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Final Take Home Examination

1. Educ. 711 with a descriptive title Instructional Analysis. In this course, I learned in this course the
importance of having visual-aids in teaching a lesson in class. A presentation can be improved with
handouts, visual aids and activities. There are different types of visual-aids that are used like;
PowerPoint which probably the most commonly used form of visual aids,Overhead projector(OHP)
that mostly found in lectures and seminar that enlarges and projects the slides onto a screen or wall
without requiring the lights to be dimmed,White or Black board are very useful that to point out key
points in lesson or reports that easily remember. Handouts should be a summary of the important
points of the presentation.

2. There are many outstanding traits that a teacher should have;

(I) Good example/Role model- a person who they should look up to and aspire to be like them. A
teacher should inspire and encourages the student to strive hard.

(II) Communication Skills- a teacher’s communication skills (verbal,nonverbal, and visual) are one of
the most important traits that the effective teacher should posses. Good communication skills easily
convey knowledge to the students.

(III) Superior Listening Skills- a teacher who is a good communicator should also be a good listener,
effective communications only happens when two parties are actively involved in the process of
learning. Teachers ask importants questions and then actively listen to what students said then asking
for suggetions to the students.

(IV) Patience- most important traits that a teacher should have is patience. As they say “Patience is a
virtue”. A teacher should have great patience when dealing to their students. Once a student can’t
understand the lesson the teacher should find another way in order for the students to understand

(V) Mastery of the Subject- an essential skill that a teacher requires. An effective teacher should
come to the class prepared with all the materials needed in the lessons. A prepared teacher are ready
for any questions that the students will going to ask after the lessons.

3. In this statement,”A teacher can make or unmake a child’s future.”. Teaching is not a job it is
actually helping every child nuture and adopt a way of life. A good teacher can guide and gives
motivation on their students towards their success but a bad teacher instead uplifting the students
that had a bad grades they degrade their students. What kind of teacher had great affects to the

4. Education is one of the factors to determine the country’s future. Once a country had a bad
education system it also affects the country. There are many problems that the Education faces


(II) Over-worked and underpaid teachers- Teachers perhaps the most important job our country has
to offer. A teacher spends approximately 8 hours with the students 5 days out of each week. The
workload of public school teachers has become more and more burdensome over the years.
(III) Mismatch- A large proportion of mismatch between training and actual jobs. This issue arises at
the tertiary level and causes a large group of unemployed and underemployed. This is very true
nowadays because of arising BPO industries particularly the call center companies. Hundreds of
thousands of young professionals, graduates or undergraduates from college level settled at this type
of company because of attractive compensation that they offering.

(IV) Quality of Education has declined few years ago due to poor results from standard entrance tests
conducted among elementary and secondary students, as well as the tertiary levels. The results were
way below the target mean score. High dropouts rates, high number of repeaters, low passing grades,
lacks of particular language skills, failure to adequately respond and address the needs of people with
special needs, overcrowded classrooms, and poor teacher performances, have greatly affected the
quality of education.

(V) Bullying can have serious impact in education. Students who persistently bully others have been
found to have later issues in mental health and educational outcomes. Being bullied affects the
student’s performance in short or long term. Study found that that the bullying impact on student’s
ability to academically succeed. It found that bullied students have feel of fear from coming to school
because they feel that they are unsafe; therefore they are unable to concentrate which reelect
negatively on their academic success.

5. “Tell me and I forget”

“Show me and I remember”

“Allow me and I will learn”

These statement means refers to the theory and practice of experiental learning. Teachers can
lecture, and it’ll go in one ear and out the other. Teachers can teach and it’ll be remember,but
probably won’t understand but if a teacher

6. Technology widely used nowadays. Many latest techniques of teaching that the technology are
being used;

(I) Video based materials lessons- boost students creativity and cooperation. Access to video can help
motivate students and createa distinctive context for their learning experience. In some studies, video
presentation proven to be effective technique in teaching, students can recall/remember what
content of the video.

(II) Online Learning Tools refer to any program, app, or technology that can be accessed via an
internet connection and enhance a teacher’s ability to present information and a student’s ability to
access that information. An online tool is something that uses an internet connection to access the
information it needs. It doesn’t necessarily need to make use of browser to do this. An example of an
online tool could be Skype because it uses your internet connection.

(III) Power Point Presentation when effectively planned and used,can enhance instruction. Powepoint
can be an effective tool to present material in the classroom and encourage student learning.
Powerpoint can be used to project visuals which would otherwise be difficult to bring to class.

(IV) Computers and laptops used for instructional as well as pre-instructional and non-instructional
purposes by teachers and students in teaching-learning process. The computers and laptops use is
defined as ways in which teachers work with computers in the instruction of their students.

(V) Podcasts and audio files should be part of any online and offline instructor’s repertoire.Audacity is
one example of audio recording app, this is free, open-source, cross-platform tool has proven is worth
over the years.
7. There are many differences when it comes in education in the type of government in a country.
Monarchy, Dictatorship, Federal Systems and Democracy are types of government that exists today in
every country. In every type of government there are also corresponding education policies which
sometimes given privilege only to those citizen which are in high standing. Unlike in democratic
country, government funds education in order all the citizen can have a better education.

8. Impartiality is one of the most challenging traits a teacher can possess. An impartial teacher does
have favoritism among its students. Those who can truly be fair judges of their students must turn a
blind eye to all predispositions and judge each students in their on will. The teacher who is impartial
will not look at the name on the top of the paper when judging the performance of student.

9. Bullying is an act of any severe or repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal or
electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination. Due to many cases of bullying
happening in schools in public or private. The government formed an act that protect the students.
According to Republic Act 10627 or the “Anti-Bullying Act of 2013” states that .The best way to
address bullying is to stop before it starts. A school can incorporate programs or lessons about
bullying on what are the negative impacts to the students. The school need to train all the school staff
about bullying,policies and rules and enforcing the rules.

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