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Gre^n # A p p l E

Folk Tales
To l d by G e o r g e G i b s o n

English Language Teaching
GreEH I f A p p l E

Folk Tales
To l d by G e o r g e G i b s o n

S /I { / f f r i *2-
S tad tb ib H o th s k
E ditors: M onika M arszew ska, R ebecca Raynes
D esign and A rt D irection: N adia Maestri
C om puter graphics: Sim ona C orniola
Illustration s: B arbara N ascim beni, Sara Blasigh
P icture research: L aura Lagom arsino

© 1998 C ideb E ditrice. G enoa

© 2003 Black Cat Publishing.

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ISBN 88-530-0106-2 Book

ISBN 88-530-0107-0 Book +

Printed in Italy by Litoprint, Genoa


The L e g e n d of 3 o h n n y A ppleseed

p a r t o n e Johnny and his Apple Seeds


American Food made with Apples

Apple-Raisin Crumble

p a rt tw o Johnny becomes a Legend


Young America and its Settlers

Pecos Pill

part one Pill and the Coyotes


part t w o King of the Cowboys


Life on a Ranch
The Tale o£ Brer Rafcfcit and the Tar BaLy 57

PA R T ONE The Tar Pafcy 59


Fox Hunting 67

PART TWO The Priar Patch 70


Brer Talcs and the South 76

S p e c ia l F e a tu re s:

ket KET-style e x e rc is e s 12, 14, 18, 24, 25, 31, 32, 39, 41,
47, 48, 49, 55, 63, 64, 69, 73
t: g r a d e 3 T rin ity -sty le e x e rc is e s (G ra d e 3) 32, 48, 68
Exit Test - Portfolio 79

Key to Exit Test 80

T he te x t is recorded in full.
T hese sym bols in d ic a te th e beginning
and end of th e e x tra c ts lin k e d to th e
liste n in g a c tiv itie s.
The Legend of

Jo h n n y

^ Do you know these words?


Match these definitions with the words in the box.

library sack settlers m essenger injure

a. A big b a g to carry things is called a ...r. r.........

b .............................go to an o th er la n d to live there p erm an en tly .
c. Books a re kept in a ............................
d. Y o u .......................... your leg w h en you h a v e a n acc id e n t a n d fall.
e. A takes a m essage from one p la c e to another.

Johnny began his journey in Boston. He w alked to New York,
Pennsylvania and to the Midwest. Look at the m ap of the United
States. Did Johnny walk to the north, south, east or west?

Look again at the m ap of the United States and answer these


a. W hat country is south of the United States?

b. W hat country is north of the United States?

c. W hat o c e a n is e ast of the United States?

d. W hat o c e a n is w est of the United States?


and his Apple Seeds
<©» ohnny Appleseed was born near Boston in 1775. His
real nam e was John Chapman.
W hen he was a child he played in the forest and in
the fields. His best friends were animals. He loved all
animals. He played w ith th em and talked to them . His family
was very religious. Johnny's first book was the Bible, but he also
liked A eso p ’s Fables. Johnny loved the tales about anim als and
their adventures.
When Johnny was a teenager he worked as a m issionary w ith
th e Indians. He c o n v e rte d m an y In d ian s to C h ris tia n ity . He
taught them about the Bible. The Indians were his friends.
When he was 26 years old he had a vision. An angel appeared to
him. The angel said, "Go and plant apple seeds across America.
The settlers of the new frontier w ant good apples to eat."

A m erican i > Folk Tales

Johnny was surprised but he was happy. He was a kind person

and he w anted to help others. He took a big sack and filled it
w ith apple seeds. He carried this sack on his back. In
one h a n d he c a rrie d th e B
F ables and o th e r relig io u s
Now he was ready to cross
th e c o n t i n e n t and p la n t
A m erica's fav orite fruit:
the apple.
Johnny was an u n u s u a l 1
He was tall and thin. He had long hair and a beard. 2 He never
bought new clothes. He wore an old coffee sack 3 and the old
clothes people gave him . He didn't usually wear any shoes. He
wore a sa u ce p an 4 on his head.
One of Johnny's friends said, "God bless you, Johnny. We are
happy for you. You are similar to St. Francis of Assisi. He loved
animals and lived a simple life."
Johnny said, "I w ant to plant apple seeds across America. Every
American family will have apple trees w ith good apples to eat."
In 1800 Johnny began his long journey across America. At that
t i m e A m e r i c a w a s a v e ry y o u n g c o u n t r y . T h e A m e r i c a n
continent was a w ild e rn e ss.5 It was unexplored. There were no

1. u n u su a l : different from th e others.

2. beard :

3. coffee sack :

4. saucepan :

5. w ilderness : a place w ith no people or houses, w here th e land is not cultivated.

The L egend
d o h n n y Appleseed

roads and few maps. This im m ense land was called the American
frontier. Many settlers w anted to explore the frontier.
Johnny walked from M assachusetts to New York. From New
York he walked to Pennsylvania. T hen he crossed Ohio, Indiana
and a big part of the Midwest (see map on page 7). Every
day he moved west.
He tra v e le d a cro ss A m e ric a an d p la n te d
apple seeds. He b u i lt fences a ro u n d th e
fields and t h e n c o n tin u e d h is journ ey.
Settlers t r a v e le d to th e f r o n t ie r and
found the apple orchards. They ate the
d e lic io u s f r u i t : g re e n , re d a n d y e llo w
apples. W hen the s e ttle rs found an apple orchard,
they built a hom e there.
Other settlers dug up 1 the apple trees and took them
to new lands. Some of Johnny's trees traveled to the West Coast
on the Pacific Ocean, (see map on page 7)
When Johnny found a fam ily of settlers he visited th eir log
cabin. He helped th e m w ith th e ir work. He told th e children
stories and sang songs.
One day Johnny visited a fam ily of settlers in the M idwest.
This fam ily loved books. He gave th e m a few pages from his
books. "You can read them and give them to me w hen I retu rn in
a few m onths," he said. The family was very happy.
In this way, Johnny created the first library on the frontier.
Many children learned to read thanks to Johnny and his library.

1. dug up : (to dig up, dug up, dug up) took out of the ground.



Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1. Jo h n n y A ppleseed's fam ily w as very religious a n d

A J o h n n y w orked as a m issionary w ith th e Indians.

B Jo h n n y re a d the Bible ev ery day .

C J Jo h n n y w en t to Asia to work a s a missionary.
2. An a n g e l a p p e a re d to Jo h n n y a n d said
A “Go a n d te a c h the Bible to th e Indians."
B J “Go a n d p la n t a p p le seeds across America."
C “Go a n d sell a p p les across Am erica."

3. Jo h n n y filled a big sack with

A books a n d a sau c e p an .
B 1 a p p le seeds.
C O old clothes a n d Aesop's Fables.

4. Jo h n n y w alk ed from M assachusetts to

A J th e W est Coast.
B | C anada.
C 1the Midwest.

5. Jo h n n y built fences
A aro u n d the fields.
B in M assachusetts.
C I I on the West Coast.

6. Settlers tra v e led to the West a n d found

A i a p p le seeds.
B 1religious books.
C ] a p p le orchards.

7. Jo h n n y A ppleseed c re ate d
A j roads a n d m aps.
B j the first library on the frontier.
C Q a n ew religion.

Look at these sentences from Part One:
Johnny w as a n unusual m an. (unusual=not usual)
It w as unexplored. (unexplored= not explored)
The prefix “-un” before a word often m eans not.
Look at this exam ple:
The trip is unnecessary. = The trip is not necessary.

Use the prefix “-un” to create new words from the ones given in the

a. The soldier w as not kind to the anim als.

. •- n

b. Johnny w as not a b le to swim.

^ .1 .

c. The Indians w ere not h a p p y w h en Jo h n n y left.

.........................................................c........... ................ (f
d. The children h a d little food a n d w ere not h ealthy.
e. The house w as not tidy.

f. That la n g u a g e is not know n.

g. The m ystery w as not explained.

h. The hot w e ath e r w as not com m on in th e spring.

i. The teach er w as not popular.

. . M?. ......................... ............... .......: ,V !............... *...................................

j. The students w ere not p re p a re d for the test.



Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)?

0. 1G1 You c a n b u y a d o g here.

1. j You c a n b u y A esop's Fables here.
2. j We don't close for lunch.
3. We sell apples.
4. | You c a n re a d books here.
5. Q You c a n deposit m oney here.

V - =--- —=3]7 n -

Post Greengrocer’s I
Office Shop J

- , -•
^liiiiwiiMBi- - r.. ir '
We serve I f The Frontier
;! good dinners; Library

made with Apples

■■ mericans eat a lot of green, yellow and red apples. There is
a lot of food and drink made with apples. Here is a proverb:
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
Apples are a delicious fruit and are very good for you. Today in the
United States there are more than 7,000 different kinds of apples!

Look at this food made with apples:

a p p le pie

Bobbing for Apples by John H yde P hillips,
cover of The Saturday Evening Post (1943).

What food is m ade with apples in your country?

What’s your favorite fruit?
What fruits have Vitamin C?
Try this delicious recipe made with apples, It's easy to make and
fun to eat!

jJ lA 2 5 0 g of flour
1 5 0g of brown sugar
1 OOg of b utte r (at room tem perature)

To m k t the frv'it Mirturtyov nutf-. l/h/isik to <JSt:

900g of sliced apples a big bow l
a cup of raisins a big saucepan
2 tablespoons of brown sugar a w ooden spoon
I/4 teaspoon of cinnam on a tab le sp oo n
a cup of w ater a teaspoon
a n on -stick pie dish

Make the crum ble first. Put the flo u r into a bow l. A dd the b utte r and mix
with your hands. W hen the mixture is crum bly, add the sugar and mix well.
Then make the fru it fillin g . P ut th e s lic e d a p p le s , ra is in s , s u g a r and
cinnamon into a big saucepan. A dd the w a ter and cook until the apples
are soft.
When the fruit is ready put it into a non-stick pie dish and cover the fru it
with the crum ble. Put the pie dish into the oven (2 0 0 °C ) and bake the
crumble for 3 0 -4 0 minutes. Remember, the top must be light brown.

Listen to the beginning of Part Two. Then choose the correct answer
A, B or C.

0. W here did Jo h n n y A ppleseed go?

A [ ] u p the m ountains
B | | across the forest
C J across the frontier

1. W hy did the Indians go to the frontier village?

A ^ to m ak e friends w ith Jo h n n y
B □ to destroy the village
C G to b u y w eap o n s

2. How far a w a y w as the fort?

A ^ 30 miles
B 13 miles
C Q 3 miles

3. Who took the m essage to the fort?

A Q two settlers
B j J Jo h n n y
C □ a soldier

4. W hy did Jo h n n y run to the hom es of the settlers?

A | to give them a p p le seeds
B to bring them books
C LD to tell them a b o u t the Indian a tta c k

5. W hat did Jo h n n y find b eh in d a tree?

A □ a deer
B □ a n Indian
C □ some insects


3ohnny fcecomes
a L e g e n d

or m any years Johnny walked thousands of miles

across the frontier. He planted apple seeds, lent 1
books, protected anim als and m ade friends w ith
settlers and Indians.
The Indians liked Johnny because he had no w eapons 2 and
respected nature. Johnny learned to speak the languages of m any
One s u m m e r m o rn in g m a n y In d ia n s a rriv e d at a f r o n tie r
village. The Indians w anted to destroy the village and kill the
settlers. The settlers w anted to send a messenger to a m ilitary

1. len t : (to lend, lent, lent) gave som ething to someone for a short period of tim e.

2. w eapons : guns, pistols, rifles. gy

A m erican m Folk Tales

fort to ask for help. T he fort was 30 m iles away. It was very
dangerous. There were enemy Indians everywhere.
Johnny w anted to save the lives of the settlers. He knew all
the secret paths 1 in the forest and in the m ountains. He was not
He took the message to the fort. The soldiers at the fort got on
their horses and w ent to defend the settlers.
A few years later, Johnny visited an Indian village. He heard
the Indian chief say, "M any settlers live near the river. Tonight
we will kill all of them ."
T hat evening Johnny ran to the hom e of every settler and said,
"The Indians will attack you tonight. Run away! Go and hide in
the forest!" The settlers escaped to the forest and no one was
Johnny loved all forms of hum an and anim al life. He didn't eat
m eat because he didn't w ant to kill animals. He loved insects,
too. He loved and respected every living thing. He was a very
special person.
One au tu m n day, Johnny was near an apple orchard. He heard
the cry of an animal. Behind a tree he found a deer.2
"My poor friend!" said Johnny. "D on't be afraid!"
He examined the deer and said, "Your leg is injured. I can help
you." The deer w asn't afraid.
Johnny stayed w ith the deer for many days and helped it.

1. paths : sm all roads for walking.

2. deer :

A m erican mm Folk Tales
"I'm happy you can walk again. Go and run in the forest, my
little friend!"
During a snow storm, Johnny w anted to sleep inside a small
c a v e .1 He saw a big family of racco o n s2 sleeping inside the cave.
He did not w a n t the raccoons to go outside into the snow. So
Johnny slept outside in the cold!
For alm ost 50 years, Johnny Appleseed helped the Am erican
frontier to grow. His apple trees, his books, his generosity and his
kindness made the frontier a happy place.
Johnny became a legend during his life. Everyone loved him.
He was a true friend of the settlers, the Indians and the animals.
In A m erica today, people re m e m b e r h im w ith a d m ira tio n .
W h en A m e r ic a n s e a t an apple, th e y o f te n t h i n k of Jo h n n y
Appleseed who made apple trees grow all over America.

1. cave : a hole or opening in th e side of a hill. '”

2. raccoons i f


Are these sentences “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B)? If there is not enough
information to answer “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B), choose “Doesn’t
say” (C).

0. Jo h n n y m a d e friends w ith everyone.

(A) Right B W rong C Doesn't say

1. Jo h n n y p la n te d a p p le seeds w h en h e w as tw en ty y ears old.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

2. Jo h n n y spoke only English.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

3. The soldiers a t the fort d e fe n d ed th e settlers.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

4. The settlers e sc a p e d to th e forest a n d stay e d there for one w eek.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

5. The deer's leg w as injured.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

6. Jo h n n y slept in a c a v e during a snow storm.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

7. Jo h n n y p la n te d one th o u san d a p p le trees on th e frontier.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

8. He b e c a m e a le g en d during his life.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

9. In A m erica to d a y people still rem em ber Jo h n n y A ppleseed.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say


Complete the five conversations. Choose the correct answer, A,

B or C.

0. How m a n y ap p les c a n I h av e?
A □ No one.
B \7\ Three.
C Any.

1. W hat tim e is dinner?

A At sev en o'clock.
B n O ne hour.
C | j Today.

2. C an I visit Tom today?

A ~J Yes, you do.
B Yes, you can .
C Tomorrow.

3. W here is the deer?

A i Yes, he is.
B Into the forest.
C In the forest.

4. W hen will Jo h n n y return?

A O Yes, he will.
B __ At two o'clock.
C Y esterday.

5. How m a n y Indians did you see?

A □ No.
B M Nothing.
C [ i None.

Have fun with this crossword puzzle!


1. 6. Jo h n n y 's first book.

2. 7.

■H +
8. *
4. Jo h n n y b e c a m e a 9.

5. 10. Jo h n n y w a n te d to sleep here.

> □


s n n n

You are a journalist. You work for the Boston G azette. In Boston
everyone wants to read about Johnny A ppleseed and his adventures
on the frontier. You must write a short article about Johnny.
You received this telegram from a fort in the Midwest but some
words are scrambled. Unscramble the words, write them in the
spaces provided and your newspaper article is ready!

Western Union Telegram

A (verba) 1 ....... young man saved (elrsetst)
2 .... from Indian attack and fire. The
young man's (eanm) 3 ....... is Johnny
He went through (yemen) 4 ....... territories.
He (koto) 5 ....... a message to a (roft)

The (lssrdieo) 7 ....... , at the fort got on

their horses and went to (aves) 8 ....... the
Johnny is a (inferd) 9 ....... of the Indians,
the settlers and the (mlasnai) 10 ...... .'db.
One (locd) 1 1 ....... winter night there was a-
(wosn) 1 2 storm. Johnny wanted to
(pesel) 1 3 ....... inside a cave. But there
was a (maifly) 1 4 ....... of raccoons sleeping
in 'the cave. He slept (uetsdio) 15 in
the snow.
He is a (gnlede) 1 6 ..... .
aid its Settlers
hen Johnny Appleseed was born in 1775, America was
not a nation. It was an English colony. America became a
nation after the American Revolution.
The enormous American continent was a wilderness. There were
unexplored forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, fields and deserts. Only
the American Indians lived in small parts of this wilderness.
T he A m e ric a n A rm y 1 se n t its s o ld ie rs to b u ild fo rts in th e
w ild e rn e ss. T h ese forts w ere sim ila r to sm all villages. T hey

The Rocky M ountains of Colorado (c. 1875) by T h o m a s M oran.

1. A rm y : m ilitary force.

Settlers outside a log cabin (c. 1870) by E. Sachse.
Thousands of settlers wanted to live in these new lands. It was their
dream. The settlers didn't usually buy the land. It was free from the
Families of settlers traveled in covered wagons. These covered
wagon trains traveled long distances to new lands. Settlers were
strong, courageous people. Life on the frontier was not easy. It was
difficult and dangerous.
The men built log cabins and hunted 1 for food. The women and
children worked as farmers. There was little free time.
The settlers were happy. They loved the freedom and adventure of
the frontier. They built America!

A covered wagon train (end of th e 19th century) by John G rabill.

1. h u n te d : killed anim als.


Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1. A m erica b e c a m e a nation
A _] before the A m erican Revolution.
B ] w h en Jo h n n y A ppleseed w as born.
C | after the A m erican Revolution.

2. A m erican Indians lived

A _! ev ery w h ere in the wilderness.
B □ in sm all parts of the wilderness.
C □ in log cab in s in the wilderness.

3. The A m erican Arm y built forts

A to protect settlers a n d sell supplies.
B j to explore the West.
C to a tta c k the Indians.

4. Families of settlers
A | b o ught land.
B □ tra v e led in covered w agons.
C ^ lived in forts.

5. The m en
A ' built log cab in s a n d h u n te d for food.
B □ w orked in the forts.
C Q built covered w agons.

6. Life on the frontier w as dangerous,

A j b u t the settlers found a lot of gold.
B a n d m ost settlers died.
C [H b u t the settlers loved the freedom a n d ad v en tu re.


Read the following sentences and choose the best word (A, B or C)
for each space.

0. The A m erican Indians . . . i n parts of the wilderness.

A in h ab ited B lived C resided

1. The s o ld ie rs forts.
A built B m ade C c re a te d

2. F o rts supplies to the settlers.

A exchanged Bgave C sold

3. The settlers' log c ab in s w ere u s u a lly m ilitary forts.

A close B near C at

4. M any covered w a g o n s to n ew lands.

A tra v e led B p ro c e ed e d C progressed

5. The m e n anim als.

A sea rc h ed B c h a se d C h u n te d


Johnny A ppleseed sees a lot of new places during his journey

across America, and the settlers m oved to new places. Find a
photo or picture of a p lace w hich is new to you, bring it to class
and discuss it with your classm ates, using the following questions
to help you.

a. W hat is the picture of?

b. W hat c a n you see in the picture?
c. Do you like visiting n ew places? W hy?/W hy not?
d. W hat is your favorite p lace?


^ Do you know these words?

covered w a g o n c actu s (plural=cacti)

ra n c h




Pill and the Coyotes

ecos Bill was born in the East of the U nited States

in the 1800s. He had a lot of brothers and sisters.
Bill was the baby of the family.
W hen Bill was about two years old, his m other
and fa th e r decided to m ove to th e W est. T h e y w a n te d to be
pioneers. They liked the adventure of the frontier.
One day they put all their possessions in a covered wagon and
began th e ir journey. T he fam ily cro ssed fo rests, m o u n ta in s ,
rivers and plains. They saw m any new things. They m et friendly
When they arrived in Texas, little Bill fell out of the covered
wagon! H is b ro th e rs and siste rs d id n 't see h im fall ou t. His
parents didn't see him fall out! T hat evening his parents looked
for him . T hey looked everywhere, b u t th ey did n o t find little
Bill. They were very sad but they continued their journey.
Little Bill was all alone in the plains of South Texas. He was

A m erican (^Js, Folic

an intelligent child. He looked around. He saw m ountains, cacti

and other small plants. It was very hot. T hen he saw a cave. He
w ent inside the cave and slept. He slept for a long time.
In the cave there was a family of coyotes. There was a m other
coyote and five sm all coyotes. T he m o th e r coyote liked little
Bill. She decided to protect him. Bill liked his new m other and
his new brothers and sisters. He played w ith the little coyotes.
The coyote family was kind to him. He copied the coyotes and
learned to run and eat. He learned to drink w ater from the river.
At n ig h t Bill h o w le d 1 at th e m o o n w ith th e coyotes. Bill
learned to speak th e language of the anim als. Soon Bill forgot
about his h u m an family. He thought he was a coyote!
M any years passed and Bill grew up. One day w hen he was
about 20 years old, Bill was at the Pecos River w ith the other
coyotes. He d ran k w a te r w ith th e m . A cowboy saw h im and
asked, "W hy are you drinking w ater in th at way? You aren't a
Bill looked at the cowboy and said, "Yes, I am!"
"No! You're not a coyote!" said the cowboy.
"Of course I'm a coyote! This is my coyote family," said Bill.
"Where's your ta il? " 2 asked the cowboy.
B ill l o o k e d in t h e w a t e r of t h e P e c o s R iv e r to see h is
refle c tio n . He d id n 't see his tail. He loo ked and looked. He
tu rn e d around and looked again. He was surprised. He didn't
have a tail!

1. how led : gave the long, loud cry of an anim al.

2. ta il :

A m erican fimM
L Folk Tales

"You're right. I'm not a coyote. My name is Bill. I'm a human!

This is a big surprise for m e /' he said.
The cowboy laughed and Bill laughed too.
"My name's Tall Tom. I'm a very tall cowboy. This is the Pecos
River and I will call you Pecos Bill! Come w ith me, Pecos Bill! You
c an be a c o w b o y w i t h m e. We can w o rk to g e t h e r at th e
Longhorn Ranch."
'W h a t's a cow boy?" asked Pecos
"A cowboy watches and guards the
cattle and horses. He takes cattle
from Texas to other places. People
from th e East buy our cattle.
T h e y l ik e good m e a t. A
c o w b o y is a s tro n g ,
courageous man."
Pecos Bill wanted to be a cowboy. He said
goodbye to th e co y o te s. He w as sad to leave
them. They were his friends.
T hen he said to Tall Tom, "Let's go to the ranch!"
The cowboy gave Pecos Bill some cowboy clothes. Pecos Bill
looked at the clothes and laughed. T hen he put th em on.
Tall Tom rode his horse. Pecos Bill walked near him because
he didn't have a horse. It was a sunny day. The sky was blue and
the sun was hot.


Read the text below and choose the best word (A, B or C) for each

Pecos Bill w as born in the 1800s. His p aren ts d ecid ed to m ove

(0) ,.VQ the W est w h en he w as very young. He h a d m a n y brothers
(1 ) sisters. They crossed the United States a n d saw ( 2 ) ............
n ew things. In Texas little Bill fell ( 3 ) of th e co v ered w agon.
His p aren ts could not find him (4) ................They w ere very u n h a p p y
but they continued their journey.
Bill w as all alo n e a n d w ent to sleep ( 5 ) a cav e. There
(6) a fam ily of coyotes in the cav e. The m other coyote a n d
the little coyotes liked Bill, a n d he lived w ith ( 7 ) ................ He learn ed
to sp eak the la n g u a g e of the anim als.
W hen he w as a b o u t tw enty y ears old h e m et a cow boy ( 8 ) ............
Tall Tom. Bill d e cid e d to becom e a cow boy a n d work ( 9 ) a
ranch. He put on cow boy clothes, b u t h e d id n 't h a v e (1 0 ) ............

0. (X )to B at C in
1. A a n d B with C also
2. A lots B m any c m u ch
3. A by B off c out
4. A an y w h ere B everyw here c now here
5. A of B at c inside
6. A w as B w ere c is
7. A their B them c th ey
8. A n am es B n a m in g c nam ed
9. A on B in c by
10. A this B a c an

Find the hidden word
Take the letters you need to m ake the words that m atch the
pictures. Put the rem aining letter in the box below. What word do
you get?

a. tcsu cta

b. iearvr

c. iocyeot

d. eorfslt

a. b. c. d.
Bill didn’t have a
Complete the conversation. What does Bill say to Tom? Put the
correct letter A-J in the space.

Tom: Are you p lay in g football on Sunday?

Bill: (0) .P.............................................................
Tom: C an I com e a n d w a tc h you play?
Bill: (1) .................................................................
Tom: Is the football m a tc h a t hom e?
Bill: (2) .................................................................
Tom: Do you h a v e a blue uniform?
Bill: (3) .................................................................
Tom: I love football!
Bill: (4) .................................................................
Tom: How often do you h a v e football practice?
Bill: (5) .................................................................
Tom: W hen is your next practice?
Bill: (6) .................................................................
Tom: Well, I h ope you win.
Bill: (7) .................................................................

A No, it's not.

B I'm very hungry.
C Yes, I do.
D Yes, I am .
E I do too.
F Please com e early.
G I hope so too!
H Of course you can.
I Tomorrow. It's the last one before th e m a tc h on Sunday.
J Three times a w eek.
What’s the weather like?
Look at these pictures and describe the weather. Use the words in
the cow boy hat to help you.

Listen to the first three paragraphs of Part One and fill in the missing
words. If necessary, listen to the text twice.

Pecos Bill w as (1) th e East of th e U nited States in th e

1800s. He h a d a (2) of brothers a n d sisters. Bill w as th e
b a b y of th e fam ily.
W hen Bill w as a b o u t tw o y ears old, his m other a n d ( 3 ) ...................
d e c id e d to m ove to th e (4) They w a n te d to b e
pioneers. They liked th e a d v e n tu re of th e frontier.
O ne d a y th ey p u t all their possessions in a c o v e re d (5) ...................
a n d b e g a n their journey. The fam ily crossed ( 6 ) ....................
m ountains, rivers a n d plains. They (7) m a n y n ew
things. They ( 8 ) .....................friendly Indians.

King o£ the
ecos Bill and Tall Tom traveled under the hot sun. It
w as a lo n g jo u rn e y . W h e n t h e y a r r iv e d a t th e
m o u n ta in s, it was evening. Pecos Bill said, "I'm
tired. Let's sit down and rest."
" T h at's a good idea," said Tall Tom. "My horse is tired and
thirsty." 1 He gave his horse some water to drink.
Pecos Bill and Tall Tom sat down under a big tree. There was a
blackbird in the tree. It sang a happy song. Pecos Bill knew the
language of the animals so he spoke to the blackbird. They had a
long conversation.
Pecos Bill and Tall Tom ate som e b isc u its and drank some
water. Pecos Bill gave the blackbird some of his biscuit.

1. th irs ty : w ants to drink.

A m erican T 1 W Folk Tales

Tall Tom sang a W estern song. Pecos Bill liked it and asked,
"What's the name of the song?"
"It's called Red River Valley. Many cowboys in Texas sing it,"
said Tall Tom.
Tall Tom made a fire and they talked about a cowboy's life.
They looked at the stars in the night sky. T hen they fell asleep.
Early the next m orning they began their journey to the ranch.
After two days they finally arrived at the cattle ranch. The
other cowboys were happy to m eet Pecos Bill.
"Welcome to Longhorn Ranch," said the cowboys.
T h e r a n c h w a s v e r y big. T h e r e w e r e l o n g h o r n c a t t l e 1
everywhere. They ate grass and drank w ater at the river.
Pecos Bill saw the cowboys on their horses. Every cowboy had
a long rope in his hands.
"I w ant to be a cowboy," Pecos Bill said to Tall Tom. "What
m ust I do?"
"First, you m ust find a horse. Second, you m u st have a rope.
T hen we m u st take all the cattle to the Red River Valley. We
m ust sell the cattle there. The Red River Valley is far away. It is
a long, difficult journey."
Pecos Bill looked around. He saw a black horse near a cactus.
No one w a n te d to ride th a t horse. He w e n t to the horse and
talked to it in anim al language. The horse didn't answer. Pecos
Bill got on the horse. He tried to ride it.
After a few m om ents the black horse bucked him off!2 Pecos
Bill tried again. The black horse bucked him off again.

1. lo nghorn c a ttle : see the picture on page 34.

2. bucked h im off! : threw him off!

K ing or th e Cowfcoys

"You're a bucking bronco! 1 T h at's your new name: Bucking

Bronco/' said Pecos Bill to the horse.
Bucking Bronco bucked Pecos Bill off for three days. He did
n ot w a n t a m aster. Pecos Bill was strong and determ ined. He
w asn't afraid of Bucking Bronco. He w asn't afraid of anything!
Bucking Bronco was a beautiful horse, but he was very wild. On
the fourth day Bucking Bronco stopped bucking. He understood
that Pecos Bill was a special cowboy. Pecos Bill was very strong.
Bucking Bronco knew that Pecos Bill was his new master.

1. b u ck in g bronco : w ild horse th a t throw s off th e rider.

A m erican Folk Tales

Pecos Bill and Bucking Bronco became good friends. Together

they roped 1 the cattle of Texas. Together they took cattle from
Texas to other states.
Pecos Bill became a famous cowboy. He was the best cowboy
at the ro d e o s .2 Everyone knew him and liked him . He became
the King of the Cowboys of Texas!
A fter a few years, Pecos Bill m et a b eau tifu l w om an called
Sue. She was very friendly. Her hom e was near the Rio Grande
River. Pecos Bill loved her and she loved him.
O ne su n n y day in April th e y got m arried . Everyone at the
Longhorn Ranch celebrated the wedding. There was an exciting
rodeo. There was music, dancing and a lot of good food.
Soup Sam , t h e f r i e n d l y c o o k , o r g a n i z e d a p ie 3 - e a t in g
Tall Tom's favorite food was apple pie. But he did not win the
competition. His friend Big Bob won the pie-eating competition.
Big Bob ate 88 apple pies!
Pecos Bill and Sue were very happy at the Longhorn Ranch.
Pecos Bill never forgot his friends th e coyotes. And he never
forgot the language of the animals.

1. roped : caught w ith a rope.

2. rodeos : w hen cowboys m eet to ride w ild horses and cattle.

Are these sentences “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B)? If there is not enough
information to answer “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B), choose “Doesn’t
say” <C).

0. Tall Tom a n d Pecos Bill tra v e led u n d er the cold rain.

A Right (B) W rong C Doesn't say

1. W hen Pecos Bill a n d Tall Tom arrived a t th e m ountains th ey m et a

friendly Indian.
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

2. Tall Tom's horse w as thirsty a n d tired.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

3. Bill h a d a long conversation with a coyote.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

4. The cow boys a t the Longhorn R anch did not like Pecos Bill.
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

5. Bucking Bronco w as Pecos Bill's n ew horse.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

6. Pecos Bill a n d his horse took th e cattle from Texas to other states.
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

7. He b e c a m e the King of Texas.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

8. Pecos Bill m arried a beautiful w o m an c alled Sue.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

9. Soup Sam w as a short, fat m an.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

10. Big Bob w on the pie-eating com petition.

A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

Complete this postcard. Write one word for ea ch space.

Dear Jim,
I'm very h a p p y now (0) .....because i'm a cow boy. I live
(1 ) a ra n c h in Texas. There
(2 ) longhorn cattle here. ( 3 ) ..........................
horse is called Bucking Bronco. Tomorrow I ( 4 ) ......................
tak e the cattle ( 5 ) ......................... th e Red River V alley. It's
( 6 ) ......................... very long journey.
I (7) the best cow boy a t rodeos. I c a n also
rope lots ( 8 ) ......... cattle.
(9 ) April I m arried a w o m an called Sue.
We (10) .......... a big w edding. (11) w as m usic a n d
d a n cin g . It w as lots of fun.
Your friend. Bill


Pecos Bill becom es a cowboy. Find a picture of som ebody doing a

different job and talk about it. Use the following questions to help

a. W hat is the person doing?

b. Is this work d o n e inside or outside?
c. W ould you like to do this job?
d. W hat job w ould you like to do w h en y ou finish school? Why?

Word search
Find four nam es of anim als that you read about in the story and
circle them.

Now use the words to com plete these sentences.

a. Bill thought h e w as a ............................

b. Pecos Bill a n d a ...........................h a d a long conversation.
c. The cow boys took t h e th e Red River Valley.
d. Pecos Bill rode a beautiful b l a c k ............................


Word puzzle
Read the descriptions. What is the word for each one? The first letter
is already there. There is one sp ace for ea ch other letter in the word.

a. cattle e a t it g ______
b. long trip j ________
c. it's good to e a t b _________
d. cow boys m eet here to ride wild horses r ______

Who are they?
Read the clues and m atch the descriptions with the correct names.


1. a te 88 a p p le pies? a. J Big Bob

2. g a v e Pecos Bill cow boy b. 1J a m other coyote
3. looked after little Bill? c. j Bucking Bronco
4. did Pecos Bill m arry? d. I | Soup Sam
5. w as the cook a t the e. Sue
Longhorn R anch?
6. w as Pecos Bill's horse? f. Tall Tom

Word pyramid
Find the missing words and build the word pyramid.

a. After tw o d a y s they a rriv e d ____ th e ranch.

b. It w as a _________ journey.
c. There w ere lo n g h o rn ______________ everyw here.
d. Bill talk ed to the horse in a n im a l___________________ _
e. Everyone a t the r a n c h ________________________ th e w edding.
This is a m ap of the United States. Look at Pecos Bill’s journey and
say what happened. Fill in the gap s with the correct words in the

Odd one out!

Circle the word that doesn’t belong.

a. river ocean m o u n tain lake

b. cow boy te ac h e r cook m other
c. ra n c h coyote bird horse
d. pie w a ter biscuit b re a d

Now write a sentence with one odd word.

Life on a Ranch

owboys usually lived and worked on a ranch. A ranch was a
very big piece of land. There was usually only one owner 1 of a
ranch. There were cattle, sheep and horses on a ranch. Rodeos
were a favorite pastime.
W hen cow b oys w ere at th e ra n c h , th e y liv e d to g e th e r in a
bunkhouse.2 The owner of the ranch lived in another house.

Cowboys and cattle on a range (1887) by John Grabill.

1. ow ner : proprietor.
2. b u n k h o u se : big, long house where the cowboys slept.

The cowboys ate together in a big room. Cowboys had big appetites!
The cook was an important person.
Cowboys often moved cattle to another place to sell them. Ten or
twelve cowboys moved about 3,000 cattle. This was difficult work.
They usually traveled for many weeks. They lived on the plains and
in the mountains. They cooked their meals on an open fire. 1 They
slept under the stars. Sometimes it was very hot and other times it
rained or snowed. Sometimes during the long journey there were
Indian attacks.

A cowboy (end of th e 19th century) by John Grabill.

When the cowboys sold the cattle they were very happy. They
stayed in a town for a few days. They bought new things. They went
to the town saloon. At the saloon they played cards, drank whisky
and had a bath. Then they returned to their ranch.
Today there are many cattle ranches in the United States. These
ranches are in Texas and in the Western states. Cowboys work on
these ranches and they still ride horses.

Western Ranch House (c. 1888) by John Grabill.

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false

a. A ra n c h is a very big building. □ □
b. The ow ner of the ra n c h lived in a bunkhouse. □ □
c. Cow boys h a d big appetites. □ □
d. The cow boys' work w as easy. □ □
e. Cowboys usually tra v e led for m a n y w eeks. □ □
f. They stay e d in a tow n for a few hours. □ □
g- Today cow boys work on ra n c h es a n d they □ □
still ride horses.


Complete the four conversations. Tick the correct answer A, B or

C. There is an exam ple at the beginning.

0. C an you com e to th e Longhorn R anch w ith m e?

A / No, I can't.
B □ No, I'm not.
C Yes, I h av e.

1. Please pass m e the w ater.

A Yes, please.
B Here you are.
C I can.

2. Do you w a n t to p la y cards w ith m e?

A j Yes, I h av e.
B Yes, I can.
C □ Yes, I do.

3. How far is the next tow n?
A J It's not.
B □ I d on't know.
C O Two hours.

4. Are you very hungry?

A | No, I'm not.
B | There isn't.
C □ No, I don't.

What did the cow boys do in these places? The answers are in the

worked played ate slept had

cooked lived drank

At the Ranch fit the Saloon

a. T h e y .................... a n d a. T h e y .............. cards.
b. T h e y .............. ....whisky
b. T h e y .................... together a n d ............... ...a bath.
in a big room.

On the Plains and in tho Mountains

a. T h e y .................... their m eals on
a n open fire.
b. T h e y .................... u n d er the stars.
The Tale of

Erer RaLfcit
and the

Tar Ea&y

Do you know these words?


Tar Baby

briar p a tc h

straw h a t


com b

The Tar Pafcy
t was a hot day in August. Sum m er is a very hot season

in the South of the U nited States. All the anim als on
the old plantation 1 had a rest.

B rer Fox w a s o u t s i d e h i s h o u s e . H e s a t u n d e r a
magnolia tree and drank cold lemonade. He was very hot. He was
also angry and nervous.
Brer Fox didn't like Brer Rabbit. Before Brer Rabbit came to the
old plantation, Brer Fox was a happy fox. The old plantation was
a peaceful place. Brer Rabbit tricked 2 everyone. He tricked Brer
Bear, Brer Turtle, Brer Wolf and Brer Fox. Brer Rabbit was a very
intelligent rabbit. He was young and dressed well.
Brer Fox was tired of Brer Rabbit. He decided to trick him. He
w ent to his garden and took a big bucket of tar. He put other oils
in the bucket too. T hen he mixed the tar for a long time. The tar
had a terrible odor. It was very stick y .3

1. p la n ta tio n : (here) a big piece of land w here cotton, tobacco and sugar are cultivated.
2. tric k e d : acted dishonestly.
3. stick y : glue is sticky w hen you touch it.

A m erican Folk Tales

Brer Fox w ent into his house. He w ent to the kitchen to look
for an old straw hat, but he didn't find it. T hen he w ent to the
living room. He looked there too. Finally he w ent
to the bedroom. In the bedroom he found an
old straw hat, two buttons and a comb. He
put them in a sack. T hen he took the bucket
of tar and walked to the road.
He th rew the tar near a log 1 and m ade a big
black Tar Baby. He p ut the old straw hat on the Tar
Baby. He put on two b u tto n s for the eyes. T hen he put on the
comb for the m outh. Brer Fox looked at his work and was happy.
T\,r Baby was ready! Brer Fox hid behind a big tree. He
waited for Brer Rabbit to walk by. He waited and
waited. It was very hot.
A fter an h o u r Brer R abb it w a lk e d dow n the
road. He was very happy. He walked, jumped and sang a song.
Brer Fox w a tch e d h im from b e hind the tree. Suddenly Brer
Rabbit saw the Tar Baby! He stopped and looked at it. Brer Rabbit
was a friendly rabbit. He said, "G ood m orning! It's a h o t day
The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.
"I am from the old plantation," said Brer Rabbit. "Where are
you from?"
The Tar Baby sm iled but didn't answer.
Brer Fox watched everything from behind the tree. He wanted
to laugh, but he didn't.
Brer Rabbit tried again. "Good morning! How are you?"

1. lo g :

A m erican % Folic Tales

The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.

"What are you doing here? Where are you from?" Brer Rabbit
asked again.
The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.
Brer Rabbit was angry. His face and ears were red.
"C a n you h ear me? I said 'G ood m o rn in g !' W hy d o n 't you
answer me?" he shouted.
There was no answer.
Brer Rabbit was very angry. "You are very unfriendly. I'm a
friendly rabbit. I w ant to be your friend. Who are you?"
The Tar Baby didn't answer.
Brer Rabbit was furious! He hit the Tar Baby! His front paw 1
was stuck in the Tar Baby's face. 2
Brer Fox was very happy. He laughed quietly.
"Let me go!" 3 said Brer Rabbit.
The Tar Baby did not let go.
"Let me go!" said Brer Rabbit again.
Brer Rabbit kicked the Tar Baby. Now his back paw was stuck
in the Tar Baby's body.
"Please, let me go!" shouted Brer Rabbit.
He kicked the Tar Baby again. Now his other back paw was stuck.
"Help! I can't move!" he shouted. "T his is terrible!"
Poor Brer Rabbit! He was covered w ith tar. His face and ears
were black w ith tar. His paws were black w ith tar. He was a very
unhappy rabbit.

2. w as stu c k in th e T ar B aby's face : was attached to the

face and he couldn't move his paw.
3. Let m e go! : Free me!


Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1. Brer Fox w as a n g ry a n d nervous b e ca u se

A 1 it w as a cold d ay .
B | | h e didn't like Brer Rabbit.
C ] Brer Bear tricked him.

2. Brer Rabbit w as y o u n g a n d very

A | | funny.
B _ ] peaceful.
C ] intelligent.

3. Brer Fox got a bu ck et of tar b e c a u se h e w a n te d to

A ] trick Brer Turtle.
B j p la y w ith Brer Rabbit.
C ] m ak e a Tar Baby.

4. W hen Brer Rabbit saw the Tar Baby

A he ra n a w ay .
B ^ h e talked to it.
C | L h e la u g h e d a t it.

5. Brer Rabbit got a n g ry b e ca u se

A | | the Tar Baby didn't an sw er him.
B □ th e Tar Baby ra n a w ay .
C Q the Tar Baby la u g h e d a t him.

6. Brer Rabbit w as covered w ith ta r b e ca u se

A J he a te som e tar.
B he hit a n d kicked the Tar Baby.
C Q he fell into the ta r bucket.


Complete the five conversations.

Choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

0. Do you like riding a horse?

A Yes, I h av e.
B [71 Yes, I do.
C No, I can't.

1. W hat tim e does th e Cow boy M useum open?

A At 10 o'clock.
B ] Since 10 o'clock.
C □ 10 hours.

2. W here is the Longhorn R anch?

A No, it isn't.
B ] O ne hour.
C ] I don't know.

3. Are there m a n y horses on the ran ch ?

A ] Yes, m uch.
B 1Yes, a lot.
C j No, they're not.

4. W hen will Bill b e hom e?

A ] Tomorrow.
B j Yesterday.
C ] Two hours.

5. W here is Tall Tom?

A H Into the ranch.
B No, he isn't.
C ] At the ranch.

Let’s visit Brer Fox Manor!
Label Brer Fox Manor. You’ll find the words in the box.

garden bathroom living room

bedroom kitchen

Now describe what Brer Fox does in these rooms. You’ll find the
words in the box.
sleeps w atches TV eats has a bath

a. Brer F o x .................... in the kitchen.

b. H e ...................... in th e bedroom .
c.....H e ...................... in the living room.
d.... H e ...................... in the bathroom .

Write a few sentences describing your house.

^ Listen to the text and circle the words that are mentioned in each

Let's look a t Brer Fox M anor. First let's go to the living room. In the
living room there a re 1books / b ed s a n d there are two 2 tables / chairs.
Now let's go to the kitchen. In the kitchen there's a 3 TV / table a n d a
4 chair / clock. There's a 5p la te / cu p on th e table.
Now let's go to the bedroom . In the bedroom there's a 6b e d / bath, a
7fridge / clock a n d 8jeans / a jacket.



Your tea ch er w ill give you the co rre c t w ebsite. Read the in stru ctio n s and
find and co lo r the hidden p ictures in Johnny A p p le se e d ’s forest.

H ow many hidden p ictures did you find?

H ow long did it take you?

W ho found all the p ictu re s first?

H ow long did it take him /her?

Fox Hunting
m | n Great Britain fox hunting is
p e rm itte d . But m any B ritish
people think it is c ru e l1 to hunt
foxes. They want a law to stop fox
In some states of the U.S.A. fox
hunting is still permitted.
There are different types of foxes.
The most popular is the red fox. It
lives in Europe. The San Joaquin kit A red fox.
fox lives in the North American
deserts. In the Arctic we find the white Arctic fox. The Fennec fox
is very small and it has big ears.
Today people want to help and protect animals, especially young
animals. The WWF (World Wildlife Fund) defends animals all over
the world.

• •

An arctic fox.

1. cruel : brutal.

Fill in the gaps with the words in the fox.

a. In G reat B rita in ............................................ perm itted.

b. M any British people think it i s
hu n t foxes.
c. The m ost po p u lar fox is t h e ................................................
d. The San Jo aq u in kit fox lives in the North A m erican

e. T h e very small.

f. T h e .................................................defends an im als all over
the world.


There are m any other activities/sports which involve anim als.

Find a picture of one of these and bring it to class. Use the
following questions to help you talk about it.

a. W hat anim al(s) c a n you see in th e picture?

b. Do you think this activity is cruel to anim als?
c. How m a n y other activities/sports w ith an im als c a n you think
d. Do you ever do or w a tc h a n y of these sports?

Listen to the beginning of Part Two. Then choose the correct answer
A, B or C.

0. Who w as covered w ith tar?

A ] Brer Fox a n d Brer Rabbit
B J Brer Fox
C 0 Brer Rabbit

1. W hat does Brer Fox w a n t to e a t for dinner?

A rab b it b a rb e c u e
B □ rabbit soup
C ] rabbit pie

2. W hy does Brer Fox look for som e w ood?

A 1 to build a house
B □ to m ak e a fire
C O to m ak e an o th er tar b a b y

3. W hy does Brer Rabbit w a n t to go to the Briar Patch?

A __ He w an ts to hide from Brer Fox.
B Hfe w an ts w ood from the BriarPatch.
C | The briar p a tc h c a n tak e offthe tar.

4. W hat does Brer Rabbit say to Brer Fox?

A [H "Please don't throw m e in th e Briar Patch!"
B □ "Please don't e a t me!"
C "Please don't throw m e into the river!"

5. W here does Brer Fox throw Brer Rabbit?

A □ into the lake
B □ into the fire
C □ into the Briar Patch


The Eriar Patch

hen Brer Fox saw Brer Rabbit covered w ith tar,
he laughed and laughed. He w alked down the
road and said, "T his is a good lesson for you,
Brer Rabbit. You always trick ed everyone on
the old plantation. This tim e I tricked YOU! This is the end of
Brer Rabbit!" Brer Fox looked at Brer Rabbit and laughed again.
Brer Rabbit didn't say one word. He was frightened. He didn't
Brer Fox looked at his w atch and said, "It's dinner tim e and
I 'm v ery h u n g ry . I w a n t ra b b it b a rb e c u e for d in n e r. R a b b it
barbecue is delicious. I m u st find some wood to m ake a fire."
Brer Fox w ent to look for some wood.
Brer Rabbit started to think. He was a very intelligent rabbit.
His eyes moved from left to right. He looked everywhere. Then
he saw a briar patch. "T he briar patch can take off the tar. But I
can't move. I'm stuck. I m u st go to the briar patch. W hat can I
do?" thought Brer Rabbit.

The F r i a r P a t c h *
Brer Fox returned and said, "I didn't find any wood to m ake a
fire. I can't have rabbit barbecue for dinner, but I can h a n g 1 you!"
"Oh, Brer Fox, you can hang me, but please don't throw me in
the briar patch!" said Brer Rabbit.
Brer Fox looked for a rope. "There's no rope. I can't hang you.
FFow can I kill you?" asked Brer Fox.
He thought for a m om ent and said, "I can throw you in a river
or a lake."
"Oh, Brer Fox, throw me in a river or a lake, but please don't
throw me in the terrible briar patch. PLEASE!"

1. hang :

A m erican Jr Folk Tales

B rer Fox w e n t to l o o k fo r a r i v e r or a la k e . H e l o o k e d
everywhere but he didn't find a river or a lake. He was angry. He
w anted to kill Brer Rabbit, b ut how?
"Have you got a heart, 1 Brer Fox? Please don't throw me into
the briar patch," said Brer Rabbit. "Oh, please!"
"Well," said Brer Fox smiling, "you don't w ant to go into the
briar patch. That's exactly where I will throw you. Into the briar
Br£r Fox' th re w Brer R abbit in to th e b riar patch! T h is was
exactly w hat Brer Rabbit wanted. The Tar Baby stuck to the briar
patch and Brer Rabbit was free!
When Brer Fox saw the Tar Baby in the briar patch he asked,
"W hat's happening? Where is that cunning 2 rabbit? Why is the
Tar Baby here?"
Brer Rabbit ran up the road and th en stopped. He looked at
Brer Fox and said, "You didn't listen to me. I said, 'Please don't
throw me into the briar patch.' N ext tim e you'll listen to me!"
Brer Rabbit laughed and ran hom e to have a bath.
"You horrible cunning rabbit. You tricked me again!" shouted
Brer Fox. He was purple w ith anger. He looked at the briar patch
and he looked at the Tar Baby. T hen he walked hom e slowly. He
was very sad and angry. Brer Rabbit tricked him again. Why was
Brer Rabbit so intelligent?
W hen Brer Fox w ent in to his garden he sat down under the
magnolia tree. He was tired. He looked at the evening sky. He
saw the stars and the m oon and fell asleep.

1. h e a it : ( 2. c u n n in g : very intelligent.


Read the paragraph and choose the best word (A, B or C) for each

Brer Rabbit w as covered (0) .With., tar. Brer Fox la u g h e d a n d said,

"You alw ay s tricked ( 1 ) on the plan tatio n . Now I tricked you.
This is the e n d ( 2 ) ........... Brer Rabbit!" Brer Fox looked ( 3 ) his
w a tc h a n d said, "It's dinner tim e a n d I w a n t to (4) you." Brer
Rabbit w as ( 5 ) intelligent rabbit. He looked ( 6 ) a briar
p a tc h b e c a u se it took ( 7 ) tar. Brer Fox w en t to find som e w ood
for the fire. But he d idn't find ( 8 ) ............. Brer Rabbit w as clever a n d
said. "Please don't throw (9) into the briar patch." But Brer Fox
threw him into the briar p a tc h a n d Brer Rabbit w as free. He ra n
(1 0 ) the ro ad a n d w en t hom e to (1 1 ) a b ath . "You
- tricked m e again!" said Brer Fox.

0 . A on (B) with C by
1 . A everyone B everything C every
2. A with B at c of
3. A to B in c at
4. A e atin g B eat c eats
5. A the B a c an
6. A for B in c at
7. A of B out c off
8. A pone B any c some
9. A m e B my c I
10. A w ith B up c at
11. A do B m ak e c have

Read the information below and com plete the order form.

B re r R a b b it w a n ts to o r d e r a n e w b lu e c o a t f o r th e w in te r .
He lives at 15 A nim al Park, M agnolia P la ntation, N orth C arolina. The
postal co de is 9 4 1 3 3 . His telephone num ber is 0 3 -8 5 7 2 9 . B rer Rabbit
is short and thin.


O rder Form

C ustom er: (1) .....................................................

A dd re ss: (2) .......................................................

Postal C o d e: (3) ........................

Size: S m a ll/M e d iu m /L a rg e : (4)

C olor: (5) .....................................

Match the following opposites. One is done for you.

friendly ^ near
outside p u t on
under front
happy over
young inside
far ^ unfriendly
b a ck old
cry la u g h
take off sad

Have fun with this crossword puzzle!


f 5.


7. a c t dishonestly



10. b lack sticky su b stan ce

6 7 2


aid the South
elcome to the South and welcome to the old plantation!
The people of the South are famous for their hospitality.
Brer T ales w ere to ld a b o u t 200 years ago on the
plantations of the South. The children of the plantations 'listened to
these tales about funny animal characters. Everyone loved Brer Tales."

Should owld [sic] acquaintance be forgot [c. 1895).

African A m ericans on a raft, picking cotton.

In 1880 the American writer Joel Chandler Harris published these
tales. His book was called Uncle Remus: His Songs and Sayings.
Harris created a character named Uncle Remus. Uncle Remus told
the tales and everyone liked him. There is also a film about Uncle
Remus and his tales.
In the 1700s and 1800s there were many plantations in the South.
Tobacco, cotton and sugar cane were the most important products
of the plantations. Every plantation had a big, beautiful house and
garden. The owners of the p lan tatio n lived there. Today in the
South of the United States you can visit old plantation houses.

Cotton Plantation on the Mississippi (c. 1883).

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false
Brer Tales w ere told a b o u t 200 y ears ag o □ □
on the plan tatio n s of the South.
The tales w ere a b o u t funny children. □ □
c. In 1880 the A m erican writer Uncle Remus □ □
published the tales.
d. Everyone liked Uncle Remus. □ □
e. In the 1700s a n d 1800s there w ere only ' '□ □
tw o plan tatio n s in the South.
The most im portant products of the p lantations □ □
w ere tobacco, cotton a n d sugar can e.
A p la n ta tio n house w as big a n d beautiful. □ □

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition from the box.

about of to with in before

a. Uncle Remus w elcom ed u s ........................ th e old plantation.

b. The c h ild re n ........................ the p lan tatio n liked th e Brer Tales.
c. The tales w e r e .......................funny an im a l characters.
d. The ow ners of the p lan tatio n l i v e d ........................ a big, beautiful
e. The children in the South p l a y e d ........................ m a n y different
anim als.
f. Uncle Remus re a d us a s to r y .......................going to bed.


Match the description to the character. You can use some nam es
more than once.

A Tall Tom
B Bucking Bronco
C Big Bob
D .Brer Rabbit
E Sue
F Pecos Bill
G Jo h n n y A ppleseed
H Soup Sam
I Brer Fox

1. □ He loved a n d respected all living things.

2. □ He grew u p w ith a coyote family.
3. □ He w as a beautiful horse but he w as wild.
4. □ He c re ate d the first library on the frontier.
5. □ He w on a pie-eating com petition.
6. □ He m a d e a Tar Baby.
7. □ He spoke the la n g u a g e of the anim als.
8. □ He p la n te d a p p le seeds across Am erica.
9. v D He w as the cook a t the Longhorn Ranch.
10. □ She w as Pecos Bill's wife.
11. □ He trfcked all the an im als on the p lan tatio n
12. □ He w as a very tall cow boy.

Are these sentences “Right” (A) or “Wrong”(B>? If there is not enough
information to answer “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B), choose “Doesn’t
say” (C).

0. An a n g e l a p p e a re d to Jo h n n y A ppleseed a n d said, "Go a n d help

the settlers!"
A Right (B) W rong C Doesn't say
1. Jo h n n y A ppleseed's real n a m e w as Jo h n C h ap m an .
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say
2. Jo h n n y liked sw im m ing in the river.
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say
3. W hen settlers arrived a t the frontier th ey found a p p l^ orchards.
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say
4. Jo h n n y h a d a do g a n d a cat.
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say
5. Pecos Bill w as born in the West of th e United States in the 1800s.
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say
6. A m other coyote protected little Bill.
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say
7. Pecos Bill b e c a m e a fam ous cow boy.
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say
8. Pecos Bill a n d Sue h a d three children.
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say
9. Brer Fox a n d Brer Rabbit lived on a n old plantation.
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say
10. They w ere very good friends.
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say
11. Brer R abbit m a d e a tar b a b y to trick Brer Fox.
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say
12. Brer Rabbit tricked Brer Fox a n d h e w as very an g ry .
A Right B W rong C Doesn't say

vex a'.ix v zi a' Ti

a 01 V ’6 D '8 V L V '9 3 01 H ‘6 0 '8 3 L I'9
a s D "fr V'E D Z V I z 0 'S 0 t a £ 3 Z 0'I I


I.G 2. F 3. B 4. G 5. C 2 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B
6. I 7. F 8. G 9. H 10. E 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B
II. D 12. A 11.B 12.A

Ads },useoQ O 6uoiyw a
•A iB u d A i© a s d m ©q p u o x o g i e i g p e q o u ; q q q o g i e i g zi
A ds g u s s o a O B u o im 3 m B iJi v
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N11 <00272375950
"oik Tales
H einrich-Sch ulz-
B ib lio th e k

Here are t h r e e o f A m e ric a 's m o s t - lo v e d

f o l k t a l e s o f t h e 1 80 0s.

Meet Johnny A ppleseed who

p l a n t e d a p p l e seed s a c r o s s A m e r i c a .

F i n d o u t h o w Pecos Bill b e c a m e k i n g

of the C o w b o y s o f Te x as . V i s i t a S o u t h e r n p la n ta tio n
and la u gh w i t h c u n n in g Brer Rabbit.

• Accessible a d a p t a t i o n at step 1 level

• W i d e r a n g e o f a c t i v i t i e s t o p r a c t i c e t h e f o u r ski l ls

• KET-style exercises

• T r i n i t y - s t y l e exercises (G ra d e s 3 / 4 )

• I n f o r m a t i v e d o s s i e r s o n Y o u n g A m e r i c a a n d its

S e t t l e r s , L i f e o n a R a n c h, Fox H u n t i n g , a n d B r e r
Tales a n d t h e S o u t h

• P roject w o r k using th e W eb

• E x i t t e s t a n d k ey

• Full r e c o r d i n g o f t h e

te x t w ith a dd itional

lis te n in g activities

ISBN 8 8 -5 3 0 -0 1 0 7 -0
Step ONE 9788853001078

7 8 8 8 5 3 001078
Book + CD

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