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International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (IJEET)

Volume 9, Issue 6, November –December 2018, pp. 35–46, Article ID: IJEET_09_06_004
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6545 and ISSN Online: 0976-6553
Journal Impact Factor (2016): 8.1891 (Calculated by GISI)
© IAEME Publication


Radha Krishna K.R.
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan, India

Principal, NIE Institute of Technology, Mysuru,India

Distributed Generation (DG) technology is the most efficient and economical way
of generating the power. DG units play an important role of injecting the real and
reactive power for improving the stability of the network in Radial Distribution
Systems (RDS). The main aim of the DGs is to generate the required power near the
load centres. The voltage profile improvement and loss reduction done by an optimal
placement and sizing of DG units in the distribution system. In this paper, a
combination of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with Cuckoo Search Algorithm
(CSA) is proposed to compute the optimal DG placement and size. This proposed
methodology is named as hybrid PSO-CSA methodology. The main objective of this
hybrid PSO-CSA methodology is to decrease the power losses and enhance the
voltage stability in the RDS. The proposed hybrid PSO-CSA methodology is
implemented in IEEE 118 bus systems. The performance is analysed in terms of power
loss. The performance of hybrid PSO-CSA methodology is evaluated with the
conventional method named as Adaptive CSA (ACSA). The power loss of hybrid PSO-
CSA methodology in test case 3 (i.e., systems with reconfiguration and installation of
multi DG units) is 344.4543 kW, but it is less compared to the ACSA power loss
586.24 kW.
Keywords: Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Distributed Generation, Radial Distribution
Systems, Particle Swarm Optimization, and Power Loss.
Cite this Article: Radha Krishna K.R and Dr.T.Ananthapadmanabha, Optimal
Allocation of Dg Units For Voltage Stability Enhancement and Power Loss
Minimization In Radial Distribution System. International Journal of Electrical
Engineering & Technology, 9(6), 2018, pp. 35–46. 35
Optimal Allocation of Dg Units For Voltage Stability Enhancement and Power Loss Minimization In
Radial Distribution System

The renewable DG units like solar, wind and biomass are effectively used as an alternate
energy solution to overcome the issue like resources of fossil fuel and environmental concerns
[1]. DG is a small scale generation, it is also called as embedded generation, dispersed or
decentralized generation. DG produces the power of 3-10000 kW from micro turbines, fuel
cells, solar, wind, etc. This DG’s are directly linked to the meter or to the distribution network
[2-3]. Now a day, the renewable energy sources based DGs are developing fast, because of it
has potential in reducing consumption of fossil energy in electric power generation as well as
it reduces power losses and harmful carbon emissions [4]. The expensive construction of
distribution and transmission lines are eliminated by using the DG and it provides high power
quality and reliable energy solutions [5]. Generally, the DG’s are used for providing the real
and reactive power compensation in RDS [6]. The best location and size of the DG in power
system improves the voltage reliability and stability of the grid [7]. The distribution system
transformed from passive to active network, when the DG is integrated in the system. If the
DG is placed in a non-optimal location, it results in high system loss and low voltage profiles
DG units designed as a synchronous generator for small hydro, geothermal, and combined
cycles; combustion turbines; and wind turbines with power electronics [9]. The DG unit’s
usage in the system yields several advantages such as stability enhancement, power quality
improvement, power loss reduction, environmental sustainability, investment risk reduction,
voltage profile improvement, capability of peak shaving, capital and operational expenditure
reduction and reliability [10]. In peak periods, DG provides the load demands which reduces
the cost of power taken from the network at high electricity charges [11]. The DG unit’s
location and size determined by minimizing the cost [12] and power distribution loss [13].
DG placement in distribution system also creates some issues such as reduced security,
intense changes in short circuit level, relays are required new settings, sizing and voltage
stability considerations, DG allocation and complexity of control [14]. The conventional
methods used in the optimal DG placement are: integrating sequential quadratic programming
and branch and bound algorithm [15], two different sensitivity factors such as loss reduction
and voltage improvement are considered to select the load buses in DG placement [16], and
sample average approximation with multiple replication procedure algorithm [17].
The major contributions of this research work are stated as follows:
• The size and optimal location of the DG are found by using the combination of PSO-CSA
• The hybrid PSO-CSA also resolves the nonlinear optimization problem.
• This method provides fast and accurate results in the determination of DG optimal locations and

S. Sultana and P.K. Roy [18] presented the Krill Herd (KH) algorithm for decreasing the
annual energy losses at the utilization of various renewable resources. The convergence speed
and simulation of conventional KH enhanced by integrating opposition-based learning in KH
algorithm. The energy loss of small, medium and large scale radial distribution networks
decreased by using Oppositional Krill Herd (OKH) algorithm with KH algorithm. The
benefits of OKH algorithm are it can easily handle complex power system network and fast
converging. The OKH algorithm in 118 radial bus distribution system produces energy loss
up to 79.8998 MWh, when the system does not have DG units. 36
Radha Krishna K.R and Dr.T.Ananthapadmanabha

S. Ray et al. [19] introduced the Differential Search (DS) algorithm for finding optimum
number and location of Remote Control Switch (RCS) in a RDS. The reliability of the RDS
enhanced by discovering the optimal number and location of the RCS. The Brownian-like
random-walk movement utilized in DS algorithm for relocating the RCS from one location to
another location. Here only the location of the RCS is considered, it did not consider the
placement of DG units.
A.A.Z. Diab and H. Rezk [20] presented the Grey Wolf (GWO), Dragonfly (DFO) and
Moth-Flame (MFO) optimization techniques to place the capacitors in different RDS. The
most candidate buses in RDS determined by considering the loss sensitivity factor to identify
the specific location for placing the capacitors. The optimum placement and sizes of
capacitors were found by the above mentioned optimization techniques. The best score of
GWO and MFO are less compared to the DFO algorithm.
Tri Phuoc Nguyen et al. [21] determined the optimal placement, sizing, and amount of DG
units in RDS by implementing a Chaotic Stochastic Fractal Search (CSFS) method. The
conventional SFS is integrated with chaotic maps for enhancing the reliability of the
distribution system. The ten chaotic maps replaced the random scheme of the conventional
SFS for improving the solution accuracy and convergence speed. The reason behind this
replacement is that the chaos has best dynamical and statistical properties. The
reconfiguration process of the RDS is not discussed in this CSFS method.
I.A. Quadri et al. [22] introduced Hybrid Teaching Learning Based Optimization
(HTLBO) technique for the optimal placement of DGs. The HTLBO technique is capable of
handling both continuous and discrete variables. This HTLBO has the capacity to escape from
strong local minima/maxima trappings. The allocation of DGs in RDS carried out using two
methodologies, i.e., weighted sum approach and ε-constraints method. The ε-constraints
method provided a better result compared to the weighted sum approach. Here, the TLBO
teaching phase and the local pitch alteration of harmony search algorithm depends on the
Auto Selection Rate (ASR). As, this ASR is dynamical in nature; it changed in every iteration.
T.T. Nguyen et al. [23] introduced the Meta heuristic adaptive CSA algorithm for
identifying the optimal location and sizing of the DG units. The search space of each tie-line
determined by the graph theory. The configuration of the distribution network determined by
considering the power loss and voltage stability index in CSA. A huge amount of infeasible
individuals interrupts the radial constraint. So, this work used graph theory to decrease the
infeasible individuals.


PSO has a group of individuals (swarm particles) moving in a search space to explore the best
solution. A vector of length indicates each particle’s position and velocity of particles is
denoted as . The particle’s current position update by velocity in each iteration. In the
solution space, each particle tracks its co-ordinates which relate to the best solution (fitness).
This solution is denoted as that is personal best. Then one more best value is
determined by comparing the each particle with its neighbourhood particle and the value is
denoted as . The main concept of the PSO depends on accelerating each particle toward
its and the locations with a random weighted acceleration at each iteration. The
following formulations are used to modify each particle’s position.
• The current positions,
• The current velocities,
• The distance between the current position and , 37
Optimal Allocation of Dg Units For Voltage Stability Enhancement and Power Loss Minimization In
Radial Distribution System

• The distance between the current position and .

The velocity updation of each particle is given in Eq. (1) and the position updation is
given in the Eq. (2).
= + − + − (1)
= + (2)
Where, the weighting factors are and ; the random numbers between 0 and 1 are and
; the weighting function is ; current velocity of particle at iteration is ; modified
velocity of particle is ; current position of particle at iteration is ; modified
position of particle is ; personal best of particle is and global best of the group


CSA is one of the meta-heuristic search algorithm developed by Yang. CSA consists of two
main operators. First one is direct search that depends on the levy flights and another one is
random search. The ransom search of the CSA relies on host bird probability to find an alien
egg in its nest.
CSA consists of three steps which are given as follows,
• Each cuckoo lays only one egg at a time and this cuckoo search a nest randomly to dump its egg.
• The best nests with higher standards of eggs is carried out for the next generation.
• The amount of available host nests fixed as well as the host bird discovers the egg which is laid
by the cuckoo.
Cuckoos are attractive birds; it makes a beautiful sound in nature as well as it has
excellent reproduction strategy. Ani and Guira are the cuckoo species and these species lays
their own eggs in common nest, the cuckoo removes other’s eggs to increase its hatching
probability. The cuckoo eggs are hatched faster compared to the other host eggs. Once the
first cuckoo’s egg is hatched, the first action of the cuckoo is to break the host eggs which are
present in the nest. The cuckoo chick is mimic like a host chick for maximizing the feeding
Here, the distribution of step size is defined by the term Levy flight. The survival rate of
the cuckoo eggs maximized by laying the eggs (solution) in best nest. Generally, each cuckoo
lays only one egg at a time. The high quality eggs (Optimal value) which are similar to the
host bird’s eggs have more probability to develop (next generation) and became a mature
cuckoo. The host bird with a probability € 0,1 is used to identify the unhealthy eggs (not
optimal value) and then unhealthy eggs are removed or the nest is discarded. The new nest is
created at new location. In the CSA search process initial populations of host nest are
randomly distributed and then the populations of solutions are subjected to repeat cycles.
The parameters used in the CSA are amount of nests or different solutions( ), discovery
rate of alien eggs/solutions ( ) and levy coefficient(#).
The cuckoo randomly chooses the nest position to lay eggs using Eq. (3) and (4).
'() '()
$%& = $%& + *%& × , -(#) × . (3)
4×5 =1
0( 1)×2 )3 7
, -(#) = / 895
/ (4)
03 7×1×: (5;8)⁄6

Where # is a constant(1 < # ≤ 3); . is a random number generated between −1,1 ; A

is gamma function; S is step size (S > 0). 38
Radha Krishna K.R and Dr.T.Ananthapadmanabha

The step size is obtained by using Eq. (5).

'() '()
*%& = $%& − $B& (5)
Where , CD{1,2, … . , I} and qD{1,2, … . , K} are randomly chosen indexes, f is chosen
randomly but its value must be different from p.
The host bird finds the cuckoo egg and select the high quality egg based on the probability
which is expressed in Eq. (6).
L& = 3 7 + 0.1 (6)
Where C & is the fitness value of the solution; T is the proportionality index to the quality
of egg.
If the host bird identifies the cuckoo’s egg, the host bird may throw the cuckoo egg or
leave the nest and it will create a new nest. The expression for building a new nest is given at
Eq. (7).
& = $&,U ) + V(0,1) × ($&,UWX − $&,U ) ) (7)


The DG placement into the distributed system produces an effect on the frequency, protection
discrimination, voltage regulation and stability of the system. In distributed system losses may
occur based on the improper choice of size and location of DG. The optimal placement of
DGs provides improved reliability in distributed system. DG is considered as one of the
sustainable choices to alleviate some issues such as, low reliability, high power loss and poor
power quality. For a specific bus, the high value of DG gives less power loss and if the size of
DG is greater than before, the losses will gradually increase. The output of an active and
reactive power of each DG unit must be selected in-between its minimum and maximum
values which are expressed in Eq. (8) and (9).
YZ, ≤ Y', ≤ UWX
YZ, (8)
[Z,U ) ≤ [Z ≤ [Z,UWX (9)
Where Y', and[Z are nominal active and reactive power of DG, U ) YZ, and UWX YZ,
are minimum and maximum range of DG’s active power, while [Z,U ) and [Z,UWX are
minimum and maximum range of DG’s reactive power. The size selection of the DG mainly
depends on the distribution network size (load). Likewise, the position of DG also plays a
important role in decreasing the losses. The block diagram for the DG optimal placement in
IEEE 118-bus system is shown in below Fig. 1.

Figure 1 Block diagram of the hybrid PSO-CSA methodology 39
Optimal Allocation of Dg Units For Voltage Stability Enhancement and Power Loss Minimization In
Radial Distribution System

• The process initialized with general control parameters which is already exists inside the
• Read the line and bus data from the IEEE 118 bus radial distribution system.
• At first, the random particles generated on the line and bus data of IEEE 118 bus system. For that
data, the load flow is checked.
• After checking the load flow analysis, run the fitness function of this particular data. The fitness
function contains the Power loss, Voltage profile and Cost.
• The best fitness value is computed from the data and this best fitness is given to the system for
processing the next iteration.
• The same load flow analysis checked by the hybrid PSO-CSA methodology at the IEEE 118 bus
with reconfiguration.
• The fitness values computed for placing DG at random locations, and it controls the real power
and reactive power values.
• From the best values, DG will be optimally located with the help of the hybrid PSO-CSA

5.1. Reconfiguration using hybrid PSO-CSA

The reconfiguration process of the distribution system performed by using hybrid PSO-CSA
for handling the operation of switches. This hybrid PSO-CSA is used to overcome the
concern over the selection of sectionalizing switches. The sectionalizing of switches has two
states, one is open and another one is close. The open and close states of the switches are
defined by two different conditions such as 0 and 1. The flowchart for reconfiguration using
hybrid PSO-CSA methodology is shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2 Hybrid PSO-CSA methodology for reconfiguration 40
Radha Krishna K.R and Dr.T.Ananthapadmanabha

5.2. Optimal DG placement using hybrid PSO-CSA

The steps of optimal DG placement using hybrid PSO-CSA is given as follows:

Step 1 (Input System Data and Initialize):

There are various inputs given in the PSO initialization. Those are line data (resistance and
impedance), bus data (type of the bus, voltage and angle), generator data (real and reactive
power) and load data (real and reactive power). In initialization process, the population size of
the particles and iterations are set, the velocity and position of the particles are randomly
generated. Set the iteration counter k = 0 and then start the process.

Step 2 (Calculate the Objective Function):

The calculation of the objective function (1) is carried out by “Forward Backward Sweep

Step 3 (Calculate )
The objective value of each particle is compared with its individual best. This individual best
is taken as current , when the objective value is smaller than the as well as the
corresponding position is recorded.

Step 4 (Calculate )
The particle which has the minimum individual best is selected among all particles, and
set the value of this as the current best value ( ).

Step 5 (Update Velocity and position)

The velocity and position of the particles are updated by using Eq. (1) and (2) respectively.

Step 6 (Check Convergence Criterion)

If the iteration number reaches the maximum limit, go to Step 8. Otherwise, set iteration index
= + 1, and go back to Step 2.

Step 7 (Cuckoo initialization)

The optimal values from the PSO such as DG location and size are given as the input to CSA
for finding the optimal location and size. Levy flight generates cuckoo randomly. The CSA
received the DG location and size from the PSO to identify the quality of the solution.

Step 8 (Replacement)
A nest is selected among (number of nests) randomly, if the quality of new solution in the
selected nest is better than the old solution, then it will be replaced by the new solution

Step 9 (Generation of new nest)

The worse nests are abandoned based on the probability (Pa) and new ones are built using Eq.

Step 10 (Termination)
In this study, the stopping criterion is set to the tolerance value of 1 \] and maximum
generation of 100 iterations. The iteration stopped, when satisfying the stopping criterion, and
the result of CSA is obtained. 41
Optimal Allocation of Dg Units For Voltage Stability Enhancement and Power Loss Minimization In
Radial Distribution System

The optimal DG location and size are evaluated from the hybrid PSO-CSA methodology.
The DG’s are placed, when the bus has more power loss compared to other bus.


The hybrid PSO-CSA methodology was implemented in MATLAB R2018a environment with
a 4 GB RAM. A 118-bus radial test system with circuit breaker and fuses considered in this
hybrid PSO-CSA methodology to evaluate the voltage stability of the RDS. The IEEE 118
bus test system consists of 117 distribution segments and 118 loads points. The simulation of
network considered three scenarios to analyse the superiority of the hybrid PSO-CSA
methodology which are given in the following section.

6.1. Performance analysis of hybrid PSO-CSA methodology

The simulated results are compared with the results of other techniques to assess the
performance and effectiveness of the hybrid PSO-CSA methodology.
Test case 1: The system with reconfiguration only.
Test case 2: The system with DG units only.
Test case 3: The system with reconfiguration and installation of multi DG units.
In test case 1, the 118 bus system is carried out with only reconfiguration without DG
units. The performance of the test case 1 is shown in the Fig. 3 and Table 1.

Table 1 Performance analysis of test case 1

Test case 1 BEFORE Reconfiguration AFTER Reconfiguration

Tie switches 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 87 51 82 112 93 84 13 47 70 55 6 27
130 131 132 133 99 2 102
Power loss 1298.09 kW 628.2764 kW
Power loss ------------- 51.5999 %
Minimum 0.915 pu 0.92661 pu

Figure 3 Voltage stability for test case 1 42
Radha Krishna K.R and Dr.T.Ananthapadmanabha

In test case 1, the switches are used in each bus of IEEE 118 bus distribution systems. The
voltage stability for test case 1 is shown in Fig. 3. This test case 1 is used for handling on/off
modes of the switches. The operating modes of switches are controlled by the hybrid PSO-
CSA methodology. The switch is in active mode (on), when the respective bus is corrupted by
any of the faults. By disabling the respective bus, the other buses which are near the affected
bus is safe from the fault. From the Table 1, it is concluded that the power loss after
reconfiguration without DG unit is less compared to the power loss before reconfiguration.
In test case 2, the 118 bus system is carried out with only one DG units. The performance
of the test case 2 is shown in the Table 2.
Table 2 Performance analysis of test case 2


Tie switches 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
129 130 131 132 133 129 130 131 132 133
Power loss 1298.09 kW 640.4428 kW
Power loss ------------- 52.592 %
Size of DG 0.1018 MW 3 KW
Minimum 0.9683 0.9563
In test case 2, the DG unit is randomly placed in the IEEE 118 bus distribution systems.
Here DG’s are placed in an inappropriate way, because there is no way to determine the
proper location and size for the respective DG. From the Table 2, it is concluded that the
power loss after reconfiguration with only DG placement is less when compared to the power
loss before reconfiguration.
In test case 3, the 118 bus system is carried out by reconfiguration with three DG units. The
performance of the test case 3 is shown in the Table 3 and Figure 4.

Table 3Performance analysis of test case 3

Test case 3 BEFORE Reconfiguration with AFTER Reconfiguration with
Tie switches 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 89 38 61 92 68 113 21 108 89 34
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 75 55 16 65 115
Power loss 1298.09 kW 344.4543 kW
Power loss reduction ------------- 71.5689 %
Minimum voltage: 0.915 pu 0.95919 pu
Size (location of DG) 3 MW 3 MW (52 70 13) 43
Optimal Allocation of Dg Units For Voltage Stability Enhancement and Power Loss Minimization In
Radial Distribution System

Figure 4 Voltage stability for test case 3

In test case 3, the optimal location and size of the DG units carried out by the hybrid PSO-
CSA methodology. The voltage stability for test case 3 is shown in Figure 4. The locations of
the three DG units are 52, 70 and 13 obtained from hybrid PSO-CSA methodology, it is used
to inject the real and reactive power in the IEEE 118 bus system. The power loss of bus
system with three DG unit of after reconfiguration is less, compared to the power loss of
before reconfiguration.

6.2. Comparative analysis of Hybrid PSO-CSA methodology with conventional

The following Table 4 shows the comparative analysis of the hybrid PSO-CSA methodology
with ACSA [23].

Table 4 Comparative analysis of Hybrid PSO-CSA methodology

Base case ACSA [23] Hybrid PSO-CSA methodology
Test case 1 (Only Tie switch = 42, 25, 23, 121, 50, 58, Tie switch = 87 51 82 112 93 84 13
Reconfiguration) 39, 95, 71, 74, 97, 129, 130, 109, 34 47 70 55 6 27 99 2 102
Power loss = 855.04 Power loss = 628.2764
Power loss reduction = 32.86 % Power loss reduction = 51.5999 %
Min voltage = 0.9298 Min voltage = 0.92661
Test case 2 (Only DG) Tie switch = 118 119 120 121 122 123 Tie switch = 119 120 121 122 123
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131
Power loss = 648.10 132 133
Power loss reduction = 49.11 % Power loss = 640.4428 kW
Min voltage = 0.9515 Power loss reduction = 52.592 %
Min voltage = 0.9563
Test case 3 Tie switch = 42, 25, 22, 121, 122, 58, Tie switch = 89 38 61 92 68 113 21
(Reconfiguration with 39, 125, 70, 127, 128, 81, 130, 131, 33 108 89 34 75 55 16 65 115
multi DGs) Power loss = 586.24 Power loss = 344.4543 kW
Power loss reduction = 53.96 % Power loss reduction = 71.5689 %
Min voltage = 0.9644 Min voltage = 0.95919
DG size (location) = 2.5331 (50) DG size (location) = 3 (52), 3 (70), 3
3.6819 (109), 3.7043 (73) (13)
The power loss of the hybrid PSO-CSA methodology is less compared to the ACSA
methodology [23]. Because, the combination of PSO-CSA gives an optimized location and 44
Radha Krishna K.R and Dr.T.Ananthapadmanabha

size for the DG. Based on this optimal placement with an effective size, the power loss and
reliability are improved in the radial distribution network.

In the paper, the hybrid PSO-CSA methodology is introduced to solve the location and sizing
problems of DG. The hybrid PSO-CSA methodology is implemented in IEEE 118 bus
systems for minimizing the power losses and improving the voltage stability. The
methodology is fast and accurate in determining the sizes and locations. The main advantage
of using CSA is that it does not require more time for tuning the control parameters. The
results of various test cases revealed that the proposed method after reconfiguration achieved
better performance compared to the test case configured before. The power loss of hybrid
PSO-CSA methodology improved for test case 1 that is 628.2764 kW, it is less compared to
the ACSA methodology of 648.10 kW. In future, the effective placement and sizing of the
DG can be achieved by using the hybrid optimization technique.

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