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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019, pp.307–314,

pp. Article ID: IJCIET_10_01_029
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6308
6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

©IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Albert Eddy Husin
Master Program of Civil Engineering, Mercu Buana University,
iversity, Jakarta, Indonesia

The job structure of the bottom (lower Structure) has the weight of the work
amounted to 8% of the total cost of the construction of high-rise
high rise buildings, while the
delay in implementation of the work Reached 12%. The results esults of the statistical
analysis conducted by using the Relative Important Index (RII) Obtained 15 influential
factors ie Comparison of measurement and prediction, the adequacy of the plan
Specifications, fix and schedules and plans, instrumentation and performance
monitoring, evaluation of static pole Data , Data collection, soil conditions, scope of
work, Issues, accuracy of data, problem identification, Solution Optimization,
validation projects, Improve communication, skilled workforce. While the results
resu of
the analysis of the case study foundations work efficiency powerboats Obtained results
using PERT of 4.85% and optimization for quality using Six Sigma of 99. 56%.
Keywords: PERT Method, Six Sigma Method,
M Pile Foundation.

Cite this Article: Albert Eddy Husin, Application of Pert and Six Sigma Integration
On Building Pile Foundation,
Foundation International Journal of Civil Engineering and
Technology (IJCIET),, 10 (1), 2018, pp. 307–314.

rise building (High Rise building) is a multi-story
multi story building on land use is limited. In the
process of work on the implementation of high-rise
high rise building construction project, the
obstacles often encountered is from the time that the delay of the project and of the quality of
that quality is not in accordance with the technical specifications required [1]. Resulted in the
loss of the project and construction failures.
Pile foundations
ions are generally preferred when heavy structural loads have to be
transferred through weak subsoil to firm strata. The piles often penetrate through a
contaminated zone and then fully penetrate an underlying aquitard, possibly entering a deeper
underlyingg aquifer, to achieve higher bearing capacities [2]. Piling Works with methodology
ix Sigma has the DMAIC phases (Define,
(Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) each
step was used a variety of methods and tools (tools), both quantitative and qualitative
IJMET/index.asp 307
Albert Eddy Husin

methodologies while PERT. PERT is a project management tool that is used for scheduling,
organizing and coordinating the parts of the job that is in a project. In the process of the
construction project work trip this high-rise building, a problem frequently encountered.
On the application of the PERT method is common factors of delay in the project (delay)
such as: the availability of resources (Meshach 2013, the Bora in 2016), workers who do not
fit, construction equipment inadequate [3], environmental factors Project, project management
is not good [4], the lack of communication between crew good workers [5]. While the
application of the method Six Sigma is not maximized due to the factors of the failure of the
quality of a construction project including: project delays, errors in estimating costs
Insufficient resources on the project [5], the absence of risk management at project [6], and
the imbalance of work on each segment [5].
By understanding the key success factors are expected to apply their stakeholders
interested in the building project and contribute to science in education. The duration of a
project is determined by a system flow plan in which the duration of each task has an
expected value and a variance. Simplified PERT durations are subject to errors of greater than
10% when the skewness of the actual distribution is greater than 0.28 or less than 20.48 [7].
The aim of this research is to identify the key success factors of the application integration
PERT methods and methods Six Sigma on the implementation of the pile foundation
construction work in the building construction project in Indonesia and determine the key
factors of success were very influential or dominant (CSF) to application integration PERT
Methods and Methods Six Sigma on the implementation of the work pile foundation of high-
rise buildings in the building construction project in Indonesia. The scope of this study is the
perception of the data used is collected through a questionnaire derived from the contractor
and the consultant's study who operate in areas of Jakarta qualification large enterprises,
medium and small

Six Sigma is a new management tool that is used to replace Total Quality Management
(TQM), highly focused on quality control by studying the company's overall production
system. Having a goal to, reduce/eliminate production defects, cutting the time of
manufacture of the product, and eliminates the cost. Six Sigma also called a comprehensive
system, that is the strategy, discipline, and tools to achieve and support business success. Six
Sigma is called a strategy for focusing on improving customer satisfaction, is called discipline
for following the formal model, namely DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve,
DMAIC originally developed as part of the framework Six Sigma. It is an approach that is
proven to eliminate or reduce defect (disability) and improve the quality associated with
business metrics [8]. But in a construction project, it will require a good job scheduling so that
jobs can be run regularly. There are several methods that can be used to manage time and
project resources. One is the method PERT.
PERT is a method to determine the schedule and budget of the sources, so as a job that
has been determined in advance can be completed on time. PERT can keep managers aware
of and receive this information on a regular basis. More than, PERT is an excellent approach
to achieve the timely completion of the project. PERT method is known to exist in three
estimates of the duration of each activity: Optimistic estimate (to), Most likely estimate (tm)
and Pessimistic estimate (tp).
As a selected object in this research project, especially in sub-high-rise buildings under
the structure work. One of the most important and decisive parts in the high-rise building
projects ( high rise building) is part of the lower structure of the building function and 308

Application of Pert and Six Sigma Integration On Building Pile Foundation

usability of the pile foundation is to assign or transfer loads of construction on it ( upper

structure) to the bedrock which is located very deep.

2.1. Research methods

The study was conducted to analyze the understanding and identifying the barriers and assess
the effect of the application of PERT scheduling methods and methods Six Sigma on the
project of building a high degree on the quality and timing of the project. The study began by
defining the problem and the title of research supported by a literature review. Once it was
determined the concept and research hypothesis is the basis for selecting appropriate research
methods [10]. To find out understanding and identifying constraints in implementing the
scheduling and quality based on the method PERT and Six Sigma Methods on the project of
building high levels of quality and time, then the preparation of a research instrument in the
form of variables that are formulated in the form of questions (questionnaire). According to

Figure 1 Flow Chart the application of the PERT method and the Six Sigma method at the Pile work
The dominant constraint hereinafter is discussed on these findings to be deduced about the
understanding and the dominant factors that cause obstacles in implementing integration
methods PERT and Six Sigma to employment poles at high-rise building projects, continuing
the interview/discussion with experts/specialists, which will be concluded and suggestions.

2.2. Develop research instruments

Preparation of research instruments by using a questionnaire to the stages of preparation,
namely by identifying variables, the main factors, and sub-factors, classify and search the
most important factor, prepare statements in the points corresponding questions variables and
compile qualitative respondents with multilevel. The application of the PERT method
integration and the Six Sigma method on the implementation of high-rise building pile
foundation work can be seen in the following figure 1. 309

Albert Eddy Husin

2.3. Research variable

The initial stage of the RII analysis is to collect the questionnaire components to be
distributed to the respondents. All components are prepared based on previous similar
research. The questionnaire component consists of 3 parts including :

It is the main dimension taken from the research topic. Variables can be either theories or
research objects [6]. There are 2 independent variables and 1 dependent variable in this study,
• Independent variables: Six Sigma Method and PERT Method
• Bound Variables: The lower structure of a high-rise building.

Main Factor
• Is the main sub-dimension of the variable. The main variables are decomposed into smaller
sub-dimensions and each main factor has a sub-factor component. In this study, there were 7
main factors from 3 main variables including:
Six Sigma method variables: 5 Main factors (Define, Measure, Analysis, Improve, Control)
• PERT method variable: 3 Main factors (Scheduling, Resources, Project Scope)
• The variable structure under high-rise buildings: 3 Main factors (Work Preparation, Quality
and Time, Implementation)

Sub Factor
It is a sub-dimension of main factors. Subfactors are questions that will be answered and filled
out by respondents by giving a score to each item. In this study, there were 49 subfactors
scattered in 11 main factors. The distribution of sub-factors in each main factor is as follow
• Main factors of the Six Sigma method, 15 sub-factors
• Main PERT method factor, 15 sub-factors
• Main factor The lower structure of multi-story building height, 11 sub-factors, a total of 41

2.4. Identification of the key success factors

There are many supporting factors so that the implementation of the lower structure work of
the High-rise Building has been successfully implemented including, comparison of
measurements and predictions, Adequacy of plans and specifications, Improving schedules
and plans, Instrument and monitoring performance, and others.
Some of these studies were the longest in 2001 and the most recent in 2011. From these
numbers, the key success factors were applying the PERT method and the Six Sigma method
as much as 41 and grouped based on qualitative justification according to the equation of
factors or intentions. another there are 15 most important factors of sub-factors according to
the RII index rating. 310

Application of Pert and Six Sigma Integration On Building Pile Foundation


3.1. Results and evaluation
At this stage, the results of all stages of statistical analysis are compiled and evaluated
regarding the most influential factors in the application of the Six Sigma estimation method
and the PERT method on the lower structure work of high-rise buildings. the most influential,
the most influential variable, the hypothesis decision is accepted.
.( ) . .( )
Fhitung = = = 56,61
.( ) .( . )
m = Number of free variables
n = number of respondents
Rules for testing significance:
If Fcount > Ftable, then H1 is accepted H0 is rejected
Fcount < Ftable, then H1 is rejected H0 is accepted
With a significance level of α = 0.05, the value of F table is as follows:
Ftable = F [(1-) (dk = m), (dk = n-m-1) (20)
= F [(1-0.05) (dk = 2), (dk = 38-2-1)
= F [(0.95), (2.35)],
this can be seen from Figure 2.

3.2. Case Study Validation

The acquired data was used to draw the connection between the outcome of this research to
the cost and duration of the project [13].

Figure 2 Pile Histogram 311

Albert Eddy Husin

Table 1. Duration of Pile Foundation Work Activities

Scope Of Work Human Resouces Coefficient Productivity Volume Duration/ N Duration
and Tools Group Group
Land Work
Excavation pile cap Excavator 0.0414 24.17 m3/hour 748.544 m3 5 days 1 5 days
Foundation Work
Cutting pile cap Worker 0.05 20 m/day 265.5 m3 14 days 1 14 days
Foreman 0.2
Handyman 0.1
Making work floor 10 Handyman 1.2 2 m3/ day 18.71 m3 8 days 1 8 days
cm Foreman 0.2
Leader foreman 0.02
Worker 0.06
Vibrator 0.05
Bekisting Pile Cap Handyman 0.15 4 m2/ days 50.13 m2 13 days 1 13 days
Worker 0.005
Reinforced Pile Cap Handyman 0.01 2700.55 kg/ 85067.43 kg 32 days 2 16 days
Foreman 0.005 days
Loader foreman 0.003
Worker 0.003
Casting Concrete fc 30 Concrete mixer 0.631 11.9 m3/days 336.84 m3 31 days 1 31 days
The Pile Foundation used is a square concrete pile foundation with dimensions of 45x45
cm and a length of 15 cm. Project data in this study used for testing case study validation is
the AMARIS Hotel development project, located in Tangerang, obtained data made in table
form 5. And Scheduling data for activity description can be seen in table 2.

Figure 3. The Critical Path in Pile Foundation Work

From the data in the field, it can be analyzed the critical path for pile foundation work
activities as shown in the following figure 3.
Pile foundation data from the field are obtained and made in the following table 3. 312

Application of Pert and Six Sigma Integration On Building Pile Foundation

Table 2. Expected Time

Expected Critical
Description Pessimistic Moderate Optimistic Time Variance Path
(Month) Variance
Land Work
Excavation of pile cap 2 5 10 5,33 1,78
Foundation Work
Erection 20 23 30 23,67 2,78 2,78
Cutting Pile’s Head 10 14 19 14,17 2,25 2,25
Work Floor 10 cm 6 8 13 8,50 1,36
Formwork Pile Cap 11 13 16 13,17 0,69
Steel Assembly Pile Cap 12 16 19 15,83 1,36 1,36
Fc 30 MPaConcrete Casting 27 31 36 31,17 2,25 2,25
Known :
Total Defect of Pile Foundation (D) = 216
Amount of Opportunity (O) = 5
Number of Points (U) = 30
Number of units per point = 5
Asked: DPMO?
PU = D / U = 216/30 = 7.20
DPU is the average defect produced on each floor

Table 3 Pile Foundation Data

No. Defect Pile Foundation Number of Defect Percentage (%)
1 Cracks on poles 26 12
2 Position of Pile (Slope) 50 23
3 Clay Soil Layer (On Location) 39 18
4 Total Capacity 58 27
4 Land Hard On Location 43 20
TOTAL 216 100
DPO = = ( )
= 0.00960
DPMO = 0.0096 x 1.000.000
= 9600
From the calculation of the data above and by using the Six Sigma method, defects
obtained or produced by pile foundation work with a DPMO value of 9600 equivalent to 4.31
Sigma with a yield of around 99.56% following from the Sigma value table. It can be
concluded that the construction of the project carrying out pile foundation work has a defect

The application of PERT method scheduling method and Six Sigma method on the
implementation of high-rise building pile foundation work obtained 15 of the most important
and most influential factors, the influencing factors namely: Comparison of measurements
and predictions, Adequacy of Plans and Specifications, Improving schedules and plans,
instrumentation and performance monitoring, static pole data evaluation, data collection, soil 313

Albert Eddy Husin

conditions, scope of work, problems, data accuracy, problem identification, solution

optimization, project validation, improved communication, skilled workforce.
By applying the PERT method can optimize project time to 93,247 days or equal to 4.85%
from the time the original plan was 98 days.
From the calculation using the Six Sigma method, it can reduce the defect in the
implementation of pile foundation work with a DPMO value of 9600 DPMO equivalent to
4.31 Sigma with a yield of around 99.56%. Thus the research hypothesis by applying the Six
Sigma Method in carrying out pile foundation work can reduce defects.

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