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Presented by tsabbitminani Unt 5 My Family Read this text carefully we Lamy Sally, this is ny family’s picture, ths is me, using blue ‘dress, this is my father his name is Andrew and that is my mother her name ie Mary, Jason ie brether he is helding my rnonts hend, We are a hapy family ‘Answer the questions 1, Whois the gilinthe text above? . Jason © say bo May Andrew 2, How mary brother does sdly have? 4. One Thee b. we 4 For 3. Whats salle methers name? fo. Jason < Say May andrew 4, Whois using green shirt? a. Father < Sdy bother 4 Jason 5 Arethey happy farily? a, Yes they are Yes, they aren't No, they aren't Ne, they re Vecabulries Femly Fether yah Uncle panan Mother itu Aunt bit Sister Saudara perempuan ‘cousin ‘sepups Brother -saudara lok-tki Nece eponaian perempuan Daughter ‘onak perempuar Nephew eponadan ai-laki Son ‘anak leki-leki Grandchild cucu child ‘nak wife iets Grondfather ——:kakele Haband ‘sani Grandmothers nenek Baby bayi English for 4!*Elementary 120 Matching Match the images on the left with their corresponding words on the right. e @ yellow QoQ a * “ecpurple e ® red ee @ blue @ e @ green al aA e ® brown e @ orange Shapes I Triangle Rectangle 7 (/‘trarayg(o)l/ (/rektayg(o)l/ Diamond aarcte /'Aai(aymand/ (9)

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