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Consequences caused by complications of the disease

Ankylosing spondylitis or Bechterew's disease provokes a variety of pathological changes in the human
body. If treatment does not give a positive result, then surgery is recommended. Endoprosthesis of the
destroyed joint is performed. Often the disease provokes the development of bone fragility,
osteoporosis, which causes the bone structure of the vertebrae to fracture. The consequences of
ailment include:

defeat of the cardiovascular system;


kidney failure;

manifestation of impotence in men;

uncontrolled urination in women;

suspension of development of the thoracic department in adolescents;

inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bechterew's disease in women

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1 Causes and mechanism of disease development

2 Peculiarities of the course of the disease

3 Main symptoms

4 Methods of diagnosis

5 How is the treatment carried out?

5.1 Medications

5.2 Folk recipes

6 Prevention of Bechterew's disease in women

Such pathology as Bechterew's disease in women is much less common than in men. Mostly, the
affliction affects the musculoskeletal apparatus of young fair-sex women under the age of 30 years. At
the initial stages of development, it is extremely rare to be diagnosed, since it has a washed out and not
pronounced symptomatology.

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Causes and mechanism of disease development

Bechterew's disease is inflammatory in nature with a chronic form of percolation. Under the influence of
negative factors, the nutrition of bone-cartilaginous tissue is disturbed, which leads to thinning of the
bone, and reduces the elasticity of the cartilage. As a result of degenerative-dystrophic processes, the
interarticular space narrows and the proliferation of connective tissue is noted. In this case, joints or
vertebrae are fused. Most often, the spine suffers, since it is the greatest burden. When the disease
develops, the mobility and functionality of the musculoskeletal system is impaired.

In men, the disease occurs eight times more often than in women.

The female organism is more tolerant of the structural changes that the disease provokes. Therefore,
the clinical picture is manifested only in the late stages of development and provokes complications less
often than in men. Most often, women suffer from the upper part of the ODA, namely shoulder joints.
Quite often Bekhterev's disease is in the stage of remission, without the use of medical measures.

The main cause of the development of ankylosing spondylitis is unknown. It is believed that the disease
is transmitted genetically. And also there are a number of factors that trigger as a trigger and provoke
structural changes in bone tissue, among them:

Hormonal disorders are a risk factor for the development of the disease.
diseases of an infectious nature;

chronic ailments;

injuries of the musculoskeletal system;


decreased protective functions of the body;

hormonal disorders.

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Features of the disease

Women bear Bekhterev's disease more easily than men. A number of features of the course of the
disease are noted:

The formation of multiple polyarthritis at the initial stages of the development of the disease (in men
initially 1-2 joints are affected).

The first signs are manifested during pregnancy due to internal changes in the body and increased stress
on the joints and spine.

Long-term remissions are observed, which continue for several years.

Women almost do not develop ankylosis, which causes the immobilization of the ODA. In men, this
complication occurs frequently and often leads to disability.

The sacrum area suffers seldom and only one side is affected.

The main complication of Bechterew's disease in women is the disruption of the cardiovascular system,
which is manifested by malnutrition of the aortic valve. In this case, the main symptoms of the disease
are pain in the right upper quadrant, shortness of breath, dizziness, tingling in the temples and an
increase in heart rate.

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Main symptoms

When untimely treatment of pathology in women can develop gastrointestinal diseases.

Under the influence of pathological processes that provoke ankylosing spondylitis, a lot of functional
disorders occur in the woman's body. If the timely treatment does not start, pathologies of the
gastrointestinal tract, organs of vision, cardiovascular and respiratory systems develop. Structural
damage of the liver and kidneys is often noted, which leads to their insufficiency.

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For any ailment of ODA painful sensations appear. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the
accompanying symptoms of the disease, which indicate a particular pathology:

Unilateral pain in the sacrum with irradiation in the lower limbs.

Increase the intensity of pain in a relaxed state and reduce its severity after performing elementary
physical exercises.

An oppressed state, which is accompanied by a feeling of apathy and a depressed mood.

Chest pain, which is symptomatic of intercostal neuralgia and heart disease.

Visual curvature of posture with shortening of the neck.

Severe fatigue and sleep disturbance. With severe forms of the disease, dizziness and severe headaches
are noted.

Swelling and deformity of the affected joint with a marked decrease in mobility.

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Diagnostic Methods

Before sending the patient to a more detailed examination, the doctor examines her spine.

Initially, an external examination of the patient is carried out. The mobility of joints and the possibility of
flexion and extension of the spine are determined. The posture is examined for revealing curvature in
the form of scoliosis and kyphosis. Further, a general and biochemical blood test is assigned, which
makes it possible to determine the signs of inflammation and the development of anemia against the
background of the pathological process. One of the most informative methods of diagnosis is
radiography, which allows to determine the structural changes of bone-cartilaginous tissue, unevenness
of the surface of joints and focal manifestations of sclerosis of bones. If necessary, CT and MRI are used.
In the case of complications, additional studies are being performed to diagnose other organs and

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How is treatment carried out?

Therapeutic measures for Bechterew's disease are identical for both women and men. The use of certain
drugs depends on the degree of development of the disease and the severity of the symptoms. In
addition to drug therapy, which is considered the basis of treatment, physical rehabilitation is used. LFK
promotes normalization of blood circulation and improvement of mobility of joints. Exercises are
performed slowly with a gradual increase in amplitude. Massage and physiotherapy improve local
circulation, relieve pain and inflammation. Cryotherapy and mud therapy are often used.

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Painkiller ointments help to remove unpleasant symptoms.

To eliminate pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. If the provoking factor to the
development of the disease was infectious damage to the body, then antimicrobial agents are
prescribed. With the progression of the inflammatory process, intraarticular administration of
corticosteroids is prescribed. For temporary elimination of symptoms, painkiller gels and ointments are
used. Particular attention is paid to vitamin and mineral complexes with calcium and vitamin D.

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Folk recipes

You can treat the disease and improvised means. Irritants of nerve endings in the form of nettle and bee
venom are used. The plant is used fresh. Having made a broom, you need to beat a sore spot. Bee
venom is used under the supervision of a doctor. Widely used baths with the addition of broths from
medicinal herbs. They have a calming effect and relieve pain.

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Prevention of Bechterew's disease in women

Avoid the development of ailment can be, observing a healthy lifestyle. We need to monitor the diet,
introduce more vegetables and dairy products. Minimize the use of alcohol and caffeine. It is
recommended to avoid hypothermia and sleep on a hard mattress. The condition of the joints improves
with systematic physical activity in the form of walking, morning exercise and running. It is important to
observe the drinking regime and control the mineralization of the body.

How to eat properly with Bechterew's disease

How to eat properly with Bechterew's disease

The daily diet should be based on the following principles:

restriction or replacement of sea salt;

decrease in the amount of fats and refined foods;

increase in the number of vegetables and fruits;

the use of jellies, jellies and jellies;

refusal of harmful food (smoked meat, fast food, carbonated water).

Gymnastics with Bechterew's Disease

Gymnastics with Bechterew's Disease

Physiotherapy is an important component of therapy at virtually any stage of the disease.

The most effective exercises:

Lying on his back, hands along the trunk, with a pillow under his head. On the inhalation - the raising of
the hands, on exhalation - lowering. Repeat 3-5 times.

Lying on the back, hands behind the head, legs together. Flexing the legs alternately, without lifting the
heels off the floor (sliding). Repeat 8-10 times.

It is important to understand that all exercises used to prevent an illness must be performed only after
consultation with the doctor, so as not to harm their health.

The drug "ARTRA"

The preparation "ARTRA" contains two components: chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride.
Both of these substances are active participants in the biological process of feeding the human articular

For a sustainable positive effect, chondroprodectors are recommended to be taken regularly for long
courses of three to six months .








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Bechterew's disease

Ankylosing spondylitis
Relating to "autoimmune aggressions", this disease is characterized by degenerative changes in the
spine: beginning with "harmless" osteochondrosis, it develops into the ossification of the vertebral
column, no longer a pillar, but rather a "question mark".

Since all the recommended methods are aimed only at alleviating the patient's condition, but can not
affect the improvement, we will consider an example of treatment in which the need for medication is
caused by causal conditions.

The wisdom of the diagnosis ("ankylosing spondylitis") should not embarrass you if you decide to get
well. The main thing is not how your illness sounds, but what it is and how to get rid of it,

is not it ?

At the root of the disease is trichomoniasis, and the disease itself is already a consequence, even - an
interconnected chain of consequence, so Bekhterev's disease begins to reverse only after the stage of
antiparasitic therapy has yielded results.

Example of a treatment regimen:

The organism is provided with "raw materials" for the development of its own energy - ATP;

Purified blood vessels, the load on which will increase during the treatment period;

Measures are being taken to restore liver function;

Simultaneously - to clean the intestines and kidneys with mandatory serious detoxification;

Bifido- and lactoflora of the intestine is restored;

A complex of strong enzymes (pepsins, trypsins) helps the gastrointestinal tract to successfully process
food with less energy costs;

Natural immuno- and energy-boosters ensure the stabilization of metabolic processes;

Preparations containing inulin are assisted by the pancreas;

The drug that normalizes the musculoskeletal system, "shakes" the thymus (this is the thymus gland,
whose functions have not been canceled, although they are taken by the bone marrow) stimulate the
pituitary brain to produce growth hormones more actively;

After the disappearance of the symptoms of the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine after some (for
each - strictly individual) period of time appears the state of a "spinned" spine. At this time, intensive
courses of antiparasitic therapy are conducted in series for five days, and in ten-day breaks - the
reception of the citamin, which repairs the damaged genecode DNA of intervertebral cartilage cells;
Restoration of the normal structure of the spinal column is monitored by the patient on subjective
sensations, and laboratory indicators (ultrasound, fluoroscopy, NLS-methods) allow to accurately
determine when the recovery process has actually ended;

Lecithin, taken to help the liver, simultaneously promotes the restoration of the myelin sheaths of nerve
endings, and this, in turn, provides sufficient training (in the presence of diagnosed pathology) to
"repair" the genocode DNA of brain cells.

In most cases, Bekhterev's disease manifests itself against the background of hormonal imbalance. Then
rehabilitation is carried out on a constant background of its recovery, emphasis on pituitary stimulation.
If the disease is complicated by the pathology of the thyroid gland, then the thyroid gland is "repaired"
before the full restoration of its function against the background of taking appropriate medications
(preferably - "blue iodine", "energy cocktail").

There are, unfortunately, no cheaper methods of treatment for Bechterew's disease, since the
treatment is carried out not simply at the cellular level, but using genetic engineering methods, albeit
with food additives.

The team of physicians conducting symptomatic treatment should include an experienced

endocrinologist who is able to quickly monitor changes in the state of the hormonal system.
Preparations for the development of their own hormones are taken from the first day of treatment until
complete recovery.

The duration of treatment depends on the degree of lesion of the musculoskeletal system and the time
necessary for the formation of intervertebral discs from the moment of their growth.

The final course is maintenance therapy, which helps the body to work in and already independently
regulate the course of metabolic processes.

In the role of supportive drugs are the nutritional supplements that are necessary for this particular
patient. Criteria take the pathologies that have taken place, which are chronic. In the choice of specific
drugs, the role is played by the lifestyle and activities of the patient and possible unavoidable loads, the
likelihood of frequent stressful situations, eating habits, and so on.

The entire course of treatment is conducted against the background of Ferran intake in an individually
designed regimen.

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