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Chapter 22

Oil System Correlations

H. Dale Beggs. Petroleum Consukant*

Knowledge of petroleum fluids’ physical properties is re- The generally accepted definitions of the fluid proper-
quired by petroleum engineers for both reservoir and pro- ties correlated in this chapter are as follows.*
duction system calculations. These properties must be Oil density, p,, , is the ratio of the mass of the oil plus
evaluated at reservoir temperature and various pressures its dissolved or solution gas per unit volume, which var-
for reservoir performance studies, and at conditions of ies with temperature and pressure.
both changing pressure and temperature for wellbore Bubblepointpressure, P/), is the pressure at which the
hydraulics calculations. first bubble of gas evolves as the pressure on the oil is
If reservoir fluid samples are available, the fluid prop- decreased. It also is frequently called “saturation pres-
erties of interest can be measured with a pressure-volume- sure, ” as the oil will absorb no more gas below that pres-
temperature (PVT) analysis. However, these analyses sure. The bubblepoint pressure varies with temperature
usually are conducted at reservoir temperature only and for a particular oil system.
the variation of the properties with temperature is not Solution gas/oil ratio (GOR), R,, , is the amount of gas
available for production system calculations. Also, in that will evolve from the oil as the pressure is reduced
many cases a PVT analysis may not be available early to atmospheric from some higher pressure. It is usually
in the life of the reservoir or may never be available be- expressed in units of scf/STB. The gas is frequently re-
cause of economic reasons. To overcome these obstacles, ferred to as “dissolved gas.”
empirical correlations have been developed for predict- Oilformation volume factor (FVF), B,, , is the volume
ing various fluid physical properties from limited data. occupied by 1 STB oil plus its solution gas at some elevat-
The development and application of several of these em- ed pressure and temperature. It is usually expressed as
pirical correlations are presented in this chapter. Methods bbl/STB. It is a measure of the shrinkage of the oil as
for estimating physical properties for both saturated and it is brought to stock-tank conditions.
undersaturated oils as functions of pressure, temperature, Total FW, B,, means the volume occupied at some
stock-tank oil gravity, and separator gas gravity are given. elevated pressure and temperature by 1 STB oil, its re-
Fluid properties are calculated here only for oil sys- maining solution gas, and the free gas (R,i -R,) that has
tems with and without fluid composition known. Methods evolved from the oil. It is also expressed as bbl/STB.
for calculating physical properties of gas-condensate sys- Oil viscosi@, po. measures the oil’s resistance to flow,
tems are presented in Chaps. 2 I, 23, and 30. Therefore, defined as the ratio of the shearing stress to the rate of
no correlations for dewpoint pressure are presented, as shear induced in the oil by the stress. It is usually meas-
the dewpoint pressure can be calculated with the proce- ured in centipoise and is required for both reservoir and
dures outlined in Chap. 2 1 if the composition of the fluid piping system calculations.
is known. Inferfacial tension (IFT), co, is the force per unit
Many of the older correlations were presented in graphi- length existing at the interface between two immiscible
cal form only and are therefore not suitable for use in com- fluids. This property is not required in most reservoir cal-
puters or programmable calculators. These graphs are culations but is a parameter in some correlations for pip-
converted to equation form where possible. ing system calculations. It is usually expressed in units
of dyne/cm.

‘General terms are deftned I” the Glossary at the end of this chapter

increased pressure will merely compress the liquid and

increase its density. For the case of p> p,, . the oil den-
sity is calculated from

p. =poh exp[c,(p--ph)], .. . .(2)

PO =
oil density at p, T,
poh =
oil density at ph, T,
p =
pressure, psia,
pb =
bubblepoint pressure at T, psia, and
co = oil isothermal compressibility at T, psi - ’ .

Correlations for calculating R,T, B,, c, and ~b at var-

ious conditions are presented later.
In the petroleum industry, it is common to express
gravity in terms of the API gravity of the oil, or:

Yo = 131,5+YAP,, . .. . .

where y. is oil specific gravity, and YAPI is oil gravity,


Density From Ideal Solution Principles-

Composition Known
The principle of ideal solutions states that the volume of
the total solution is the sum of the individual component
Fig. 22.1-Pseudoliquid density of systems containing
methane and ethane. volumes. The principle applies at atmospheric pressure
for fluids in which the components are closely related
chemically, such as petroleum. If the composition of the
fluid is known, the density at standard conditions (14.7
psia and 60°F) may be calculated from
Oil Density Determination
Oil density is required at various pressures and at reser- c
voir temperature for reservoir engineering calculations.
& mi Cm I
The variation with temperature must be calculated for pro- - Cmilpi ) . . (4)
Psc =
duction system design calculations. An equation for oil
density is 5 vi
350y,+O.O7647,R, m; = mass of the ith component,
PO = 5.6158, , I.. . . . . .
Vi = volume of the ith component,
PI = density of the ith component at standard
conditions, and
where C = number of components.
PO = oil density, lbmicu ft,
Yo = oil specific gravity, Once the density at standard conditions is calculated,
it must be corrected for compressibility and thermal ex-
YK = gas specific gravity,
R,y =solution or dissolved gas, scf/STB, pansion if the density at other conditions is required. This
B, = oil FVF, bbl/STB, can be accomplished by use of charts presented by
Standing. ’
3.50 = density of water at standard conditions,
When the ideal solution principle is applied to reser-
voir ,oils that contain large amounts of dissolved gas, it
0.0764 = density of air at standard conditions, is obvious that the fluid cannot be brought to standard or
lbmlscf, and stock-tank conditions and still remain in the liquid phase.
5.615 = conversion factor, cu ft/bbl. This limitation is overcome by calculating a pseudoliquid
density, the value of which depends on the mass or weight
If the pressure and temperature conditions are such that fractions of methane and ethane in the fluid. The pseudo-
all of the available gas is in solution-i.e., the pressure liquid density correlation was presented by Standing ’ and
is above the bubblepoint at the temperature of interest- is illustrated in Fig. 22. I,


: B
E5 7

F 6
b3 5
WC0 4
$ 3

G 2

zP 1

‘25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65

Fig. 22.2-Density correction for compressibility of hydrocar- Fig. 22.3-Density correction for thermal expansion of
bon liquids. hydrocarbon liquids.

The procedure for calculating oil density at any pres- sity at the bubblepoint pressure of 3,280 psi and temper-
sure and temperature when the composition is known is ature of 218°F.
as follows.
1. Calculate the mass or weight of the ethane and heav- Solution.
ier components in the mixture. 1. Weight of ethane plus=130.69-7.046=123.46
2. Calculate the density of the propane and heavier com- lbm.
ponents with Eq. 4. 2. Density of propane plus equals (weight of propane
3. Calculate the weight or mass percent of ethane in plus) divided by (volume of propane plus):
the ethane and heavier mixture.
4. Calculate the weight percent methane in the total 130.69-7.046-1.296
mixture. =54.94 lbm/cu ft.
5. Determine the pseudoliquid density from Fig. 22.1. 2.227
6. Correct for compressibility with Fig. 22.2
7. Correct for thermal expansion with Fig. 22.3. 3. Weight percent ethane in ethane plus:

Example Problem 1. Using the known composition of = 1.05.
a reservoir fluid as given in Table 22.1, calculate the den- 123.46


Liquid Volume of
Mole Mole Weight of Weight of Components Liquid Density of Components,’
Fraction. Components, mi =Y,M, Components,’ V, =m,lp,
Component Y, M, (Ibm) PI fcu ft\
Cl 0.4404 16.0 7.046
C* 0.0432 30.1 1.296
C3 0.0405 44.1 1.766 31.66 0.0564
C4 0.0284 58.1 1.650 35.77’ l 0.0461
C5 0.0174 72.2 1.256 39.16’* 0.0321
C6 0.0290 86.2 2.500 41.43 0.0603
C 0.4011 297 115.1 56.6 2.032
T&l 1 .oooo 130.69 2.227

‘at 60°F and 14.7 ps,a.

“Arithmetic average of is.0 and normal values

is 27.4”API and the quantities and gravities of the pro-

duced gas are given in Table 22.2.

1. Average gas gravity, yr. =CI?iy,~iICRj,

(414)(0.640)+90(0.897)+25(1.540) =. 726
r, = . .


I”‘= 131.5+27.4

2. Molecular weight of produced gas, M,, =y,(M,i,);

M,Y=0.726(28.97)=21.03 Ibmimol.
Fig. 22.4-Apparent liquid density of natural gases.
3. Mass of dissolved gas, m,, is given by

529 scf/STB
379,5 scf,mol (21.03 lbm/mol)=29.32 lbm/STB.
4. Weight percent methane in methane plus:

4. Mass of stock-tank oil, m,,, is given by

130.69 350 lbm/STB(O. 89) = 3 11.50 lbm/STB.

5. From Fig. 22.1, psr=50.8 lbm/cu ft at 60°F and Fig. 22.4 shows that the apparent liquid density of the
14.7 psia. dissolved gas is about 24.9 lbmicu ft at 60°F and 14.7
6. From Fig. 22.2, the correction for pressure is 0.89 psia. This is used to calculate the volume of the dissolved
lbmicu ft. gas.
Therefore, the density at 3,280 psia and 60°F is 5. Volume of dissolved gas, I’,, is given by
50.8+0.89=51.7 lbmicu ft.
7. From Fig. 22.3, the correction for temperature is mR 29.32 lbm/STB
-= = 1.178 cu ft/STB.
-3.57 Ibm/cu ft. Therefore, the density at 3,280 psia and
218°F is PK 24.9 lbmicu ft
51.7-3.57=48.1 Ibm/cu ft.
6. Volume of stock-tank 04 V,, is given by
5.615 cu ft/STB.
Density From Ideal Solution Principles-
Composition Unknown
The procedure for estimating oil density outlined in the 7. Pseudoliquid density, PAL
preceding section used charts for determing the apparent
gas density, which required knowledge of the total fluid zz-m, fm,
composition. Katz* extended the apparent density con- “0 - “,
cept to apply to natural gases in general. This results in
a method that can be used when solution GOR stock-tank-
oil gravity, and gas gravity are known. The fluid compo- - 311.50 lbm/STB+29 32 1bmiSTB
sition is not required. The correlation for the apparent den- - 5.615 cu ft/STB+1.178 cu ft/STB
sity of the dissolved gas as a function of oil and gas gravity
is shown in Fig. 22.4. The gravity of the produced gas =50.17 Ibm/cu ft.
is calculated as a volume-weighted average of the gas
evolved at the separator and the stock tank.
Application of Fig. 22.4 in estimating the oil density TABLE 22.2-PRODUCED GAS
from limited data is illustrated in Example Problem 2. In CHARACTERISTICS
this example, the fluid passed through two separators be-
tween the wellhead and the stock tank.
(scf/STB) y9
First-stage separator 414 0.640
Example Problem 2. Calculate the density and specific Second-stage separator 90 0.897
volume of the oil system at the bubblepoint conditions of Stock tank 25 1.540
pb =3,280 psia at T=218”F. The stock-tank oil gravity Total 529

Correction of the density for compression and thermal characterize the tank oils other than by the API gravity.
expansion is accomplished with Figs. 22.2 and 22.3. The value for gas gravity to be used is apparently the
Fig. 22.2 shows that the pressure correction to 3,280 volume-weighted average of the gas from all stages of
psia is 0.90 lbmicu ft. Therefore, separation. The correlation should apply to other oil sys-
tems as long as the compositional makeup of the gases
and crudes is similar to those used in developing the
p3Z80,60=50.17+0.90=51.07 lbmicu ft.
The equation for estimating bubblepoint pressure is
Fig, 22.3 shows that the temperature correction to
218°F is -3.63 Ibm/cu ft. Therefore, 0.83
x IO!‘v , (5)
~32~0,218=51.07-3.63=47.44 lbmicu ft
The specific volume of the oil is defined as the recipro- Y<?= mole fraction gas,
cal of the density. Therefore, = 0.00091(TR)-0.0125yA~I,
I PJ, = bubblepoint pressure, psia,
v,, = i = -----0.021 cu ft/lbm. R ,,b = solution GOR at PLP~, scf/STB,
P 0 47.44
7,s = gas gravity (air= 1.O),
TR = reservoir temperature, “F, and
Bubblepoint-Pressure Correlations YAPI = stock-tank oil gravity, “API.
Reservoir performance calculations require that the reser-
voir bubblepoint pressure be known. This is determined A nomograph developed from Eq. 5 is shown in Fig.
from a PVT analysis of a reservoir fluid sample or calcu- 22.5. The example bubblepoint determination shown in
lated by flash calculation procedures if the composition the nomograph is calculated with Eq. 5 in the following
of the reservoir fluid is known. However, since this in- example.
formation is frequently unavailable. empirical correlations
for estimating P/, from limited data were developed.
These correlations may be used to estimate bubblepoint Example Problem 3. Estimate pl, where R ,,, = 350 scfi
or saturation pressure as a function of reservoir tempera- STB. TR =200”F, -yX=0.75, and ?,+#I =30”APl.
ture, stock-tank oil gravity. dissolved-gas gravity, and so-
lution GOR at initial reservoir pressure. That is, Solution.

y!: =0.0009i(200)-0.0125(30)= -0.193.

x 10 -0.1Y3
A value for R.,h = R,,i can be obtained from the initial
solution GOR (produced) if the reservoir pressure is above
!I/>, where R,,b is the solution GOR at bubblepoint pres- ,LJ~= 1,895 psia.
sure and R,, is the solution GOR at initial reservoir
Three methods for estimating bubblepoint pressure are
presented. The correlations were developed by use of ex- Lasater Correlation
perimentally measured bubblepoint pressures obtained A correlation by Lasater4 was developed in 1958 from
from PVT analyses on reservoir fluid samples. Other 158 experimental data points, which included the ranges
correlations were developed for application in specific of variables shown in Table 22.4.
reservoirs, but the methods presented here gave good re- The correlation was presented graphically in the form
sults over a wide range of oil systems. of two charts. Equations were fitted to these graphical
correlations to enhance the use of this method with com-
puters or calculators. The graphical correlations are shown
Standing Correlations in Figs. 22.6 and 22.7.
The following procedure is used to estimate ph using
Standing’ presented an equation and nomograph to esti-
Figs. 22.6 and 22.7.
mate bubblepoint pressures greater than 1,000 psia. The
correlation was based on 105 experimentally determined
bubblepoint pressures of California oil systems. The aver-
age error of the correlation when applied to the data used TABLE 22.3~DATA PARAMETERS
to develop the method was 4.8% and 106 psi. The ranges AND RANGES
of data used to develop the method are given in Table 22.3
The gases evolved from the systems used to develop prb. via 130 to 7,000
R, “F 100 to 258
the correlation contained essentially no nitrogen or hydro- R sb, scf/STB 20 to 1,425
gen sulfide. Some of the gases contained CO,. but in quan- YAPI~ ‘ApI 16 5 to 63.8
tities less than 1 mol%. No attempt was made to yQ (air = 1.O) 0.59 to 0.95


Fig. 22.5-Chart for calculating bubblepotnt pressure by Standing’s correlation.

1. Find the effective molecular weight of the stock-tank TABLE 22.4-VARIABLE RANGES
oil from the API gravity using Fig. 22.6.
2. Calculate the mol fraction of gas in the system from
Tb-R, Asia
‘I= 4882toto
YAPI> oAPl 17.9 to 51.1
R,yh1379.3 yg 0.574 to 1.223
?I: = (6) R sb, scf/STB 3 to 2,905
R,h1379.3+350y,,lM, ' '.""""..'

3. Find the bubblepoint pressure factor, phyRITR,

For Y,~> 0.60:
from Fig. 22.7
4. Calculate the bubblepoint pressure ph = [(ph~~)lT]
TR/~,~ where TR is in “R. PhYg
-=8.26y;.56+1.95. ... .(lO)
The following equations can be used to replace Figs.
22.6 and 22.7.

Equations for Fig. 22.6 A nomograph that combines Figs. 22.6 and 22.7 is
For API I 40: presented in Fig. 22.8. The example given in Fig. 22.8
is worked with the equations in the following example.
M,,=630-lOyAp,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(7)

Example Problem 4. Given the following data, use the

For API > 40:
Lasater method to estimate P,,
hi’,, =73,1 10 (-yAPI) -‘.56’. .(8)
Rch =500 scf/STB, TR=200”F=660”R, yI: =0.80,
Equations for Fig. 22.7 YAP[=30, and yg =0.876.
For ys 5 0.60:
P bY,q
-=0.679 ex~(2.786y,~)-0.323. .(9) M,,=630-10(30)=330.





Fig. 22.6-Effective molecular weight related to tank-oil

” = 500/379.3+350(0.876)1330
- =0.679 exp[2.786(0.587)] -0.323: 1.6

Phh 1.2

=2,608 psia.
Vasquez and Beggs Correlation 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Vasquez and Beggs’ used results from more than 600 oil GAS MOLE FRACTION
systems to develop empirical correlations for several oil
properties including bubblepoint pressure. The data en- Fig. 22.7-Lasater’s correlation of bubblepoint-pressure fac-
compassed very wide ranges of pressure, temperature, tor with gas-mole fraction.
oil gravity, and gas gravity and inciuded approximately
6,000 measured data points for R,, , B, and pLoat vari-
ous pressures and temperatures. The ranges of the perti-
the uncorrected gas gravity may be used in the correla-
nent parameters are given in Table 22.5.
tions for ph, R,v, B,, and c,.
It was found that the gas gravity was a strong corre-
lating parameter and, unfortunately, usually is one of the
y,,.=y,[1.0+5.912x 10P5yAP,Ts log(p,Y/l 14.7)]
variables of most questionable accuracy. The gravity of
the evolved gas depends on the pressure and temperature
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11)
of the separators, which may not be known in many cases.
The gas gravity used to develop all the correlations report-
ed by Vasquez and Beggs was that which would result
ync = corrected gas gravity,
from a two-stage separation. The first-stage pressure was
chosen as 100 psig and the second stage was the stock 7,: = gas gravity resulting from a separation at
tank. If the known gas gravity resulted from a first-stage P .57 Ts
separation at a pressure other than 100 psig, the correct- T,, = separator temperature, “F,
ed gas gravity to be used in the correlations can be ob- p,, = separator pressure, psia, and
tained from Eq. 11. If separator conditions are unknown, -yAPI = oil gravity, “API.

Fig. 22.8-Chart for calculating bubblepoint pressure by Lasater’s correlation

The correlations are presented in equation form only. Example Problem 5. Calculate the bubblepoint pressure
The bubblepoint pressure is calculated from for the oil system given in Example Problem 4 using the
Vasquez and Beggs correlation and the following data.
Use the uncorrected gas gravity. R.rb =500 scf/STB, TR =
220”F, yfi =0.80, and YAPI=30”API.

Eq. 12 and the correct C values from Table 22.1 give:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12)

Ph= I.0937
pb = bubblepoint pressure, psia, 0.0362(0.80) exp[25.724(30)/680] ’
R sb = solution GOR at pb, scf/STB,
= gas gravity, pb =2,562 psia.
-,,‘,: = oil gravity, “API, and
TR = temperature, “F. This compares well with the value of 2,608 obtained
in Example Problem 4 with Lasater’s correlation. With
Standing’s Eq. 5, a value of 2,415 psia is obtained.
The accuracy of the correlation was greater if the sam-
ples were divided into ranges of oil API gravity. A divid-
ing point of 30”API was chosen. The values of the Accuracy of Bubblepoint Correlations
constants in Eq. 12 depend on API gravity of the stock- Comparison of the accuracy with which the measured bub-
tank oil and are given in Table 22.6. blepoint pressures used in each correlation agreed with


prb’ psia
‘I= 50 to 5,250
R, 70 to 295 OAPI I 30 OAPI > 30
R sb, scflSTB 20 to 2,070 C, 0.0362 0.0178
~npl> ‘ApI 16 to 58 C2 1.0937 1.1870
YQ 0.56 to 1.18 C3 25.7240 23.9310



Standing Lasater Vasquez-Beggs

Number of points in correlations 105 158 5.008
Data points’wlthin 10% of correlation, % 87 87 85
Data points more than 200 PSI in error, % 27
Mean.error, % 4.0 3.8 - 0.7

values determined from the final correlation shows that For 7 < 3.29:
the Vasquez and Beggs correlation is the most accurate,
followed by Lasater’s and then by Standing’s This is
shown in Table 22.7. ys =0.359 In +0.476 (15)

Solution GOR for Saturated Oils For &?3 29:

Both reservoir engineering and production engineering T ’
calculations require estimates of the amount of dissolved 0.!81
gas remaining in solution at oil system pressures below ys = -0.236 , . (16)
bubblcpoint pressure. The amount of free gas--that is, ( T >
the gas that has evolved from 1 STB oil as the pressure
is reduced below p(,-IS R,,, -R,,, where R,, is the gas where T is in “R.
remaining in solution at the pressure of interest. In ef-
fect. any pressure below the original bubblepoint pres-
sure is also a bubblepoint pressure, since the oil is Vasquez and Beggs Correlation
saturated with gas at this pressure. Therefore, the corre-
lations presented in the previous section can be solved for
solution GOR and a value of R, can be obtained at any R,~=CI~,P~~ exp (17)
T+460 ’ “““’
pressure less than the reservoir ph. That is, R, =f(p,T,
The nomographs presented in Figs. 22.5 and 22.8 can where
be used to determine R, by entering the bubblepoint axis R,, = gas in solution at p and T, scf/STB.
at the pressure of interest and proceeding “backward” yh’ = gas gravity,
through the graph to determine R,. p = pressure of interest, psia,
YAP] = stock-tank oi] gravity, “API
T = temperature of interest. “F, and
Standing Correlation
Cl, Cl. C3 = are obtained from Table 22.6.

R,=y,( ],x~o~~) ‘.?04

1 (13) Example Problem 6. Estimate the solution GOR of the
following oil system using the correlations of Standing,
Lasater, and Vasquez and Beges and the data: n=765
where psia, T= 137”F, +A~1=22”AF[ and ys ~0.65.’
Jr = 0,00091(T)-0.0125(yAP,),
R’; = solution GOR. scf/STB,
p = pressure, psia.
ys = gas gravity,

-yAPI = oil gravity. “API. and
T = temperature of interest, “F

R,, =0.6.5 = 90 scf/STB.
18x 1o-O,‘j
Lasater Correlation

R,= M,,(, -r,s) ( (14)
ms 765(0.65)
T- 137+460
where M,, is obtained from Eq. 7 or 8 and ys is calcu-
lated by either Eq. 9 or IO, depending on whether the .~=0.359 ln[1.473(0.833)+0.476]=0.191 (Eq. IS).
value of the pressure factor is less than or greater than
3.29. M,,=630- 10(22)=410 (Eq. 7).

141.5 Standing Correlation. Standing’ used the same oil sys-

Y/J= =0.922 tems described in the bubblepoint correlation section to
develop a correlation for B,, at pressures less than ph.
The method was presented in both equation and nomo-
R = 132755(0.922)(0.191) graph form. In equation form,
\ =70 scf/STB (Eq. 14).
B~,=0.972+0.000147F’~““, . . . (18)
If yh’ is read from Fig. 22.7 rather than calculated from
Eq. IS, a value of approximately 0.25 is obtained. This
gives a value of R,, = 100 scf/STB. In this example, the where F is a correlating function and is determined from
graphical value is closer to those calculated from the other the equation
F = R,y(y,ly,j)o.5 + 1.25T,
two correlations. The accuracy of the Lasater equation
is much better at higher R,, values. B, = oil FVF, bbl/STB,
R,, = solution GOR, scf/STB,
Vasquez and Beggs Yn = gas gravity,
YO = oil specific gravity= 141.5/(131.5 +yAPt),
R, =0.0362(0.65)(765)‘~“““’ exp[ 2~3~4@~] ; T = temperature of interest, “F.

A nomograph that solves Eq. 18 graphically is presented

R,, = 87 scf/STB. in Fig. 22.9.

Oil FVF Correlations Example Problem 7. Use both Standing’s equation and
The oil FVF is required for both reservoir and produc- nomograph to estimate the oil FVF for the oil system de-
scribed by the data T=2009F, R,v =350 scf/STB, Y,~=
tion system calculations. The reservoir engineer must be
0.75, and YAP]=30”API.
able to relate stock-tank volumes to reservoir volumes at
various pressures and a constant reservoir temperature.
Production engineering involves converting surface-
measured volumetric flow rates to in-situ flow rates at Yo = 141.5/(131.5+30)=0.876.
F = 350(0.75/0.876)“.5 + 1.25(200) =574.
various pressures and changing temperatures as the fluid
is produced to the surface. B,, = 0.972+0.000147(574)‘~‘75;
As defined previously, the oil FVF is the volume that B,, = 1.228 bbl/STB.
would be occupied at some pressure and temperature by
1 STB oil plus any gas dissolved in the oil at these pres- A value of 1.22 bbl/STB is obtained from the nomo-
sure and temperature conditions. It is a function of the graph, Fig. 22.9.
composition of the system and the conditions under which
the gas and liquid are separated.
Vasquez and Beggs Correlation. In conjunction with de-
Values of oil FVF at reservoir temperature and vari-
velopment of the bubblepoint and solution GOR correla-
ous pressures can be obtained from a standard PVT anal-
tions, Vasquez and Beggs’ also presented an equation for
ysis of a reservoir fluid sample. However, this type of
oil FVF for saturated oils. To improve the accuracy of
analysis is often unavailable and the engineer must then
the correlation. the 600 oil systems were divided into two
resort to empirical correlations that require only limited
groups, those having API gravities 5 30 and those hav-
data. Two empirical correlations for saturated oil systems
ing gravities > 30. The gas gravity used in the equation
will be presented in this section. Both require values for
should be the corrected gravity calculated by Eq. 11 if
solution GOR, R,, which can be obtained by the methods
the separator pressure is known. If separator conditions
presented in the previous section.
are unknown, the uncorrected gas gravity may be used.
At pressures above the bubblepoint, the oil is under-
The equation is
saturated and the liquid expands as pressure is reduced.
Calculation of oil FVF thus requires a value for oil com-
pressibility. Two correlations for estimating the compres-
sibility of an undersaturated oil system will be prcscnted.
+CjR,(T-660)(yAP,/y~:c), . . . . . . . (19)
Saturated Systems
If an oil system is saturated with gas at given conditions B,, = oil FVF at p and T, bbl/STB
of pressure and temperature, a reduction in pressure will R, = solution GOR at p, T, scf/STB
allow solution gas to evzolve, thus causing the oil to shrink. T = temperature of interest, “F
The Ilquid volume is also affected by temperature. Solu-
p = pressure of interest, psia
tion gas increases as temperature is decreased, but the liq-
-)‘,&P[= stock-tank oil gravity, “API. and
uid volume decreases as the oil is cooled. The correlations
presented in this section can be expressed as -Yv = gas gravity, corrected, air= I

B,, =f(R,. YAPI. Ys. T). The constants are determined from Table 22.8.



Fig. 22.9-Chart for calculating oil-formation volume by Standing’s correlation.

Example Problem 8. Use the Vasquez and Beggs equa- TABLE 22.8-CONSTANTS FOR
tion to determine the oil FVF at bubblepoint pressure for OIL FVF
the oil system described by ph ~2,652 psia, Rsb =500
OAPI 530 “API>30
scf/STB. y,,-=O.SO. YAP]=30”API, and 7’=220”F.
Cl 4.677 x 10 -4 4.670~10-~
c2 1.751x10-5 1.100x10-~
Solution. c3 -1.811x10-8 1.337x1o-g
B ,,h = 1+4.677x1O-4(5OO)+1.751x1O-5(16O)

B,,, = 1.285 bbl/STB. Oil Isothermal Compressibility-Trube Method. The

Trube method6 makes use of the following relationships.
Undersaturated Systems
The oil FVF decreases with pressure increase at pressures
above the bubblepoint. In this case, B, is calculated from

B, =Boh exp[c,,(ph -p)], . (20)

where and
B nh = oil FVF at pb,
ph = bubblepoint pressure, psia,
p = pressure of interest, psia, and
cc1 = oil isothermal compressibility, psi - ’ .

Values for B,,h can be calculated with the Standing or where

Vasquez and Beggs correlation. The oil compressibility cpr- = pseudoreduced compressibility.
can be determined from a PVT analysis or estimated from CO = oil isothermal compressibility.
empirical correlations. Two correlations for c,, will be P,x = pseudocritical pressure,
presented. T,,, = pseudocritical temperature,


,.,.. \ .i


Fig. 22.10-Variation of pseudocritical temperature 01 reservoir Fig. 22.11-Pseudocritical pressure variation with pseudo-
oils with 60DF bubblepoint pressure; Trube’s corre- critical temperature and 60°F specific gravity of
lation. reservoir oil; Trube’s correlation.

PP = pseudoreduced pressure, when used to predict the 2,000 measured values of c,

T,,,.= pseudoreduced temperature, from which the correlation was developed. No compari-
p = pressure of interest, and son of the two methods is available using independent
T = temperature of interest. data. The equation for c, is

The pseudoreduced compressibility is a function ofp,, 5R,b+17.2T-1,180y,+12.61yAP,-1,433

and T,,,. Once cpr is obtained, c,) is calculated from co -
c,=cp’/pP’. . . . I. . . . .. . . (21)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (22)
Three graphs are required to obtain the necessary pa-
rameters to calculate cO. The pseudocritical temperature where
Tp,. is obtained from Fig. 22.10 as a function of the spe- co = oil isothermal compressibility, psi -’
c~fic gravity of the undersaturated liquid at the bubblepoint Rvb = solution GOR, scf/STB
pressure and 60°F. It also depends on the bubblepoint T = temperature of interest, “F
pressure of the oil at 60°F. Values for these parameters p = pressure of interest, psia
may be estimated using the correlations for density and
bubblepoint pressure presented previously. TX = gas gravity, and
A value for ppc. is obtained from Fig. 22.11 using the TAP[ = stock-tank oil gravity, “API.
liquid specific gravity at 60°F and the value of T,, ob-
tained from Fig. 22.10. Once ppi. and T,,< are known,
p,,,. and T,,, at the pressure and temperature of interest Example Problem 9. Calculate the oil FVF for the oil
can be calculated. A value of c,,,. is obtained from Fig. system described in Example Problem 8 at a pressure of
22.12 using ppr and T,,,. Then c, is calculated by Eq. 2 1. 3,000 psia. Use Eq. 22 to determine a value for c, where
Application of the Trube method using a computer or pb =2,652 psia, Rsb =500 scf/STB, y,? =0.80, YApI =
calculator would require digitization of Figs. 22.10, 30”API, T=220”F, and Bob = 1.285 bbl/STB.
22.11, and 22.12.
Because of its complexity, no example will be given
illustrating the application of this method. An example Solution.
problem may be found in Ref. 6.
co =
Oil Isothermal Compressibility-Vasquez and Beggs
Method. Vasquez and Beggs5 used approximately 2,000 5(500)+17.2(200)-1,180(0.80)+12.61(30)-1,433
experimentally measured values of c,, from more than
600 oil systems to develop a correlation for c, as a func- 3.000x 105
tion of R ,h. T, ys, y,4pI, and p. This method is much
simpler to use than the Trube method and is more accurate c,,=1.43X10-5 psi-‘.

With Eq. 20,

B,=l.285 exp[l.43x10~5(2,652-3,000)];

B, = 1.285(0.995)= 1.279 bbl/STB

Total FVF’s
When material-balance calculations are made for reser-
voir engineering, it is often convenient to calculate the
volume at reservoir conditions that is occupied by all the
material associated with a stock-tank barrel of oil-i.e.,
the volume of the saturated oil and the volume of the
evolved or liberated gas. This can be expressed as a total
FVF, B,.
The total FVF can be calculated if B, and the amount
of liberated gas is known. That is, B, equals volume of
oil plus dissolved gas/STB plus volume of liberated
In equation form,

B, =B, +B,(R,Th -R,y), . . (23) 1 2 5 10 20 50 100

B, total FVF, bbl/STB,
= Fig. 22.12-Variation of pseudoreduced compressibility with
B, oil FVF, bbl/STB,
= pseudoreduced pressure and temperature.
Rsh = solution GOR at Ph. scf/STB,
Rs = solution GOR at pressure of interest,
scf/STB, and
Values of oil viscosity are required at various pressures
B, = gas FVF at pressure and temperature of
and temperatures for both reservoir and production engi-
interest, bbl/scf.
neering calculations. If a PVT analysis is available, meas-
ured values of oil viscosity will be reported at reservoir
The gas FVF requires a value for the gas compressi- temperature and at various pressures. However, as the
bility or zR factor that may be obtained from Chap. 17. fluid flows through the production system, the tempera-
ture also changes. This necessitates correcting the viscosi-
0.005042, T ty for temperature changes, which is usually accomplished
) .,.,,.,................. by empirical correlations.
P The absolute viscosity, which is usually referred to
merely as the viscosity, can be expressed in various units.
where The so-called “oilfield unit” is the centipoise or poise.
B, = gas FVF, bbllscf, A relationship among various systems of units is given
as 1 cp = 0.01 poise = 0.001 Pa*s = 6.72~ 10m4
ZK = gas compressibility factor at p, T, lbm/(ft-set).
p = pressure of interest, psia, and
The kinematic viscosity of a fluid is the absolute vis-
T = temperature of interest, “R.
cosity divided by the density, or

A nomogra h for estimating total FVF was presented CL

by Standing. P The correlation was developed from 387 P
experimental data points that included the ranges given The most commonly used unit of kinematic viscosity
in Table 22.9. is the centistoke (cSt), where the conversion to SI units
The nomograph, on which an example calculation is is 1 cSt=10-6 m*/s.
worked, is shown in Fig. 22.13. In addition to absolute and kinematic viscosity units,
the units of Saybolt seconds universal (SSU) and Saybolt
Oil Viscosity Correlations
The absolute viscosity of a fluid is a measure of the fluid’s
resistance to flow. The resistance to flow is caused by
internal friction generated when the fluid molecules are TABLE 22.9-DATA RANGES FOR
sheared. The viscosity can be quantified as the ratio of STANDING CORRELATION
the shearing stress required to induce a particular rate of
shear in the fluid at specific conditions of pressure and Pressure, psia 400 to 5,000
GOR, scf/STB 75 to 37,000
temperature. The absolute viscosity of a Newtonian fluid Temperature, OF 100 to 258
is independent of the rate of shear. Only Newtonian fluids Gas gravity 0.59 to 0.95
are considered in this section. Oil gravity, OAPl 16.5 to 63.6

Fig. 22.13-Chart for calculating total formation volume by Standing’s correlation.

seconds furol (SSF) are commonly used. An approximate rect this value for dissolved gas. The dead-oil viscosity
conversion between centistokes and the time units can be depends on API gravity of the stock-tank oil and the tem-
made with the following equations. perature of interest.
The dead-oil viscosity can be obtained from empirical
v=0.220tsu- 180/rsU, correlations or, if measured values are available at two
temperatures, the viscosity at any other temperature can
and be calculated from the equation

v=2.12tsF-- 139/tp, .. . . . (25)

log[log(v+0.8)]=A+B log 7-, . . .(26)

v = kinematic viscosity in cSt,
v = kinematic viscosity at T,
tsu = Saybolt seconds universal, and
T = temperature of interest, and
tSF = Saybolt seconds furol.
A,B = constants for a particular oil that can be
determined if two measured values of u
Factors Affecting Oil Viscosity and T are available.
The principal factors of interest to the petroleum engi-
neer that affect viscosity are composition, temperature,
dissolved gas, and pressure. Oil viscosity increases with Beal’s Correlation for Dead Oils. Beal’ presented a
a decrease in API gravity and also increases with a graphical correlation showing the effects of both oil gravi-
decrease in temperature. ty and temperature on dead-oil viscosity. The correlation
The effect of dissolved gas is to lighten the oil and thus was developed from measurements made on 6.55 oil sam-
decrease its viscosity, while an increase in pressure on ples. The relationship among viscosity, API gravity, and
an undersaturated oil compresses the oil and causes the temperature is shown in Fig. 22.14.
viscosity to increase.
Effect of Dissolved Gas-Chew and Connally Method.
Oil Viscosity Correlations-Saturated Systems The decrease in the dead-oil viscosity as gas goes into so-
The most common method for obtaining the viscosity of lution can be estimated with Fig. 22.15, which was pub-
a crude oil that contains dissolved gas is first to estimate lished by Chew and Connally 8 in 1959. The procedure
the viscosity of the gas-free or dead oil and then to cor- for using the chart and an example problem are shown

- -_ \
i II I
I / I O’o304 I 06 Ill08, 2 3 456 810 20 I 30 40 60 ml00
90 20 ;0 40 50 60
Crude-oil grwity *API at 60*F ond atmospheric pressure

Fig. 22.14-Gas-free crude viscosity as a function of reservoir Fig. 22.15-Viscosity and gas-saturated crude oils at reservoir
temperature and stock-tank crude gravity. temperature and pressure; Chew and Connally’s

in the figure. They also proposed an equation for correct- where

ing for the dissolved gas: pLos = saturated-oil viscosity
P,~~, = dead-oil viscosity,
/.lr,,,=upo(j ,...............,..........,.. (27) A,B = functions of R,,,

A = 10.715(R. ., + 100~“~“‘s, (30)

PO = saturated oil viscosity,
p,,d = gas-free or dead-oil viscosity, and
a,h = functions of R,, , shown in Fig. 22.16.
B = 5.44(R,+l50)p"8. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(31)

Beggs and Robinson Correlation. A method for calculat- where R,v is the solution GOR in scf/STB. No graphs are
ing both dead-oil and saturated-oil viscosity was present- required to apply this method.
ed by Beggs and Robinson’ in 1975. The correlation was
developed from more than 2,000 measured data points Example Problem 10. Calculate the viscosity of the satu-
using 600 oil systems. The range of variables of the data rated oil system described next using the Beal and Chew
is given in Table 22.10. and Connally correlations and the Beggs and Robinson
The equation developed reproduced the measured data correlation where T= 137”F, -yApI =22”API, and R,, =90
with an average error of - 1.83% and a standard devia- scf/STB.
tion of 27%. Solution-Beal with Chew and Connally. From Fig.
The equation for dead-oil viscosity is 22.14, p,d=20 cp. From Fig. 22.16, a=0.82 and h=
0.9. po,s=0.82(20)09=12.15 cp.
j~~>~=lO-~-l.O. .. ... .. . . . (28) Interpolation was necessary on both Figs. 22.14 and
22.16 to obtain values for pl,d. a, and b. Use of Fig.
where 22.15 to correct for R,y gives a value of approximately
x = T-‘.16’ exp(6.9824-0.04658TpiI), 12 cp for p,,.
pod = dead-oil viscosity, cp,
Solution-Beggs and Robinson.
T = temperature of interest, “F, and
x = (137) -1.‘63 exp [6.9824-0.04658(22)]:
YAPI = stock-tank oil gravity, “API.
x = 1.2658.

To correct for the effect of dissolved gas, an equation P Od = 10’.*6’* - l.O= 17.44 cp.
similar to Eq. 27 was developed. A = 10.715(90+ 100) -o.s’5 =0.719.
B = 5.44(90+ 150) -o.338 =0.853.
CL 0, =Ap<,f, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(29) p,,,? = 0.719(17.44)".8"3 =8.24 cp.

Fig. 22.16-a and b factors for use in Chew and Connally’s vis-
cosity correlation.


R,) SCflSTB 20 to 2,070
YAW3,‘API 16 to 58
Fig. 22.17-Effect of pressure on viscosity of gas-saturated
7: rg 070to to
295 crude oils; Eeal’s correlation.

Oil Viscosity Correlations-Undersaturated Systems Solution.

The effect of increasing the pressure on an oil system From Eq. 12:
above the bubblepoint is to compress the liquid and to in-
crease the viscosity. This effect was measured by Beal

and presented graphically in Fig. 22.17. The graph gives 532 111.187
the viscosity increase in cpi 1,OOO-psiincrease in pressure
above pb as a function of the saturated or bubblepoint vis- L 0.0178(0.745) exp 23.931(31)/(240+460)
cosity, pLob.
Vasquez and Beggs5 extended the Beggs and Robin- ph =3,093 psia.
son correlation for undersaturated oils with the equation
From Eq. 28:

p. =/.~,(p/p~)‘~, ... . .. ... . . . (32) n = (240)-I.163

x = 0.4336,
pod = 10°‘4336-1.0=1.71 Cp.
PO = viscosity at p >ph,
@ob = viscosity at pb,
From Eqs. 29, 30, and 31:
p = pressure of interest, and
pb = bubblepoint pressure.
A = 10.715(532+100-“~5’5=0.387,
B = 5.44(532+ 150) -“.338 =0.599,
The exponent m is pressure dependent and is calculated
from and

m=Clpc2 exp(Cj +Cdp), . . . .(33)

/lob = 0.387(1.71)0.599=0.53 cp.

where From Eqs. 32 and 33:

p = pressure of interest, psia,
C, = 2.6, m = 2.6(4,750)‘,‘87
C2 = 1.187, ~exp[-11.513-4,750(8.98x10-5];
C3 = -11.513, and
C4 = -8.98~10-~. m = 0.393, and
PO = 0.53(4,750/3,093)“.393 =0.63 cp.
Example Problem 11. Calculate the viscosity of the oil
system described at a pressure of 4,750 psia, with Gas/Oil IFT
T=240”F, YApI =31”API, yR =0.745, and Rsb =532 The interfacial or surface tension existing between a liq-
scf/STB. uid and gas is required for estimating capillary-pressure

forces in reservoir engineering and is a parameter in some 9oc

correlations used in wellbore hydraulics calculations. The
surface tension between natural gas and crude oil ranges
from zero to about 35 dyne/cm. It is a function of pres-
sure, temperature, and compositions of the phases.
The surface tension of a hydrocarbon mixture can be
calculated if the composition of the mixture at the pres-
sure and temperature of interest is known. The parachor 7oc
of each component must also be known. The parachor is
the molecular weight of a liquid times the fourth root of
its surface tension, divided by the difference between the
density of the liquid and the density of the vapor in equi- 600
librium with it. It is essentially constant over wide ranges
of temperature. An equation for estimating surface ten-
sion is
‘0 500
oo.25= 0
i 400
u = surface tension, dyne/cm.
Pchi= parachor of ith component, 300
xi = mole fraction of ith component in the liq-
uid phase,
v; = mole fraction of ith component in the
vapor phase, 200
pi = density of the liquid phase, g/cm”,
P,, = density of the vapor phase, g/cm 3,
ML = molecular weight of liquid phase, fO0
M,. = molecular weight of vapor phase, and
C = number of components.
Parachors for some hydrocarbons, nitrogen, and car- 0 400 200 300 400
bon dioxide are given in Table 22.11. A correlation of
Molecular weight
the parachor with molecular weight was presented by
Katz” and is shown in Fig. 22.18.
Empirical correlations in the form of graphs were Flg. 22.18-Parachors for hydrocarbons. 0, n-paraffins; 0,
heptanes plus; A, gasolines; A, crude oil.
presented by Baker and Swerdloff” where surface ten-
sion is correlated with temperature, API gravity, and pres-
sure. The correlations are shown in Figs. 22.19 and 22.20.
Equations that approximate Figs. 22.19 and 22.20 are: PURE SUBSTANCES

aes=39-0.2571yAP1, .. . . . .. . (35) Methane 77.0

Ethane 108.0
Propane 150.3
and 181.5
n-Butane 190.0
u,oo=37.5-0.2571y/,~1, . . . . . _. . .(36)
lsopentane 225
n-Pentane 232
n-Hexane 271
068 = IFT at 68”F, dyne/cm, n-Heptane 311
alOO = IFT at lOO”F, dyne/cm, and n-Octane 352
yAPI = gravity of stock-tank oil, “API. Nitrogen (in n-heptane) 41.0
Carbon dioxide 78.0

It has been suggested that if the temperature is greater

than lOO”F, the value at 100°F should be used. Also, if
T<68”F, use the value calculated at T=68”F. For in- The effect of gas going into solution as pressure is in-
termediate temperatures, use linear interpolation between creased on the gas/oil mixture is to reduce the IFT. The
the values obtained at 68 and 100°F. That is: dead-end oil IFT can be corrected by multiplying it by
the following correction factor.
07=fl68 - , ,.......... (37) F,.= 1.0-0.024p”~45, . .. . . . . . . (38)
where or=IFT at 68”F< T< 100°F. where p is in psia

The IFT at any pressure is then obtained from P Oil = dead oil viscosity
PLO\ = saturated oil viscosity
u,,=F,.a7.. (39) Y= kinematic viscosity
P= fluid density
CJ= surface tension, interfacial
The IFT becomes zero at miscibility pressure, and for
most systems, this will be at any pressure greater than
about 5,000 psia. Key Equations in SI Metric Units
Most of the correlations presented in this chapter are
included in a calculator program for the HP-41C. The pro- lOOOy, + 1.224y,R,
gram is available from Hewlett-Packard. ” PO = B, . . . (1)

CI = function of R,, in Eq. 27
A = constant in Eq. 26
h = function of R,, in Eq. 27
where Y,~=mole fraction gas,
B = constant in Eq. 26
B,? = gas formation volume factor
B,, = oil formation volume factor
C(,= oil isothermal compressibility
I’,” = pseudo-reduced compressibility )I# = (6)
c= number of components O.O148R,,,, +35Oy,/M,,
c, .C?.
Cj.Cd = various constants For y. ~0.825:
F= correlating function in Eq. 18
F, = correcting factor for dead oil interfacial M,,=l945-1415/y,,. .
tension. Eq. 38
For y. >0.825:
m = pressure-dependent exponent in Eq. 32
tn ; = mass of ith component
molecular weight of stock-tank oil 0.109 ~ I.562
M,, =

pressure of interest
bubblepoint pressure
MO =
( ~-0.101
Y/l >

I),” = pseudo-critical pressure

For ys 50.60:
I),“. = pseudo-reduced pressure
Pch, = parachor of ith component
RI; = free gas/oil ratio - =8.427 exp(2.78~,Y)-4.01.
R, = solution gas/oil ratio TR

R $12= solution gas/oil ratio at the bubblepoint

pressure For ,vY> 0.60:
fsu = Saybolt seconds universal
fSF = Saybolt seconds furol
I’ bYR
T= temperature of interest 102.51~-R “.“6+24.20.
T /” = pseudo-critical temperature TR

T,,r = pseudo-reduced temperature

TR = reservoir temperature O.O15lT, 3.848
,’ = specific volume Y,p “Yg
v; = volume of ith component
x = symbol for various groups of terms,
Eq. 28
-0.OlJT,,3.576) log (G)
?‘,y = symbol for various groups of terms, Eqs.
5, 6, 9. IO, and 13-16
7,y =
G gas compressibility factor
Y= fluid specific gravity
YAPI = oil API gravity
Y,w = corrected gas gravity
Y,l = oil specific gravity
cI= fluid viscosity
CL,,/, = oil viscosity at bubblepoint pressure where the following constants apply.


u 32.
; 30.

; x8-

5 26.


Fig. 22.19-Surface tension of crude oils at atmospheric Fig. 22.20-Effect of solution gas on surface tension of crude
pressure. oils.

y. <0.876 y. 2 0.876 B 0 =0.972 -0.000147F’~‘75, .. . . (18)

Cl 3.204 x 10 -4 7.803~10-~
c2 0.8425 0.9143
C3 1881.24 2022.19 where
c4 1748.29 1879.28

1.204 +2.25T-5.75.

R,, =yg
> 3 .““‘...“.” (13)
B,=1+C,R,+F(C2+CJR,), . . . . . . . . . . . (19)

yR = 1.225 +O.O0164T- 1.769/r,. where

23 643y,y, 254.7T 73 580

FZ-....-- -236.7T-- +68 380
R,= M,(l -y,) . . . (14)
Yo Yo

and the following constants apply.

For a<40 .7..
T y0 <0.876 y<, I 0.876
Cl 2.622 x 10 -3 2.626~10-~
C2 1.100x10-5 1.751 x 10-5
ys =0.359 In +0.476 . .. c3 1.337 x 10 -9 -1.811~10-~

For 3 ~40.7: 1784

T 28.1RS+30.6T-1180r,+- - 10 910
co =
O.O098py, 0.281 px105
= -0.236 .
T >
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (22)

,A,,= lO’x-3’ -0.001, . ... . (28)

c, exp($-+),
R.S=ClYg . .. .. . (17)
where the following constants apply
~=(1.8T-460)-‘.‘~~ exp(l3.108-6.591/y.).
y. <0.876 y. > 0.876
Cl 3.204x10-” 7.803x10-”
A . (30)
C? 1.1870 1.0937
c3 1881.24 2022.19
c4 1748.29 1879.28 B=5.44(5.615Rs+150) -“.338. . . . . (31)

Differential process is a term used primarily in PVT work

to indicate that, as a system is caused to move through
a bubblepoint or dewpoint and as a result forms two
phases, the minor phase is removed from further contact
wjhere with the major phase. Thus, during a differential proc-
B,, is in m3/m3, ess, the “system” is continuously changing in quantity
C,, is in kPa - ’ , and composition.
M,, is in kg/kg-mole,
p is in kPa, Dissolved gas (solution gas) identifies tnaterial ordinarily
gaseous at atmospheric conditions but which is part of a
R, is in m’/m’,
liquid phase at elevated pressure and temperature.
Tis in K,
p,, is in kg/m 3 , and Dissolved-gas drive (solution-gas drive) is a primary
pc, is in Pa.s. recovery process whereby liquid (oil) is displaced from
the reservoir rock by energy of expansion of gas compo-
nents originally dissolved in the liquid.
These are generally accepted definitions, peculiar to reser- Flash gas liberation means that a gas forms from a liquid
voir engineering phase-behavior work. (usually on reduction of pressure) under conditions where-
in the total composition of the system remains the same
Apparent liquid density is the ratio of mass to volume in time. An example of flash gas liberation occurs during
of a gas when dissolved m a liquid. It normally is calcu- the steady-state flow of oil and gas through a gas-oil
lated for conditions of 14.7 psia and 60°F by correcting separator.
the observed density of the system to that state and sub-
tracting the mass and volume of the liquid component of Flash process is one in which the composition of the sys-
the system. tem remains constant but the proportion of gas and liquid
phases that comprise the system changes as pressure or
Bubblepoint of a system is the state characterized by the some other independent variable is changed. For exam-
coexistence of a substantial amount of liquid phase and ple. the determination of the PV relations of a reservoir
an infinitesimal amount of gas phase in equilibrium. fluid sample involves a flash process.

Compressibility factor (gas-deviation factor, supercom- Formation volume factor (FVF) is a means of express-
pressibility factor) is a multiplying factor introduced into ing a volumetric relation of a system. The volume of fluid,
the ideal-gas law to account for the departure of true gases at formation pressure and temperature. that results in 1
from ideal behavior (pV=&T: z is the compressibility bbl stock-tank oil is, by definition, the formation volutne
factor). B. If the system is in a single condensed state in the for-
mation, the term oil-FVF B,, is used. If two phases ex-
Condensate (distillate) liquids are liquids formed by con- ist, the term used is total-FVF B, or two-phase formation
densation of a vapor or gas. The term usually identifies volume. Oil-formation volumes normally are between 1.1
a light-colored liquid, usually ofSO”API gravity or higher, and 2.0. Total formation volumes may be as great as 200.
obtained from systems that exist in the gaseous phase in depending on the system composition and the pressure in-
the reservoir. volved. Gas-formation volume B,q refers to the volume
in the reservoir (usually expressed as barrels) per 1,000
Critical state is the term used to identify the unique con- std surface cu ft of the gas. Water-formation volume B,,.
dition of pressure. temperature, and composition where- designates the volume in the fortnation occupied by I sur-
in all properties of coexisting vapor and liquid become face bbl water and its attendant gases. Water-formation
identical. volumes are usually in the range of 0.99 to 1.07. In all
instances, the reference state is standard surface condi-
Critical temperature T, and/or pressure pC is the ten- tions of 14.7 psia and 60°F unless specified otherwise.
perature or pressure at the critical state.
Gas gravity is a simple means of expressing the molecu-
Dewpoint of a system is analogous to the bubblepoint in lar weight of a gas. The unit of gas gravity is dry air of
that a large volume of gas and an infinitesimal amount molecular weight 28.97. Thus, methane (molecular
of liquid coexist in equilibrium. weight= 16.04) has a gas gravity of 16.04/28.97=0.55.

Dewpoint pressure p(, is the gas pressure in a system Gas-oil ratio (GOR) is a loose expression of system com-
at its dewpoint. position. Normally, the units involved are cubic feet of
gas per I bbl liquid. both measured at 14.7 psia and 60°F.
Differential-gas liberation indicates removal of a gas However. in some instances. local usage calls for tneas-
phase from the system as the gas forms at bubblepoint uring the gas at some pressure other than 14.7 psia.
conditions. It is generally believed that the differential- Further, the barrel of liquid may refer to some pressure
gas-liberation process is the one that predominates in other than the usual stock-tank oil. The units of reservoir
solution-gas-drive reservoirs during the greater part of oil and residual oil are encountered quite often in PVT
their producing life. work. Lastly. several kinds of GOR are used in rescr-

voir engineering, such as solution (pas solubility in oil) ttirential gas-removal process as stock-tank oil is to a flash-
R, producing R, and cumulative R,, Pressure and tcm- gas process-the end liquid product.
perature of separation and the number of stages used af-
fect the GOR number obtained for a given system. Saturated liquid is a liquid in equilibrium with vapor at
the saturation pressure. Likewise, saturated vapor dcnotcs
Mole is one molecular weight unit of any substance. For equilibrium with liquid. These terms are often used ayn-
example. 16.04 Ibm methane is a lbm-mol. Likewise. onymously with the term “bubblepoint liquid” (dewpoint
16.04 p methane constitute a gmol. The Ibm-mole is used vapor) at the bubblepoint (dewpoint) pressure. Note that
for petroleum engineering work. A Ibm-mol of gas (per- the terms “bubblepoint” and “dewpoint” identify, the spc-
fect) occupies 370.4 cu ft at 14.7 psia and 60°F. cial case where the minor phase is present only III an in-
finitcsimal amount. whereas the term “saturated liquid”
Phase is a portion of a system that differs in its intensive dots not involve the relative amounts of phases present.
properties from adjacent portions of the system. An in-
terface exists between phases because of this difference Shrinkage refers to the decrease in volume of a liquid
in properties. Systems involved in petroleum production phase caused by release of solution gas and/or by the
normally occur in not more than two phases. gas and thermal contraction of the liquid. Shrinkage may be ex-
liquid. On occasion and for hydrocarbon systems of un- pressed (1) as a percentage of the final resulting stock-
usual composition. two liquid phases or a solid phase may tank oil or (2) as a percentage of the original volume of
occur. the liquid. Shrinkage factor is the reciprocal of FVF ex-
pressed as barrels of stock-tank oil per barrel of rcscr-
Properties, Extensive and Intensive. Properties dircct- voir oil. A reservoir oil that rcsultcd in 0.75 bbl of
Iy proportional to the amount of material making up the stock-tank oil per I bbl of reservoir oil would have a
system are termed extensive properties. Examples arc shrinkage of 0.25/0.75=33%~ under Definition I. a
area, mass, inertia. and volume. An intensive property shrinkage of 0.25/1.00=25% under Definition 2, a
is one that is independent of the amount of material. Den- shrinkage factor of0.75. and an FVF of I .00/0.75= 1.33.
sity. pressure. temperature, viscosity, and surface tension
are intensive properties. Energy is the product of an in- Solution gas-oil ratio, R,, . expresses the amount of gas
tensive property and an extensive property: for example. in solution. or dissolved, in a liquid. The reference oil
pressure times volume is mechanical energy. may be stock-tank oil or residual oil. On occasion. reser-
voir saturated oil is used as the rcferencc.
Pseudocritical and Pseudoreduced Properties (Tem-
perature, Pressure). Properties of pure hydrocarbons are Standard conditions (surface) arc 14.7 psia and 60°F.
often the same when expressed in terms of their reduced Gas volumes may be specified on occasion at prcssurcs
properties. The same reduced-state relationships often ap- slightly removed from 14.7 psia.
ply to multicomponent systems if “pseudo” critical tcm-
peratures and pressures are used rather than the true Stock-tank oil is the liquid that results from production
criticals of the systems. Calculation of the pseudocritical of reservoir material through surface equipment that
values from the composition of the system varies depend- separates normally gaseous components. Stock-tank oil
ing on the correlation being used. The ratio of the prop- may be caused to vary in composition and properties by
erly to the pseudocritical property is called the varying the conditions of gas/liquid separation. Stock-tank
pseudoreduced property, e.g., pseudoreduced pressure oil is normally reported at 60°F and 14.7 psia but may
Ppr =Ph,x be measured under other conditions and corrected to the
standard condition.
Reduced properties (temperature, pressure, volume)
System refers to a body or to a composition of matter
are the ratio of the property to the critical property: for
that represents the material under consideration. The term
example, the reduced pressure p I =p/~),. .
“system” may be defined further as a homogeneous sys-
tem or a heterogeneous system. In a homogeneous sys-
Relative oil volume is analogous to formation volume ex- tern, the intensive propertles vary only in a continuous
cept that the reference state is other than at standard sur- manner with respect to the extent of the system. A hctcr-
face conditions and the oil is other than stock-tank oil. ogeneous system is made up of a number of homopcne-
For example, the term is used often on the basis of I bhl ous parts, and abrupt changes in the intensive proportics
bubblepoint oil, or saturated oil, as the reference volume. occur at the interface between the homogeneous parts.
Relative oil volumes must specify pressure, tcmpcraturc.
and some composition parameter, e.g., relative oil Undersaturated fluid (liquid or vapor) is material capa-
volume =0.7 (2.520 psia, 185°F. bubblepoint oil = 1.O). blc of holding additional gaseous or liquid components
in solution at the specified state.
Residual oil is a term common in PVT work to identify
the liquid remaining in a PVT cell at the completion of
a differential process carried out at or near the reservoir
temperature. By analogy. it refers also to the liquid that
remains in an oil reservoir at depletion. General usage
is that residual oil volumes and gravities are reported in
PVT work at 60°F and 14.7 psia. Residual OII is to a dif- u/id Pm/. Pmr . API (1942).

4. Lahater, J.A : “Bubble Point Prcwrc Correlation.” Twf\.. AIME Lacey. W N.. Sage. B.H.. and Kircher. C.E. Jr.: “Phnsc Equllihrla
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6. Trube. -A.S.: “Compresaihility of Undersaturated Hydrocarbon Lcwts. W.K. and Squires, L.: “Mechanism ofOil Viwo~ity.” Oi/tr,~t/
Reservoir Fluids.” Trw~s.. AIME (1957) 210. X-57 Cm J. (1934) 33, No. 26. 92.
7. Beal. C.: “The Viscosity of Air. Water. Natural Gas. Crude Oil
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T/-w.\. , AIME (1946) 165. 94- Il5. (1954) 53. No. 28. 269.
X. Chew. J. and Connally, C.A : “A Viscwity Correlation for (;a\-
Saturated Crude Oils.” Trcmx.. AIME (1959) 216. 23-25 Norton. A.E.: L~thn’ccoirv~. McGmwHill Book Co. Inc.. New York
9. Beg”, H.D. and Robinson. J.R.: “Estimating the Viwwty of Crude Cay (1942).
Oil Sysrems.” J. Pe. Twh. (Sept. 19751 1140-41.
IO. Katz. D.L . Monroe, R R.. and Tramer. R.R : “Surface Tension
Perry. J .H.: Chrrnic~trl Eqitwer’s Htrwliwok. McGraw-Hil I Bwh Co.
(11Crude Oils Contaimng Dioolved Case\,” PH. KY/I. (Sept. 19431
Inc.. New York City (19.50).
I I. Baher. 0. and Swerdloff. W.. “Findmg Surface Tcnswn of.
Schilthuis. R.I.: “Active Oil and Reservoir Enerpy.” ~rwn.\. . AIME
Hydrocarbon Liquids.” Uii oni/ Gay J. (Jan. 2. 1956).
(1936) 118. 33-52.
IZ. HP-41C Petroleum Fluid!, Pac. Hewlett-Packard. 1000 N.E. Clr-
cle Blvd.. Corvalhs. OR 97330.
Standing. M.B. and Katz. D.L.: “Densq ofCrude 011s Saturated With
Ndtural Gas.” Twms., AIME (1941) 136, ISYQS
General References
Borden. G. Jr. and Raw, M.J.: “Correlation of Bottom Hole Sample
van Wijk. W R., devries. D.A., and Thijscn. H.A.C.: “Study nf PVT
Data.” ~wrcr,~.s..
AlME (1950) 189. 345-48.
Relations of Reservoir Flui&.” Pro<,. , Fourth World Petroleum Con-
gress. II, 313.
Dodson. C.R., Goodwill. D.. and Mayer. E.H.: “Application of Lah-
oratory PVT Data to Reservoir Engineerins Problems.” ‘frrras.. AIME
(19.53) 198. 287-98. Vink. D.J. c’f a/.: “Multiple-Phase Hydrocarbon System\.” Ofi cr,rd
Cm J. (1940) 39. No. 28. 34.
Gosline. J.E. and Dodson. C.R.: “Solubility Relations and Volumet-
ric Behavior of Three Gravitler of Crudes and Associated Gases.” W+@ns. W.R.: “Viscosity-Temperature Characteri\ticsof Petroleum
Drill. crml Pd. Prtrc. . API (1942) 137. Products.” Scwr7cvof Prrr0/cur,1, 2. 107 I.

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