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Exponential multiplicity of inherent structures

Frank H. Stillinger
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies Inc., Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974
and Princeton Materials Institute, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544
~Received 20 April 1998!
The mechanically stable spatial arrangements of interacting molecules ~potential energy minima, ‘‘inherent
structures’’! provide a discrete fiducial basis for understanding condensed phase properties. Simple plausibility
arguments have been advanced previously suggesting that at fixed positive density the number of distinguish-
able inherent structures rises exponentially with system size. A more systematic analysis is presented here,
using lower and upper bounds, that leads to the same conclusion. Further examination reveals that the char-
acteristic exponential rise rate for inherent structure enumeration diverges as the density approaches zero, when
attractive interparticle forces are present. @S1063-651X~99!07001-4#

PACS number~s!: 05.90.1m, 61.90.1d, 64.60.My, 82.20.Wt

I. INTRODUCTION tion requires that the N! factor in Eq. ~1.1! be replaced by

(N21)!.# Consequently V 1 only enumerates geometrically
One of the intrinsic difficulties faced by the field of non-
distinct minima.
linear optimization is that many problems of interest present
It has been argued @2,3# for realistic model potentials F
large numbers of ‘‘false’’ solutions. In the case of an objec-
that V 1 asymptotically rises exponentially with system size
tive function requiring minimization, the global absolute
N ~with N/V.0 held fixed and the shape of V held fixed!.
minimum may be hidden as a needle in a proverbial haystack
More precisely, the claim has been that
of local nonabsolute minima, possibly requiring an exhaus-
tive search and comparison procedure. Indeed, many families lim ~ N 21 ln V 1 ! 5 a , a .0. ~1.2!
of problems are known for which the total number of minima N→`
rises at least exponentially as the number of variables in-
creases @1#. The exponential rise rate parameter a is expected to be sub-
Under some circumstances it may be valuable to identify stance specific and to depend on the number density N/V.
and classify the entire collection of minima from the ‘‘best’’ The tentative validity of relation ~1.2! rests partly on the fact
to the ‘‘worst,’’ i.e., from the absolute minimum to the that some exactly solvable many-body models indeed exhibit
highest-lying local minimum. This is the case in condensed just that property @4,5#. However, it rests as well on a frankly
matter physics/materials science where the objective func- crude and intuitive ~but general! argument that macroscopic
tion in one important application is the potential energy of subvolumes of V could be geometrically reordered essen-
interaction F for the constituent particles and its minima tially independently of one another and thus that V 1 would
represent the mechanically stable arrangements of those par- have to be multiplicative over those subvolumes @6#. The
ticles in space ~‘‘inherent structures’’! @2,3#. If the particles purpose of the present work is to supply a stronger general
involved number N and are structureless, F would have to be basis for the claim of exponential multiplicity of distinct in-
minimized over the 3N-dimensional space of particle posi- herent structures in material systems.
tions r1 ,...,rN . If each particle additionally possessed n in- Section II establishes on physical grounds a lower bound
ternal degrees of freedom ~describing orientation, vibrational for V 1 that itself rises exponentially with N, so a in the right
amplitudes, or conformation!, the relevant configurational member of Eq. ~1.2! must be greater than zero, if it exists.
space over which F would have to be minimized would have Section III establishes that this right member is bounded
dimension (31 n )N. above, using the strategy of reductio ad absurdum. Section
Let V(N,V) be the number of F minima when N particles IV takes up the question of enumerating inherent structures
are confined to a volume V of given shape. For a single- in free space and concludes that if attractive forces are
component system ~all particles identical! it is useful to write present ~as is true for ‘‘real’’ material systems!, then a must
diverge to infinity as N/V goes to zero. Section V presents
V ~ N,V ! 5N!V 1 ~ N,V ! . ~1.1! several concluding remarks, including some directed to poly-
meric substances and to mixtures.

This accounts for the fact that with hard walls present each II. LOWER BOUND
minimum is but one of N! equivalent minima that differ only
by permutation of identical particles. @When periodic bound- As in the preceding Introduction, attention will focus for
ary conditions are imposed on V, the resulting free transla- the moment on the single-component case. Realistic interac-

1063-651X/99/59~1!/48~4!/$15.00 PRE 59 48 ©1999 The American Physical Society


tion potentials F that describe such systems are continuous exp$ @ n 21

0 ln~ 11 g !# N % <V 1 . ~2.3!
and at least once differentiable away from nuclear conflu-
ences; furthermore, they are bounded below by 2BN for If the limit indicated earlier in Eq. ~1.2! indeed exists, then
some B.0 @7#. In the large system limit of interest here, the the expression ~2.3! implies
absolute minimum of F will correspond to some periodic
crystal structure whose details ~symmetry, unit cell dimen- 0,n 21
0 ln~ 11 g ! < a . ~2.4!
sions, etc.! reflect the molecular shape and flexibility and the
balance between intermolecular attractions and repulsions. III. UPPER BOUND
Several alternative, less stable, crystal structures may also
exist for the pure substance of interest; however, only the The next task is to examine the implications of the pos-
classical ground state ~the absolute F minimum! need be sible violation of the limiting behavior in Eq. ~1.2! due to
considered for establishing a lower bound to ln V1 . greater-than-linear rise of ln V1 with N. Suppose tentatively
Place the N molecules into one of the permutationally that the following large-N behavior ~with positive N/V fixed!
equivalent absolute-minimum configurations. The resulting applies:
elastic solid may or may not entirely fill the finite available
system volume V, depending on how the latter compares ln V 1 ; f ~ N ! , ~3.1!
with the zero-pressure, zero-temperature volume of the
N-molecule crystal. In either event let V 0 be the volume
actually occupied by the crystal. lim @ N/ f ~ N !# 50. ~3.2!
Divide V 0 into identical compact subvolumes v 0 , of mi- N→`
croscopic size, each containing on average n 0 molecules.
The number of such subvolumes is This could arise, for example, if f (N) were proportional to
N q , q.1. Such behavior has significant consequences for
V 0 / v 0 5N/n 0 . ~2.1! the mean size of basins belonging to the system’s inherent
The intention is to choose v 0 sufficiently large ~though still The configuration space content for a single molecule/
on the molecular scale! that a mechanically stable defect- particle can be written as V v . The first factor is attributable
containing rearrangement of molecules could be effected in to center of mass translation, while the second factor is just
each subvolume, without affecting the possibility of such the integral ~between bounded limits! of the n internal de-
rearrangement in any other subvolume. The type of crystal grees of freedom. In the simple case of structureless particles
defect involved can vary according to the substance under ( n 50), v is set to unity. The content of the multidimen-
consideration. In the case of atomic substances a nearby sional configuration space describing all N molecules/
vacancy-interstitial pair ~Frenkel defect! is the natural particles simultaneously is (V v ) N . The mean basin content
choice, resulting from lengthwise displacement of a short emerges upon dividing this content by the number of basins
line of particles @8#. On the other hand, substances composed
of large flexible molecules admit defects resulting from ~ Vv !N
single molecular reorientation or internal motion @9#. . ~3.3!
N!V 1 ~ N !
Notice that we do not require the defects in separate sub-
volumes be noninteracting, but only that the interactions be In order to interpret the expression ~3.3! physically, it is
sufficiently weak that the absence or presence of defects in useful to reexpress it in terms of a mean linear displacement
all subvolumes be possibilities that are independent of one l for each molecule/particle. Consequently Eq. ~3.3! can al-
another. Elastic strains surrounding defects will propagate ternatively be written in the form ( v l 3 ) N . The asymptotic
through the crystal medium causing defect-defect interac- large-N behavior tentatively postulated for V 1 then leads to
tions, but these strain fields die off algebraically with dis- the following result for l:
tance @10#. Hence the independence assumption will place a
lower limit on v 0 ~and thus n 0 !. l 3 ~ N ! ; ~ V/N ! exp@ 12 f ~ N ! /N # . ~3.4!
Let g be the number of distinguishable configurations that
the defective state in v 0 can adopt. This might count the The postulated property ~3.2! for f (N) forces l to vanish in
different relative positions of a vacancy-interstitial pair or the the large system limit ~N→1`, positive N/V fixed!. This is
different ‘‘unnatural’’but mechanically stable reconfigurings physically unacceptable because it implies that arbitrarily
of a flexible molecule. In any event the number of undis- small displacements in virtually any direction suffice to
turbed plus defective states considered for each subvolume is switch the system from one inherent structure to another. In
11 g . On account of subvolume independence, we thus con- particular this would render impossible phonon motions of
sider the following number of distinguishable, mechanically finite amplitude in the crystalline state ~no restoring forces!,
stable configurations ~inherent structures! for the N-particle as well as kinetic arrest in nonergodic trapped glassy states ~a
system: common occurrence for amorphous substances!. Conven-
tional experience, however, indicates that l should remain
~ 11 g ! V 0 / v 0 [exp$ @ n 21
0 ln~ 11 g !# N % . ~2.2! positive and of the order of molecular dimensions in the
large system limit. This can only happen if f (N) is linear in
Presumably this represents only a small subset of all distin- N and in accord with Eq. ~1.2!, specifically
guishable inherent structures for the N particles in fixed finite
volume V, so we can write f ~ N ! ; a N. ~3.5!

IV. DENSITY DEPENDENCE on which the exponential rise rate of V 1 with N @Eq. ~1.2!#
The considerations presented in Secs. II and III force the has been established for fixed positive density.
conclusion that V 1 indeed rises exponentially with N at fixed An elementary, approximate, enumeration scheme for in-
positive density, i.e., that a in Eq. ~1.2! is well defined. How- herent structures in free space implies that V 1 rises more
ever, this leaves open the issues of how a depends on the rapidly than as a simple exponential. Suppose in fact that the
substance under consideration and for any given substance ‘‘typical’’ free-space inherent structure is indeed very open.
how this parameter varies with density. Imagine constructing such arrangements particle by particle
A particularly simple situation arises if the potential en- from an initial seed. At any intermediate stage, the number
ergy function F is homogeneous of degree 2n, n.3. This of distinct sites at which the next particle could be attached
obtains specifically when F is composed of purely repulsive to the incomplete cluster would be roughly proportional to
inverse-power pair potentials N 8 , the number already in place. Therefore, we have (K

F ~ r1 ,...rN ! 5 (
i, j
~ s /r i j ! n . ~4.1! V 1 ~ N 8 11 ! >KN 8 V 1 ~ N 8 ! . ~4.2!

Taking logarithms and treating the large variable N 8 as con-

In this circumstance any inherent structure ~local F mini- tinuous, we have
mum! at system volume V, with particle locations
r1q ,...,rNq , transforms precisely to a corresponding inherent d ln V 1 ~ N 8 ! /dN 8 >ln~ KN 8 ! . ~4.3!
structure at volume V 8 , with scaled particle locations
This can be integrated to yield
(V 8 /V) 1/3r1q ,...,(V 8 /V) 1/3rNq . Consequently, a is density
independent for this special case, though it may depend on
ln V 1 ~ N ! >N ln N1 ~ ln K21 ! N1C, ~4.4!
exponent n.
The wider circumstance where F is not homogeneous evi- where C is an integration constant. Clearly this result contra-
dently can lead to density dependence for the exponential dicts the positive density presumption embodied in Eq. ~1.2!
rise rate parameter a. The exactly solvable one-dimensional and suggests a faster-than-exponential rise rate with increas-
model investigated by Häner and Schilling @5# possesses an ing N.
a that declines monotonically with increasing pressure, i.e., A more insightful enumeration scheme than the crude one
with increasing density. Furthermore, Malandro and Lacks just presented might reveal that as particles are added, the
@11# have numerically investigated a Lennard-Jones-like previously emplaced ‘‘substrate’’ might not simply serve as
three-dimensional model, establishing at least over a limited a nearly rigid host, but be capable of new and distinct stable
density range in finite systems that V 1 decreases with in- arrangements that could not exist without the additional par-
creasing density. Heuer has obtained similar results for the ticle. If such possibilities are present and sufficiently numer-
same model @12#. It should also be mentioned that analytic ous, the estimate ~4.4! above might actually be a significant
properties of the pairwise additive Gaussian core model also underestimate. That could conceivably lead to the form ~3.1!
require that its V 1 decrease with increasing density @13#. shown earlier with f (N) proportional to N q , q.1. However,
While the present understanding cannot exclude the possibil- without having to settle these technical details, we can safely
ity that a might increase with density over a limited density conclude that for any three-dimensional model substance
range for some model potential, this would seem to be ex- possessing attractive interparticle interactions, the parameter
ceptional behavior. a must diverge to infinity as the density goes to zero.
The tendency for V 1 , and thus a, to increase as density
declines when attractive interparticle forces are present
seems to have a straightforward explanation. Attractions V. DISCUSSION
have been observed in simulations to stabilize porous inher- The lower bound for a provided by Eq. ~2.4! may prove
ent structures in which the void space can adopt a wide va- to be very weak in many applications. In order to satisfy the
riety of convoluted and multiconnected shapes @14,15#. Fur- defect-independence assumption on which that result is
thermore, the real substances Kr and N2 can experimentally based, n 0 would probably have to be of order 102 ; assigning
be prepared in analogous states as mesoporous solids @16# the value 6 to g then might be reasonable @19#. Conse-
and the very low-density aerogels composed of SiO2 provide quently, Eq. ~2.4! would state
a particularly dramatic related example @17#. The presence of
substantial open space in these structures offers many oppor- ~ ln 7! /10050.019 459 1 . . . < a . ~5.1!
tunities for reconfiguring the particles into alternative me-
chanically stable arrangements, far exceeding in number By contrast, Wallace @20# estimates that
those available at high density where particles interfere se-
verely. a >0.8 ~5.2!
To strengthen this argument it is useful to consider the
formation of inherent structures for N particles in free space, for a wide range of monatomic substances. Flexible organic
i.e., V→1`. The very open and multiply branched struc- molecules such as the fragile glass former ortho-terphenyl
tures produced by diffusion-limited aggregation processes ~OTP! appear to exhibit substantially larger a values; a
@18# suggest that similar forms might be expected for free- simple calculation based on its measured heat capacity and
space inherent structures. This in turn invalidates the basis heat of fusion suggests that @21#

a ~ OTP! >13.14. ~5.3! restricted to single-component systems, mixtures also de-

serve examination. In the general case involving components
Linear polymeric substances may exhibit a’s that increase 1, . . . ,n, Eq. ~1.1! generalizes to
roughly linearly with the degree of polymerization ~numbers
of monomer units!, at fixed overall mass density, owing to V ~ N 1 ,...N n ,V ! 5 ~ PN m ! ! V 1 ~ N 1 ,...N n ,V ! , ~5.5!
backbone flexibility degrees of freedom. These discrepancies
with Eq. ~5.1! warrant searching in the future for more pow- with V 1 expected asymptotically to rise exponentially with
erful bounds for a. the total number of particles ~all densities N m /V held fixed!.
The focus of the foregoing arguments has been the total However, because the components are distinguishable, the
number of inherent structures, regardless of how they may exponential rise rate quantity a should be larger than its
differ in detail. However, it is also important to classify in- single-component relatives on account of mixing entropy ef-
herent structures according to one or more intensive ‘‘order’’ fects.
parameters and if possible to obtain their distribution with A concrete example serves to illustrate the last point. Let
respect to these parameters. A particularly important case a (N 2 ) be the exponential rise rate quantity for pure molecu-
involves f, the potential energy per particle of the inherent lar nitrogen. Carbon monoxide has a small molecular dipole
structures, because this leads to an especially simple expres- moment @22# and has nearly the same molecular size as the
sion for the free energy of the many-particle system @3,6#. dipole-moment-free nitrogen molecule @23#. Consequently,
Given the validity of Eq. ~1.2! and assuming the continuity CO should be able freely and stably to substitute for N 2 in
of the asymptotic distribution with respect to f, it is inevi- any inherent structure for the latter. Taking due account of
table that this distribution of distinguishable inherent struc- the two distinguishable orientations available for each sub-
tures have the form @3,6# stituting CO, one estimates a for the N2-CO mixture to be

exp@ N s ~ f !# , s >0. ~5.4! a > a ~ N2! 1x ln 22x ln x2 ~ 12x ! ln~ 12x ! , ~5.6!

Although the developments in the Secs. II–IV have been where x is the mole fraction of CO in the mixture.

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