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1,112,770. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Oct. 6, 1914.

No Drawing. Application filed August 2, 1913. Serial No. 782,549.
To all whom it may concern: existed in the ma magnesite, such as silica and
IBe it known that I, GRAHAM CLARKE, a leaves in Solution the magnesium sulfate.
citizen of the United States, residing at By filtering, the precipitated materials are
Cleveland, in the county of Cuyahoga and removed and the resultant solution contain
State of Ohio, have invented a certain new ing the magnesium sulfate may be evapo 60
and useful Improvement in Processes of rated to dryness.
Making Epsom Salts, of which the follow In adding the magnesium oxid, it is best
ing is a full, clear, and exact description. to add a slight excess in order that the pre
The object of this invention is to produce cipitation of the iron may be assured.
10 Epsom salts very cheaply. The ability to As before stated, dolomite may be utilized 65
produce the product of the herein described as the source of the magnesium. This min
process at low cost is mainly due to the fact eral, as is well known, is a double carbonate
that the raw materials used may be obtained of magnesium and calcium, and when cal
very cheaply. cined will produce the double oxid of mag 70
S Generally speaking, the invention com nesium and calcium. This material is finely
prises a process in which calcined magnesite pulverized, and mixed with a hot solution
or dolomite is caused to react with an aque of ferrous sulfate. Care should be taken not
ous solution of ferrous sulfate. As is well to add an excess of the calcined dolomite,
known, magnesite and dolomite are minerals for if this is done, it will cause lime water
20 which are well known and cost compara to be formed, that is to say, calcium hydrate 75
tively little, while the solution of ferrous sul dissolved in the water, and the presence of
fate is a waste product which is available this calcium hydrate in solution will cause
in nearly all iron and steel mills where iron a precipitation of the magnesium as an oxid.
is pickled in sulfuric acid for the purpose I have found in using dolomite that it is
25 of removing scale. preferable to add about 90 per cent. of the 80
calculated quantity of calcined dolomite,
general, it may be said that the proc
upon the fact that magnesium and to then add a little more than ten per
cent. of magnesium oxid or calcined mag
oxid in very finely divided condition, added nesite, which will be sufficient to cause the
to a hot aqueous solution of ferrous sulfate reaction without the formation of lime 85
30 and the mixture thoroughly agitated, will
cause the precipitation of ferrous hydrate, water. The reaction in this case, I believe
leaving the magnesium sulfate in solution. to be as follows:
The reaction which takes place, I believe 2FeSO,--CaO--MgO-2HO=
to be as follows: - 90
35 FeSO,--MgO-HO=MgSO,--Fe(OH) The mixture of calcined dolomite and fer
In carrying out the process, I obtain the rous sulfate is agitated, preferably by the
magnesium oxid by calcining the mineral use of air, as heretofore explained. The
magnesite, which as is well known, is in its iron hydrate will be filtered, leaving the
40 natural state magnesium carbonate. Calci magnesium sulfate and calcium sulfate in 95
nation of this product will produce magne Solution. The magnesium sulfate may be
sium oxid. The oxid obtained by calcining separated from the calcium sulfate in the
must be finely pulverized, and I have found solution remaining after filtration by frac
tional crystallization, which will result in
that the finer that it is pulverized, the bet the crystallization of the calcium sulfate, 00
48 ter and quicker will be the reaction. This
finely pulverized magnesium oxid is then leaving the magnesium sulfate in solution.
mixed with a hot aqueous solution of ferrous The crystals may be separated from the
sulfate, the empirical formula for which is solution after which the magnesium sulfate
FeSO. The mixture is agitated by forcing may be obtained by evaporating the solution
SO air through the same or by any other desired to dryness.
method of agitation. This causes a thorough The air which is utilized in this process is
mixture to take place, and the magnesium merely for the purpose of agitating, and the
oxid reacts with the ferrous sulfate to pre oxygen of the air performs no function in
cipitate ferrous hydrate which carries down the process. If the magnesite or dolomite
5 5 the insoluble impurities which may have
be completely calcined, and ground very lO
2 2,112,270
fine, the reaction with the hot ferrous sul verized double oxid of calcium and magne
fate solution is practically instantaneous sium in quantity insufficient to completely
before any oxidizing of the Solution would neutralize the solution, and Subsequently
take place. adding pulverized magnesium oxid in quan 30
Having thus described my invention, what tity sufficient to complete the neutralization
I claim is: of4.theThe
solution, and in agitating the mixture.
1. The process of making magnesium sul process of making magnesium sul
fate E. consists in mixing a finely pull fate which consists in mixing with a hot
verized dry material containing magnesium aqueous solution of ferrous sulfate, a finely 3
IC) oxid with a hot aqueous solution of ferrous pulverized double oxid of calcium and mag
Sulfate, in agitating this solution, whereby nesium, the quantity of such oxid being less
ferrous hydrate is precipitated and an aque than necessary to neutralize the solution,
ous solution of magnesium sulfate is ob and then adding enough pulverized mag
tained, and in separating the precipitate nesium oxid to completely neutralize the 40
5 and solution. solution, in agitating the mixture, separat
2. The process of making magnesium Sul ing the precipitated ferrous hydrate by
fate which consists in mixing a hot aqueous filtration, and finally in Separating the cal:
solution of ferrous sulfate and dry finely cium sulfate from the solution by fractional 45
divided double oxid of magnesium and cal
20 cium, in agitating the mixture, in separating
In testimony whereof, I hereunto affix my
the ferrous hydrate from the solution, and signature in the presence of two witnesses.
in removing the calcium Sulfate from the GRAHAM CLARKE.
solution by fractional crystallization.
3. The process of making magnesium sul
25 fate which consists in mixing a hot aqueous
solution of ferrous sulfate with finely pull IL. I. PoRTER,

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