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Name: _________________________ Date:___________________

CFA#16 March 1, 2019 - Language

L.2.2B – I can use commas in greetings and closings of letters.

Word Bank: body closing greeting

Choose a word from the word bank to fill in the blank.

1. A _________________ is in the beginning of a letter.
2. A _________________ is in the end of the letter.
December 10, 2018
__________ ___________

May I have a puppy for Christmas? Last year you gave me a

book. I think a puppy would be a lot of fun!

3. Write the greeting.
4. Place a comma in the greeting.
5. Place a comma in the closing.
6. Write a letter to the principal about where our field trip should be.
Explain why that is the best place to go.
Reading: Subway Trains (pg. 364 - 366)

RI.2.6 - I can Identify the main purpose of a text, including, what the
author wants to answer, explain, or describe.
Word bank: persuade entertain inform

1. The author’s main purpose for writing an article with facts is to

_____________________ .

2. The author’s main purpose for writing a fantasy story is to

_____________________ .

3. Describe what is a subway?

4. Explain what a subway token is?

5. Why is the author writing about subway trains?

6. Explain why the author wrote pg. 366?

Name: _________________________ Date:___________________

2.MD.C8 I can count money to help me solve word problems.

1. = __________

2. =_______

3. Tom has 75¢. He buys a toy car for 42¢. How much money does
he have left?

4. Mara has 89¢. Her dad gave her 30¢. How much money does
she have now?

5. Kim has $1.90. She lost 25¢. How much money does she have?
6. Fred has $10.80. He bought a ball for 20¢ and a bat for $1.50.
How much change did he get back?

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