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Chapter V



This study was about the factors that influence the B.S.

Entrepreneurship students to become entrepreneurs and its

relationship to their profile in terms of age, sex and work

experience. The respondents of this study were the selected

B.S. Entrepreneurship students of University of Eastern

Philippines particularly from the College of Business

Administration. The research design that was used in this

study was descriptive-correlational. This research design was

used to describe the factors that influence students to become

entrepreneurs and to determine if there was a significance

relationship between the factors and the profile of the

respondents. The researchers used the questionnaire in order

to gather all the data needed. The questionnaire was composed

of two parts: the profile of the respondents and the factors

that influence students to become entrepreneurs,

specifically, attitude towards entrepreneurship, perceived

behavioural control and entrepreneurial intention. The

sampling technique used in this study was fish ball sampling

for the researchers to know how many per section would be the

respondents. The statistical treatments used are frequency


and percentage, weighted mean, and multiple regression.

Weighted mean was used to determine the factors that influence

B.S. Entrepreneurship students to become entrepreneurs.

Frequency and percentage was used to determine the number of

observations that lie above (or below) a particular value.

While the multiple regression analysis was used in order to

identify if there was a significant relationship between the

profile of the respondents and the factors that influence

B.S. Entrepreneurship students to become entrepreneurs.

Summary of Findings

Most of the respondents were female in which they

outnumbered the male students; majority of them belonged to

the age of 19. It was also observed that most or majority of

them does not have any work experience.

According to the result of the data gathered by the

researchers it was clear that there was no significant

relationship between the profile of the respondents and the

factors that influence them to become entrepreneurs. It was

because the significance of the study is 0.734 was greater

than 0.05 margin of error so the null hypothesis was accepted.

It can be implied that the age, sex, and work experience was

not affected by the factors that influence students to become

entrepreneurs. It was because there are some young and old

students who are looking forward of becoming entrepreneurs.

Majority of them are into business that’s why the factors do

not affect their age. Not all the time, male and female have

different perception in choosing their careers in the future.

Some male and female have the same perception on choosing

entrepreneurship as their career in the mere future. It has

been found that the factors of entrepreneurship were not

affected by age, gender, and work experience of the


Conclusion and Implication

The result of the study accepted the null hypothesis

which means that age, gender, and work experience had no

significant relationship with the factors that influence

students to become entrepreneurs.

1. Younger member of the Entrepreneurship department

have more entrepreneurial intention than those of the older

member and female members have higher interest in becoming

entrepreneurs. This implies that the younger students have

higher entrepreneurial intention than older students and it


also implies that females have higher entrepreneurial

intentions than males

2. Factor 1 (attitude towards entrepreneurship) a career

as entrepreneur is attractive for them. Factor 2 (Perceived

behavioural control) they know the necessary practical

details to start a firm. Factor 3 (entrepreneurial intention)

they are ready to do anything to be an entrepreneur. These

are the factors that influence to the B.S Entrepreneurship

students to become entrepreneurs. This implies that they are

ready to become entrepreneurs. This also implies that

entrepreneurship attracts them to become entrepreneurs and

that they were already knowledgeable of the necessary details

in starting up their own firms.

3. There is no significant relationship between the

demographic profile to the respondents. This implies that

age, sex, work experience are does not affect their intention

to become entrepreneurs.

4. There is no significant relationship between the

demographic profile of the students and the factors of

entrepreneurship. This implies that the factors of

entrepreneurship do not affect the intention of the

respondents to become entrepreneurs.



Based on the conclusion, the following recommendation

was drawn:

1. A majority of the respondents are female, therefore

recommended that males should be motivate more so that we can

make sure that the foundation of the firm will be stronger.

Because as we all know males are stronger than females and

they are not easily knock down by so much problems. Mostly of

the respondents belonged to the age of 19, therefore it is

recommended that the older members should be motivated

because they are more matured than the younger once. Almost

all of the respondents does not have any working experience,

therefore it is recommended that they should be involved in

activities which will give them experience and strong

foundation so that they will be able to know the reality in

the world of business.

2. Based on the findings of the most encountered factors are

(attitude towards entrepreneurship) A career as entrepreneur

is attractive for them. Factor 2 (Perceived behavioral

control) they know the necessary practical details to start

a firm. Factor 3 (entrepreneurial intention) they are ready

to do anything to be an entrepreneur, it is recommended that

the teachers should have effective methods of teaching that


will surely inspire and motivate the students’ aim of becoming

an entrepreneur will not fade. They must also give students

the right knowledge about the different strategies, process

and procedures involved in entrepreneurship so that they can

assure that these students who aims to become entrepreneurs

will be prepared enough to start their own firms and make

this firm a successful business.

3. Based on the finding that the socio-demographic

profile of the respondents does not affect their intention to

become entrepreneurs, it is recommended that the parents and

teachers should inspire and motivate their children and

students so that they will have entrepreneurial heart flame

which will make entrepreneurship their passion.

4. Based on the findings that the socio-demographic

profile of the respondents does not affect the factors of

entrepreneurship, therefore it is recommended that the

teachers must focus on the factors which will influence the

students to become a successful entrepreneur rather than

focusing on the profile of the students in judging if they

will be able to become successful entrepreneurs in the mere


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