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1.1 Background

English words have their own ways to be pronounced. The spelling of a

word does not determine the way the word is pronounced. It differs from Bahasa

Indonesia in which a word is pronounced as its spelling. In English, each letter of

a word can be pronounced two or more sounds. It becomes a Confusing item for

learners of English. That is why teaching pronunciation needs to be involved in

teaching English.

In Indonesia, English is a subject that must be taught for three years in

both junior high school and senior high school. It means during learning English

in these education levels, students will be expected to be able to communicate

both verbally and nonverbally. In Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP),

students must have communication ability in which students are able to produce

a language and to understand which covers language skills, namely, listening,

speaking, reading and writing. In order to create good communication, students

must have good pronunciation to convey what they are talking about.

Teaching pronunciation in teaching English has a goal to create

intelligibility in learners' speech when they are speaking. Intelligibity is needed

when someone speaks a certain language. His speaking must be understandable

so that a listener understands toward what he is talking about. At the time the

speaker as good pronunciation in his speaking, the communication is built


between the speaker and the listener.

Pronunciation consists of segmental and suprasegmental features.

Segmental refers to consonant and vowel sounds and suprasegmental refers to

stress and intonation. Segmental features are often taught in teaching

pronunciation while suprasegmental features are rarely or even not at all.

The researcher observed SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar as an object of her

research. Pronunciation was taught infrequently in class of this school. Each time

the students were provided a list of vocabulary, they were not taught how to

pronounce the words well, but they got an oral test to evaluate how they

pronounced some words given correctly. They did not know exactly the way the

word was pronounced.

Some students of SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar have good utterances. They

pronounced consonant and vowel sounds for some words correctly. However,

they did not know how to put the right stress of identical nouns and verbs. They

got rather confused when they faced two words having similar spelling but

different in stress. For example, word record has two functions that could be as a

noun and as a verb. They did not know how to place appropriate stress between

noun and verb. They did not pronounce the stress correctly. It was because the

students were not introduced that a word which has stress should have been

pronounced in an appropriate syllable.

Locating stress becomes little confusing for earlier learners, but it can be

predictable particularly for identical nouns and verbs. It means two words having

the same spelling possess two functions as a noun and as a verb, but the

difference lies on stress placement. In other words, the stress placement of the

word is determined by syntactic factor. Syntactic factor means that the stress

placement is determined by parts of speech or class of word. It is essential part

that needs to be taught in teaching pronunciation because pronouncing a word

with appropriate stress is needed in speaking. It is expected from the students of

SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar. They do not only have good utterances but also good

pronunciation. They must pronounce the word with its stress because having

good pronunciation will succeed the speakers to build communication.

The word stress of identical nouns and verbs can be organized in writing

by looking at the parts of speech in a sentence. When the students read a

sentence, they can pronounce the word with appropriate stress, but in speech,

they may get confused to identify stress of words uttered and understand the

word. In order that the students could recognize the accuracy of stress placement,

the researcher applied recording as a medium to facilitate the students in

recognizing appropriate the stress placement of words particularly for identical

nouns and verbs. Applying recording in a classroom gives an opportunity to a

teacher to repeat the recording in order that the students are able to understand

the pronunciation of identical nouns and verbs and finally they are able to

pronounce the words.

In this research, the year· eight students of SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar had

two activities in learning. First, they listened to the recording carefully, then,

they imitated to pronounce the words in appropriate stress like the native speaker

said. Afterwards, the researcher taught the students to recognize the stress

placement of identical nouns and verbs in writing. The technique aimed at

helping the students deeply understand and easily identify the stresses in both

oral and written tasks.

The recording as a medium is to facilitate the year eight students of SMP

Negeri 1 Kasimbar to create good pronunciation. Through this medium the

students are expected to be able to differentiate the stress placement of identical

noun and verbs. They were accustomed to listening to the way a speaker

pronounced identical nouns and verbs in appropriate stress placement. It helped

the students to recognize and to place the stress placement of words.

Based on the background above, the researcher conducted research on

improving the students' pronunciation through the application of recordings. The

research subject was the year eight students at SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar.

1.2 Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the researcher formulate the problem

statement as follows :

“How can the pronunciation SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar be improve through

the application of recordings?”

1.3 The Objective of the Research

The research objective was to prove that the application of recordings can

improve the pronunciation of year eight students of SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar.


1.4 The significance of the Research

The researcher expected that the result of this research can give several

benefits. Those are:

a. For year eight students, this research assist the students improve their

ability in pronunciation particular in word stress of identical nouns and


b. For teachers of English at SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar, they are expected to

know the importance of teaching the stress placement of a word.

c. For other researchers, this research is expected to have a contribution or

reference in other research regarding pronunciations.

1.5 The scope of Research

The scope of the research was focused to improve the pronunciation

through recordings.

1.6 Operational Definitions of Key Terms

a. Improving

Improving refers to an effort of the researcher of this research in

teaching stress placement of identical nouns and verbs in order that the year

eight students of SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar will get better pronunciation than

before this research conducted.

b. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way of pronouncing appropriate stress for


identical nouns and verbs.

c. Recording

Recording is a medium used in this research expected to facilitate the

students in learning pronunciation of English and to increase the ability of the

year eight students of SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar in pronouncing the appropriate

stress for identical nouns and verbs.





2.1 Related Study

In this section the researcher serve two previous studies that can be

parallel. The first related study is “Improving the pronunciation through

recordings” (an action research conducted at the eight year students at SMP

Negeri 2 Parigi of the academic year 2012/2013)”. complied by Wiska the

student of English department at Tadulako University, Palu. The result of her

research shows that using recordings can improve the students’ pronunciation.

The second related study is “Improving the pronunciation through

listening to English songs” (an action research conducted at the eighth grade

students at SMP KATOLIK ST.PAULUS Palu of academic year 2014/2015)”.

Complied by Stefani Jessica Latuimallo the student of English department of

Tadulako University, Palu. The result also showed that listening to English songs

can improve the student pronunciation.

Both of researchers above have done their research by recordings and

result was successful. Based on the previous research, the writer believes that the

recent research is very important to be conducted since there still a few research

which analyses improving the pronunciation by using recordings. Besides, it will

help both the teacher and the lecturers to solve the students' problem in


2.2 Literature Review

2.2.1 Definition of Pronunciation

When speaking English, a speaker must have attention to pronounce words

in well-mannered. Good pronunciation helps a listener understand what the

speaker talks about. English pronunciation is different from its spelling.

Pronunciation is the manner of producing sounds. Yates Zielinski (2009:11)

states, "pronunciation refers to how we produce the sound that we use to make

meaning when we speak." In another meaning, pronunciation is the way a word

uttered in good manner that is giving meaningful expression. Pronunciation is

extremely crucial in spoken language. Gilakjani (2012:1) states, "learners with

bad pronunciation will not be understood, even if their grammar is perfect."

Though a learner has collection of vocabulary and perfect grammar, it does not

guarantee to have intelligible speaking without having good pronunciation in oral


Intelligibility is a must in speaking. Without intelligibility will make

ccommunication between people who have different language not occur when

they speak English. Intelligibility, which is the same as understandability, can be

measured from how can understand a listener toward the statement of a speaker

expressed. Keworthy (1987:13) states, "the more a listener is able to identify

accurately when said by a particular speaker, the more intelligible that speaker

is." If a speaker pronounces a word clearly, it means his speech is intelligible and

a listener is more able to understand what the speaker means.

The accuracy in expressing a word unconsciously will extend


1communication. A speaker and a listener can have large topic that is going to be

discussed. However, if the speaker mispronounces one sound or misplaces the

feature of word (for example stress), the listener will judge that his speech is

unintelligible and no feedback given to him.

2.3 Features of Pronunciation

Pronunciation consists of segmental and suprasegmental. Segmental

features are sounds created by organ speech of human. Consonant and vowel

sounds /b/ and /d/ and two vowels /a/ and /i/. Supra segmental features are

supporting parts to make words understandable. If a word is pronounced in

appropriate consonants and vowels, the word must be supported by

suprasegmental feature to bring precise meaning of the word. Suprasegmental

features are stress and intonation. For example, /badi/ is built up two syllables.

The first syllable is more stressed rather than the second one is. The first syllable

/’badi/ is stressed. Therefore, the intonation will be influenced by stress. In this

study, the word stress which is a branch of stress will be elaborated.

2.4 Stress

Particular language has own rules to place the stress. Both English and

Bahasa Indonesia certainly have different rules of stressing their words. In

English, a word which has particular grammatical category has particular stress

pattern. A noun and a verb of English have different stress pattern. For example,

word ‘record’ has the same spelling when it is as a noun or as a verb. It does not

occur for all words but rather only several grammatical words are stressed. In

addition, the words received stress commonly content words rather than function

words. Prator (1972) states that content words, namely nouns, verbs, adverbs,

and adjectives, whereas, function word, such as, article, preposition, personal

pronoun, possessive adjective, and relative pronoun, are unstressed. The

words including the content words commonly consist of two or more syllables

so that one of the syllables must qualify to attract stress. Otherwise, the function

words just consist of one syllable that do not need to put stress toward the


The importance of having stress in particular syllable in each speech is that

a speaker' speech is more meaningful because without stress in speech seems like

a machine, having no expression. Moreover, stressing at wrong syllable will

make a listener get bothersome in identifying the word expressed.

Misunderstanding or even understandability may occurs. Kenworthy (1987:28)

states, "if a non-native speaker produces a word with the wrong stress pattern, a

listener of English may have great difficulty in understanding the word, even if

most of the individual sounds have been well pronounced." The statement

reinforces how important the existence of stress when saying words. Correct

pronunciation of consonant and vowel sounds are not a guarantee to be

understood by a listener if the stress placement of particular word is wrong.

The Difference in the Stress Patterns between the Noun and Verb Forms.

Preparation: The students will be asked the definition of a syllable. The teacher

then brings the attention of the students, to the point in the difference between the

pronunciation of words, in situations where the same word acts as a noun and at

other instances it acts as a verb. For example :

a. rebel: (N) / / - (V) / /

(N) The rebel was punished.

(V) The soldiers rebelled against the orders.

b.. object: (N) / / - (V) / /

(N) He could not identify the object.

(V) They objected to his proposal.

2.4.1 Word Stress

Word stress is a stress which focuses on a word. Discussing about word

stress, term 'syllable' is also used to explain about word stress because word

stress focuses on syllable of a word. When stress appears in particular syllable,

the syllable stress will have some changes. It sounds louder and longer. Harmerr

(2001) states that the stress itself is a word or a phrase where pitch of it changes,

vowels lengthen, and volume increases. When the syllable is uttered, more

pressure are perceived within it. Though whispering or even shouting, it will be

perceived louder, longer, and higher than the other ones. The syllable having

those characteristics receives stress, and called as stressed syllable. McMahon

(2002:118) states:

There are three important factors which combine to signal stress; first the

vowels ·of stressed syllable are produced with higher fundamental

frequency. Secondly, the duration is greater, and they are perceived as

longer. Thirdly, stressed are produced with greater intensity, and the thus

heard as louder than adjacent unstressed syllable.

It seems to be clearly explained that stressed syllable can be recognized by

three characteristics. The stressed syllable has vowel uttered higher in pitch,

longer in duration, and louder in voice when it is spoken.

Stress placement may be different among languages. English undoubtedly

has pattern to put stress in any syllable which qualifies to be stressed.

Determining appropriate stress in particular syllable is influenced by several

linguistic factors, namely, phonology, morphology, and syntax. Basri (2004:26)


In Languages of this kind, stress placement is determined by several

linguistic factors, for example, phonology (which syllable is heavy),

morphology (whether or not a word contains a stress-shifting suffix), or

syntax (the syntactic category of a word, for example: noun vs. Verb) of

the language

The statement above explained that based on phonology, stress falls on a

syllable having long vowel, diphthong, and closed syllable. In morphology, stress

is determined by suffix that is adjoined to the base word. As Es-Saaydeh

examplizes (2012) for suffix –al, if is adjoined to a base word 'parent' /parent/

then, the words becomes parental then the stress placement changes to be

/paremtal/ in the second syllable. That suffix (-al) is named stress sniffing suffitx,

which alters the position of stress. The last, in syntax, stress is determinate by

parts of speech, i.e., noun and verb. The words influenced by syntax commonly

have the same spelling, but they differs at stress placement. It means the stress

placement of a word is determined by whether the word is as a noun or as a verb.

Here, stress influenced by parts of speech is mostly explained.

To explain more stress influenced by parts of speech, the following are

some terms used to recognize which syllable is appropriate to have a stress

according to the sequence of the stressed syllable. Basri (2004:24) states,

Ultimate syllable is the same as final syllable, penultimate syllable is the

second to the last syllable, ante-penultimate is the third to last syllable, pre

ante-penultimate is the fourth to last syllable, and pre-pre-ante-penultimate

is the fifithto last syllable.

Those terms are used to point syllable that should be stressed. If stress falls

on final syllable, it is called ultimate stress. If stress falls on the second to the last

syllable, it is called penultimate stress. It also occurs for the other terms as the

above statement explained. Then, to elaborate stress of identical nouns and verbs,

the terns 'ultimate and penultimate' are often used in the following.
14 Noun

Syntactical factor brings a word having the same spelling and different

class of word have different stress placement. These words are commonly called

identical because having similar spelling but differing at category and stress

placement. For example, record can function as a noun and as a verb, having the

same spelling but different in category.

Rule for word stress of noun generally lies on the category of word. Basri

(2004:32) states, "different class of word is stressed in a different way." If record

is a noun, the stress will be in the penultimate -syllable (the second to the last).

Generally, the syntactical words consist of two syllables, so term 'ultimate (final)

and penultimate (the second to the last) syllable are used toward a syllable

received a stress. In conclusion, all syntactical words of nouns are stressed at the

penultimate syllable.

The following is the transcription of syntactical noun. The stress falls on

the penultimate syllable (the first syllable) which is signed by a mark ( ' ).

The transcription above shows that nouns of the syntactical words are

stressed at the first syllable or penultimate syllable.

15 Verb

It is different from rule for noun, rule for verb is opposite to rule for noun.

If a noun has stress on the first syllable, a verb lies on the second syllable or

ultimate syllable. Even though the identical nouns and verbs are grammatically

different but semantically related. The following are the transcription of verb of

syntactical words. The stress falls on the second syllable (ultimate syllable)

which is also signed by stress mark ( ' ).

a. record /ri’ka:d?

b. present/pri’zent

c. export/ik’spa:t/

d. impor/m’pa:t/

e. address/a’des/

f. objct/ab’djekt/

2.4.2 Level of Stress

The stress of word has three levels; primary, secondary, and unstressed.

The names are primary stress, secondary stress, and unstressed. Then, each of

those levels has own stress mark. Crane (1981:1) said that primary stress is

marked (' ), secondary stress is marked ( '), but unstressed has no mark. Primary

stress means that the syllable has priority to be stressed. Secondary stress

functions to contrast with the primary stress. Unstressed is the syllable having no

criteria to be stressed. The levels of stress shows that which syllable in a word

has primary stress, secondary stress, and unstressed.


The existence of stress level is needed when one word has three or more

syllables. It signs that there is a syllable receiving primary stress and there is

another one receiving secondary stress. Secondary stress means the syllable gets

stressed, but it is not such a primary stress which the pitch is higher and the

volume increases.

In addition, the way of marking a -stress is also necessary. Even though it

is not use for speech, it is needed for learners who just learnt pronunciation.

Stress mark can be put before stressed syllable, after stressed syllable, and above

the vowel of stressed syllable. Before putting stress mark in particular syllable,

the transcription of word is used breaking a word into syllabe of its pronuction

instead of its spelling.

A word having three or more syllables may have all level of stress. For

example, understand/An. 1da2, staend3/. The primary stress falls on the Third

syllable because the syllable qualifies to be stressed. The secondary stress falls on

the First syllable, but the Second syllable in not stressed.

2.4.3 Stress Rules of English

English has rules of stress to help learners pronounce particular words.

Stress rules make people easily memorize the rules and easily pronounce the

words. The identical nouns and verbs also have the rules. Previously, the rules of

the identical nouns and verbs have been explained. The following is the rule of

general nouns. The rule will prove that nouns are generally stressed in the

penultimate syllable.
17 Words

To predict stress placement, noun and verb generally have own rule.

Below is the elaboration of stress rules of noun and verb (McMahon, 2002: 120):

a. Noun rule : stres falls on the penultimate syllable if Heavy. If

the penultimate is light, stres on the penultimate one.

Group A Group B

aroma discipline

agenda efnema

arena asterisk

Nouns in group A, its penultimate syllabe in Heavy so the

stres falls on it. Otherwise, the penultimate syllable is light,

like in nouns group B, the stres moves and falls on


b. Verb rule : stres falls in the ultimate syllable is Heavy. If the

final syllable is light, stres falls on the penultimate syllable.

Group C Group D

obey cancel

erase astonish

devote intepret

Verbs in group C, the ultimate syllable is heavy so that it is

stressed. In contrast on verb 0, the ultimate syllable is light so

that stress falls on the penultimate.


As mentioned previously, stress placement depends on syllable weight in

which there will be two terms used here, namely, heavy and light syllable. The

heavy syllable has an authority to attract stress. That is why it is necessary to

recognize what heavy or light syllable is. McMahon (2002:120) states:

The stress rule depends on -crucially on the weight of the syllable; a

syllable will be heavy if it has a branching rhyme, composed of their a

long vowel or diphthong, with or without a coda, or short vowel with a

coda. A syllable with no coda will be light.

Heavy syllable has long vowel or diphthong with or without (final)

consonant (coda), short vowel with a consonant, meanwhile, light syllable has no

consonant (coda). Another question may arise in mind; do the rules occur for a

word which has two grammatical functions? It will be proven by paying attention

to its penultimate and ultimate syllable. For example, desert, pronounced /’dez/at/

when it is as a noun but pronounced /di 'z3:t/ when it is as a verb. Stress rule of

noun is if penultimate is heavy, it stresses. This word consists of two syllables.

Unlikely, the penultimate must be stressed since it is the rule for noun. By

looking at the weight of syllable, the ultimate syllable containing is not possible

to be stressed. A syllable containing a schwa /'J/ has no authority to attract a

stress. The penultimate syllable qualifies for it since it is heavy syllable.

Moreover, stress rule of verb is if ultimate syllable is heavy, the syllable is

stressed. Verb lid 'Z3: tl applies the rule. We can see that the penultimate

syllable shows the criteria of heavy. It qualifies to put a stress in it.

2.5 Audio-Lingual Method

Audio-Lingual Method consists of two meaningful words; 'audio' and

'lingual'. 'Audio' is related to 'sound', meanwhile, ‘lingual’ is similar to

language. By looking at the meaning for the whole phrase, it means learning

language is not visual learning only but audio learning also. Providing audio

recording for students is a premise of this method.

Audio-Lingual Method is a method popular during World war II in

America. The government of America facilitated the military language program

to master some language. Nowadays, the experts of language considers this

method to be one of methods used to expend learners' lexical knowledge.

This method, Audio-Lingual Method, is to help learners to develop their

foreign language. Through this method, learners are expected to be able to

produce good speaking, not in writing. It is a basic understanding of this method.

As Zainuddin (20 11:65) reinforces, "the basic premises on which the method

was based were that language is speech, not writing, and language is a set of

habits." Language itself is a habit and by forming the habit a speaker can express

his idea

This study has firm relationship with this method in which the researcher

till use recording as a medium when teaching pronunciation particularly

differentiating stress of identical nouns and verbs. Using recording in classroom

provide students good model for teaching pronunciation. Through recording, they

will imitate the pronunciation of native speaker and the teacher can repeat the

recording to have the students imitate and understand the pronunciation of

identical a good model and also imitate the model. Larsen-Freeman (2000:42)

reinforce, "one of the language teacher's major roles is that of the target

language. Teachers should provide students with a good model. By listening to

how it is supposed to sound, students should be able to mimic the model."

The statement above is one of the principles of Audio-Lingual Method.

Listening and imitating are the activities that are much applied in classroom.

Imitating from the recording once and again will form a habit of students to

pronounce the meant word. Even though there are some principles which force

students not communicate with their native language, this method has premises

that help students to learn English by providing good model to be imitated by


2.6 Using Recording in Teaching Pronunciation

There are many techniques and media used in teaching pronunciation.

Those techniques or media are aimed at facilitating students when they are

learning pronunciation. Many teachers try to apply those techniques and media in

order that the 'Students have good pronunciation. One of media that can be used

is recording. Recording meant here is audio-recording. It is expected to facilitate

students to listen to the way native speaker pronounces English words. When it is

used in teaching pronunciation, students can listen clearly to the way the native

speaker pronounces the words.


By using recording, the students will be accustomed to listening to the

pronunciation of words. The more they listen to the recording the more they get

accustomed to listening to English words. It provides good sample of native

speaker that she or he pronounces the words more clearly. Allen-Valette

(1977:37-38) stated that recording itself has rules in instructional program; to

provide a model, to provide cues for oral drill, to provide speech samples, to give

instructions, to test, and for enjoyment.

Providing recording in classroom means that listening activity is involved

in learning process. Generally, learning a language is initiated by listening

activity. By listening to someone’s speech, students will be familiar on the

language and the words they heard will be recorded in their long-term memory.

They will automatically pronounce the words well when they speak. The more

students listen, the better they get, not only at understanding speech, but also at

speaking themselves. Harmer (2007:133) states:

Listening is good for our students' pronunciation, too, in that the more

they hear and understand English being spoken, they more they absorb

appropriate pitch and intonation, stress and the sounds of both

individual words and those bend together in connected speech.

One of the most essential listening is stated by Harmer (2007:133) that

listening is a good way to have good pronunciation. Audio recording shows how

the native speaker pronounces a word or sentence in well-mannered. His speech


has correct sounds, intonation and stress properly.

2.7 Steps of Teaching Pronunciation through Recording

In teaching learning process, the researcher will provide the recording of

identical nouns and verb as a medium. The recording will show to students the

difference of stress in nouns and verbs which have the same spelling. This

medium is expected to recognize the students appropriate pronunciation of

consonants and vowels and appropriate stress placement.

The researcher applied some steps while teaching pronunciation was

conducting in a class. These steps function to make the teaching and learning

process chronological. The following was the description of chronology of

teaching and learning process.

1. The researcher gave identical nouns and verbs, then they were asked to

pronounce the words in correct way without intruding them first.

2. The researcher played the recording of the words for two or three times.

3. The students practiced to pronounce the words.

4. The researcher gave the words in sentences, then some students

pronounced the sentences.

5. The researcher repeated to pronounce the words in correct stress.

6. The students pronounced the words again


2.8 Theoretical Framework

Pronunciation is a supporting part in speaking. That is a fact that should

not be neglected when teaching English for foreign learners. Unfortunately, a

teacher of English occasionally ignores pronunciation teaching with considering

no urgency to teach how to utter precise English word and to place the stress and

intonation properly. In order to have comprehensible speaking, pronunciation

must be within it.

It is a fact English words are not consistent in spelling and pronunciation

which means spelling of a word is distinctive from its pronunciation. The

difference between those is a barrier for students in learning English. Also, no

self-confidence in making sound like native speaker is being another barrier to

decrease their worries from incapability to make good pronunciation and a

teaching in fact can reduce it. Gilbert (2008:1) states:

A teacher can help overcome this psychological barrier and other

challenges by thinking of the goal of pronunciation instruction not as

helping students to sound like native speakers but as helping them to

learn the core element of spoken English so that they can be easily

understood by others.

The statement above clearly explains that a teacher should encourage

students in learning English that means the teacher should not motivate the

students to be like native speaker's pronunciation but rather s/he needs to


emphasize how people can understand what they say.

Teaching pronunciation must be involved in teaching both productive and

receptive skills of English. Pronunciation is taught with some manners. Harmer

(2001) asserts that there are some ways to include pronunciation teaching into

teaching English; whole lessons, discrete slots, integrated phases and

opportunistic teaching. It means teaching pronunciation might be taught totally

during teaching or might be integrated in teaching lesson. Curriculum in

lndonesia, Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), refers to

pronunciation which is taught as integrated part of teaching skills of language.

KTSP asserted that teaching pronunciation is only involved in teaching skill.

Pronunciation is essential to be taught. Pronunciation meant is that

students do not only study to pronounce the appropriate consonants and vowels

but they also study to pronounce the appropriate stress placement. In addition,

more practice make students able to create good pronunciation. Applying a

technique or a medium in teaching is a good way to assist students when the goal

of teaching itself is to make students understand and master what is taught.

Providing a technique or a medium might create fun atmosphere.

This situation makes students more interested in learning process.

However, a technique or a medium might have disadvantage when it is applied in

teaching learning process, but in another side, a technique or a medium itself has


Recording used a medium was considered to facilitate students in learning

pronunciation. The recording has some advantages when learning pronunciation.


A teacher can consider to use this medium by knowing the advantages of

recording. She will provide the real accent of native speakers to student. Ur

(1984:35) states, "It is a good idea to use recording rather than live speech alone,

it also gives the teacher greater scope in the use of different voices and accents."

When recording is provided in classroom, it is intended to help students

listen to how native speaker pronounces words by words appropriate in both

monologue and dialogue. It also creates th pleasing atmosphere when they are

facilitated by a sample of native speaker pronouncing the words. Allen-Valette

(1977:37-38) cited that recording has roles in instructional program; to provide a

model, to provide cues for oral drill, to provide speech samples, to give

instructions, to test, and for enjoyment. On another hand, this medium has

drawbacks for students. It considers for the highest level of students. For

intermediate students, they might feel difficulty to identify words which the

native speaker says. If a word is hard to identify, it means those are also hard to

understand. Those disadvantages are also supported by Ur (1984:23). Ur states:

The use of recordings of authentic unrehearsed discourse has two main

drawbacks. First, being authentic, the speech used in such recordings is

ungraded and the language is often very difficult, suitable only for the

highest levels. Second, anyone who has listened to recordings of natural

conversation knows how difficult they are to understand.


Though recording is appropriate for the highest level of students, but the

expectation of providing recording is that students will be accustomed to

listening to the pronunciation of native speaker. They will not feel surprised

when they might be in higher level. In helping students learn English, a teacher

can use any techniques or media to facilitate students in learning.

2.9 Research Hypothesis

The researcher states the hypothesis as follows :

Application of recordings can significantly improve the pronunciation of the year

eight students of SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar.




3.1 Research Design

The researcher used quasi-experimental design. In this design, there were

experimental and control groups in which both those groups got pretest and

posttest. The experimental group received the experimental treatment, that was

the application of recordings which was conducted before pre-test. After giving

the treatment, the result of data obtained was known by using formula.

In line with the previous statement, the following was the research design

(pretest-posttest design) designed by Ary, et al. (2010:316)

Table 3.1 Nonrandomized Control Group, Pre-test Design

Groups Pre-test Post-test

E y1 x y2

C y1 - y2

Dealing with the above design, there are some terms and symbols depicted

in the table. The 'E' and 'C' are presented as samples of this research. E is for

experimental group and C is for control group. Furthermore, x represents the

independent variable, or called as experimental treatment. y1 represents the


dependent variable. y1 is the pre-test received by both groups before being

manipulated by the independent variable (x). Likewise, y2 is the posttest received

by both groups after being manipulated by independent variable (x).

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population

The population of this research was he year eight students of SMP Negeri

1 Kasimbar consisting of six parallel classes. Hence, the total numbers of

population are l40 students. They can be seen from the following table.

Table 3.2 Number of Year Eight Students Class

Class Number of Students







Total 168

3.2.2 Sample

In carrying out the research, it was essential for the researcher to find out

the sample of population to restrict the object of this research. The researcher

used a cluster sampling technique to determine the sample. Among those classes,

there were two classes as representation of the six parallel classes. The steps of

selecting the sample were as follows. First, the researcher made six pieces of

paper which were written A, B, C, D, E. A represented class VIII A, B

represented class VIII B, C represented VIII C, and so on. Then, the pieces of

paper-were rolled up and mixed randomly. After-that, the researcher chose two

of the rolled papers. Two papers chosen were experimental group and control

group of this research. The experimental group was class VIII B and the control

one was class VIII A.

3.3 Research variables

Dealing with the title, this research has two variables, namely, the

independent variable and the d dent variable. Creswell (2009:50) also states,

"independent variables are those that (probably) cause, influence, or affect

outcomes. Dependent variables are those that depend on the independent

variable: they are the outcomes or results of the influence of the independent

variables." Therefore, the dependent variable of this research was the students'

pronunciation in stressing identical nouns and verbs, meanwhile the independent

variable was the recordings.


3.4 Instrument of Data Collection

The instrument used in this research was a test. The test conducted had

two types, namely pretest and posttest. The pretest was carried out before

treatment in order to get data regarding students' pronunciation in stressing of

identical nouns and verbs without being affected by the treatment used. Then, the

posttest was administered to measure students' progress in pronunciation.

3.5 Techniques of Data Collection

Technique of data collection is the way to acquire accurate data in order to

prove whether the treatment used for this research brought significant result. The

instrument that was used in collecting data was a test. The test instrument covered

pretest and posttest.

3.5.1 Test

Related to the design "Of this research, there were two classes that had test

(pretest and posttest), but only one class called experimental group had

been given treatment. Both pretest and posttest consisted of words and sentences

to assess students' pronunciation in stressing identical noun and verb. By

pronouncing the words and reading and sentences, the researcher of this study

measured their pronunciation before and after treatment was conducted. In terms

of assessing students' pronunciation objectively, a scoring guide was used to

obtain their achievement. The scoring guide will be shown below.


Table 3.3 Scoring Rubric of Pronunciation Test

Score Category

5 Has few traces of foreign accent.

Always intelligible, though one is conscious of a

definite accent.

Pronunciation problems necessitate concentrated

listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding.

Very hard to understand because of pronunciation

problems. Must frequently be asked to repeat

Pronunciation problems so severe as to make speech

virtually unintelligible.

Adopted from Harris (1969)

To help the researcher assess the result of students' test, the score 1 - 5 was used.

Score gave to students are based on the criteria that had been stated in the table.

The lowest score that the students received was 1 and the highest score was 5.

3.5.2 Treatment

The researcher improved pronunciation of year eight students of SMP

Negeri 1 Kasimbar through the application of recording and conducted this

research for eight meetings. The following was the desc1iption of that was

applied in this research.


Table 3.4 Teaching Outlines

Meeting Topic
Teacher Students

1st My Experience: - gave a short passage - read the short

(Monolog) containing identical passage.

nouns and verbs. - pronounced the

- asked the students to words

read the passage as individually in

their pre-study. the passage.

- asked the students to - listened to the

pronounce the recording

identical nouns and repronounced the

verbs. identical nouns

- explained about the and verbs

difference of stressing

identical nouns and


- played audio-

recording to show the

stress of identical

nouns and verbs.

- asked the students to

repronounce the

identical nouns and


2nd Entertainment: - provided the students - practiced reading

- learning article a dialog containing the dialog.

- recognizing identical nouns and - pronounced the

nouns and verbs. identical nouns

verbs. - asked the students to and verbs.

read the dialog in - listened to the

pair. recording of

- asked the students to identical nouns

pronounce the and verbs.

identical nouns and - read sentences

verbs. containing nouns

- played recording to and verbs.

show the students the

pronunciation of

identical nouns and


- explained about

articles to recognize

the characteristics of


- asked the students to


read sentences

containing identical

nouns and verbs

3rd Friendship: - provided the students - read the text (a

- a letter a text (a letter) to letter).

- recognizing students. - identified noun

nouns and - asked the students to and verb in the

verbs read the letter. letter.

- asked the students to - pronounced the

identify noun. identical nouns

- explained about the and verbs.

characteristics of - listened to the

verb. recording of

- gave the students identical noun

some identical nouns and verb stress.

and verbs. - read the

- pronounced the sentences

identical nouns and containing

verbs. identical nouns

- played recording to and verbs.

show pronunciation

of the identical nouns

and verbs.

- gave the students

sentences containing

some identical nouns

and verbs.

- asked the students

read the sentences.

4th A Gift for a Friend - gave some identical - pronounced the

nouns and verbs. words given.

- asked the students to - practiced reading

pronounce the words. the dialogue in

- provided the students pair.

a dialog containing - listened to the

the identical nouns recording.

and verbs. - read the

- played recording of sentences

identical noun and containing

verb stress. identical nouns

- asked the students to and verbs.

repronounce the

words in sentences

5th What Are You - explained about - read simple

Doing? present continuous. present

- provided the students sentences.


simple present - changed the

sentences (and also simple present

containing identical sentences into

nouns and verbs). present

- asked some students continuous

to read the sentences. sentences.

- asked the students to - read the

change the sentences sentences

into present changed into

continuous sentences. present

- asked the students to continuous.

read present

continuous sentences.

6th Speak Up! - gave short dialogues - practiced reading

containing identical the short dialog

nouns and verbs. in front of class.

- recorded the students - listened to the

speech. recording of their

- played the recording pronunciation.

to show their - identified their

pronunciation. friends' speech in

- re-explained the stress stressing

of identical nouns and identical nouns


verbs. and verbs.

- repronounced the

identical nouns

and verbs.

7th What did you do? - provided the students - read the

simple present sentences

sentences containing containing

identical nouns and identical noun

verbs. and verbs.

- asked the students to - changed the

read the sentences. sentences into

- wrote down the verbs simple past

(identical noun and sentence.

verb) in the - read sentences

whiteboard and that is changed

change the verb into into past form.

the past form first.

- asked the students to

change the whole

sentences into simple

past form.

- explained about the

stress of verb when it


is in past form.

- asked the students to

read their sentences

8th Identifying - explained to students - paid attention to

identical nouns and that there were only the teacher's

verbs from several words explanation.

Recording including in identical - listened to the

nouns recording.

- provided the students - identified

some identical nouns weather identical

and verbs. noun or identical

- played recording of verb in sentences

sentences containing in the recording.

the identical nouns - pronounced the

and verbs. identical nouns

- told the answer and and verbs.

explains more stress

of identical nouns and


- asked the students to

pronounce the

identical nouns and


The researcher taught both experimental and control group with the same

material but different treatment. She taught experimental group with the

experimental treatment, that was the application of recordings, but, she did not

applied the treatment for the control group. She taught the control group with

conventional teaching, the way a teacher teaches students through explanation

and exercise. She taught without applying recordings in this group

3.6 Techniques of Data Analysis

After obtaining data from descriptive analysis, it was essential for the

researcher of this study to analyze the data statistically. This analysis functioned

to measure how effective and significant the medium for students in learning

English pronunciation.

The researcher computed the mean score of each test of each group. A

Formula proposed by Ary, et al. (2010:108-109) was applied, the formula is as



Where :

X : mean

 : Sum of

X : Raw score

N : Number of scores

When the value of mean of each group (both pretest and posttest) was

obtained, the researcher proceeded to compute the value of

deviation to get the value of standard error. The formulae stated below was

quoted from Ary, (2010:115 & 171).

a. Formula of Deviation


Where :

x : Deviation Score

X : Raw score (student’s score)

X : Mean

b. Formula of Standard error

 x 12   x 22  1 1 
Sx 1 - x 2    
n1  n 2 - 2  n1 n 2 

Where :

S x1 - x 2 : Standard error of the difference between two means

N1 : Number of cases in group 1

N2 : Number of cases in group 2

 x12 : Sum of the Square deviation scores in group 1

 x22 : Sum of the Square deviation scores in group 2

In addition, referring to the research book the researcher used, term 'group

1' and 'group 2' were quoted from the reference. Those terms would be used in

elaborating the obtained data in next chapter. In this case, term 'group 1' refers to

experimental group and term 'group 2' refers to control group.


After getting the value of the standard, the researcher of this study would

easily obtained the counted in order to analyze and to answer the research

hypothesis of this study. In line with the aim, the following formula proposed by

Ary, eta!. (2010: 171) was used:

x1 - x 2
Sx 2 - x 2

Where :

X1 : Mean of group 1

X2 : Mean of group 2

S x1 - x 2 : Standard error



4.1 Results of Test

Each test consisted of 2 kinds of test. In the test, the researcher provided

12 items of pronouncing words and 8 items of sentences. The two kinds of test

aimed at assessing students' ability in differentiating and pronouncing word

stress of each word for both words and sentences given.

To pronounce words, each item with pronouncing appropriate word stress

is scored 1. Then, the sum of this kind of test is 12. To read the sentences

containing word stress, each item is scored from 1 to 5 but each item has 5 score.

So, the total of this test is 40. Therefore, the maximum score of the tests is 52. To

get a students' score, the raw score (a student' score) is devided by the maximum

score, then, is multiplied by 100, the standard of maximum score. The formula

can be seen as follow;

Obtained Score
X x 100
Max. Score

4.1.1 Result of Pre-Test

Before conducting treatments to both groups, the researcher distributes a

test to the students, that is called as pretest. The results of pretest both groups are

listed below:

Table 4.1 Rhe Result of The Pre-Test of Two Groups


Exprerimental Group Control Group

Initial Nama X1 Initial Nama X2

1 JUR 67 RIZ 63

2 AQH 67 ADR 61

3 APR 61 YUS 57

4 FIL 59 FID 57

5 ADS 59 ROB 55

6 RIK 57 SAD 53

7 IKR 57 SAF 53

8 ADR 55 DIN 53

9 ELV 55 IMM 53

10 KAH 55 MIK 51

11 MUS 55 NUS 51

12 MEI 55 ARI 50

13 DIL 53 ANR 50

14 RET 53 ANK 50

15 RIS 53 CIN 50

16 ABD 51 NIZ 50

17 IND 51 NIR 50

18 SAH 51 NAD 50

19 OPI 51 VEL 50

20 AND 50 DWI 48

21 RIS 50 NEN 48

22 JAN 50 POM 48

23 RHM 50 DES 46

24 ALD 48 KIK 46

25 ANR 48 ARD 42

26 NUR 46 WAH 42

27 RHI 44 RAT 40

Total 1451 1367

Having obtained the result of pretest, the researcher then computed the

mean score of students' initial achievement for both experimental and control

group. The mean score was the sum of score of all students were divided by

number of students. The computation can be seen as follow

Mean of eksperimental group mean of control group

1451 1367
X1  X2 
27 27

= 53.74 = 50.74

The researcher discovered that the mean of experimental group before

treatment was 53.74 and the mean of control group before treatment was 50.74.

These means (before treatment) would be compared after treatment conducted.

4.1.2 Results of Posttest

The table below showed the result of posttest of two groups. From the

data, the researcher could determine the mean score of each group. Then,

deviation was computed. Deviation was the quarrel between raw score and mean

of one group. The result of computation of mean and deviation could be seen


Tabel 4.2 The Result of The post-test of two groups

Experimental Control Group

Initia X1 Initia X2
No X1 X 1 X1 X 12
l (X1 - X 1 ) l (X2 - X 2 )

1. 78 13.71 187.96 + 9.34 87.23
H R 5

2. FIL 75 10.71 114.70 DES 9.34 87.23

3. RET 75 10.71 114.70 YUS 9.34 87.23

4. ELY 75 10.71 114.70 RIZ 7.34 53.87

5. JUR 73 8.71 75.86 DIN 61 5.34 28.51

6. APR 71 6.71 45.02 SAD 61 5.34 28.51

7. DIL 71 6.71 45.02 FID 3.34 11.15

8. IND 69 4.71 22.18 MIK 57 1.34 1.79

9. 69 4.71 22.18 57 1.34 1.79

10 MU 67 2.71 7.34 RO 5 1.34 1.79


. S B 7

11 5
JAN 67 2.71. 7.34 CIN - 0.66 0.43
. 5

12 NA 5
RIK 67 2.71 7.34 0.66 0.43
. D 5

ADS 65 0.71 0.5 NUS 55 0.66 0.43

14 PO 5
OPI 65 0.71 0.5 0.66 0.43
. M 5

15 AD 5
63 - 1.29 1.66 SAF 0.66 0.43
. R 5

16 RHI 63 1.29 1.66 VEL 0.66 0.43

17 5
IKR 61 3.29 10.82 ARI 2.66 7.07
. 3

MEl 61 3.29 10.82 KIK 53 2.66 7.07

19 KAH 59 5.29 27.98 NIZ 53 2.66 7.07

20 RHM 59 5.29 27.98 NEN 53 2.67 7.07

21 ABD 57 7.29 53.14 53 2.67 7.07

22 RIS 57 7.29 53.14 ANR 51 4.66 21.71


23 AND 55 9.29 86.3 ANK 51 4.66 21.71

24 ALD 55 9.29 86.3 DWI 50 5.66 32.03

25 NUR 55 9.29 86.3 NIR 50 5.66 32.03

26 UMA 53 127.46 127.46 RAT 50 5.66 32.03

27 ANR 51 13.29 176.62 ARD 46 9.66 93.31

Jumlah 1736 1515.52 15.03 659.85

After treatment conducted, the researcher found that the mean of both

groups increased. The mean of experimental group showed 64.29 which meant

the mean increased significantly from the pretest. On other words, the

independent variable brought significant effect. Whereas, the mean of control

group was 55.66. There was an increased showed from the pre-test, but control

group did not increased as significantly as the experimental group did. The

computation below showed the mean score of two groups

Mean of eksperimental group mean of control group

1736 15.03
X1  X2 
27 27

= 64.29 = 55.85

Furthermore, the researcher counted the standard error of the difference

between two means of two groups. Counting the value of the standard error

aimed at computing the !-counted which functions to prove that the variables of

this study had relationship and the independent variable had consequence toward

the dependent variabel.


After counting the standard error, the value obtained was 1.75. This value

was used to count t-counted. The following was the computation oft-counted.

The result of counting !-counted value is 4.93. This value has not

supported to conclude that the research hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, the !-

counted value would be compared with the t-table value. If the t-counted is

higher than t- table, the research hypothesis is accepted. Otherwise, if the t-table

is higher than the !-counted, the research hypothesis is rejected.

4.2 Testing Hypothesis


Testing hypothesis aims at proving that the independent variable has great

influence to improve the dependent variable. Research hypothesis stated

previously is 'the students taught through the application of recording will be

more improving their pronunciations than those who are not'. In this case, the

application of recordings as independent variable is expected to have great effect

toward students' ability in pronouncing word stress as the dependent variable.

To prove the significance result between the t-counted and the t-table, the

researcher applied 0.05 level of significance (appendix). The t-counted value

was obtained, then, the researcher needed to determine the !-table value. To get

the t table value, it needed to determine degree of freedom (df). The degree of

freedom was n1 + n2 -2 = 27 + 27 - 2 = 54. Considering to the table, the !-table

value showed was 2.000. It meant the t-counted value was higher than the t-table

value. In other words, the research hypothesis was accepted. The independent

variable brought great effect to the dependent variable. In short, the application

of recordings used in this research improves the students' pronunciation of word

stress of identical nouns and verbs.

4.3 Discussion

Referring to the research design, namely, a quasi-experimental, there are

an experimental and control group. VIIIB was chosen as an experimental group

while VIll A was chosen as control one. The researcher used a medium to

facilitate the students in experimental group but conventional teaching technique


was used in the control group. It aims at finding improvement in the students'

pronunciation of word stress of identical nouns and verbs by applying recording.

It proves that the application of recording improves the students' pronunciation.

The researcher taught the experimental and control group eight meetings.

The researcher taught the same material to both groups. The material taught in

the first meeting in the experimental group was taught also to the control group.

The difference is that the experimental group was facilitated by recording of

pronunciation, meanwhile, the control group was not. They were provided by the

research' pronunciation to differentiate pronunciation of identical nouns and


The students in both groups learnt to pronounce the identical nouns

and verbs. The researcher initially introduced the students the pronunciation of

identical nouns and verbs by providing recording in the experimental group and

by the research's speech in the control group. Then, the students pronounced the

identical nouns and verbs. The researcher taught the students to pronounce single

word of the identical nouns and verbs for several meetings. Furthermore, the

students were taught to differentiate the pronunciation of the identical nouns and

verbs in a sentence. The researcher used a passage, a monolog, and a dialog as

other media to differentiate the pronunciation of those words.

After eight meetings, the researcher finds that there is an improvement

shown by the experimental group. By listening carefully, the students can make

the same stress as they hear of the identical nouns and verbs.



5.1 Conclusion

Having analyzed the data of the research, the researcher draws a brief

conclusion. The researcher finds that the t-counted value (4.93) is greater than

the t-table value (2.000). This shows that there is an improvement showed by

two groups. Through eight meetings, the year eight students at SMP Negeri 1

Kasimbar shows improvement in their pronunciation. In other words, the ability

of the year eight students at SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar can be improved through

the application of recordings. The previous statement answers the research

hypothesis that applying recordings can improve students' ability in pronouncing

word stress.

5.2 Suggestions

In line with the conclusion drawn above, the researcher conveys some

suggestions related to teaching and learning process. Firstly, applying a

technique or a medium can facilitate the students learn. Recording is

recommended to be used for teacher in teaching pronunciation. The students can

practice effortlessly by considering recordings can be rewound as long as the


students need to practice more.

Secondly, the teacher should involve teaching pronunciation m each

meeting to introduce new word to the students with its pronunciation. By

learning how to pronounce the new word in meeting by meeting, they are not

doubt to use that word. They will spontaneously utter the word with good


The last, the students were not motivated during teaching-learning process.

They seemed not confident when the researcher asked them pronounce some

words. The teacher should always motivate them when they are not-confident to

show their work. It helps them to improve their interest in learning.


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Expermental Group


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 1

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Memahami makna dalam esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative

untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


Basic Competence : Membaca nyaring bermakna teks

fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana

berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan

ucapan tekanan dan intonasi yang

berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar


Students are able to

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf

containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Material : My experience (reading a monologue)

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher tells the objectives of teaching

B. While Activities

- Teacher gives a short passage containing identical nouns and verbs.


- Students write down the bold word (identical noun or verb).

- Teacher introduces about noun and verb. Students pronounce the words.

- Teacher plays audio recording. Students repronounce the words.

- Teacher gives sentences containing the words. Students read the sentences

Task 1

Read the following Passage

My Experience: A Letter to a Wrong Person

Have you ever addressed a present to wrong address? I hoped not. I once

did it. That was a special present for my friend. She said that she got a contract

from a company. That is why I sent her the special gift. In fact, I wrote wrong

address. The result was a postman addressed it to the address. I wrote JI.

Sudirman 3 no.2. It should be JI. Sudirman 2 no.3. Some days later, 1 called her to

make sure it. Slie said she did not receive the present. I was sneaking. I told her

the address, "that \Vas not mine," she said. It was disappointing. I presented the

thing for her job. That was the best and expensive pen. I hoped with the pen she

could remember me all the time.

For example

1. I wrote wrong

Addressed it
2. A postman

3. That was a special for my friend

4. I the thing for her job

Task 2

After listening to the recording, pronounce the words below with its appropriate


1. Address (v)

2. Contract (n)

3. Present (v)

4. Contract (v)

5. Address (n)

6. Present (n)

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : laptop and speaker

b. Learning resaources : -


Pronounce the identical nouns and verbs below

Contract (n) Present (v) Address (n)


Address (v) Contract (v) Present (n)


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 2

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Memahami makna dalam esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative

untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


Basic Competence : Merespon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat,

lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in


both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf

containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Material : Entertainment (learning articlwe and

recognizing noun and verb)

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher tells the objectives of teaching

- Teacher reviews the material

B. While Activities

- Teacher provides the students a dialog containing identical noun and verb.

- Some students read the dialog given in pair.

- Teacher asks the students to write down bold words in the dialog.

- Teacher introduces stress of identical nouns and verbs.

- Students pronounces the words they write down.

- Students learn the characteristics of noun and verb.

- Students listen to the recording showing the difference stress of

identical noun and verb.


Sukama : I need time to relax. I want another entertainment.

Riri : Why don't we go out?

Sukma : Great idea. Where should we be going? Any idea?

Riri : There will be a contest in town square tonight.

Sukma : It's nice. What the contest?

Riri : a modern dance contest. I'd really love to be there.

Sukma : So would I. I'm going to take my camera. I'll record them.

Riri : Do you know Street Dance? They will present their new creation.

Sukma : Really?

Riri : Yips, they said it’s as a present for their fans.

Sukma : What a kind idol

Riri : Don’t forget to record them also. I will spread to others.


Noun is a thing. For example; table, whiteboard, health, step, etc.

The characteristics of nouns are preceded by an article;

a/an, the, this /these, that/those

the, many, much, some, any one, two, three, four, etc or

possessive adjective; my, your, his, her, its, our, their

Example :

The Table
1. is broken

Her health
2. is fine

a Present
3. She Gide me

Verb has an action. For example; write, speak, step, present, etc

The characteristics of verbs are precedeed by proper noun (name of person, place,

or mark)

Personal pronoun or modal; can, will, must.

For example

1. I’ll record them : → I will them

Present Present
2. I must a to my mother

3. I Seed your

Task 1

Determine noun or verb for underlined words below in each sentence

1. My brother will have a bicycle.

2. I can borrow her book.

3. He has three dictionaries.

4. His father can drive a car.

Task 2

Determine noun or verb for underlined word below in each sentence

1. She will address a letter soon to your address.

2. The police suspect that he is a suspect of the case.

3. They export products which have a quality export.

4. My sisters present me an expensive present.

5. We contest on the beauty contest.

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : laptop and speaker

b. Learning resaources : -


Determine noun or verbfor underlined words

1. This is a cheap import.

2. He gave her a present.

3. They import the oil from Dubai.

4. He can present his creation


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 3

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Memahami makna dalam esei pendek

sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative

untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


Basic Competence : Merespon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat,


lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf

containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Material : Friendship (a latter for a friend)

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher tells the objectives of teaching

- Teacher reviews the material

B. While Activities

- Teacher provides the students a dialog containing identical noun and verb.

- Some students read the dialog given in pair.

- Teacher asks the students to write down bold words in the dialog.

- Teacher introduces stress of identical nouns and verbs.

- Students pronounces the words they write down.

- Students learn the characteristics of noun and verb.

- Students listen to the recording showing the difference stress of

identical noun and verb.

Jalan Jend. Sudiarman 23

Menteng, Jakarta
April 22th, 2013

Dear Aby
I know that you are in Jakarta now. I heard it from my mother
when she was receiving a call from your father. While you are
in Jakarta, would you like to stay with us on Sunday? We have
a spare room for you. Besides, my house is very close to
shopping centre and the zoo.
It's east to get to my house. Just take the Trans jakarta and get
off at the canopy opposite to the SMP 45 Jakarta. Walk a bit
and tum right at the intersection. You will see a house with blue
doors. That' ours.
Well, think about it, and we hope you can come.

Example :

1. Oil is one fthe biggest export.

2. She will import the shoes from America.

3. We can export the product.

4. The shoes are an import suit

Verb has an action. For example; write, speak, step, present, etc

The characteristics of verbs are precedeed by proper noun (name of person, place,

or mark)

Personal pronoun or modal; can, will, must.

For example

1. I’ll record them : → I will them

Present Present
2. I must a to my mother

3. I Seed your

Task 1

Determine noun or verb for underlined words below in each sentence

1. My brother will have a bicycle.

2. I can borrow her book.

3. He has three dictionaries.

4. His father can drive a car.

Task 2

Pronounce the word below

Import (n) Export (v)

Export (v) Import(v)

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : laptop and speaker

b. Learning resaources :


Determine a noun or a verb for bold printed words in each sentence

1. Oil is one f the biggest export.

2. She will import the shoes from America.

3. We can export the product.

4. The shoes are an import suit.


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 4

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Memahami makna dalam percakapan,


transaksi dan interpersonal sederhana untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Basic Competence : Merespon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat,

lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf

containing identical nouns and verbs


Instructional Material : A gift for a best friend

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher reviews previous material

- Teacher tells the objectives of teaching

B. While Activities

- Teacher gives some identical nouns and verbs.

- Students pronounce the words.

- Teacher provides the students a dialog containing the identical nouns and


- Students practice reading the dialogue in pair.

- Students listen to the recording of identical nouns and verbs

Task 1

Kugi : Tomorrow will be Maudy's birthday.

Keenam : We must present her a gift.

Kugi : I will give her Converse shoes. What do you think?

Keenam : Well, I must say it is great. That is what she wants.

Kugi : I have another plan. We present her the great present.

Keenam : What is it?

Kugi : We will make a birthday party for her. What do you think about the


Keenam : Do you really think so? It spends much budget.

Kugi : Just invite our friends.

Keenam : OK

Task 2

Pronounce the word below

Present (v) record (n)

Rercrd (n) Present (v)

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : laptop and speaker

b. Learning resaources : http://www.english-


Pronounce the word below

Present (v) record (n)

Rercrd (n) Present (v)


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 5

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan

fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana


berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Basic Competence : Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog

pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk

recount dan narrative.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Change the form of sentences into

progressive form.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical verbs in progressive


Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Change the form of sentences into

progrisseve form.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf


containing identical verbs in progressive


Instructional Material : What are you doing?

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher tells the objectives of teaching

- Teacher reviews the material

B. While Activities

- Teacher gives simple present tense.

- Students read the sentences (containing identical noun and verb).

- Students change the form of sentences into progressive sentences.

- Students discuss the progressive sentences they make and pronounciation

of the verb in progressive sentences.

- Students read the progressive sentences (containing identical noun and


- Students listen to the recording of identical noun and verbs.

- Students repronounce the identical nouns and verbs

Task 1

Change the sentences below into progressive form


1. The students record the contest.

2. Santo permit to his parents.

3. The headmaster surveys his school.

4. My father contracts the work.

Determine noun or verb for underlined words below in each sentence

1. My brother will have a bicycle.

2. I can borrow her book.

3. He has three dictionaries.

4. His father can drive a car.

Task 2

Pronounce the word below

Record (v) Recording (v)

Permit (v) Permitting (v)

Survey (v) Surveying (v)

Contract (v) Contracting (v)

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.


- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : record and speaker

b. Learning resaources : -


Determine noun or verb for underlined words

1. My sistem is recording her voice.

2. Riri is permitting to her parents.

3. I am surveying my back yard.

4. She is contracting new work.


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 6

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Memahami makna dalam makna dalam

percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal


pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Basic Competence : Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam

monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat,

lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks

berbentuk recount dan narrative.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb identical words in a


Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read text of a dialog containing identical

nouns and verbs.

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb identical words in a


Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Pronounce word of identical nouns and



Instructional Material : Speak Up!

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher tells the objectives of teaching

- Teacher reviews the material

B. While Activities

- Teacher provides the students dialogs.

- Students practice reading the dialog.

- Student perfrom the dialog in front of class.

- Students write down the identical noun and verbs in the dialog.

- Students pronounce the words first.

- Students listen to the recording of identical noun and verb.

- Students repronounce the identical noun and verb.

Practice reading these short dialogues below

Dialogue 1


Ayu : Wow! Look at the brochure. There will be a contest next week.

Indah : What contest? And who conducts it?

Ayu : It's modeling contest. This is a good chance. Well, this contest is held

by Style Event Organization.

Indah : Really? My uncle will contest you.

Ayu : What do you mean?

Indah : My uncle is the owner of that EO.

Ayu : Let's join to this contest.

Dialog 2

Bakri : Do you know? An export increases income of a country.

Boy : Hmm. Indonesia should export many products to other countries.

Bakri : That's right. Indonesia has many import activities rather than export

ones. for example, Indonesia imports rice, sugar, and meat.

Bakri : it is not good for farmers and breeders. They produce fann produce.

Boy : Maybe the government has a reason for that.

Bakri : it could be.

Task 1

Write down the sentences containing italic words in the dialog

Task 2

Pronounce the word (when it is a noun and a verb) with its correct stress

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.


- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : Laptop and speaker

b. Learning resaources : http://www.english-at-



Read the dialog below

Sam : it is a new record. In a year, KPK had arrested the suspects of


Sarah : Well, KPK updutes the case. They suspect a politician as a new

Sam : KPK has a good progress. That is KPK 's job. Many politicians

aren't honest to work for people.

Sarah : By looking it. Corruption in Indonesia increases every year.

Sam : it is an insult for our country.


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 7

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis


fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana

berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Basic Competence : Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks

tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Change the form of sentences into past


Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical nouns and verbs.

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Change the form of sentences into past


Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf

containing identical nuns and verbs


Instructional Material : What did you do?

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher recalls the student’s memory to flash back to progressive form.

- Teacher tells the objectives of the teaching.

B. While Activities

- Teacher provides the students simple present sentences containing

identical nouns and verbs.

- Students read the sentences containing identical noun and verbs.

- Teacher explains simple past form.

- Students change present sentences into past form.

- Some students read their sentences.

- Teacher writes verb (including in identical noun and verb) past form.

- Students pronounce the word.

- Sutdents listen to the recording of identical verbs in past form.

- Students repronounce the words.

Task 1

Read the following sentences below


1. The students recorded the contest yesterday.

2. Santo addressed his letter to his friend.

3. The headmaster presented new program of school.

4. As a judge, my brother contested the participants.

Task 2

Change the sentences above

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : record and speaker

b. Learning resaources :


Pronounce the word below

Recorder Present

Addressed Contest

Presented Record

Contested Address


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 8

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Memahami makna dalam percakapan

transaksional dan interpersonal pendek

sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

Basic Competence : merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks

lisan fungsional pendek sederhana secara

akurat, lancar , dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Identify identical noun and verb in the


Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical nouns and verbs.

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Identify identical noun and verb in the


Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf

containing identical nuns and verbs

Instructional Material : Identify identical nouns and verbs from


Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method


Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher tells the objective of teaching

B. While Activities

- Teacher explains there are only several identical nouns and verbs.

- Teacher divides students into some small groups.

- Teacher provides some identical nouns and verbs.

- Students listen to sentences in the recording.

- Students identify identical nouns and verbs in sentences from recording.

- Students pronounce the identical nouns and verb.

- Students read the sentences containing identical nouns and verbs.


The following are the identical nouns and verbs. Determine the words a noun or a

verb form recording

a. present

b. export

c. import

d. suspect

e. address

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : Laptop and speaker

b. Learning resaources : -


Read the following sentences

1. That is a new record.

2. Oil is the biggest export.

3. My will address a letter.

4. The police suspect him.

5. The government import oil from Dubai


Control Group


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 1

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Memahami makna dalam esei pendek

sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative

untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


Basic Competence : Membaca nyaring bermakna teks

fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana


berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan

ucapan tekanan dan intonasi yang

berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar


Students are able to

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf

containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Material : My experience (reading a monologue)

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher tells the objectives of teaching

B. While Activities

- Teacher gives a short passage containing identical nouns and verbs.

- Students write down the bold word (identical noun or verb).

- Teacher introduces about noun and verb. Students pronounce the words.

- Teacher plays audio recording. Students repronounce the words.

- Teacher gives sentences containing the words. Students read the sentences

Task 1

Read the following Passage

My Experience: A Letter to a Wrong Person

Have you ever addressed a present to wrong address? I hoped not. I once

did it. That was a special present for my friend. She said that she got a contract

from a company. That is why I sent her the special gift. In fact, I wrote wrong

address. The result was a postman addressed it to the address. I wrote JI.

Sudirman 3 no.2. It should be JI. Sudirman 2 no.3. Some days later, 1 called her to

make sure it. Slie said she did not receive the present. I was sneaking. I told her

the address, "that \Vas not mine," she said. It was disappointing. I presented the

thing for her job. That was the best and expensive pen. I hoped with the pen she

could remember me all the time.

For example

1. I wrote wrong

Addressed it
2. A postman

3. That was a special for my friend

4. I the thing for her job

Task 2

After listening to the recording, pronounce the words below with its appropriate


1. Address (v)

2. Contract (n)

3. Present (v)

4. Contract (v)

5. Address (n)

6. Present (n)

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : laptop and speaker

b. Learning resaources : -


Pronounce the identical nouns and verbs below

Contract (n) Present (v) Address (n)

Address (v) Contract (v) Present (n)


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 2

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Memahami makna dalam esei pendek

sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative

untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


Basic Competence : Merespon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat,

lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf

containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Material : Entertainment (learning articlwe and

recognizing noun and verb)

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher tells the objectives of teaching


- Teacher reviews the material

B. While Activities

- Teacher provides the students a dialog containing identical noun and verb.

- Some students read the dialog given in pair.

- Teacher asks the students to write down bold words in the dialog.

- Teacher introduces stress of identical nouns and verbs.

- Students pronounces the words they write down.

- Students learn the characteristics of noun and verb.

- Students listen to the recording showing the difference stress of

identical noun and verb.


Sukama : I need time to relax. I want another entertainment.

Riri : Why don't we go out?

Sukma : Great idea. Where should we be going? Any idea?

Riri : There will be a contest in town square tonight.

Sukma : It's nice. What the contest?

Riri : a modern dance contest. I'd really love to be there.

Sukma : So would I. I'm going to take my camera. I'll record them.

Riri : Do you know Street Dance? They will present their new creation.

Sukma : Really?

Riri : Yips, they said it’s as a present for their fans.


Sukma : What a kind idol

Riri : Don’t forget to record them also. I will spread to others.

Noun is a thing. For example; table, whiteboard, health, step, etc.

The characteristics of nouns are preceded by an article;

a/an, the, this /these, that/those

the, many, much, some, any one, two, three, four, etc or

possessive adjective; my, your, his, her, its, our, their

Example :

The Table
1. is broken

Her health
2. is fine

a Present
3. She Gide me

Verb has an action. For example; write, speak, step, present, etc

The characteristics of verbs are precedeed by proper noun (name of person, place,

or mark)

Personal pronoun or modal; can, will, must.

For example

1. I’ll record them : → I will them

Present Present
2. I must a to my mother

3. I Seed your

Task 1

Determine noun or verb for underlined words below in each sentence

1. My brother will have a bicycle.

2. I can borrow her book.

3. He has three dictionaries.

4. His father can drive a car.

Task 2

Determine noun or verb for underlined word below in each sentence

1. She will address a letter soon to your address.

2. The police suspect that he is a suspect of the case.

3. They export products which have a quality export.

4. My sisters present me an expensive present.

5. We contest on the beauty contest.

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.


- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : laptop and speaker

b. Learning resaources : -


Determine noun or verbfor underlined words

1. This is a cheap import.

2. He gave her a present.

3. They import the oil from Dubai.

4. He can present his creation


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 3

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Memahami makna dalam esei pendek

sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative


untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


Basic Competence : Merespon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat,

lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf

containing identical nouns and verbs


Instructional Material : Friendship (a latter for a friend)

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher tells the objectives of teaching

- Teacher reviews the material

B. While Activities

- Teacher provides the students a dialog containing identical noun and verb.

- Some students read the dialog given in pair.

- Teacher asks the students to write down bold words in the dialog.

- Teacher introduces stress of identical nouns and verbs.

- Students pronounces the words they write down.

- Students learn the characteristics of noun and verb.

- Students listen to the recording showing the difference stress of

identical noun and verb.

Jalan Jend. Sudiarman 23

Menteng, Jakarta
April 22th, 2013

Dear Aby
I know that you are in Jakarta now. I heard it from my mother
when she was receiving a call from your father. While you are
in Jakarta, would you like to stay with us on Sunday? We have
a spare room for you. Besides, my house is very close to
shopping centre and the zoo.
It's east to get to my house. Just take the Trans jakarta and get
off at the canopy opposite to the SMP 45 Jakarta. Walk a bit
and tum right at the intersection. You will see a house with blue
doors. That' ours.
Well, think about it, and we hope you can come.

Example :

1. Oil is one fthe biggest export.

2. She will import the shoes from America.

3. We can export the product.

4. The shoes are an import suit

Verb has an action. For example; write, speak, step, present, etc

The characteristics of verbs are precedeed by proper noun (name of person, place,

or mark)

Personal pronoun or modal; can, will, must.

For example

1. I’ll record them : → I will them

Present Present
2. I must a to my mother

3. I Seed your

Task 1

Determine noun or verb for underlined words below in each sentence

1. My brother will have a bicycle.

2. I can borrow her book.

3. He has three dictionaries.

4. His father can drive a car.

Task 2

Pronounce the word below

Import (n) Export (v)

Export (v) Import(v)

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : laptop and speaker

b. Learning resaources :


Determine a noun or a verb for bold printed words in each sentence

1. Oil is one f the biggest export.

2. She will import the shoes from America.

3. We can export the product.

4. The shoes are an import suit.


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 4

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Memahami makna dalam percakapan,

transaksi dan interpersonal sederhana untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Basic Competence : Merespon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat,

lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb of identical words in

both sentence and short paragraph.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf


containing identical nouns and verbs

Instructional Material : A gift for a best friend

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher reviews previous material

- Teacher tells the objectives of teaching

B. While Activities

- Teacher gives some identical nouns and verbs.

- Students pronounce the words.

- Teacher provides the students a dialog containing the identical nouns and


- Students practice reading the dialogue in pair.

- Students listen to the recording of identical nouns and verbs

Task 1

Kugi : Tomorrow will be Maudy's birthday.

Keenam : We must present her a gift.

Kugi : I will give her Converse shoes. What do you think?

Keenam : Well, I must say it is great. That is what she wants.

Kugi : I have another plan. We present her the great present.


Keenam : What is it?

Kugi : We will make a birthday party for her. What do you think about the


Keenam : Do you really think so? It spends much budget.

Kugi : Just invite our friends.

Keenam : OK

Task 2

Pronounce the word below

Present (v) record (n)

Rercrd (n) Present (v)

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : laptop and speaker


b. Learning resaources : http://www.english-


Pronounce the word below

Present (v) record (n)

Rercrd (n) Present (v)


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 5

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes


Standard of Competence : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan

fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana

berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Basic Competence : Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog

pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk

recount dan narrative.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Change the form of sentences into

progressive form.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical verbs in progressive


Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Change the form of sentences into

progrisseve form.

Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and



Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf

containing identical verbs in progressive


Instructional Material : What are you doing?

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher tells the objectives of teaching

- Teacher reviews the material

B. While Activities

- Teacher gives simple present tense.

- Students read the sentences (containing identical noun and verb).

- Students change the form of sentences into progressive sentences.

- Students discuss the progressive sentences they make and pronounciation

of the verb in progressive sentences.

- Students read the progressive sentences (containing identical noun and


- Students listen to the recording of identical noun and verbs.

- Students repronounce the identical nouns and verbs


Task 1

Change the sentences below into progressive form

1. The students record the contest.

2. Santo permit to his parents.

3. The headmaster surveys his school.

4. My father contracts the work.

Determine noun or verb for underlined words below in each sentence

1. My brother will have a bicycle.

2. I can borrow her book.

3. He has three dictionaries.

4. His father can drive a car.

Task 2

Pronounce the word below

Record (v) Recording (v)

Permit (v) Permitting (v)

Survey (v) Surveying (v)

Contract (v) Contracting (v)

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : record and speaker

b. Learning resaources : -


Determine noun or verb for underlined words

1. My sistem is recording her voice.

2. Riri is permitting to her parents.

3. I am surveying my back yard.

4. She is contracting new work.


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 6

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Memahami makna dalam makna dalam


percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal

pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Basic Competence : Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam

monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat,

lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks

berbentuk recount dan narrative.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb identical words in a


Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read text of a dialog containing identical

nouns and verbs.

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Identify noun and verb identical words in a


Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Instructional Material : Speak Up!

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher tells the objectives of teaching

- Teacher reviews the material

B. While Activities

- Teacher provides the students dialogs.

- Students practice reading the dialog.

- Student perfrom the dialog in front of class.

- Students write down the identical noun and verbs in the dialog.

- Students pronounce the words first.

- Students listen to the recording of identical noun and verb.

- Students repronounce the identical noun and verb.

Practice reading these short dialogues below

Dialogue 1


Ayu : Wow! Look at the brochure. There will be a contest next week.

Indah : What contest? And who conducts it?


Ayu : It's modeling contest. This is a good chance. Well, this contest is held

by Style Event Organization.

Indah : Really? My uncle will contest you.

Ayu : What do you mean?

Indah : My uncle is the owner of that EO.

Ayu : Let's join to this contest.

Dialog 2

Bakri : Do you know? An export increases income of a country.

Boy : Hmm. Indonesia should export many products to other countries.

Bakri : That's right. Indonesia has many import activities rather than export

ones. for example, Indonesia imports rice, sugar, and meat.

Bakri : it is not good for farmers and breeders. They produce fann produce.

Boy : Maybe the government has a reason for that.

Bakri : it could be.

Task 1

Write down the sentences containing italic words in the dialog

Task 2

Pronounce the word (when it is a noun and a verb) with its correct stress

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : Laptop and speaker

b. Learning resaources : http://www.english-at-



Read the dialog below

Sam : it is a new record. In a year, KPK had arrested the suspects of


Sarah : Well, KPK updutes the case. They suspect a politician as a new

Sam : KPK has a good progress. That is KPK 's job. Many politicians

aren't honest to work for people.

Sarah : By looking it. Corruption in Indonesia increases every year.

Sam : it is an insult for our country.


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 7

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana

berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Basic Competence : Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks

tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Change the form of sentences into past


Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical nouns and verbs.

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Change the form of sentences into past


Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf

containing identical nuns and verbs

Instructional Material : What did you do?

Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher recalls the student’s memory to flash back to progressive form.

- Teacher tells the objectives of the teaching.

B. While Activities

- Teacher provides the students simple present sentences containing

identical nouns and verbs.

- Students read the sentences containing identical noun and verbs.

- Teacher explains simple past form.

- Students change present sentences into past form.

- Some students read their sentences.

- Teacher writes verb (including in identical noun and verb) past form.

- Students pronounce the word.

- Sutdents listen to the recording of identical verbs in past form.

- Students repronounce the words.


Task 1

Read the following sentences below

1. The students recorded the contest yesterday.

2. Santo addressed his letter to his friend.

3. The headmaster presented new program of school.

4. As a judge, my brother contested the participants.

Task 2

Change the sentences above

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : record and speaker

b. Learning resaources :


Pronounce the word below

Recorder Present

Addressed Contest

Presented Record

Contested Address


Subject Plan : English

Class/Semester : VIII / II

Meeting : 8

Allocated Time : 1 x 30 Minutes

Standard of Competence : Memahami makna dalam percakapan

transaksional dan interpersonal pendek


sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

Basic Competence : merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks

lisan fungsional pendek sederhana secara

akurat, lancar , dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.


Students are able to

Cognitive : Identify identical noun and verb in the


Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psychomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraph

containing identical nouns and verbs.

Instructional Objective

After the class, students are expected to be able to :

Cognitive : Identify identical noun and verb in the


Affective : Pronounce word of identical nouns and


Psycomotor : Read a sentence or a short paragraf

containing identical nuns and verbs

Instructional Material : Identify identical nouns and verbs from



Instructional Method : Audio – Lingual Method

Instructional Steps

A. Pre Activities

- Teacher tells the objective of teaching

B. While Activities

- Teacher explains there are only several identical nouns and verbs.

- Teacher divides students into some small groups.

- Teacher provides some identical nouns and verbs.

- Students listen to sentences in the recording.

- Students identify identical nouns and verbs in sentences from recording.

- Students pronounce the identical nouns and verb.

- Students read the sentences containing identical nouns and verbs.


The following are the identical nouns and verbs. Determine the words a noun or a

verb form recording

a. present

b. export

c. import

d. suspect

e. address

C. Post Activities:

- Teacher concludes the material.

- Tesher gives a chance to students to ask some questions.

- Teacher motivates the students

Media/Learning Resources :

a. Media : Laptop and speaker

b. Learning resaources : -


Read the following sentences

1. That is a new record.

2. Oil is the biggest export.

3. My will address a letter.

4. The police suspect him.

5. The government import oil from Dubai



A. Pronounce the words below in a row

Nouns Verbs Nouns Verbs

suspect import export present

record address present record

import suspect address export

B. Read the following sentences containing identical nouns and verbs


1. My aunt gives her each niece a present.

2. Ria is entering a beauty contest.

3. The teacher will record students' performance.

4. I don't know her address.

5. The judges contested the contestants.

6. The students are presenting the best painting now.

7. My sister has a record of my voice.

8. My uncle will address me a letter form England.

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