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3, AUGUST 2006

Robust Controllers Enhanced

With Design and
Implementation Processes
Vilma A. Oliveira, Member, IEEE, Eduardo S. Tognetti, and
Daniel Siqueira

Abstract—In this paper, instructional magnetic levitation (maglev) device

material on the design of robust that is commonly encountered in
controllers that applies to introductory
graduate or advanced undergraduate undergraduate laboratories is used.
courses on control is provided. The main Recently, several papers on education
objective is the presentation of key using a maglev device for enhancing
concepts and interpretations that help control courses have appeared [4]-[6].
students learn robust control design. The
use of recently developed techniques in In these papers, the effective usage of a
robust control such as H/.i analysis, and real-time digital control environment
synthesis is explored. Emphasis is given to with a hard- ware-in-the-loop maglev
the modeling of the robust control device for reinforcement of modeling
problem with the system requirements and control education is demonstrated.
described in a unified approach using
weighting functions and linear fractional In this paper, the focus is on robust
transformations (LFTs). Also, the results of control analysis and design. Design and
a conventional lead-lag are included to implementation issues of robust
reinforce the concept of robustness. The controllers
students should understand the basics of
robust control using the MATLAB/Simulink
platform and a hardware-in-the-loop Manuscript received November 29, 2004; revised
experiment with a magnetic levitation April 20, 2006.
system, which is considered a good plant V. A. Oliveira is with the Departamento de
for analysis and control design since it is a Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade de Sao Paulo,
13566-590 Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil.
nonlinear unstable plant with practical use E. S. Tognetti is with Votorantim Celulose e Papel,
in high-speed transportation and magnetic 13415-900 Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.
bearings. The hardware-in-the-loop D. Siqueira is with the Instituto de Tecnologia de
experiments are suitable for assessment Aeronáutica, 12228-900 Sao José dos Campos, SP,
during the final two semesters of Brazil.
engineering courses and are useful to Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TE.2006.879263
further develop the students’ skills in and the use of fi analysis to check the
control engineering. The control
algorithms are evaluated in the LabVIEW stability and performance robustness of
environment, which introduces the the solutions are addressed. To alleviate
students to industrial platforms.
Index Terms—Control design, control the mathematics involved, the concepts
education, robust control, stability and of robust control are introduced with
performance robustness, /./ synthesis. the help of block diagrams and transfer
functions. The general control structure
I. Introduction and analysis of solutions with different
mANY successful applications of robust controllers lead to several class
control have been reported in the activities, and the student is expected to
literature, and several control develop MATLAB programs and
textbooks now include robust control Simulink diagrams following the
techniques [1]-[3]. Because robust guidelines included. To facilitate the
control is highly mathematical, one prompt reproduction of the class
finds quite a challenge to balance activities developed, the main MATLAB
theory and practice in undergraduate commands and Simulink diagrams are
courses. In this paper, instructional provided.
material enhancing class and laboratory The paper is organized as follows. In
work with MATLAB and LabVIEW, Section II, stability and performance
showing the applicability of advanced concepts for a typical control system
control techniques, is provided. A structure are presented. In Section III,

some of the mathematics involved in matrix norms. From the feedback

the design of robust controllers are system shown in Fig. 1(a), one obtains
presented in the framework of linear the relations r — y = Sr, y = Tr, u =
fractional transformations (LFTs), with KSr, which yield the feedback transfer
the general block structure for robust matrices from r to each of the outputs
control introduced step by step using e := r - y, y and u, respectively, with
the usual system descriptions. Section
IV presents the system equations and
linearized model about an operation
point. The design steps, which include where G(s) is the nominal plant and
the main MATLAB functions and K(s) the controller. The matrices S and
Simulink diagrams developed, are T are referred to as sensitivity and
provided in Section V. In Section VI, complementary sensitivity matrices,
class assignments are provided, and in respectively. Since e = Sr, the sensitivity
Section VII, the digital implementation
setup and typical experimental results matrix S determines the steady-state
are given. Finally, some concluding behavior of the feedback system. The
remarks are included in Section VIII. relations y = Sd and y = SGck obtained
from Fig. 1(a) imply that the sensitivity
II. Stability and Performance matrix S also determines the
In this section, the key concepts in disturbance attenuation. Therefore, to
robust control to be learned by the reflect disturbance attenuation and
students are summarized. The students steady-state specifications, one usually
are expected to review the subjects of specifies an upper bound on the norm
singular value decomposition and of S(juj), that is
0018-9359/$20.00 ©
2006 IEEE

Fig. 1. (a) Typical diagram of a feedback control system and (b) multiplicative unstructured
uncertainty description.
where a(S(juj)) is the maximum singular to a larger minimum for the destabilizing
value of S(juj), and Wi is a bound on multiplicative uncertainty and hence to a
a(S(juj)) which reflects the desired larger stability margin. As a consequence,
disturbance attenuation for each usually an upper bound on ||T(s)|| is
frequency cu. Thus, good disturbance specified as follows:
rejection would require the satisfaction ;))< (6 )
of (2 ), particularly in the low-frequency
range, where d and di are usually where W 3 is a weighting function used to
significant. If a(GK) 1, then S « (GK )_1, tailor the system stability condition.
and from (2) one obtains a(GK) > \Wi | Thus, good robustness and noise
with a(GK) the minimum singular value rejection would require the satisfaction
which can be defined in terms of the of (6 ), particularly in the high-frequency
maximum singular value of the inverse of range where the noise and modeling
the matrix GK by a((GK )-1) = 1 /a(GK). errors are usually significant. If a(GK) <C
The transfer function from input r to (3 1 then T « GK , and from (6 ) one
control u is given by R(s) — K(s)S(s). )
where W (jw) is a weighing
Hence, a constraint on the control u can
2 The understanding of the effects of the
function to be specified. weighting functions on the control
be introduced
A. Perturbation Modela bound on
system is crucial for modeling the desired
a(K(juj)S(j UJ )) specified
Physical systems typically by undergo a specifications. From Figs. 1(a) and (2), (3),
variety of perturbations. Uncertainty in and (6 ), a typical interconnection model
the mathematical model of the system is, for design is illustrated in Fig. 2(a),
in general, described as a perturbation to wherein, the weighting functions W\ , W , 2

the nominal system. The uncertainty is and W reflect the steady-state specified

termed unstructured when it is only error and the disturbance attenuation,

known in terms of upper and lower controller input constraints and stability
bounds and structured when its detailed condition, respectively, in the following
model is known. For a set of way:
perturbations A(s) satisfying the infinity 1)Wi weights the system sensitivity S
norm || A||oo < 1 , the perturbed plant reflecting the performance
= (I + M in terms of (4
may bePA modeled a specifications;
A unstructured uncertainty,
) 2) W 2 weights KS reflecting the control
with W u stable
in respect to thetransfer
nominal plant G,that
functions as input constraints;
follows: the frequency structure of 3) Ws weights the complementary
the uncertainty. Fig. 1(b) illustrates this sensitivity T and tailors the stability (7
uncertainty modeling approach. Practical condition. )
engineering systems, in general, operate In Fig. 2, P(s) defines an augmented (8 )
under perturbations so that a closed-loop plant with wuand
Substituting u inputs
= K(s)y in (7),and and y
stability robustness test is needed [7]. outputs. The matrix
loop transfer outputfrom
z is w
the tovector of
z can be
This test should indicate the worse case found as variables. Here, w and y
operation associated with typical correspond to the reference command r
modeled perturbations. If the (system in and error Tzw =e Pof+Pthe
11 K(I-typical feedback

Fig. 1(b) with A = 0 is stable, the

9 size of diagram of Fig. 1(a), respectively. The
the smallest stable A M (
S ) f°r
which the LFT is Ti(P, K),
input-output with theofsuperscript
mapping the system in
P21 •

system becomes unstable is thus given by denoting

Fig. 2 is described by This designation is
lower LFT.
The result on stability robustness (5) is associated to the position of the
given in terms of the singular values of feedback loop in respect to the direct
the multiplicative perturbation and loop in the two-block structure of the
complementary sensitivity matrices [8 ]. system.
A smaller a(T(ju)) corresponds
In the literature, the mapping in (9) is
called an LFT. The notation usual for an

Fig. 2. (a) Augmented plant with weighting functions and (b) simplified two-block diagram.

Fig. 4. Stability analysis.

usually considers the perturbation with

diagonal and block-diagonal terms

' j &sirs i A1, ■

A = {diag [ 8\I r
III. fi Analysis and Synthesis (1 0 )
In this section, an overview of the main Si £ €, Aj G <Dr;
results on robustness analysis and ( JL where subscripts S and F are the
design, including the key concepts and number of scalar and full blocks,
interpretations to facilitate the respectively. A norm-bounded subset of
understanding of the main tools A is defined as BA = {A £ A ; <j(A)
available, are presented. 1 1.

A.General Control Design B. Stability Robustness

Structure The stability of a system subject to
To model general systems, one should perturbation A is determined by
consider the connected system in a analyzing the feedback system in Fig.
three-block structure form shown in 3(b). Assuming the nominal feedback
Fig. 3(a), wherein an uncertainty block system stable, any unstable poles are
A is included. Using the LFT J r £(P(s), the solutions of
K(s)), the connected system in the
three-block form can be reduced to the
M — A two-block structure shown in (1 1 )
Fig. 3(b), which can be described as mm such Stability
follows: cr(
AGBA that robustness is
evaluated by the smallest
destabilizing perturbation A that results
in a solution of (1 1 ) on the imaginary
axis. The smallest perturbation A is
defined in terms of <r(A) as follows:
Mu A) = 0]
where the superscript ‘V’ denotes upper differs from mapping P in Fig. 2 in the
LFT. From (10) the transfer matrix from number of inputs and outputs since
the output vector z to reference or input wa and output za are added to
disturbance w is obtained as T z w = model the system perturbation.
T U {M , A). The mapping P in Fig. 3 For more general perturbation

descriptions, the analysis for the

robustness problem can be formulated
in a unified framework using LFT and
the structured singular value (SSV). One
A measure of the smallest
destabilizing perturbation A is given in
terms of the SSV and is denoted ¡i^.
The ¡i measure can be seen as a stability
margin with respect to the uncertainty
A. A formal definition can be found in
The well-known small-gain theorem
establishes that for M{s) internally
stable and for all admissible
perturbations A £ BA, the feedback
system in Fig. 3 is internally stable if,
and only if, sup^ ii&{Mn(ju)) < 1 [9].
As M(s) is stable, the instability can
only be caused by the perturbation A so
that the analysis of stability can be
carried out with Fig. 4.

C. Performance Robustness
Stability is the basic requirement of
closed-loop control systems, but
suitability of the controller is also
dependent on the meeting of the
specified performance. For the typical
interconnection model shown in Fig. 2,
the transfer matrix from z to w Fig. 5. LFT of the
denoted T z w is obtained as follows: augmented perturbation
yS w 2 ks w tŸ 3
(1 2
From (2), (3), and (6 ), one can easily see
that the performance specifications can transfer
be described using upper bounds given in function Tt K over all the stabilizing
terms of singular values of the transfer controllers
matrices in (12). Therefore, one usually
specifies the design requirements in mm max ¿¿A
terms of the infinity norm (17)

< 1. (13)
In (13), the motivation to call the transfer In the min-max problem (17), reducing
matrix of interest T z w is the connection the upper bound on li A allows an
between robust control and the increase in the smallest destabilizing
disturbance attenuation problem in perturbation A, thus increasing the
which w stands for the disturbance robustness stability margin. The direct
inputs. A robustness performance computation of by a search over all A
condition guarantees the system per- 6 BA is

formance specifications for all admissible not tractable. Therefore, an upper bound
perturbations. A feedback system meets on fi^M) is used in the design of robust
performance robustness if the system is controllers. An upper bound on is a(M).
kept internally stable and condition (13) However, this upper bound tends to be
is satisfiedsup MA for all< 1, admissible
(Mii(jw)) (14 conservative. To overcome this problem,
perturbations. From the small-gain ) a concept of diagonal scaling to compute
theorem and condition (13),
(15 the upper bounds on /¿a was introduced
The robust performance
performance robustness problem
conditions canare
)be in [11]. The motivation for this approach
thus established as asanfollows:
equivalent robust is that if A and D are diagonal matrices,
stability problem by appending a virtual HAH^ = ||,DA,D | | but ||DMD - 1 ^ can be

uncertainty block to the augmented


made much smaller than HMH^.

plant. This uncertainty block connects the Therefore, as the nominal closed-loop
performance output to the augmented poles of the system in Fig. 3(b) are not
plant input. An important result for affected byVaA (M)diagonal
< scaling, it follows
robustness analysis that relates (19
that uii^a(DMD ) )
performance specifications and stability
is given with V a set of scaling diagonal matrices
ip = { next.
Let the virtual perturbation block be A Ma(M)DA
with the property = AD for every
= HAiDMD- 1 DG
). (18)
/, and let<M1 . be a stable transfer function. V and A G A G BA.
wi let w G 7Z and z G 7Z . Thus, the This
leads toproblem
the following
(17) can upper
solved iteratively for K and D. This
q2 P2

th system in Fig. structure
uncertainty 5 meets is the as
robustness conditions (14) and (15) if, bound for ¡isJLcalled
procedure a (M) where
D — K iteration. For
and only if, it is internally stable [9]. This a chosen D , the minimizing problem can
result on robust performanceA 0
A6 BA,A C (16)
to be established
mm as
mm \DT (2 0 )
understand why the performance crite- K D,D~ eHc t

rion is established in the same way as the >

where denotes the subspace of stable
stability criterion given by the small-gain
theorem. The analysis of stability and transfer matrices. Algorithm 1 (D —
performance margins are called (i K Iteration)
analysis. A complete text in robust , dp_
. . .an
1) Establish initial
1 G = 1 ,of the- 1
I, I)estimative
control theory can be found, for example, positive scalars.
in [7] and [10]. In the latter, MATLAB scaling
2) Find matrix =
stable scalar transfer functions
functions for robust control are also di(s), d^ (s) for i = 1, 2, . . . , F — 1 so

indicated. that \di(juo)\ « df.

D. ¡i Design

4)Construct a space state model for whe ~T X

system P = re 310 '0'
0 ] 0
Solve the H x optimization problem

niinA' \\Fe{P, -^) 11 oo and denote _k a /
the controller found by K. L_
6) Solve
9 ( 2am ) ^l + (æi)/a^
mm aDu (2 1 ) with ci the position sensor gain and L a
D^e Ft i constant which approximates L{.) in the
v vicinity of z 0 . Now, linearizing (23) using
and denote the new D w by D u .
7) Compare D u with the previous the first-order Taylor's expansion around
estimate D w and return to Step 2) the equilibrium (h ,i 0 ) forX( = [h — ho

until convergence is reached. hi — *o]T andu = v — (Rio/k a ), one

obtains (24
IV. System Equations )
In this section, the maglev device and re
components are described. The nonlinear
equations are first presented to call 0 1 0

attention to a linear control design ho/m 0 —

developed for a nonlinear plant. The ki/m
maglev device used is illustrated in Fig. 6 , wit
which is composed of an electromagnet, h
a position detector, and a power Loi
amplifier working with an analog di O o , » o ) [a(lo+
pulsewidth modulation (PWM) circuit of ËL h /a) 2
5-kHz switching frequency and a transis- 0
torized dc chopper. The position detector d (ho \ Loi-0 __ )
consists of a d 2 infrared emissor and a state variables be x± [a
5-V h jo) 2
(l +
= h, x 3= h, x =
phototransistor hMRD-300 — receptor. The i, and output y the sensor /¿output.
/a) ] Thus,
2 3

objective of the control Lu design is to keep using (22), one obtains

(2 2 )
the ball in a dynamic balance around a The nominal linearized model of the
where operation is the isThe
/ ( . , . ) system point. modeling of maglev system described above is used
the maglev
electromagnetic based on i its
force; is in the control design with L = 0.52 H,
the mechanical,
coil current; h equations
is and
the [13]ball R =
electromechanical [12],
position; v is the applied voltage; L( .) 21 ft, k a = 2.1 V/V, ci = -1.7361 x 10 3

and R are coil inductance and V/m, h = 0.0045 m, t = 0.5773A, L =

resistance, respectively; a is a constant; 24.9 x lO^ H, a = 6.72 x 10~ m, and m
0 0 0
3 3

L = L(0) — L(oc); and k a is the power = 0.00226 Kg. In the equilibrium

amplifier gain. Let the maglev system (ho,io), one obtains mg = —f(ho,

io)- Here, one can recall the first


method of Lyapunov to analyze the

stability of the equilibrium from the
linearized model (24).
V. Design Procedure
A. Parameter Uncertainty
Motivated by the use of magnetic
systems in transportation systems [14],
the mass is subjected to variations. For
a deviation
of 1 0 % in the steel ball mass m,
onecanwritem = m +0.15m, — 1 < 6 < 1
with?n the real mass and m the nominal
mass. This

mass perturbation is described in the

augmented plant shown in Fig. 8 by a LFT
in 6. In fact, the term 1 ¡m can be written
1 1
- °'1^(i + 0 1

Comparing (10) and (26), the

corresponding LFT matrix denoted Mi
can be found as (2
m fri m

Fig. 7. Specification

The LFT can be represented in the


O Fu
m + 0.1(5

B. Weighting Functions included in Wi . Now, the gain is set to

22.5 to achieve a steady-state gain
The selection of the weighting between the desired equilibrium and
functions for a specific design problem the error less than — 20 dB, thus
is, in general, an involved task. The yielding kept acceptable.
guidelines used to choose the weighting Considering that the actuator input (3
KS functions W \, W , cannot exceed 10 V, after 0)
and W 3 iSW

for the maglev simulation and fine tuning, the
system are summarized weighting function W is chosen as

The function W\ is bound for the 5 + 150

sensitivity function S and reflects W2 =
external disturbance rejection, a small
steady-state error with respect to the
desired equilibrium, and plant
variations tolerance. Considering that C. Standard H^ Controller
the bandwidth of the maglev system The standard control problem is
ranges from 1 0 to 1 0 0 rad/s, to achieve a formulated in terms of finding an
small steady-state error an integral admissible controller K, if there is one,
term approximated by a pole at s = 0 . 1 is so that, for a given 7 > 0

< 7- (31)
(28 frequency range for stability. However,
5 + 0.1' ) these requirements are in conflict with
The function W3 is selected so that W \. After simulation and fine tuning,
a peak requirement on the the cutoff frequency of W3 is set to 190
complementary sensitivity function T is rad/s (above the closed-loop bandwidth
satisfied to reduce the system frequency), and its zero set to 20 rad/s
oscillations and to limit T in the high- so that the peak on T is reduced, thus

Fig. 8. Simulink block diagram to obtain the augmented P (Pmu.mdl).

The framework of H^ control is very consider a perturbed model for the
flexible and can include performance plant in terms of a multiplicative
specifications, disturbance uncertainty which reflects a variation in
and rejection, control input the mass m, a stable transfer function
the limitations, and robustness W u generated from (4) is used to adjust
funct requirements. To model the the weighting function W3 . Therefore,
ions: performance and stability the stability condition for the
requirements, an augmented multiplicative uncertainty || W U T < 1 is
plant is obtained from the nominal also guaranteed, and Ws is altered to
plant G and weighting functions. To
o.c (s + (29
0.0955 +
: 190 ) ^3
Finally, the function W should have a
1.9 5 + 190
sufficiently large gain to constraint the

control input to an acceptable range to

avoid the saturation of the actuator.
However, since a large gain can dete-
riorate the system performance, a
tradeoff must be sought with the
function W set so that the high-

frequency noises are attenuated as

much as possible, and the speed of the
system response is
The augmented plant used follows the
structure shown in Fig. 2 and is
obtained with the function augtf
[tss_] = augtf(G,W 1,W 2,W 3);
/ * builds the augmented plant * /

controller is thus obtained via the blk_dk = [ - 1 0 ; 1 3]; .

following / * A structure to calculate
¡ JL /± * / omega_dk = logspace(
[ss_cp, ss_cl] = hinf (tss_); — 1, 4, 200);
/ * solves the H — infinity / * frequency range of
problem * / and [syscc] = responses * /
/ * obtains the controller space — state E. ¿x Analysis
form * / A sixth-order controller K with the
where ss_cp = mksys(Ac, Be, Cc, Dc) smallest peak ¡jl^ p is found in the
with Ac, Be, Cc, Dc the matrices of the seventh D — K iteration for an order
controller found andss_cl the zero scaling matrix D. The ¡1 analysis of
corresponding closed-loop system. The the feedback system is carried out with
controller found is of order 6 . The func- the following commands:
tion “hinf” uses a two-Riccati M = starp(P, K, 1, 1);
algorithm [7]. Fig. 7 illustrates the /* obtains Redhef f er star —
performance and stability bounds product of P and K */ M_f = f rsp(M,
specified in terms of W\ and W3 as in-1

(2 ) and (6 ). omega_dk);
D. (i Controller / * obtains complex frequency
The same weighting functions used in response * /
the standard controller are used in the
design of the /x controller. The uncer- / * obtains for performance
tainty is described in terms of an LFT robustness test * /
augmented with the addition of an Mil = sel(M, 1 , 1 ) ;
input and output. The matrix P for the
control problem modeling as in Fig. 8 / * selects block Mil from M
describes the connected system to analyse the feedback
The solution of (20) provides the system in Fig. 4 * /
minimization of ||VKi*S'||00,
/ * obtains space — state form of Mil
small-gain theorem and the robust /*
performance conditions. The fi [mu, L0GD] = SSV(AM11, BM11, CM11,
synthesis controller can be obtained
with MATLAB using the following DM11, w, [-1 - 1]);
functions [15]: / * obtains fi a(^ii) for stability test *
[Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp] = linmod(cPmu'); /
/ * obtains augmented plant P from where input [ — 1 0; 1 3] is the size of
Pmu' * / the uncertainty and fictitious
uncertainty blocks and output LOGD
gives the optimal diagonal scaling D
/ * packs state — space data for Mu.
into system matrix form * /
dk_def_name = ‘G_dk.m';
/ * defines name for the D — K f i l e
* / dkit; / * implements mu —
synthesis iteration * /
The file G_dk.m must contain
nominal_dk = P; / * connected plant
structure * / nmeas_dk = 1 ; / *
number of outputs * / ncont_dk = 1 ;
/ * number of control inputs * /

Frequency(rad/s) Frequency( rad/s)

Fig. 9. Robust stability test (left) and robust performance test (right) for the three
The frequency response for the sisotool, the transfer function of the
stability test is shown in Fig. 9 (left), controller found is
which presents the obtained upper
bound for fi. The peak value occurs 17.6s2 + 315.1s +
about 1 0 0 radians/second which is the 62.22
most critical system frequency. The
peak value of ¡i are 0.79, 0.261, and (33)
0.177 for the lead-lag, Hoo, and ¡i s + 490s + 49

controllers, respectively. These bounds and the discrete state-space form for
indicate the corresponding intervals of controller (33) is found using
m for robust stability, which are 0.875m
< m < 1.125m, 0.615m < m < 1.380m, / * obtains the space —
and 0.435m < m < 1.565m, respectively. state
The frequency response for robust
performance is shown in Fig. 9 (right). form of the controller * /.
This result shows that the uncertainty in [Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd] = BILIN(Ac, Be, Cc, Dc,
the mass m deteriorates the 1, ‘Tustin', 0.001)
performance about the frequency 1 0 0
rad/s. However, the solutions given by / * performs bilinear
the and fi controllers achieve robust transform * /
performance to uncertainty in the mass Fig. 10 shows the Simulink diagram
for 0.692m < rn < 1.308m and 0.633m employed to obtain the simulation
< m < 1.366m. The peak values of ¡i results of the system under
found in this case are 6.84, 0.325, and perturbations using the nonlinear
0.273 for the lead-lag, H <*>, and (i model of the maglev system. The results
controllers, respectively. obtained with the linearized model may
The maglev system could be stabilized present significant discrepancies. These
with a lead controller. However, to discrepancies may add more involved
reduce the position steady-state error, tuning in the selection of the weighting
a second-order lead-lag controller is functions if the initial conditions are not
used in the comparisons. The lead-lag is taken closer to the operating point
found with the function sisotool of (ho,io)-
MATLAB, which is a graphical user
interface to design single-input/single-
output (SISO) compensators by VI. Class Assignments
simultaneously interacting with the
root locus and Bode diagrams of the The main difficulty encountered in
open-loop system and the output and teaching control is the variety of
control responses of the feedback concepts involved in a single control
system. After several trials in the lecture since the student has to

integrate concepts from linear algebra,

differential equations, and dynamic
systems. Each class period has about 50
minutes of lecture followed by 50
minutes of simulation studies. To
motivate the students on the topics
being taught, one or two students at a
time are assigned homework. In the fol-
lowing week, these students introduce
in class their homework solutions which
are then given to the others as oriented
class work. To facilitate the completion
of the homework, further instructions
are given to them during the week. To
use robust control design in practical
problems, one finds that the concepts
of augmented plant, performance
specification, and weighing functions
and interconnected models are of
paramount importance. Some possible
work class tasks involving these
concepts include the following.
1) Analysis and synthesis:
a) analysis of the stability of the
equilibrium (ho,io) of the
nonlinear equations using a
linearization model with the
system parameter values given in
Section IV;
b) description of the perturbed
plant and choice of weighting
functions following the guide
lines given in Section V-A and V-
c) construction of the augmented
plant in Figs. 2 and 8 for design
using the procedure provided in
Section V-C and V-D,

Fig. 10. Simulink model for the controlled plant under

d) development of a MATLAB 3)Final course project:
program to obtain the standard A project is sought to relate analysis
and ¡i controllers using the steps and synthesis. The project should be
provided in Sections V-C and V-D, on successful applications of control
respectively; for the purpose of found in the literature. For this task,
comparison a lead-lag controller the students are divided into small
can be found with the MATLAB groups and required to develop the
function sisotool; design and simulation tests related to
e) development of a MATLAB the application chosen. The control
program to perform the problem formulation, the main
robustness tests in terms of the robustness tests, and simulation
upper bounds on ¡± using the results obtained by each group are
steps given in Section V-E; typical then presented in class, taking about
plots obtained by the students are 15 minutes. This step has a good
shown in Fig. 9. impact on the participation of the
At this point, the students should get students in class discussions favoring
the feeling that higher order lead-lag the understanding of control
controllers would provide better techniques. The laboratory
solutions than the second order experiment presented next use
obtained. The drawback is that these the maglev device described before
solutions would not be found via a and may serve as a project for a
systematic procedure, such as the group of students. The students’
case of the robust controller designs presentation should include a
studied. description of the computational
2)Simulation work: platform used, control system
a) develop a Simulink diagram of the components, discretization of the
type showed in Fig. 10 to obtain controller, and the main advantages
responses to a disturbance step; and disadvantages of the obtained
b) plot the feedback system responses controllers.
for the lead-lag controller
obtained; typical plots obtained by VII. Laboratory Experiment
the students are shown in Fig. 16; A. Controller Discretization
c) repeat for different amplitudes of
the disturbance and variation of The solution of the robust design
the mass for the standard and ¡i techniques used is a high order
controllers obtained; typical plots continuous controller. To obtain the
obtained by the students are controller discrete space state
shown in Figs. 17 and 18. description from its continuous space

Fig. 11. LabVIEW sequence subdiagrams (upper) and front panel (bottom).
state form, the Tustin’s rule is used since that uses a graphical programming
it yields satisfactory results for high language relying on icons and graphical
order systems when the sampling time symbols to specify programming tasks.
is chosen appropriately. This The environment of LabBVIEW consists
transformation is also called a bilinear of a front panel and a block diagram. A
transformation because of its sequence structure of two subdiagrams
mathematical form. To recover the ban- which are executed sequentially with
dlimited continuous signal from the the variables control signal and ball
sampled signal, one can recall the position passed to the second
Shannon’s sampling theorem which subdiagram to be saved in a file for
establishes that UJO > 2 cjmax with ct;max further analysis
the maximum frequency of the contin-
uous signal and LUO the sampling
frequency. The Shannon frequency
plays an important role as a reference
frequency since continuous signals are
not in general bandlimited. The
sampling frequency is thus chosen as 1
kHz to provide an accurate bilinear
transformation in the system
The block diagram realization of the
discrete state space controller is
implemented via shift registers
elements, adders, and multipliers using
the usual block diagram description.
The software LabVIEW is used to
implement the digital controller.
LabVIEW is a development platform

is used. The LabVIEW presents great /♦generates the system matrices*/

flexibility but executes more slowly To illustrate the results, step
than the assembly or C language disturbances are applied after po-
routines. The maglev control routine sitioning the steel ball about the
implemented as a sequence of two sub- adopted equilibrium (h ,i 0 ). The step
diagrams achieved the real time

disturbance is set in the LabVIEW panel

processing with conventional data by altering the voltage v sent to the
acquisition hardware in a Pentium III coil. The experiment is thus repeated
PC. This procedure was possible with mass variations about 7 % and 2 5 %
provided the control process is the only of its nominal value to investigate the
task being performed. Fig. 11 shows the robustness of the system with respect
block diagrams and panel used in the to variations in the mass of the steel
experiment. In the former, the ball. Different step disturbances are
controller enters in the block-named also considered.
control law. These block diagrams and
the controller matrices used are D. Experimental Evaluation
available at the Web address The experimental results obtained are [16]. shown in Figs. 13-15, which are in good
There are several textbooks in digital agreement with the corresponding
control theory. (For a comprehensive simulation
account on the subject, see [17] and
[18]. In the latter, the fundamentals of
LabVIEW programming to implement
digital control are also given.)
B. Experimental Setup
The basic configuration of the system
hardware for digital control is
composed of an acquisition board of
the family 6020E with a 12-bit 12-kHz
A/D converter and a 12-bit digital-
analog (D/A) converter from National
Instruments installed in an ISA-Bus of a
standard Pentium III-CPU-based 8 0 0 -
MHz microcomputer. The position
sensor output is connected to a 5B
series conditioner board in a 5B41
voltage input module which accepts
±10 V and provides ±5 V. The analog
output from a D/A converter is
connected to the power amplifier
module described before. The input and
output signals are connected via a 50-
pin cable and a SC20-50 board. The
complete control system diagram is
shown in Fig. 1 2 .
C. Experimental Results
Taking into account the maglev system
fast time constant, which is about 20
ms, the sampling time, denoted T, is
selected as 1 ms. Following are the
functions used to generate the discrete
controller K found in Sections V-C and
[syscd] = bilin(K, 1, ‘tustiii, T);
/^converts to discrete form*/
[Ac, Be, Cc, Dc, T] = ssdata(syscd);

Fig. 12. Components of the maglev control system.

specifications are met for other steel
Fig. 14. System responses for a 0.5-V disturbance balls of different sizes and mass.
step with the H^ controller (left) and controller
(right) for 25% variation of the mass.

Fig. 13. System responses for a 0.1 V disturbance Fig. 15. System responses for a 0.7-V disturbance
step with a lead-lag controller without mass step with the H^ controller (left) and controller
variation (left) and with 7% variation of the mass (right).
(right). Moreover, the fi controller showed
better disturbance attenuation
results shown in Figs. 16-18. In Fig. 15 responses when compared with the
(left), the large effect of a high step standard controller responses.
disturbance on the equilibrium position However, the fi controller is not as
exceeds the linear range of the sensor, efficient as the standard H^ controller
deteriorating the system performance. in suppressing the control signal noise,
However, this effect does not occur with for it presents a higher gain. The conclu-
the / J , controller, as illustrated in Fig. sion is that the ¡i controller design is
15 (right), which indicates that this more conservative with respect to
controller produced an appropriate disturbances.
action fast enough to avoid large devi- One should note here that simpler
ations on the steel ball position. The controllers obtained by following a
lead-lag controller could not stabilize tuning procedure perform well in many
the plant for large variations on the industry applications. This fact explains
mass and disturbance. The plots shown the popularity of the well-known tree
were obtained from the experiment term proportional plus integral plus
data written in a file. derivative (PID) controller. However, in
From Figs. 13-15, one sees that the some applications the best
robust controllers achieve better performance attainable by a simpler
disturbance rejection than the lead-lag controller is inadequate. More complex
controller and that the robust controllers, such as the ones addressed
controllers perform very well in in this paper, should overcome this
bringing the ball back to the adopted limitation but at a higher cost in terms
operating position even when the of both implementation and designer’s
system is subjected to changes in the time.
mass m. With the robust controllers, in
accordance with the robustness tests VIII.Student Feedback
carried out using ¡i analysis, the design In general, the responses of students

to the proposed interactive class

activities were quite positive. The
course is developed in 25 hours, and the
classroom seats up to 25 students.
Student comments indicate that the
introduction of robust techniques with
focus on applications relating control
theory, simulation, and laboratory work
along with the use of nonlinear

Fig. 16. Simulated responses for aTABLE

0.1-VI disturbance
step and white noise varianceSof 1e-6Feedback
tudent with a lead-lag
controller without mass variation (left) and with 7%
Ratings: 5of=the
variation excellent, 1 =poor
mass (right). 5 4 3 2 1
Relevance of the course in the curriculum 25 50 8% 17 0
Benefit from supervised extra class work in %
83 %
17 0% % %
0% 0
learning control concepts
Experience gained with MATLAB/Simulink in %
42 %
50 8% 0% %
class work
Global evaluation %
75 %
17 8% 0% %
% % %

Fig. 17.
18. Simulated responses for a 0.5-V disturbance step and white noise variance of 0.1 e-6 with the H^
0.7-V disturbance
controller (left) and
step and white // controller
noise (right).
variance of 0.1 e-7 with the
controller (left) and // controller (right) for 25% analysis provided insights into the
variation of the mass. limitations of controller designs. Design
and implementation steps, including
the modeling of the control problem
equations in the simulations was with weighting functions and LabVIEW
considered the strong points of the programming, are described in detail to
course. In addition, the majority of the facilitate the reproduction of the
students remarked that the intensive experiment. To achieve the objectives of
use of MATLAB and Simulink in class the course three types of assessment are
contributed to further develop their used: an individual presentation of
skills in computational tools. A homework solutions, a group
summary of the latest postcourse presentation of a final course project,
student evaluations is provided in Table and a final individual test. To cope with
I. Only 12 surveys were used since this large nonlinear regimes, the maglev
particular course is chosen mainly by device used needs some improvement.
the students enrolled for the Instru- In this direction, the use of photodiode
mentation and Control Certificate arrays in place of the single
offered by the Universidade de Sao phototransistor employed for the
Paulo at Sao Carlos, Brazil. position detection is at the present time
As a consequence of the experience being researched.
gained in class activities after some References
lectures, the participation of students in [1]J. Burl, Linear Optimal Control: H2 and H^
discussions improved. Moreover, as Methods. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley,
each group explores more strongly 1999.
some aspects of the project according [2]R. C. Dorf and R. H. Bishop, Modern Control
Systems. New York: Prentice-Hall, 2000.
to their ability and involvement with [3]P. N. Paraskevopoulos, Modern Control
other disciplines, the multidisciplinarity Engineering. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2002.
of the project reveals new control [4]D. P. P. S. Shiakolas, “Development of a real-
time digital control system with a hardware-in-
components and applications to the the-loop magnetic levitation device for
students. The use of frequency response reinforcement of controls education,” IEEE
techniques to describe the performance Trans. Educ., vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 79-87, Feb. 2003.
specifications and the use of Simulink to
obtain the augmented plant were very
well taken by the students. The
LabVIEW VI in the configuration used is
provided so that the students only need
to replace the designed controller
parameters in the control law block as
shown in Fig. 11.
IX. Concluding Remarks
A simple laboratory experiment using
MATLAB and LabVIEW has shown the
applicability of recent robust control
tools. The test for robustness using fi

[5] W. G. Hurley and W. H. Wolfle, “PWM control of Daniel Siqueira received the B.S. degree in electrical
a magnetic suspension system,” IEEE Trans. engineering from the Escola de Engenharia de Sao
Educ., vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 165-173, May 2004. Carlos, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brazil,
[6] P. S. Shiakolas, S. R. V. Schenck, D. Piyabongkam, in 2003. He is currently working towards the M.S.
and I. Frangeskou, “Magnetic levitation degree at the Instituto de Tecnologia de
hardware-in-the-loop and MATLAB-based Aeronáutica, Sao José dos Campos, Brazil.
experiments for reinforcement of neural network His research interests include flight dynamics,
control concepts,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 47, no. robust control, and uncertain systems.
1, pp. 33-41, Feb. 2004.
[7] K.Zhou, Essentials of Robust Control.
UpperSaddleRiver,NJ:Pren- tice-Hall, 1998.
[8] R. Y. Chiang and M. G. Safonov, Robust Control
Toolbox User Guide. Natick, MA: The
MathWorks, Inc., 1996.
[9] K. Zhou, J. C. Doyle, and K. Glover, Robust and
Optimal Control. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1996.
[10] J. C. Doyle and K. Glover, Robust and
Optimal Control. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1996.
[11] M. G. Safanov, “Stability margins of
diagonally perturbed multivariable feedback
systems,” presented at the IEEE Conf. Decision
Control, San Diego, CA, 1981.
[12] T. H. Wong, “Design of a magnetic levitation
control system—An undergraduate project,” IEEE
Trans. Educ., vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 196-200, Nov.
[13] V. A. Oliveira, E. F. Costa, and J. B. Vargas,
“Digital implementation of a magnetic
suspension control system for laboratory
experiments,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 42, no. 4, pp.
315-322, Nov. 1999.
[14] A. Bittar and R. Sales, “ H2 and control for
maglev vehicles,” IEEE Control Syst. Mag., vol. 18,
no. 4, pp. 18-25, Aug. 1998.
[15] G. J. Balas, J. C. Doyle, K. Glover, A. Packard,
and R. Smith, Analysis and Synthesis Toolbox
User Guide. Natick, MA: The MathWorks, Inc.,
[16] E. S. Tognetti, D. Siqueira, and V. A. Oliveira,
Experimentos de controle avan$ado usando
sintese // Apr. 2004 [Online]. Available: htpp://, Tech. Rep.
[17] K. Ogata, Discrete Time Control Systems.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1995.
[18] C. L. Phillips and H. T. Nagle, Digital Control
System Analysis and Design. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1995.

Vilma A. Oliveira (M’94) received the B.Eng. degree

in electronics from the Universidade do Estado do
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1976, the M.Sc. degree in
electrical engineering from the Universidade Federal
do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1980, and the Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering from the University
of Southampton, U.K., in 1989.
She joined the Departamento de Engenharia
Eletrica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1990,
where she is currently a Full Professor. Her research
interests include control design and applications.

Eduardo S. Tognetti received the B.S. and M.S.

degrees in electrical engineering from the Escola de
Engenharia de Sao Carlos, Universidade de Sao
Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brazil, in 2002 and 2006,
He is currently a Control System Engineer at
Votorantim Celulose e Papel, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo,
Brazil, working on plant information management
systems (PIMS) and control loop optimization. His
research interests include control theory, robust
control and uncertain systems, linear matrix
inequalities, control loop optimization, and plant
information management systems.

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