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Visual Perception refers the brain’s ability to make sense of

what the eyes see. Good visual perceptual skills are needed
for reading, writing, cutting, drawing, completing math
problems, as well as many other skills. Perception is divided
into different sub areas.
Body Perception, Eye hand coordination, Visual Discrimination,
Foreground Background, Position in space, Spatial
Relationship, Visual Memory, Visual Sequencing, Visual
Closure, Form Constancy, Visual Analysis and Synthesis,
Auditory Recognition, Auditory Memory, Auditory Sequencing

Participation in perceptual-motor activities enables students to

develop greater levels of body control and encourages greater
effort in all areas of the school curriculum. Young students who
possess adequate perceptual-motor skills enjoy better coordination,
greater body awareness, stronger intellectual skills, and a more
positive self-image. Perceptual-motor development is critical to
children’s development of brain pathways that cross the right and
left hemispheres. Perceptual-motor activities provide a proven way
to improve children’s health and learning in all aspects.
Physical activity builds neural pathways—the connections by which
information travels through the brain—and a child whose brain has
more neural pathways will be able to learn more easily. It is crucial
that we help our children develop perceptual-motor skills. These
skills are necessary for preparing a child’s brain to learn; when a
child does not properly develop them, he or she will experience
difficulty in learning the basic academic skills of reading and writing.
Thus a child who has sufficient perceptual-motor skills will be more
prepared to learn and will enjoy better coordination and improved
self-image. Perceptual-motor experiences build a strong base to
support future academic learning.
Body Perception 1-6

Eye hand coordination 7-20

Visual Discrimination 21-31

Foreground Background 32-39

Position in space 40-47

Spatial Relationship 48-53

Visual Memory 54-59

Visual Sequencing 60-66

Visual Closure 67-75

Form Constancy 76-83

Visual Analysis and Synthesis 84-89

Audio Recognition 90

Cut outs 91-93

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