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The beautiful of Ecuador

Over time, cultures have evolved in terms of how we identify and express ourselves due to
various factors, from the political to the social and as a consequence of a long historical
process from the historical-cultural legacy of our aborigines to the foundations of our
civilization because each feature and each contribution have influenced the behavior of
individuals today.

From the psychosocial perspective, the national identity is generally located as a form or
expression of collective identity which share different traditions and cultures that are rooted in
a substantial factor in the strengthening of nations, understanding that it is built from learning,
teachings and legacies, along with the behaviors that each individual presents. According to
the playwright Jorge Enrique Adoum states: "first of all, the collective identity is not something
definite and immutable, shaped by the centuries before us, that we would have received as a
snapshot of the past, even less as a tattoo that we can not erase, but that is being done, as a
self-portrait, by accumulation of features or as a collage ". The collective identity forms bonds
between people to be able to share their affective and cultural bonds.

Ecuador is a multicultural country since it has several ethnic groups or cultural groups and each
one with its different traditions, customs, values and languages; his language is Spanish, he has
25 languages in total. Its places are mega diverse, Ecuador is a very small country in size
compared to the others but big in the thinking of the people and in having a lot of vegetation.

The Ecuadorian identity is above all a spiritual phenomenon, both ideological and sentimental,
that assumes an accumulated historical saga, in addition it is the result of the historical process
in which a society participates actively in the planned activities, that is, the human being is
involved in the events of the environment is therefore responsible for their actions.

The Ecuadorian professor Enrique Ayala Mora considers that: "For each town to write and
rewrite its history is a need for survival. Beyond the curiosity or the prurito to collect
memories, there is the imperative of knowing and assuming one's roots ". In this way people
have a way of remembering their ancestor stories and not letting their traditions and customs

From past times, multiple responses can be evidenced that include identity codes based on "an
endless dialogue between the present and the past", as Edward H.Carr warns, for whom in
turn: "The conviction that we come from some part is closely linked to the belief that we are
going somewhere. A society that has allowed faith in its own progress in the past "these
identity codes present facts of the present and the past is to say that there is a reason why we
are here, to answer a question.

The codes of identity will favor us in the search for what is reflected in the constant
coexistence of our own and alien cultural elements at the level of food habits, it is necessary to
know why we are different, whether we descend from a common ancestor or not.
One of the phenomena that prevents equity between cultures is that
people are very negative because we live in a society of appearances
which discriminate against others because of their social condition or their
culture, this we can eliminate if we all leave behind these stereotypes that
we train over time, leave our pride and give hand to those who need it,
because before building the economic and political we must build the
social part because that is where we have more flaws people because it is
easy to achieve a Disunity or internal conflicts but the difficult part is to
unite people, form a single family, fight for the same ideal.

The culture of our country Ecuador is what identifies us from other

countries, makes us unique and special beings so we should not be
ashamed of where we are, we should feel proud to be Ecuadorians despite
being so small is a wonderful country, It has a lot of cultures and it is a sad
thing to hear people say that in "Ecuador there is nothing" several people
know other countries and because they do not know first, Ecuador has
hidden and magical places. Our culture is unique and wonderful.

That is why all Ecuadorians should be a single set and not separate since
united we can build a better country, knowing that cultures have changed that
does not mean that we will forget them otherwise we must be even more
united to prevent it from disappearing and that our country stops being
pluricultural since that is the wonderful thing of it

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