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Sukmawati (17084014009)
Widyawati Masuku(17084014003)




Praise to be ALLAH SWT which has provided a healthy favor and had the grace and
blessing we could finishing assignment entitled “Spoof Text”. The writers also wish to express
their deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guided in completing this paper.

In these papers, writers share about the definition of spoof text, the purpose of it, the
structure of it, the languange features of it, and the suggestion in teaching spoof text. Writers
wish these papers will help others to know more about spoof text, especially for us and for all
who read.

For the perfection of these papers, writers expect criticism and suggestions from readers
as writers only human who make mistakes.


TABLE OF CONTENS………………………………....……………....3

CHAPTER I : Introduction……………………………….. …………...4

CHAPTER II : Discussion

A. Definition of text……………………………5
B. Purpose of text………………………….…..5
C. Generic structure of text……………………5
D. Language feature of text……………………5
E. Example of text……………………………..6
F. Analytical of text……………………………6
CHAPTER III : Conclusion…………………………………….………7




Spoof is a text which tells factual story, happened in the past time with
unpredictable and funny ending. Its social function is to entertain and share the story.

Generic Structure of Spoof :

· Orientation; is a opening part which tells us the issue or the problem that will be solved or
told in the story. Orientation gives us the important thing about the characters and their

· Events; parts where the story explained into paragraphs that linked each other. Events are
not limited into one or two scene or act. Events also adds more specific problems that happened,
explains how the problems raise, and the dilema.

· Twist; (will be explained). Twist can only be found in spoof texts.

What is twist? This question is likely to answer what is the difference between narrative
text and spoof. However, according to wikipedia, a twist ending is a plot twist occurring near or
at the conclusion of a story, an unexpected conclusion to a work of fiction that causes the
audience to reevaluate the narrative or characters.There are three common types of twisting
ending :

1. Humorous Twist

Many stories have twist with a happy, amusing, or heartwarming ending. It is funny and
makes reade amused. Humorous twist ending sometime is called Lighthearted twist.

2. Ironic Twist

Stories with a twist or surprise at the end do not necessarily have to have ahappy ending.
Many have been written that have an ironic twist. This ironic twist ending often reveal something
about the darker side of human nature. In other word ironic twist is tragic.

3. Misconception Twist

A narrator who has incorrect information built around their own perception of events that
they pass along can build an unpredictable ending. store are some ways to create a twist based on
faulty or withheld information.


A. Definition of text

Spoof is a text which tells factual story, happened in the past time with
unpredictable and funny ending. Its social function is to entertain and share the story.

B. Purpose of text
To entertain the readers with funny story
C. Generic structure text

-Orientation (introduction)

Like other types of Narrative text, it always begins with orientation.

Orientation is the part where the writer begins to introduce stories.

- Event
Events, the part where the author tells the events in the story but the
incident told is still a natural occurrence

- Twist (closing)
A twist is part of the text which tells the reverse of natural events in the
events section. Twist is the final part of spoof text that tells the funny and
unexpected past events.
D. Language feature of text
1. Focusing on individual participant life ar people animal or certain things
2. Using past sentence
3. Using action verb (care, run, was, walking, and etc)
4. Told in chronological order
5. The use of direct speech or indirect speech for dialogues.
E. Example of text
What time is it?

A tramp lie down and sleep in the park. He had been sleeping for about 5 minutes
when a couple walked by. The man stopped, woke the tramp up , and asked him, "Excuse
me. Do you know what the time is?" The tramp replied, "I'm sorry - I don't have a watch,
so I don't know the time."The man apologized for waking the tramp and the couple
walked away.
The tramp lay down again, and after a few minutes went back to sleep. Just then, a
woman, who was out walking her dog, shook the tramp's shoulder until he woke up
The woman said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, but I'm afraid I've lost my watch - do you
happen to know the time?" The tramp was a little annoyed at being woken up again, but
he politely told the woman that he didn't have a watch and didn't know the time.
After the woman had gone, the tramp had an idea. He opened the bag that contained
all his possessions and got out a pen, a piece of paper and some string. On the paper, he
wrote down, 'I do not have a watch. I do not know the time'. He then hung the paper
round his neck and eventually dropped off again.
After about 15 minutes, a policeman who was walking through the park noticed the
tramp asleep on the bench, and the sign around his neck
He woke the tramp up and said, "I read your sign. I thought you'd like to know that
it's 2:30 p.m."

F. Analytical

-Generic Structure Analysis

Orientation : a tramp sleep in the park.

 Event 1 : a couple walk by and ask him the time, but he doesn’t know it
because he doesn’t have watch.
 Event 2 : a woman walk with her dog and ask him about the time, politely he
say that he doesn’t know it.
 Event 3 : the tramp get an idea to write down 'I do not have a watch. I do not
know the time' so people will stop ask him about the time and won’t disturb

- Twister : a policeman was misunderstood, he wake up the tramp and then tell him about
the time.

This is another example of spoof text. This story is funny, humorous, and
twisting. The story has unpredictable ending through organizing the tricky plot.


Spoof is a text which tells factual story, happened in the past time with unpredictable and
funny ending. Its social function is to entertain and share the story. In spoof text, there are
orientation, events, and twist. There are 3 types of twist : humorous, ironic, and misconception.
There are several languange features in spoof text such as focusing on people, animals or certain
things, using action verb, using adverb of time and place, told in chronological order.

Purpose of text To entertain the readers with funny story

Generic structure text:

-Orientation (introduction)

Like other types of Narrative text, it always begins with orientation. Orientation
is the part where the writer begins to introduce stories.

- Event

Events, the part where the author tells the events in the story but the incident told
is still a natural occurrence

- Twist (closing)

A twist is part of the text which tells the reverse of natural events in the events
section. Twist is the final part of spoof text that tells the funny and unexpected past

This the paper that we made, hopefully useful and increase the knowledge of the readers.
We apologize if there are misspellings in the writing of words and sentences that are unclear,
understandable, and straightforward. Because we are just ordinary human beings who have not
escaped error. And we also look forward to suggestions and criticisms from the readers for the
perfection of this paper. So, the closing of us hopefully can be accepted at heart and we thank
you profusely.

Erla Wimanistya, Rahayu Apriliaswati, Eusabinus Bunau. Improving Students’ Ability to Comprehend
Spoof Text Using Reciprocal Technique. English Education Study Program FKIP Untan, Pontianak

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