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Heat : energy that flows between a system and its
environment because of a temperature
difference between them
Unit : Joule, calorie, Btu
• 1 Joule = 9,481. 10-4 Btu
• 1 Joule = 0,2389 calorie
Thermal Equilibrium
Adiabatic wall vs Diathermic wall

Adiabatic wall
(thermally insulating)

Diathermic wall
(thermally conducting)
Permits energy to be
exchanged between the
systems  come to
thermal equilibrium
Zeroth law of thermodynamics : If systems A and B are each in
thermal equlibrium with a third system C, then A and B are in
thermal equilibrium with each other
In practical use  system C identified as thermometer
2 systems are in thermal equilibrium if and only if their
temperatures are equal
• An object or system that has some measurable
property that changes as a function of its
• Thermal expansion of mercury or alcohol in a
glass capillary are commonly used
Temperature Scales
• Kelvin
• Celsius
• Fahrenheit
TC = T – 273,15
TF = 9/5 TC + 32
Thermal Expansion
Thermal Expansion
= coefficient of linear expansion
L = length
ΔL = change in length
ΔT = change in temperature (Co, K)

For many solids, called isotropic, the percent

change in length for a given temperature
change is the same for all lines in the solids
Thermal Expansion
Exercise :
Sebuah batang baja ( = 10-6/Co) sepanjang 20
cm dipanaskan dari suhu 25oC menjadi 70oC.
Berapa panjang batang tersebut setelah
memuai sepenuhnya?
Thermal Expansion
For isotropic solid
ΔA = 2 A ΔT
ΔV = 3 V ΔT
= coefficient of linear expansion
ΔA = perubahan luas
ΔV = perubahan volume
Thermal Expansion
Exercise :
Sebuah lempeng logam berbentuk koin
dipanaskan hingga suhu meningkat 100 Co.
Diameternya bertambah 0,18%. Hitung koefisien
muai panjang. Berapa % pertambahan luas
permukaannya dan % pertambahan volumenya?
Asumsi sifat padatan isotropik.
Thermal Expansion
For fluid  ΔV = V ΔT
= coefficient of volume expansion
V = volume
ΔV = change in volume

For gases, is strongly dependent on temperature

For an ideal gas
= 1/T (T expressed in kelvins)
For a gas at room temperature and constant
pressure, is about 3300.10-6/Co.
Temperature & Density
When temperature is changed, the density of a fluid can be expressed as
ρ1 = ρ0 / (1 + β (t1 - t0))
ρ1 = final density (kg/m3)
ρ0 = initial density (kg/m3)
β = volumetric temperature expansion coefficient (m3/m3 oC)
t1 = final temperature (oC)
t0 = initial temperature (oC)

Volumetric Temperature Coefficients - β

water : 0.0002 (m3/m3 oC)
ethyl alcohol : 0.0011 (m3/m3 oC)
Anomaly of water
Most matter expands when heated and shrinks again
when it cools. But water behave in this normal way,
only at temperatures of between its boiling point
(100°C) and 4oC. Between freezing point (0°C) and
4oC, water expands again when it cools
Anomaly of water
Pressure & Density
When pressure is changed the density of a fluid can be expressed as
ρ1 = ρ0 / (1 - (p1 - p0) / E)
E = bulk modulus fluid elasticity (N/m2)
ρ1 = final density (kg/m3)
ρ0 = initial density (kg/m3)
p1 = final pressure (N/m2)
p0 = initial pressure (N/m2)

Bulk Modulus Fluid Elasticity (E) of some common fluids

water : 2.15 109 (N/m2)
ethyl alcohol : 1.06 109 (N/m2)
oil : 1.5 109 (N/m2)
Density – Temperature - Pressure
The density of a fluid when changing both temperature
and pressure can be expressed by combining
previous equations
ρ1 = [ ρ0 / (1 + β (t1 - t0)) ] / [1 - (p1 - p0) / E]
Heat Transfer
• Higher temperature  lower temperature
• Steady state & unsteady state
• Mechanisms of heat transfer : conduction,
convection & radiation
• Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy
without any flow of the material medium.
• This is the main process by which thermal
energy is transferred from one of the solid to
• Materials that conduct heat well are called
thermal conductors, and those that conduct
heat poorly are known as thermal insulators.
• The process in which heat is carried by the bulk
movement of a fluid  occurs because hot
fluids are less dense than cold fluids
• The process in which heat is carried by the bulk
movement of a fluid  occurs because hot
fluids are less dense than cold fluids
• The temperature of the fluid that is in contact
with the hot object increases, and the fluid
expands. The warm fluid is less dense than the
surrounding cooler fluid, so it rises. The
surrounding cooler fluid falls to take the place
of the rising warmer fluid, and a convective
circulation is set up  free/natural convection
Natural & Forced Convection
• Natural convection  temperature difference
causes the density at one place in a fluid to be
different from that at another.

• Forced convection  for example :

– a furnace blower causes air circulation to
heat the rooms of a house
– a pump circulates radiator fluid through an
automobile engine to remove excess heat
Natural & Forced Convection
• Radiation  Heat energy transferred by
electromagnetic waves. This method of heat
transfer does not need particles
• All objects emit such electromagnetic radiation
because of their temperature and also absorb
some of the radiation that falls on them from
other objects. The higher the temperature of
an object is, the more it radiates.
Since the color black is
associated with nearly
complete absorption of
visible light, the term
perfect blackbody or,
simply, blackbody is used
when referring to an
object that absorbs all the
electromagnetic waves
falling on it.
Heat Capacity & Specific Heat
• C = heat capacity = Q / ΔT
• c = specific heat capacity = specific heat
= heat capacity per unit mass of a body
= C / m = Q / m ΔT
Q = m c ΔT
Heat of Transformation
Change of phase  without a temperature change

Heat of transformation = latent heat (L)

= The amount of heat per unit mass that must be
transferred to produce a phase change
Lf = heat of fusion = heat transferred during
melting / freezing
Lv = heat of vaporization = heat transferred during
boiling or condensing
Heats of Transformation of Water
• Melting point = 273 K
• Heat of fusion = 333 kJ/kg
• Boiling point = 373 K
• Heat of vaporization = 2256 kJ/kg
Exercise 1.
Berapa panas yang dibutuhkan untuk
menaikkan suhu 4 kg daging asap dengan panas
spesifik 3182 J / (kg . K) dari suhu 4,5oC
menjadi 70oC ? Nyatakan dalam Joule, kalori &
Btu (1 Btu = 1055 J)
Exercise 1.
Jawaban :
Q = m c ΔT = 4 . 3182 . 65,5 = 833684 J
Q = 833684 J . (9,481. 10-4 Btu/J) = 790,4 Btu
Q = 833684 J . (0,2389 kalori/J) = 199167,1 kal
Exercise 2
Berapa kalor diperlukan untuk memanaskan air 500
cm3 dari suhu 20 oC menjadi 35 oC? Diketahui panas
spesifik air 4186 J/kg.oC
Exercise 3
Jika air sebanyak 250 cm3 pada suhu 80oC dituangkan
ke dalam cangkir kaca pada suhu 25oC, berapa suhu
akhir campuran jika dicapai kesetimbangan?
Asumsikan tidak ada kalor yang terlepas ke lingkungan.
Diketahui massa cangkir 200 g, c kaca = 0,2 kkal/kg.oC
Heat of Transformation
Exercise 4.
Suatu bahan dengan massa 10 kg dikeringkan
dalam mesin pengering. Air yang diuapkan
sebanyak 40% dari massa bahan awal. Diketahui
panas laten penguapan 2256 kJ/kg. Hitung
panas yang dibutuhkan untuk menguapkan air
Exercise 5
Es bersuhu -10oC sebanyak 50 g dimasukkan ke dalam
200 ml air bersuhu 50oC. Jika diketahui kalor lebur es
80 kal/g dan kalor jenis es 0,5 kal/g.oC, berapakah suhu
saat tercapai kesetimbangan? Asumsikan tidak ada
kalor yang terlepas ke lingkungan.
1 st
& 2nd
Laws of
The 1st Law of Thermodynamics
• Energy can neither be created nor destroyed
• One form of work may be converted into
or, work may be converted to heat,
or, heat may be converted to work,
but, final energy = initial energy
The 1st Law of Thermodynamics
Q + W = ΔEint
Q = energy transferred (as heat) between the
system and its environment because of
temperature difference between them
W = work done on (or by) the system by forces
that act through the system boundary
ΔEint = change in the internal energy of the
system that occurs when energy is transferred
into or out of the system as heat or work
The 1st Law of Thermodynamics
• In any thermodynamic process between
equilibrium states i and f, the quantity Q + W
has the same value for any path between i and
f. This quantity is equal to the change in value
of a state function called the internal energy
The 1st Law of Thermodynamics
Exercise 6.
Consider that 214 J of work are done on a
system, and 293 J of heat are extracted from
the system. In the sense of the 1st law of
thermodynamics, what are the value of W, Q
and ΔEint?
The 1st Law of Thermodynamics
Exercise 7.
Berapa perubahan energi internal jika 2500 J
kalor ditambahkan pada sistem dan kerja 1800
J dilakukan pada sistem?
Applications of The 1st Law
Process Restriction 1st Law
All None Q + W = ΔEint

Adiabatic Q=0 W = ΔEint

(no heat transferred)
Isochoric W=0 Q = ΔEint
(constant volume)
Isobaric Δp = 0 Q + W = ΔEint
(constant pressure)
Isothermal ΔEint= 0 Q=-W
(constant temperature)
Underlined  apply only to ideal gases
• All naturally occurring processes proceed in
one direction only. They never, of their own
accord, proceed in the opposite direction
Naturally occurring processes are directional
Entropy Principle
• If an irreversible process occurs in a closed
system, the entropy of that system always
increases; it never decreases
• Entropy (S)  a quantitative measure of the
amount of thermal energy not available to do
work (for a closed thermodynamic system).
• A measure of the disorder or randomness in a
closed system
• Increasing disorder or increasing randomness
is increasing entropy
Entropy (S)

Ssolid  Sliquid  Sgas

Increasing Entropy
Increasing Entropy
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
• When changes occur within a closed system,
its entropy either increases (for irreversible
processes) or remain constant (for reversible
processes). It never decreases.

• Closed system  ΔS ≥ 0
• Reversible process  ΔS = 0
Entropy Change
S = Q / T
 S = change in entropy
 Q = change in internal energy (heat flow)
T = absolute temperature

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics 

during any process:
 Suniverse =  Ssystem +  Ssurroundings  0
Exercise 8
Sebuah es batu dengan massa 60 gram diambil dari
tempat penyimpanan pada 0oC dan diletakkan di sebuah
mangkuk. Setelah beberapa menit, tepat setengah dari
massa es batu telah lebur menjadi air pada suhu 0oC.
Hitung perubahan entropi es/ air.
Diketahui kalor peleburan 79,7 kal/g.
1 kal = 4,186 J
2nd Law Consequences
• Heat will not flow from a cold body to a hot body
• An object or fluid of uniform temperature cannot do
useful work  There must be temperature
difference so that there will be a heat flow, which can
be used to do work
• The various forms of energy tend to degrade over
time to thermal energy  Useful forms of energy
convert into an unusable form of energy.
2nd Law Consequences
• Without input of energy, bodies tend to reach
thermal equilibrium. We can maintain temperature
differences via refrigerators or heating units, but this
requires energy.
• During any process the entropy of the universe
cannot decrease. Expending energy to decrease the
entropy of a system will lead to an increase in
entropy for the surrounding by a greater amount.
• 100 % efficiency is unattainable

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