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from the begining of time, man has always being atonished by the
supernatural. the supernatural has always been approached with fear
and caution. Regardless of this fear and skeptism, humanity have
always been interested in observing,studying and doing the

The supernatural are those events which cannot be explained by

natural laws.they are those activities, events and actions that defie the
law of nature. There is only one word to explain the supernatural and
that word is ‘’impossible’’. According to all natural laws, the
supernatural is just impossible and unexplainable.

This book is expository of the supernatural from the biblical

perspective. In this book, i will focus on the following key points; the
source of the supernatural and how we can tap into that source and
work the supernatural.

This book is not an academic work. Rather it is an expository inspired by

the spirit of God. The message of this book can only be understood by
believers in christ Jesus for it is the church that this message is
addressed to.

I will conclude here by telling you with all holy assurance, that with
God, there is nothin like impossible. I pray that the spirit with the
instrumentality of this book will open your eyes to behold a relm of
mighty exploits in the power of God. You are blessed.

If you carefully study the histories recorded in the bible, you will
observe a pattern in this histories. You will notice that recorded in the
bible where men and women who did things that where naturally
impossible. They did things or produced results which defied science
and all natual laws and belief of their time. These workers of the
supernatural cut across time frames and locations. They where both in
the old and new testaments. They worked their miracles in Egypt,
Isreal, Asia, etc. Here is a list of some these men and women and what
they did.

Enoch- this man called Enoch did not experience death. He was
translated to heaven without expriencing death1. Enoch became a
wonder to his generation that man can live without dying. This same
experience was repeated by a man called Elijah2.

Abraham and Sarah- this couple where able to have an issue at an

impossible age. Abraham was hundred years old while his wife Sarah
was ninety years old when they had their baby boy3.

Moses- with a staff, this man caused a sea to divide thereby creating a
highway in the middle of the sea4. This was just one of the mighty
miracles that moses did with his staff.

Peter- it was recorded that the shadow of this man was healing the

Paul- his handkerchief was healing the sick6, he was bitten by a deadly
serpent yet it had no effect on him7. At his command even the dead
came back to life.
Elisha- his bones revived a dead man8. With a piece of stick Elisha
caused an iron to float on water9.

The bible is full of stories like these few that i listed here. it is just
impossible to read the bible without coming to the conclusion that not
only is the supernatural real, it is so common that there must be a
principle governing it. The supernatural in the bible was not a few
random occurance but it was so wide spread and also over a wide span
of time that it is obvious that there was a principle governing this
working of the supernatural. They were not just isolated events.

the supernatural like in the time of moses and in the time of the
apostles can be replicated. All that is reqiured is to know what these
patriots knew and walk in the path they walked. I believe that you
cannot finish reading this book without the realisation that you do what
they did and even more.

In this chapter we will try to identify the source of the power of these
great men of the bible.

It is obvious that these men of the bible had something. There was
something that these great men and women knew that gave them
assess to the ability to work these extra ordinary works. What is the
source of the power to do these extra ordinary works? Can these work
be done in our time today? These has been questions asked by many
today. Some believe that the days of miracle is gone. Well i know both
by faith and experience that miracle is still real today as it was 2000 yrs
ago. Some also believe that miracles are limited to only few choosen
ones. That i know is not also true. Anyone that meet the conditions can
also work miracles.

We will start by identifying the source of power for supernatural. I will

state it as a fact that the source of all powers is God. Every power in the
world belong to God. But the gospel about this statement is that the
power of God can be transmitted to man and manifested through man.
This power of God upon men was the secret behind their possessing
the ability to work the supernatural. One of the greatest mystry in the
kingdom of God is the ability of men to possess and express the power
of God. This is one of the purposes of God in creating man. Man was to
be a vessel for his power10. The man created by God was created with
the purpose of displaying the abilities of God and possessing his
dominion[ this is the meaning of the imagery of God] 11. The only way he
can do this is by possessing the power of God. But how do this power
come upon man?
If we go back to the histories of the scripture, we will notice that there
is a common phrase in scripture that is consistent with wherever there
is the manifestation of the supernatural.this factor is the presence of
the of the spirit of God on the person through whom the supernatural
is about to be manifested. Let us take some scriptural examples, the
bible recorded that before Elijah ran with super natural power to over
take a running chariot, the spirit of the lord came upon him12. The bible
also recorded that the reason why jesus was able to heal the sick, heal
the broken hearted and deliver those oppressed by the devil was
because he was annointed with the spirit of God13. Recorded also in the
bible was the fact that samson’s extra ordinary strength came from the
spirit of the lord upon him14. The bible is so full of such examples that it
can be rightly said that possessing the power of God has to do with the
presence of the spirit of God upon the individual. The holy spirit as he is
also called is the third person of the trinity who when he comes upon
us inputs in us the attributes of God. We become the imagery of God( ie
possess the divine attributes of God) due to the presence of the holy
spirit. It is he that transmitte the divine attributes of God including his
power to us. Jesus while going put it this way to his disciple. ‘ you shall
recieve power when the holy ghost shall come upon you’15. So it is very
obvious from the statement of jesus that it is the presence of the holy
spirit that endues us with the power of God.

So when this third person of the trinity comes upon us, he inputs into
us the power of God which is the tool necessary for working the

we have shown in the chapter before this that the supernatural is

possible due to the operation of the power of God in man. We also
explained that this power of God is implanted into man by the agency
of the holy spirit of God coming upon man.

In this chapter, we are going to show that there was a promise. We will
explain what this promise is, who and who that can benefit from this
promise and the effect of this promise on us.

Now as we saw in the first chapter of this book, there where men who
lived supernaturally. These men did things that where beyond the
natural ability and capabilities of man. In the second chapter we saw
the source of the power for the supernatural or the miraculous is from
God. We also saw that this power comes upon us through the agency of
the holy spirit. It is the spirit upon these men that gave them the ability
or power to do these supernatural things.

Recorded in the history of the bible were two great things. The first was
a prophecy which declared a phenominal promise from God and the
second was the fulfilment of that promise. We will first look into this
great prophecy then we will look into the fulfillment of this great
prophecy. Hundreds of years before the birth of christ, a prophet
named joel made a great prophecy, God spoke through him and said ‘ i
will pour my spirit upon all flesh....’i6. if you have understood the
message of this book so far, then you will understand the implication of
this mighty promise. The spirit of God is the person through which the
power of God is implanted to us. Now God has just promised through
his prophet that spirit which gave all those who lived supernaturally the
power as recorded in the bible can now be given freely to all flesh. In
other words, everyone can now have the power to live supernaturally.
Every flesh in this world can now have the opportunity to live out the
power of God. This is the tremendious promise of God. You, i and
everyone regardless of color, location and nationality can possess this
power giving spirit. This is a mind blowing promise but it is true. Now
before we properly rejoice in the promise, we must understand certain
things about this spirit of promise. The spirit person( the spirit is a
person) is so holy that it cannot dwell in a sinful person. This is also
recorded in the bible17. Now man is sinful by nature18. There is not one
person that is righteous before God. We all posses the fallen nature of
Adam who disobeyed God19. We are all children of sin. The problem
now is this, how can the spirit of God who is holy now dwell upon us
who are sinful.if nothing is done about man’s sinful condition the
promise of the spirit is impossible to fulfill. This was the reason why the
prophets found it difficult to believe this promise of God. They
understood how holy God is. The holiness of God and his distaste for
sin can be seen in the uncompromising way that he brings judgement
upon those who breaks his law20. So no matter how much God loves us
and no matter his desire for us to live supernaturally, his spirit cannot
dwell on the sinful unless he has deviced a way of taking care of sin.
This was the logic of the ancient prophets and holy men and they
where right.

Then God started speaking through his prophets that he God in one day
will remove not just the sin of isreal but the sin of the whole world. This
was also another difficult thing to believe. This is because it was man
that sinned against God therefore it will reqiure a man to suffer the
penalty of sin which is death. Not only does it take a man to pay for the
sin of man, the man must be sinless from birth and live sinlessly so that
his death will be for the sin of others not his own. Remeber that we are
not just sinful because of what we did but also we are children of
Adam. Adam our ancestor sinned against God21, so all who are the seed
of Adam( born through the natural process of life) are sinners before
God because we all possess the nature of Adam. So the person who
must qualify to pay for the sin of others must be born another way
other than the natural process of birth which involves intercourse
between a man and a woman if not the person is a sinner just because
of birth. So you can see the suprise of the prohets because there is no
such man. A man with a supernatural form of birth. A man that is
completely without sin and then a man who will be willing to take upon
him the punishment of the sins of others even the whole world. There
is no such man in the world at the time of the prohecies and there was
no possibility that such a man can exist.

Then around 400yrs before christ, a prophet named isaiah prophesied

of a virgin becoming pregnant and giving birth to a male child22. Then
later this same prophet prohesied of a messiah who shall be born upon
whom shall the whole chaistisement of our peace be upon. He shall be
bruised because of our iniqiuties23. King David also under the influence
of the holy spirit also prophesied of the sufferings of this messiah who
will suffer for our sake24. So there is not just a promise from God to
pour his spirit upon us, but to also provide a messiah who will take
away our sin to make us qualify for the outpour of this power giving
spirit. Now we have whole reason to rejoice.

Let us now look into how these promises of God was fufilled.
Two thousand years ago, something phenominal happened. A young
virgin named mary who lived in the land of Isreal had a divine visitation.
She was in her house one day when an angel from heaven came to her.
The name of the angel is Gabriel. This angel of the lord had an unusual
message for this young virgin. The angel of the lord told mary that she
will become pregnant by the power of the holy spirit and she will give
birth to a male child. He angel told him that his name shall be called
jesus because he shall deliver his people from their sin 25. The bible
recorded that this young virgin belived the humanly impossible
message from the angel of God. As the story goes, Mary became
pregnant by the power of the holy ghost without sexual relationship
with any man and gave birth to male child who was named Jesus. This is
the fulfilment of the prophecy of isaiah about a virgin becoming
pregnant and giving birth to a child. Now can this Jesus be the promised
saviour from God. If you take time to study the recorded history of the
life of this young man Jesus as recorded in the gospels of mathew,
Mark,Luke and John, you will for yourself see a man in whom there was
no sin. Recorded specifically in this gospels, was the fact that the spirit
of God took Jesus to the desert to be tempted by the devil26. Jesus after
having be weakened with fasting for forty days was tempted by the
devil yet he did not sin. There was not any sin in him. Maybe the
greatest testimony of the sinlessness of Jesus christ can be seen in two
events. The first been the statement a servant of God named John who
was a cousin to Jesus made. When he was confronted by the religious
leaders of the jews to explain whether he was the messiah, john told
them that he does not know the messiah. But the person that sent
him(God) told that upon whom the spirit of God will desend on and
remain that the person is the messiah27. Remember ealier in this book
we stated that the spirit of God can not remain on man because of his
sinful nature. In the old testament, the spirit of God comes on man to
accomplish a specific task then he leaves. He just cannot live in man.
Man was too sinful to be a dwelling place for him. But here, God told
john that there is a man sinless that he can actually be a dwelling place
for the spirit of God. This is God’s testimony of the sinlessness of Jesus
christ. When Jesus came to John to be baptised, the bible recorded that
as John finished baptising him, he stepped out of the water then
something phenomenal happened. The bible recorded that the heaven
opened and the spirit of the lord decended upon him like a dove and
God spoke and said this is my begotten son in whom i am well
pleased28. The second testimony about the sinlessness of christ was the
testimonies of those who were to crucify him. The bible recorded that
when jesus was brought before the high priest, an attempt was sought
to find a credible accusation for which they will use to crucify him. The
bible recorded that after three and half years of the ministry of jesus,
his accussers could not find anything with which to condem him.
Finally, jesus was crucified because of his confession that he is the son
of God not for any sin or immorality29.

Jesus died. He was crucified as a common criminal. He died a sinful

death. All these he went through not because of his own sin but
because of the sin of world. He became God own lamb for our sins.

The question is this, how will we know the sacrifice of jesus with his
blood is acceptable to God. How do we know that this sacrifice has
pleased the holy heart of God? Recorded in the bible are two stories
that will give us hint into how to know what happens when God accepts
a sacrifice. The first story is what was recorded in the bible when fellow
priests rebelled against moses and Aron30. The bible recorded the these
priests claimed that God equally speaks to them as he speaks to moses
and Aron. Well to cut the long story short, they died for their rebellion
but after that, God instructed the whole isreal to cut a branch family by
family and bring it before his presence so that he can make clear his
choice. The bible recorded that when they returned the next day, the
dry branch of aron blosomed and buded flowers31.

With that God showed that the way he shows his choice or approval is
by causing the dead to come to life ie ressurrection.God even
instructed Moses to keep the ressurrected branch in the ark of
convenant so that it will serve as a memorial to Isreal that God’s
approval is shown by ressurection. The second story is when solomon
finished building the temple, it was recorded that solomon offered one
thousand bulls. The bible recorded that something phenominal
happened. It was recorded that the glory of God filled the whole
temple that the priest could not carry out their duties because of the
glory32. This is very significant. This sacrifice was accepted by God and
God poured his glory(signifying his spirit) and the glory caused the
service of the priest to cease.

From this two stories, we can dedeuce that God shows his approval for
a sacrifice by ressurection and by pouring his glory and causing the
service of God through the law of Moses to cease.

Therefore if God accept the sacrifice of jesus, he will show his approval
by raising him from death and pouring his glory(his spirit) leading to the
ceasation of service to God through the law of moses(service of the

Three days after Jesus was crucified, the bible recorded that angels
came down from heaven and push away the stone that was used to
close his tomb. Jesus rose from death33. He appeared to his disciples
and many others. They were witnesses in their time that christ has risen
from the dead34.God showed the his sacrifice was acceptable to him by
raising him from the dead. The story did not end there. Before jesus
went back to heaven, he told his disciple to wait in jerusalem for the
promise of God35. The promise of the spirit is now available to men. The
bible recorded that on the day of the feast of penticost, around 150
people were garthered waiting in obedience to commandment of Jesus.
They were waiting for the promise of God. The bible recorded that a
great rushing wind enveloped their enviroment and tonges of fire
rested upon them and they all were filled with the spirit speaking in
new tonges36. This is very amasing, the spirit of God with all the glory
and power of God has come upon men. The promise of God is now
fufilled. The price has been paid and the door now opened.

The jews around hearing the noise and this people speak with strange
tonges concluded that they must be drunk. Peter the leader of the
disciples told them that what they see is the fufillment of the prophecy
of God through prophet amos. He also told them what they will do and
also receive this spirit of power37. In the next chapters, we will look into
how to recieve this spirit of power and how to demostrate the power of
God. We will explain what the annointing is and what is the effect of
the annointing in the life of the individual.

Conclusively, the spirit of power is for you and me. Beloved you can live
a life full of the demostration of the power of God. You can live
supernaturally in this world. When Jesus was leaving to heaven, he told
his disciples that miraculous shall follow those who believe 38. These
signs was not a promise by Jesus. Jesus was telling them their identity
as believers. In other words, if you really believe, these signs will be
there. As speaking in a new tonge is the sign of recieving the spirit of
God39, miraculous signs is the evidence of believing. It is our new


So far, we have shown God’s desire for all of us to posses his power.
We have shown the promised he made to us that the spirit of power
will be poured out for all men. We know also the price he paid by giving
his only son as a price for our sin. In this chapter, we will look into how
we can recieve this spirit of power based on what our saviour Jesus did
not based on any of our merits.

Many who are reading this book now may have heard this gospel
before but the problem with them is that they donot know how recieve
this spirit which God has offerred us through his son.

There are some other set of people who have recieved this spirit but do
not know how to manifest the power that this spirit offer.

All these problems that i have listed here will be cleared by the time i
finish this chapter.

I will show us how to recieve this spirit of power by narreting to us a

story that happened in the bible. There was this young man named
Elisha. He has been following the prophet of God Elijah. Ealier, God told
Elijah that it was Elisha that will sussced him as a prophet 40. Now a time
came when Elijah will be taken to heaven, he asked Elisha a question
saying, what do you want me to do for you41? Here is the first thing i
want to point out from here. Even though God has told Elijah that
Elisha will sussced him, Elijah did not just tranfer the spirit unto Elisha
because God told him that Elisha is the candidate. Elijah asked the
question to find out if Elisha possess in him the neccesary desire to
have the spirit of God. This is an indespensible fact in reciving the spirit
of power. Even though God has done every neccesary thing to open the
door for us to recieve the holy spirit, we must desire the spirit. This
desire is the first step to recieving the spirit of power. Jesus told his
disciples in his teaching that it is those who thirst that shall be
filled42.Elijah asked Elisha what will i do for you so that he can reveal the
hunger in the young man’s heart. The question is how hungry are you
for this spirit of power? Are you so thirsty that you feel like you will die
if you don not drink in this gift of God.

Elisha replied Elijah i want the double portion of your spirit. Elisha is
thirsty for the spirit that was on Elijah. He knew that everything Elijah
did was due to the spirit that was on him. He was thirsty for the power
he saw in Elijah. Elijah replied to him and said this your rquest is difficult
but if you see me been taken off then you have it43. This is the second
key i want us to see here. The spirit is recieved by SEEING. It is a
revelation that gives the spirit. This is where most seekers of the spirit
miss it. THE SPIRIT IS RECEIVED BY A REVELATION. If you take a second
look into what Elijah told Elisha, you will understand this spiritual truth
more. Let us closely take a second look at Elijah’s statement. ‘what you
ask is difficult, but if you see me been taken off you shall have it’. In this
statement,Elijah made it clear that the spirit resting upon a man is a
difficult thing. Every one who has read this book so far will know this by
now. The spirit is so holy that it is impossible for him to rest on sinful
man. But Elijah also revealed that this difficult task is possible by the act
of SEEING. Elijah told him, if you see me then you have it. Seeing is
having. The spirit is not received by doing something for God as some
people say. The spirit is not received by assuming a lifestyle. There is no
religious activity that can give the spirit of power neither is their any
self righteousness that can cause us to receive to this spirit. It is
recieved by seeing.

The question is seeing what? Elijah said if you see me been taken off
you shall have it. Elijah did not say if you see God. He said if you see me.
in other words,the aim of the revelation is to see a MAN. Some think in
their heart that it is seeing God that gives us power. No! it is seeing a
man that cause us to receive the spirit. Who is this man that we need

Brethen it is the ability to see JESUS that cause the spirit to come upon
us. Apostle revealed this truth in the scripture in his letter to the
conrinthians church. In his letter he stated that as we behold him, we
are transformed44. If we see the ressurected christ seated upon the
throne as Elisha saw Elijah in the spiritual translate into the next life by
the chariot of fire, if we see Jesus translated through the power of God
over the world,over sin,over satan. If we can see him seated upon the
throne, if we can see that he has taken us with him to the throne of
God. If we can see the new position he has given us then we shall be
filled with his spirit.

I am now going to explain this divine revelation and by faith believe

that God will open your eyes to behold this marvelous truth.

We explained ealier in this book how God himself provided for us his
only begotten son to be a sacrifice for our sin45. Jesus who knew no sin
was crucified that we shall be free from sin by faith in him. We who are
of the nature of Adam, rebellious before God are now children of God
by faith in the death and ressurection of Jesus. If we just believe with
our whole heart that he died for our sins therefore the penalty of our
sin was upon him. If we believe that as he hung on the cross that it was
because of us. We are the guilty one not him but because of love he
took it for us. Therefore because of his death we have been justified
before God. God has nothing against us. We are free from his wrath. Sin
is longer the barrier between us and God. Christ has carried away our
sin. Our sin was on him when he hung on the cross. As he died and was
buried, our sin was buried with him. Therefore God is now free to
express his love to us.this is just the first part of the revelation.

The second part of the revelation is the ressurection and acension of

jesus into the right hand of God in heaven. For us to be filled with the
spirit of power and be able to demostrate the power of God, we must
be able to understand the relationship between the glorification of
Jesus and we who believe in him. Jesus told his diciples that if anyone
believes, the work he did such person will do even greater works
because he goes back to the father46. For us to posses the power to do
the works that Jesus did even greater works, we must have the faith
that comes from understanding what the acension of Jesus Christ have
accomplished for us.

When Jesus rose from death, the first person that met the ressurrected
Christ was the young lady Mary. This was the girl from whom he cast
out seven demons47. The bible recorded that Mary out of excitment ran
to meet Jesus but the master told her not to TOUCH him for he has not
presented himself to the father48. From this we can deduce that the
ressurrected christ cannot be touch until he presents himself to the
father. After some days has passed, the bible recorded that the
disciples of Jesus were in a room in which they locked themselves up
out of fear. Suddenly, Jesus appeared before them. After he rebuked
Thomos for his faithlessness, he told him to come and touch his hands
and feet and verify that it is him and he is a MAN not a spirit 49. What
lead to this change of attitude in Christ? Before he does not want to be
touched now he is calling Thomus to touch. The simple answer is that
between the time that Jesus rose from death and the time he appeared
to Thomos, Christ went to heaven and presented himself to the father.
The lord went to his father to show that the work of reconciliation
which the father sent him to do has been accomplished. I believe he
must have shown him the nail marks and the wound inflicted by spear.
Have you ever wondered the reason why all those marks did not
disappear when jesus rose from death. Jesus was able to raise lazarus
who was four in the grave and was way into putrification completely
back to life50. When christ himself rose, the marks on his wounds were
not removed. It is definitely not because Christ lacks the power to
completely heal himself of any sign of crucification, rather he must
have willfully allowed it to remain. The reason to this was that the lord
left those marks as a sign of ressurection. When he went into heaven,
he showed the father and all the host of heaven that indeed he has
died our death. He still carries this mark in heaven as a barge of
indentification51. In fact he is called theone who was slain in heaven 52.

When Christ appear before the father to present himself for work well
done, the father was pleased and gave unto him all power in heaven,
on earth and under the earth. Every power and dominion was given to
him. After Christ received this power and dominion from the father, he
came back to earth to present himself to his disciples that he is alive,
that he has recieved all powers(including all powers to work the
supernatural) and to give them a commision52.
Beloved, the gospel of what i have written in the paragraph before this
is that the power that Jesus got from the father, he did not get for
himself alone rather he earned it for all of us. He wants to share this
power to work the miraculous with us. Some people think that the
power for the supernatural is gotten by pleading with God. They are
wrong. The power has been given to Christ. He is the one with the
power. The jews believed in the true God but refused to believe in
Christ so they lack this power. This power is with Christ and only him
can give it to us. We receive it from him by faith in him and obedience
to his commision. John the baptist called him the one who baptises
with the holy ghost and with fire.

When we put our faith in christ, believe what he did for us and who he
has made us, when we are willing to yield to his commandment, we can
ask and recieve the spirit of power who inputs into us the power of
God. The spirit comes after we believe in the ressurected christ, when
we also believe in the new position he has given us and yield to the
great commission. If we believe this with our heart we ask and recieve
the spirit of power. When this spirit comes, he brings an evidence
which is speaking in new tonge. The spirit upon coming upon us gives
us ultrance to speak a language which we can not speak on our own.
This is the biblical evidence of recieving the spirt.

But we said it by faith in Christ and yeilding to his commission that we

receive the spirit of power. So you may ask the question, what is this
commission? Who has he made us? These two questions will be the
focus of the next chapter of this book.

I will conclude this chapter by telling us this; christ has not only justified
us before God by paying the price, he also obtained all power for us. He
has restored dominion to us. When he was going back to heaven after
he appeared to his disciples, he told them that after the spirit of power
has come upon them, as they yield to the commision, the supernatural
will follow them. This promise of Jesus is still open to anyone who will
believe. I say again the supernatural is your right.


I strongly believe that anyone who have read this book upto this
chapter must have been blessed by it. The focus of this particular
chapter will be to show us that the power of God comes to accomplish
a divine purpose. It is only after understanding and yielding to this
purpose that one can demostrate the power of God.

We will explain what this divine purpose is. We will also show that only
certain type of people can que into this divine purpose. I believe this
chapter will bless you immensly Amen.

When Adam the father of mankind felled in the garden, one of the
most fundamental thing that Adam lost was purpose for existence. The
bible recorded that God sent Adam away from the garden to till the
ground53. The word tilling the ground is very significant. The prahse
‘Adam tilling the ground’ means that Adam now only lives to satisfy his
desire. Everything that Adam now does from that time on was to WORK
to satisfy his own needs. Let me explain this revelation. When God
created Adam, the bible recorded that God had a purpose in mind. the
scripture puts it this way; Let us make man in our own image after our
own likeness and let him have dominion.....54. God’s purpose in making
man was to have a being that expresses God ( man was to be in God’s
image not in man own image). In other words, man was to be the
expression of what God wants. His desire was to be a mirrow of what
God desires, his choice a mirrow of God’s choice, his emotions was to
express God’s emotion and his thoughts exactly like God’s thoughts.
This was the man of God’s purpose. The question is this, how was God
going to accomplish this multiplication of himself? The answer lies in
the second part of the statement, after our own likenesss. Man was to
be like God. The word likeness is best interpreted nature. Man is to
have the same kind of nature as God. The same kind of raw material
that is in God will be the same kind of raw material the will be in man.
This better helps us to understand that man possessing the imagery of
God is based on man possessing the nature or likeness as God. The
bible went futher to reveal that this man who have the imagery and
likeness of God is to have a specific characteristics. That characteristics
is dominion. In other words, dominion is the resultant effect of having
the imagery and nature of God. God finally created this man. The way
he created him is very significant. The bible recorded that he took sand
and molded man, then he breathed into his nostril the breath of life
and man became a living soul57. Now this man contain a connection
with the earth and he also posses something from God. There is
something that is inside God that also dwells inside of man. The bible
called it the breath of life. It is this thing that is in thing that is in God
that is also in man that gave this man made of sand the nature of God.

It is very important for us to note that the being that God has ordained
to rule the earth must be man. It is man that must rule the earth. Not
angels or spirits or even God himself but man. A man who is in the
image and likeness of God. Brethen, God cannot breaks his own word.
What i am actually saying is this, even though all rulership is of God, the
rulership of God on the earth can only be enforced through man who is
in his image and likeness. Dominion is man’s legal divine right. When i
use the word man, i do not mean just any human, rather i mean the
human who is in the image and likeness of God.

The reason i why went all this length is to help you understand God’s
purpose so that you will understand better Adam’s purpose and what
he lost in the garden of Eden.

After God created the man he desired, he gave this man a purpose. I
will rephrase this statement by saying that God expained to man how
this dominion is to be enforced. Man’s divine purpose was to have
dominion upon the earth but it was God who is to tell him how this
dominion is to be expressed. The bible recorded that God gave Adam
the instruction saying be multiply, be fruitfull and replenish the earth
and sudue it. Have dominion.....58. The implication of what God told
man is this, as you be fruitful and multiply and you replenish the earth
your dominion will manifest. So man’s(Adam and Eve) assignment on
earth was to multiply themslves ie fill the earth with men who are in
the image and likeness of God, then also to replenish the earth by
expanding the garden which is the presence of God. As man focuses in
this divine objective of filling the earth with men and filling the earth
with the presence of God, his God given dominion will be made
manifest. this dominion of man is only possible because of the power of
God upon man as he obeys God’s commandments. Unfortunately, this
was not the case. Man failed. By disobedience he lost the very life from
God which gave him the nature of God. The likeness of God in man
which made man the image of God was destroyed. Man acqiured a new
nature which is the rebellious nature of sin. He also lost his dominion
because he is no longer the image of God. Adam also lost his purpose.
Because he is no longer the image of God, multiplying himself will no
longer led to multiplication of the imagery and likeness of God which
was God’s purpose. The divine purpose of filling the earth with the
imagery and likness of God, and replenishing it with his divine presence
which Eden represents was completely lost.

Adam who was created to implement divine purpose was cast away
from the presence of the almighty. He now acqiure a carnal purpose of
tilling the ground. Adam now lives to work to satisfy his own desire and
sinful nature.Adam no longer expresses God but sin and self.

Remember that the aim of this chapter is to show you what the great
commission is and the show how purpose was restored through it. I will
also explain the relationship between this comission and the power of

In the chapter before this one, i stated that Jesus appeared to his
disciples to show them that he is alive and also to give to them a
commission. The best way to understand this commission is to go back
to the scriptures and see what Jesus told his disciples as he was going
back to heaven.
In the gospel according to saint mark, the scriptures recorded the
following statements by Jesus Christ; and he said unto them, go ye into
all the world and preach the gospel to every creature...............and this
signs shall follow them that believe, in my name they shall cast out
devils,they shall speak in new tongues,they shall take up serpents and if
they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands
on the sick and they shall recover.............and they went forth and
preached everywhere, the lord working with them andconfirming the
word with signs following. amen59. From this statement of Jesus, we
will understand that the great commission is the commandment from
Jesus to his disciple to preach the gospel to all the nations of the world
and also a promise that signs and wonders will follow as they believe
and obey. The great commission therefore is a commandment and a
promise. It is a promise that the supernatural will be manifested
through them as they preach the gospel. Therefore the basis for the
doing and living the supernatural is obidence to the commandment of
the great commission. We earlier mentioned that the commission
restores the divine purpose of God to man. It is this restoration that
gives man access to God’s power. The power of God can only be used
for God’s purpose therefore it is only by being in God’s purpose can
man enjoy the power of God to do the supernatural. This purpose is
what the gospel restored back us. How did the gospel restores God’s
divine plan of replenishing the earth and multiplying his presence in the
whole earth? I think this will be a beautiful question to ask. The answer
to this question is to explain fully what the gospel is and it effect on

To a great extent, this book so far can be rightly said to be an

expository into the gospel of christ. in every chapter of this book, one
way or the other, the emphasis has always be on the gospel of Christ.
Once again in this chapter, i am going to explain the gospel in such a
way that the reader will understand the gospel with greater emphasis
on restoration of God’s foreordained purpose.

I have earlier shown us what God’s purpose for Man is. We also saw
how Adam lost this purpose through disobedience. Earlier we also saw
how faith in Jesus is God’s solution to our sin. By believing that christ
died for our sin, by accepting his death as our death and accepting
ressurection our ressurection from sin into a new life before God we
are saved. This is the gospel. This what the lord told us to preach. We
are to preach to the lost and dying world that Jesus is alive and his
death and ressurection has open a way back to God. How then is this
gospel related to restoration of God’s purpose? The gospel restores
God’s purpose because by believing the gospel, the very life of God
comes into us. God himself comes into us by faith in Christ through the
hearing of the gospel. The nature of God is restored in us. In the
creation of Adam God molded man from dust and breath into him the
breath of life. Adam had something in him that came from God. That
thing called breath of life was what made him a living soul. It will be
very interesting to know that the word used in describing this life in the
writing of Genesis was plural. This life was plural. It was both physical
and spiritual. It is the presence of the spiritual life that made the phsical
Adam manifest the image of God. When Adam disobeyed God, the
spiritual instantly died. The nature or likeness of God lies in the spiritual
life because God is a spirit. So when the spirirtual died, Adam lost the
nature of God. The physical life of Adam lost the imagery of God and
acqiured the image of self and nature of sin. Death also started to
operate in the physical life untill Adam completely died at the age of
930 years. The gospel reversed this and added something better. By
faith in Christ, God himself in the person of the holy spirit comes into
our dead spirit as our life. He becomes our life60. Adam recieved life
from God but in christ God in his fullnest comes as our life. Therefore
the new man created by faith in God has greater potential than the first
man Adam. The nature of God in us is restored by God coming into us.
It is this new nature that by faith through the word of God and the
spirit of God that turns our physical life into the image of God. This new
nature grows in us and transforms our thought, will,emotion,mind and
body into the image of God. Therefore gospel restores God purpose of
creating his image. As men who are in the image of God preach the
gospel across the the nations of world, the life of God is spread accross
the whole earth as people put their faith in Christ though believing the
gospel.this is his divine plan. To multiply his image and replenish the
earth with his presence. I believe beloved you can now see how God’s
purpose is fulfilled in the gospel of Christ. You can now see why he will
pour his power upon as many as will believe him to yield themselves to
obey the great commission. This is my prayer for every reader of this
book. That you will believe him and carry the cross of the gospel. If we
carry the cross of the gospel, then he is faithfull to fulfill the promise
that the supernatural will follow us as his power rest on us. Preaching
the gospel does not just involve moving from place to place to tell
people this good news. It involves giving in our money, material
things,intellectual, strenght even our convinence as an offerring to God
that his divine purpose will be accomplished. We give all unto him that
men through our giving will see the love of God and put their faith in
Christ so that they may have life and not perish. It also involves giving
our all that our fellow brethen may grow in the knowledge of the word
of God so that the God-life in them will grow untill it grow to
abundance. Jesus said that he came that we may have life and have it in
abundanc or to put it put it better in fullness61. It is not enough to have
life. His will for us is to have it in fullness. He does not want us to just
have a drink from the living water, he want us to become springs of
living water62. So when we call it our purpose to give our all that our
brethen may grow in the knowledge and understanding of the gospel
so that their faith may grow unto fullness of life, then we are keeping
the great commission.

By faith in his death, we have been justified from sin. By his

ressurection, we now have a new life with new abilities and rights
before God. By obedience to his commission we are now instruments
for demostration of his life and power. This who we are.

Beloved, i believe that i have come to the end of my ministration in this

book. I have by the grace of God shown that the supernatural existed. I
have also shown that this power to do the supernatural is still avaliable
today. The way has been opened for the spirit of power to come upon
us. By believing in Jesus our sins are forgiven and we become candidate
of the spirit of power. We received this spirit by seeing our new
position in Jesus and believing who he has made us. I have also shown
that this power comes for a purpose. The purpose which is of God. I
have shown how this purpose was restored by the gospel of Christ. We
can now become partakers of this divine purpose by obedience to the
great commission that power of God to live supernaturally may be
manifested in us. This is the concised message of this book.

I will only ask you a simple a simple question; do you want to live
supernaturally? If you do, then by believing the message of this book
and walking in faith to live a life of obidence to keep the great
comission, YOU SHALL LIVE IN THE SUPERNATURAL. For i know that he
who has promised is able to keep all that he has promised.

The whole creation is waiting for your manifestation. Remain blessed.


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