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September 2017 – January 2018
1. In one group of three students, choose one industry and one product

Based on the chosen industry, answer the following questions:

- Describe the industry and the product (10 marks)

- Identify problem related with the product in the industry (7 marks)

- Identify and describe SWOT: (1 mark x 8 points = 8 marks )

two strengths, two weakness, two opportunities and two treats

- Identify components of Business Model Canvas (BMC):

(1 marks x 18 points = 18 marks)
i. Two value propositions
ii. Two customer segments
iii. Two customer relationships
iv. Two channels
v. Two revenue streams
vi. Two key activities
vii. Two key resources
viii. Two key partners
ix. Two cost structures

- Based on the above BMC, describe the following relationship:

(4 marks x 8 points = 32 points)
i. Value proposition and customer segments
ii. Value proposition, channels and customer segments
iii. Value proposition, customer relationships and customer segments
iv. Value proposition, revenue streams and customer segments
v. Value proposition and key partners
vi. Value proposition and key activities
vii. Value proposition and key resources
viii. Value proposition and cost structures

- Proposed solution (5 marks x 1 points = 5 marks)

- Relate with theories in Chapter 1 (10 marks)
- Teamwork (10 marks)
2. The assignment should consist of the following format:

a. Introduction
b. Description about the industry
c. Description about the product
d. SWOT Analysis
e. Business Model Canvas (BMC) Components
f. Business Model Canvas (BMC) Relationship
i. Value proposition and customer segments
ii. Value proposition, channels and customer segments
iii. Value proposition, customer relationships and customer segments
iv. Value proposition, revenue streams and customer segments
v. Value proposition and key partners
vi. Value proposition to key activities
vii. Value proposition to key resources
viii. Value proposition to cost structures
g. Proposed Solutions
h. Related Theories
i. Conclusion
j. Appendix: Business Model Canvas (BMC)

3. Text Format:
a. Size: A4
b. Font: Times New Roman (12 pts)
c. Double spacing
d. Length: 2,250 words. (1 page = ±250 words; 1 students = 750 words;
Total pages = ±9 pages)
e. Margin: Top: 1 in; Bottom 1 in; Right 1 in; Left 1.5 in
f. Content pages should have page numbers. (From Introduction to Conclusion)

4. Cover Page
a. Course Code
b. Title
c. Name
d. Student ID
e. Group
f. Lecturer’s Name
g. Submission Date

5. Binding
Your assignment should be stapled on the left side of the paper and finished the binding
using black binding tape.
6. Report due date: 3rd November 2017 (Friday) before 4.00 pm at B1-67 (Madam Noraini)
7. Late report will not be evaluated.

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