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Pengaruh Kadar Filler ZnO, Plasticizer Gliserol dan Nisbah Air terhadap

Sifat dan Morfologi Bioplastik Berbasis Pati Sagu

Annur Fauzi Syaputra

Laboratorium Teknologi Bahan Alam Dan Mineral
Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Riau


Kebutuhan plastik sebagai kantong plastik, kemasan pangan atau barang semakin
lama semakin meningkat. Bioplastik merupakan salah satu alternatif pengganti
plastik konvesional yang membahayakan bagi lingkungan. salah satu bahan yang
dapat dijadikan bioplastik adalah pati, namun bioplastik berbasis pati masih
mempunyai kelemahan terhadap sifat mekanik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah
untuk mengetahui karakteristik pati dari batang sagu, mengetahui pengaruh nisbah
air, komposisi filler ZnO dan plasticizer gliserol terhadap sifat mekanik dan
morfologi bioplastik. Pati sagu diuji komposisi amilosa dan amilopektinnya
sedangkan bioplastik yang dihasilkan diuji sifat mekanis, yaitu kuat tarik (tensile
strenght), elongasi, water uptake, biodegradasi, dan persebaran filler melalui SEM
(Scanning Electron Microscopy) dan analisis data menggunakan Response
Surface Methodology (RSM). Tingkat signifikasi yang digunakan pada penelitian
ini sebesar 0,05 sehingga variabel paling signifikan dapat dilihat dari nilai pvalue <
0,05 dan lack of fit > 0,05 yang menunjukkan bahwa model sesuai terhadap hasil
penelitian. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh signifikan terhadap semua respon
adalah komposisi filler ZnO dan diikuti oleh plasticizer dan nisbah air. Hasil
terbaik didapat pada komposisi filler 15%, plasticizer 10% dan nisbah air 100 ml
dengan kuat tarik sebesar 15,484 MPa, elongasi 2,691%, water uptake 28%, dan
biodegradasi 22,12%.

Kata Kunci : bioplastik, filler ZnO, gliserol, pati

Influence of Filler Content ZnO, Plasticizer Glycerol and Water Ratio Of
Properties and Morphology Sago Starch-Based Bioplastics

Annur Fauzi Syaputra

Laboratory of Technology of Nature and Minerals
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Riau

The need of plastic as plastic bags, food or goods packaging progressively

increasing. Bioplastics is one of the alternative to replace conventional plastics
that are harmful to the environment. one of the ingredients that can be used as
bioplastics is starch, but starch-based bioplastics are still lacking at the mechanical
properties. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of sago
starch, determine the effect of water ratio, the composition of the ZnO filler and
plasticizer glycerol on mechanical properties and morphology of bioplastics. Sago
starch was tested for the composition of amylose and amylopectin, while the
bioplastics is tested for mechanical properties such as tensile strength (tensile
strenght), elongation, water uptake, biodegradation, and dispersion of the filler
through SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and analyzed using Response
Surface Methodology (RSM) , Significance level used in this study is 0.05 so that
the most significant variables can be determined from pvalue value of <0.05 and a
lack of fit> 0.05, which indicates that the model according to the research results.
The factors that most significantly influence all responses are ZnO filler
composition and followed by the plasticizer and water ratio. Best results are
obtained on the composition of 15% filler, plasticizer 10% and the ratio of water
100 ml with a tensile strength of 15.484 MPa, elongation 2.691%, water uptake
28%, and 22.12% biodegradation.

Key Words : bioplastics, filler ZnO, glycerol, starch

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