicized word? He has been very feeble since his
a. Unwell b. Thin c. Foolish d.Weak
84. Which word/phrase is nearest in meaning to the italicized word? Jose was contemptuous of the effects
of the efforts of his rival to show greater ability.
a. Appreciative b. Angry c. Scornful d. Deep in thought
85.Which word/phrase is nearest in meaning to the italicized word? Considering that nothing had been
organized, confusion seemed inevitable.
a. Unnatural b. Evident c. Unlikely d. Certain
86.. What is the difference between monologue and soliloquy?
a. Monologue is a long speech by a character who is alone on stage with no other characters
b. Monologue is a speech spoken by a character to the audience that other characters do not
c. Soliloquy is a long speech by a character on stage while other characters are listening.
d. Soliloquy is a long speech by a character who is alone on stage with no other characters
87. Which among the following Shakespearean works is an example of oxymoron?
a. “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” –Romeo
and Juliet
b .“But love is blind, and lovers cannot see. The petty follies that themselves commit.” –Merchant of Venice
c. “Good night, Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be
morrow.” –Romeo and Juliet
d. “Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once.” –Julius
88. A type of drama intended to interest and amuse the audience rather than make them deeply
concerned about events that happen. The characters overcome some difficulties, but they always
overcome their ill fortune and find happiness in the end.
a. Comedy
c. Melodrama
d. Historical drama
89. “To remain whole, be broken!
To become straight, be bent;
To become full, be empty;
Be tattered to be renewed.
Those that have little, may get more.”What figure of speech is exemplified above?
a. Oxymoron b. Antithesis c. Antonomasia d. Antanaclasis
90. Which among the following is an example of chiasmus?
a. “If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not
die? And if you wrong us, shall we not seek revenge?” –Merchant of Venice, W. Shakespeare
b. “Wives are young men’s mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men’s nurses.” –Of
Marriage and Single Life, Francis Bacon
c. “There is wisdom of the Head, and… there is wisdom of the Heart.” –Hard Times, Charles
d. “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” –As You Like It,
W. Shakespeare
91. “…we ran… to the dark dripping gardens to the back doors of the drippings gardens where odors arose
the ashpits, to the dark odorous stables where a coachman smoothed and combed the horse or shook music
from the buckled harness.”
To what sensory perception do the following lines from James Joyce’s Arabyappeal most?
a. Auditory b. Olfactory c. Gustatory d. Sense
92. Which statement about love is true based on Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116?
Love’s not Time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle’s compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
a. Love never wanes even in old age.
b. Love dissipates when lovers live apart.
c. Love does not succumb to temptations.
d. Love adapts to changing circumstance.
93. Which tenet is revealed in the following lines from I Wondered Lonely As A Cloud?
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude.
a. Individuality b. Imagination c. Nature d. Romance
94.According to Muller (1976), below are the values which are implicit in drama except:
a. Symbolic b. Psychological c. Technical d. Metaphorical
95. It has very swift movements, ridiculous situations, and does not stimulate thought. More so,
it uses grossly embellished events and characters.
a. Farce b. Comedy c. Tragedy d. Melodrama
96. It shows events that follow each other rapidly but seems to be governed always by chance.
Also, the characters are victims in the hands of merciless fate.
a. Tragedy b. melodrama c. Tragicomedy c. Comedy
97. The characters meet difficulties, but always overcome them and find happiness in the end.
This is also done to interest and amuse the audience.
a. Tragedy b. melodrama c. Tragicomedy c. Comedy

Choose A if the FIRST statement is TRUE and the SECOND statement if FALSE
Choose B if the FIRST statement is FALSE and the SECOND statement is TRUE
Choose C if BOTH statements are TRUE
Choose D if BOTH statements are FALSE

98. Fiction is a literary work of imaginative narration, either oral or writing fashioned to entertain and to
make the readers think and feel. Non- Fiction is a literary work of “real life” narration. C.
99.. A short story is about one to three pages or about 30 to 40 pages in length. Novella is more than 40 pages
in length. C.
100.. Reading short stories may take longer than reading novellas. Novel reveals many aspects of life and
experiences of a character or of several characters. B.

For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in
the eyes of man. (2 Corinthians 8:21)

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