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This tutorial was written by Carolina Penteado, University of Stuttgart and intern at Altair / Germany

Quick Introduction to HyperMath (Written by: Carolina M. e R. Penteado)

This document presents a list of HyperMath commands and language syntax which
can be used for mathematical operations and data analysis.

All the information is available with more details on the online HyperMath help

1. Vectors

Row vector a=[1 2 3]

a=[1, 2 ,3]
Column vector a=[1;2;3]
Interval a=[1:0.1:2]
Transposition v`
Vector length Length(a)
Element wise multiplication a.*b

2. Matrices

Matrix M=[1 2 3; 4 5 6]
Built matrix with column vectors M=[v1 v2 vn]
Built matrix with row vectors M=[v1;v2;vn]
Matrix with zeros M=Zeros(m,n)
Matrix with ones M=Ones(m,n)
Scalar multiplication M*2
First row of M M(1,:)
Second row of M M(:,2)
Size of M Size(M)
Eigenvalues EigS(A)
Inverse V^-1
Determinant Det(M)
Rank Rank(M,tol)
A/B equivalent to A*inv(B), where inv means
Foward Division inversion
Backward division A\B

3. Polynomials

Polynom roots PolyRoots(c)

Polynom evaluation PolyVal(c,x)

4. Complex numbers

Complex numbers z=-3+4*i

Real part Real(z)
Imaginary part Imag(z)

5. Trigonometric functions

Sin(t) y=Sin(t)
Cos(t) y=Cos(t)

6. Graphics

Plot line curves PlotLine(t,y) and PlotLine3D(x,y,z)

Plot scatter curves PlotScatter(t,y) and PlotScatter3D(x,y,z)
Plot vertical bars PlotBar(x,y,[s])
Plot surface PlotSurface3D(x,y,z) and PlotWaterfall3D(x,y,z)
Plot contours PlotContour(x,y,z) and PlotContour3D(x,y,z)
Plot area PlotArea(x,y)
Plot phase and magnitude in polar
coordinates PlotPolar(p,m,[s])
Graphic x label SetXLabel()
Graphic y label SetYLabel()
Graphic title SetTitle()
Graphic legend SetLegend()
Adjust axis SetXRange() , SetYRange() SetZTRange()

7. System commands

Clear variable Clear('variable_name')

Clear all variables ClearAll()
Delete all plots DeleteAllPlots()
Delete one plot DeletePlot('plot_name')

8. Scripts

Write comments // line with comments

/* more
than one line with comments */

9. Control structures

For Loop for i=1,10,2 do

While Loop while i>10 do
If Condition if (i>10) {
elseif (i<10){

10. Functions

Define function function function_name(input1,input2,...,input n){

function body
return output;
Call function y=function_name(input1,input2,...,input n);

11. Numerical solution of diferential equations

Adams method and functional iteration y=ODE11("equation_name", init, x)

Backward differential method y=ODE21("equation_name", init, x)
and functional iteration
Backward differential y=ODE22a("equation_name", init, x)
and newton iteration for dense matrix
Runge-Kutta fourth-order method y=RK45("equation_name", init, x)
Backward differential method y=DAE11a("equation_name", init, x)
and newton iteration

12. Representation of systems and system response

Convert transfer function to state space SSFromTF(Num,Den)

Simulate system response LSim()

13. Strings

Convert String to number tonumber(namestring)

Split string part1, part2 = StrTok(string);
Format string string.format(formatstring, e1, e2, ...)

14. Reading/writing files

Read .txt file fileid=Open("/patch/filename.txt","r")

Write .txt file filenew=Open("/patch/filename.txt","w")
Fwrite(filenew, Data)
Fwrite only if Data=Matrix

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