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Organ System Defined

An organ system is a group of anatomical structures that work together to

perform a specific function or task. Although we learn about each organ system
as a distinct entity, the functions of the body's organ systems overlap
considerably, and your body could not function without the cooperation of all of
its organ systems. In fact, the failure of even one organ system could lead to
severe disability or even death.
The human body is composed of 11 different organ systems. These include the

 Integumentary
 Muscular
 Skeletal
 Nervous
 Circulatory
 Lymphatic
 Respiratory
 Endocrine
 Urinary/excretory
 Reproductive
 Digestive

Some scientists add the immune system to this list to make a total of 12 organ
systems, but most people consider the immune system to be a part of the
lymphatic system. You may also find texts where the lymphatic and immune
systems are both included within the circulatory system, which would give us a
total of ten organ systems. Still other sources separate the immune system, the
vestibular system (the organs of balance) and the neurotransmitter system
(chemicals that control our moods, memory, appetite, sleep, etc.) from the
other organ systems, which would spawn 13 organ systems.
Regardless of how you separate the different organ systems within the human
body, as you study these systems, keep in mind that an organ or structure that
is included in one system may also be included in another. For example, the
testes and ovaries produce hormones and are therefore part of the endocrine
system; however, these same structures are also involved in reproduction and
thus are included in the reproductive system.

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