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Saturday 23:20 I know what you did last summer.
Four teenagers hit someone with their car and
dump his body in the sea thinking he is dead. A
year later they get a strange letter saying: “I
know what you did last summer.’ The four kids
are in great danger.

Sunday 20:45 Notting Hill

The life of a simple bookshop owner changes
when the most famous movie star in the world
walks into his shop and buys a book. Can she
fall in love with an ordinary guy???

Wednesday 22:15 The Orient Express.

The Orient Express is caught in the snow and
the famous detective, Hercules Poirot,
investigates the murder of a man on the train.
Will he catch the killer in time? What do some
passengers have in common? What is their
Saturday 17:35 Police Academy
Call them stupid, call them fools, just don’t call
them when you’re in danger! They are the new
policemen in the neighbourhood but somehow
they are always in trouble and only manage to
make things worse…

Sunday 21:40 Unforgiven

The town of Big Whisky is full of normal people.
Sheriff “Little Bill” tries to build his house, when
a a young man called “The Schofield Kid” and
an old killer called Munnay come to town.
Trouble starts when the gunshots begin and a
mad hunt on horses in the desert begins.
Friday 20:10 Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Roy Neary is working when a strange light from
above bathes him. After that he starts seeing
weird things in his mind and hears some
strange music. Meanwhile, a pilot reports that
he saw a strange object flying close to his
airplane. Will they find out who or what that
thing is?
Monday 15:30 The Great Escape
During World War II, a group of prisoners make
a plan to escape from a Nazi concentration
camp in Germany. Will their plan be
successful? How do they dig a tunnel to
escape? How will they leave Germany and
when will they feel safe?
1. Sam is 9 years old. His mother doesn’t let him watch films with monsters or films that will make
him feel scared. He likes detective films and he also likes to laugh. He is staying at home on
Saturday, so he is going to watch a film.
Which film is he going to watch? _____________________________________________
What time does the film start? ________________________________________________
What kind of film is it? ________________________________________________
2. Julie is a big “X-Files” fan. She believes that there are aliens and that -like her heroes say- “The
truth is out there”. She watches almost every film about life on other planets and she knows
there is one on at the end of the week.
Which film is she going to watch? __________________________________________
On which day is the film on? _______________________________________________
What time does the film start? ______________________________________________
What kind of film is it? ____________________________________________________
3. Jack likes to solve mysteries-that’s why he is so good at maths! He likes puzzles and he reads a
lot of Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes books. He always knows who killed whom. His
favourite film is on this week and he is going to watch it for the tenth time!!!
Which film is Jack going to watch? ________________________________________
On which day is this film on? _______________________________________________
What time does it start? ___________________________________________________
What kind of film is it? ____________________________________________________
4. Martha is one of those friends who like playing scary jokes on you. I remember one time when
she made the TV turn on on its own-somehow- and I was really frightened. Remember that guy
in the “Scream” series, the one in the black robes and that white mask with the open mouth???
Well, that’s her hero, and that’s what she will dress up as in the carnival. Anyway, I am not
going to watch the film she is going to watch!
Which film is she going to watch? ________________________________________
On which day? ______________________________________________
What time does it start? ___________________________________________________
What kind of film is it? ___________________________________________________
5. Aaron dreams of becoming something like Rambo! Yes, he wants to kill the bad guys, do tricks,
have guns, climb roofs and trees, jump from planes… Nobody tells him that he’s only
dreaming…At least he’s excellent at making plans on how not to do our homework without the
teacher or our parents shouting at us…
Which film is Aaron going to watch? _______________________________________
On which day? _______________________________________________________
What time does it start? __________________________________________________
What kind of film is it? __________________________________________________
6. Did you know that Sue often goes horse-riding? Oh, yeah! She is a huge western fan. Please, tell
her parents not to let her watch westerns, because she ends up being really boring. Last week
she hit me on the head because she thought I was an Indian! For God’s sake!
Which film should Sue watch? _____________________________________________
On which day? ___________________________________________________________
What time does it start? ___________________________________________________
7. Ah, Ben, is another story… He is one of those sensitive guys. He has a girlfriend and they often
watch films together. He is not afraid to cry in front of her. That’s why he is so popular with all of
the girls at school! Hey, beware!!! I said he’s got a girlfriend, and she can be mad, if you know
what I mean… Women…
Which film is Ben going to watch? _______________________________________
On which day? ________________________________________________________
What time does it start? __________________________________________________
What kind of film is it? _________________________________________________

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