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Written: March 2006

Revised: November 2007

Disclaimer: All material in this ebook is provided for information only and may not be construed
as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the
contents of this ebook. Instead readers should consult their physician or other qualified health
professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. Readers who fail to consult
with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not
responsible for errors or omissions.
Naturally Eliminating Candida

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF CHRONIC CANDIDIASIS ....................................3

WHAT IS CANDIDA? ..............................................................................................3
SO, DO YOU HAVE CANDIDA ALBICANS OVERGROWTH? ...........................................6
CANDIDA-RELATED COMPLEX (CRC) – DIAGNOSIS.................................................8


IMMUNE WEAKNESS ............................................................................................11
THE CHRONIC FATIGUE CONNECTION ..................................................................14

CHAPTER 3: TREATMENT OF CANDIDIASIS .................................................15

DEPENDENCE ON ANTIBIOTICS.............................................................................16
USE OF PROBIOTICS ...........................................................................................18

CHAPTER 4: TREATING CANDIDA NATURALLY...........................................20

HIGH QUALITY MULTIVITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS ......................................21
ANTIOXIDANTS ...................................................................................................23
FLAXSEED OIL ....................................................................................................24

CHAPTER 5: CANDIDA AND YOUR DIET........................................................26

HOW CHANGING YOUR DIET CAN HELP AND WHY ....................................................26
FOODS TO AVOID ................................................................................................28
FOODS TO EAT ...................................................................................................31
RECIPES ............................................................................................................34

CHAPTER 6: ANTI YEAST AGENTS ...............................................................41

PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS ..............................................................................41
NATURAL ANTI-YEAST AGENTS ............................................................................43
ANTI YEAST THERAPY ..........................................................................................47

CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSION ............................................................................50

SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................50
FINAL COMMENTS...............................................................................................54
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER..........................................................................................55

Naturally Eliminating Candida

Chapter 1: Overview of Chronic Candidiasis

For years, patients have been going to their doctors, searching for the solution to

their “mystery” ailments. Their symptoms were numerous, varied, sometimes

strange, and seemingly not connected. Slowly, over time, doctors, scientists, and

patients have gathered a mass of information about this syndrome, which has

come to be known by many names. Maybe you, too, are one of these people,

plagued by uncertainty and constant discomfort, but never granted the gift of a

real answer. Candida could be the culprit, as thousands of people have found, to

be the source of your health problems.

What is Candida?

Candida is the common term for a condition also known by a variety of aliases.

Candidiasis, yeast overgrowth, systemic or chronic Candidiasis, and Candida

Albicans are terms often used synonymously with Candida. To make matters a

bit more confusing, the condition itself is caused by an abnormal overgrowth of

yeast in the body, and the name of that yeast is also Candida. (Candida Albicans

is the name of the most common species of Candida, which accounts for one of

the common names of the illness.)

Candida, in its yeast form and at its normally low levels, exists in all of our bodies

and is usually not harmful. In women, Candida is present in the vagina, and in

both men and women the yeast exists in the mouth, throat, and digestive tract as

Naturally Eliminating Candida

well. Candida normally exists peacefully in balance with the body’s bacteria, and

is certainly not considered a harmful substance within the body.

However, under certain conditions (especially a weakened immune system),

Candida multiples to an unhealthy level—and this can cause a number of

physical problems. For example, thrush is a common condition of the mouth

(often found in babies but also occurs with adults too) that is caused by an

episode of Candida overgrowth. In addition, over 75% of women have at least

one occurrence of a vaginal yeast infection (also known as vaginal thrush or

vaginitis) in their lifetimes—and this can be caused by an overgrowth of Candida


However, chronic Candidiasis goes much further. People who suffer from chronic

Candidiasis, while they may have multiple episodes of thrush or yeast infections,

also show a number of symptoms that seem completely unrelated to any initial

bout with thrush or vaginitis. Abdominal pain, feeling tired or run-down, skin

problems, and even hazy thinking are symptoms most people wouldn’t associate

with their yeast infection, so many people don’t realize that they could be related.

What happens with chronic cases of Candidiasis is that, in addition to growing in

number, the yeast Candida transforms into a fungal state and spreads throughout

the body. The newly distorted form of the yeast develops rhizoids, which are

Naturally Eliminating Candida

long, hook-like “legs,” which dig into membranes throughout the body, causing

pain and other associated symptoms. The mucous membranes of the intestinal

tract become affected, and may lead to a condition known as Leaky Gut

Syndrome, in which the toxins from the intestines can escape through the

perforated gut and directly enter the bloodstream. When this occurs, the yeast

may spread throughout the body, causing many of the elusive symptoms that

patients describe.

It is important to mention that there is some controversy surrounding Candidiasis

in the medical community. Some doctors believe that Candidiasis typically occurs

only in those with compromised immune systems, such as people with AIDS or

those undergoing treatment for cancer.

However, too few formal studies have been conducted to discount the fact that

thousands of people with “normal” immune systems have suffered from similar

symptoms, and have had these symptoms resolved with anti-Candidiasis

treatments. Also, there are numerous reasons for a compromise in the immune

system besides AIDS or cancer treatment. One of the reasons, for example, is

prolonged use of some medications or stress — and this is a factor your doctor

should consider when giving you a diagnosis.

Naturally Eliminating Candida

While reading this ebook, if you find that you have symptoms of Candidiasis, you

may wonder why after repeated trips to the doctor no one has mentioned

Candida Albicans as the possible culprit?

One reason maybe that your doctor may not be aware of the magnitude of

information that is now available about Candidiasis, much of it through personal

chronicles of people who have found out the hard way that Candidiasis can—and

does—affect patients with otherwise normal immune systems. You may need to

raise the question of Candidiasis to your physician directly, seek a second

medical opinion, or independently evaluate some of the natural treatments for

Candidiasis that have worked for others.

So, do you have Candida Albicans Overgrowth?

Many people who eventually discover that they suffer from Candida Albicans

have made numerous trips to a doctor, or even several doctors, and have been

sent home with no answers. The symptoms are so wide-ranging, and sometimes

so great in number, that patients are sometimes accused of being

hypochondriacs or complainers. And since the illness presents itself differently in

different people, there can be a lot of frustration until the connection is finally

made with Candidiasis.

Naturally Eliminating Candida

First, consider this list of common signs and symptoms, keeping in mind that it is

not a complete list, and each patient does not show every one. You can use this

list as a checklist of sorts, and if you have many of these signs and symptoms,

read on for the causes and treatment of Candida.

 Persistent fatigue or low energy

 Recurrent vaginitis

 Bladder infections

 Muscle aches or tension

 Abdominal pain, indigestion, or bloating


 Oral thrush

 Feeling hazy or confused at times – “brain fog”

 Food intolerance


 Fungal infections such as athlete’s foot

 Skin rashes such as eczema

 Itching eyes or vision problems

 Sore throats

 Craving sweets or alcohol


 Hayfever or other allergies

Naturally Eliminating Candida

 Joint pain or swelling


 Swelling in the facial area

 Poor memory





 Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Is there any wonder that it can be difficult to pin down Candida Albicans? These

are only a few of the symptoms that can occur at different stages of the

progression of Candidiasis. When doctors consider the signs and symptoms that

are associated with Candida, they may run tests for Crohn’s disease, CFIDS

(chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome), Hypothyroidism,

Hypoadrenalism, Giardia, Celiac sprue, and other chronic conditions. If those

tests don’t produce the answers, some doctors will give up or question the

patient’s honesty—or their sanity!

Candida-Related Complex (CRC) – Diagnosis

Candida-Related complex, or “the yeast syndrome,” is another name for chronic

Candidiasis that has developed as doctors learn more about the illness. The

Naturally Eliminating Candida

overgrowth of yeast is now believed to be the cause of many common medical

problems, as well as some chronic disorders.

It is important to note that standard medical tests cannot truly provide a positive

diagnosis for Candidiasis. While there are tests that can indicate high levels of

yeast in the body or elevated sugar levels, there is no blood or urine test that you

can take that will prove chronic Candida conclusively. This is one reason that it

so often goes undiagnosed.

Instead, Candidiasis is considered a syndrome—a condition that is primarily

diagnosed by taking many factors into consideration and putting the pieces

together. Doctors must take into consideration your signs and symptoms, your

medical history, and other biochemical factors. This can be a complicated puzzle

to put together, since many of the signs and symptoms mimic those of other

medical problems. It becomes even a more complicated circle when you consider

that many of the physical indications are not even “Candida symptoms,” but

symptoms of the hormonal changes or other factors that led to Candida in the

first place!

Many patients find information about the diagnosis and treatment of Candida on

their own after being told that there is no medical reason for their condition.

Instead of receiving a concrete diagnosis from a physician, these patients must

Naturally Eliminating Candida

work the problem in reverse—try the diets and treatments available, and see if

they work. If they do work, then the answer is clear, and there are numerous

examples of such success stories. The good news is that most of the treatments

available are simple, natural, and some of the remedies don’t require a doctor’s

prescription. Keep reading for information about these treatments, as you may

need to take the responsibility for your health into your own hands.

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Chapter 2: What are the Causes of Chronic Candidiasis?

There are many theories as to the origin of Candidiasis, but rather than a single

“cause,” there seems to be a combination of contributing factors. Doctors know

that Candidiasis can occur in people with extremely compromised immune

systems, such as AIDS patients, diabetics, and cancer patients. In addition, there

seems to be a connection with several other conditions that may be the deciding

factor in whether Candida will develop or continue to spread.

Immune weakness

The compromise of the immune system probably plays the biggest role in the

onset of Candidiasis. Doctors know that when the immune system is weak,

women are more likely to get vaginal yeast infections. This could stem from a

variety of factors, the most common being the prolonged use of antibiotics.

Antibiotics, while fighting off infections, allow yeast free reign to grow without

restriction in the body, and the same concept applies to chronic Candidiasis that

affects the intestines and the rest of the body.

Doctors also realize that chronic Candidiasis can occur in people that have

extremely compromised immune systems, such as diabetics and patients of

immune dysfunction disorders. Again, the same concept can apply to people

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whose immune systems are otherwise normal, but have many factors which,

added together, lead to an unhealthy immune system. Many people who report

symptoms of Candidiasis have suffered from a recent illness or have a long

history of use of antibiotics, birth control pills, or steroids—and finally, the body

has had enough. For these people, even though there is no single “big” reason

for Candidiasis to start, there are a lot of smaller reasons that pile up. Eventually,

Candida Albicans can take advantage of the immune system’s weakness at a

particular moment, and the process begins.

Anything that interferes with the body’s normal immune system can lead to the

proliferation of yeast in the body. The following is a partial list of those interfering



 Immune dysfunction disorders

 Cancer treatments


 Repeated or prolonged use of antibiotics

 Prolonged use of prednisone or other steroid medications

 Vitamin/mineral/nutrient deficiencies

 Use of a contraceptive pill for more than 3 years

 Use of immuno-suppresive medications

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 An instance of lead, mercury, or other metal poisoning

 Chemical poisoning from home or workplace substances

 Hormonal changes

 Alcohol use

 Excessive stress

 Thyroid disease

Consider this list, and look back at your checklist of signs and symptoms from

Chapter 1. When reviewed together, it can make it easier to decide whether there

is reasonable belief that Candidiasis is the cause of your health issues. The belief

is that factors like those above (particularly the use of antibiotics) can temporarily

lower the body’s immune system by killing the good bacteria along with the bad

bacteria, allowing Candida Albicans to take hold. Once it has begun, the

symptoms may appear quickly, or slowly over time.

Remember, though, that it is not just the amount of yeast that exists that causes

the problems. When Candidiasis occurs, the yeast is morphed into its fungal,

altered state, which causes more damage and also releases toxins into the body.

These toxins cause more damage, further weaken the immune system, and this

creates a destructive cycle. This cycle confuses the matter, making the yeast not

only the result of a weakened immune system, but also a cause.

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The Chronic Fatigue Connection

There are strong connections between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (previously

known as Epstein-Barr Syndrome) and Candidiasis. These connections become

stronger as more research is conducted, and much of the information overlaps.

First of all, doctors know Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) exists, but no specific

cause is known as a starting point. For years, it too went undiagnosed because of

the range of symptoms, but after a major outbreak in the 1980’s, became

publicized and treated as a “real” disease.

Secondly, many of the signs and symptoms are the same for Chronic Fatigue

Syndrome, as for Candida, such as fatigue and weakness, aching of joints and

muscles, and problems concentrating. Also, CFS often occurs after a bout with a

viral illness, which leaves the immune system weakened, and occurs more often

in patients with a long history of antibiotic use.

In fact, because there are so many similar characteristics between the two, this

leads to the final similarity between the two syndromes—treatment. Some doctors

have begun treatments that worked for Candida on patients that have been

diagnosed with CFS—with much success. There are now many treatments

available for both Candida and CFS that take “the yeast factor” into consideration.

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Chapter 3: Treatment of Candidiasis

When treating chronic Candida, keep in mind the following equation:

“Good” Bacteria

Natural Supplements

The Right Diet

Antifungal Agents


Victory over Candida

Following each part of the treatment equation is the best way to ensure the

success of your battle against Candidiasis. Each piece alone may help a bit, but

if your Candida is truly chronic, you will want to follow the entire regimen to have

complete success.

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Even though many doctors still do not treat Candidiasis in patients with healthy

immune systems, there are numerous success stories of people that have beaten

Candidiasis with the types of treatments listed here. Of course, the best scenario

is that you have found a physician that has ruled out any other major medical

disorders and is ready to begin treatments to combat the Candida. However,

even if this is not yet the case, you can learn from the many people that have had

success treating the disease with a variety of treatments.

Underlying the best of these therapies is the battle against the yeast Candida

itself—so simplicity rules, in both the medicinal and natural treatments. Although

the disease becomes complicated in its growth, it is important to remember that

at its core, Candidiasis stems from an uncomplicated concept, which is the

unnatural growth of a normally harmless substance in the body. Some treatments

require medications prescribed by a physician, but often that just means that the

same medications available over the counter are more effective when they are

used in their stronger (prescription) forms.

Dependence on Antibiotics

When many people think “bacteria,” they automatically think of “infection.” This

might lead them to think that the reduction of bacteria is a good thing. However,

the body needs millions of these microorganisms in order to maintain a healthy

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body. Particularly in the digestive system, bacteria are necessary to perform

many functions necessary for digestion.

Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to fight off the bacteria caused by an infection,

and this is effective if it doesn’t appear the body can do it on its own. However,

while killing the harmful bacteria that cause an infection, antibiotics also kill the

“good” bacteria in the body that prevents yeast from proliferating. Many women

who take antibiotics for an infection know this personally, as a vaginal yeast

infection is likely to occur soon after beginning an antibiotic treatment.

Many doctors over-prescribe antibiotics to their patients, without waiting to see if

a healthy body can fight off the infection naturally. Many people find that their

bodies’ bacteria have become immune to certain strains of antibiotics. To make

up for this, doctors prescribe different types of antibiotics, and even put their

patients on regimens of regular antibiotic use. The widespread use of antibiotics

to treat ordinary problems started in the 1980’s, so it is only recently that doctors

and scientists have begun to get long-term results from scientific studies on this


It has become obvious, however, that repeated and long-term use of broad-

spectrum antibiotics has a negative effect on the body in many ways, including

the increase of resistant strains of disease and the overgrowth of yeast in the

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system. In the same way that a single treatment of antibiotics can cause a

vaginal yeast infection, repeated or prolonged use of antibiotics can cause that

yeast growth to become even worse, and to spread to the intestines and result in

systemic degeneration.

Use of Probiotics

When prolonged or continued use of antibiotics is considered to be a factor in the

onset of Candidiasis, use of probiotics can be a part of an effective treatment

regimen. Probiotics are strains of live bacteria that are given to patients to regain

those “good” bacteria that prevent the overgrowth of yeast. It is important for the

body to contain “good” bacteria to ensure the best condition of the intestinal tract

and the immune system.

There are many products that are considered probiotics, often in the form of a

freeze-dried capsule, or in powder form. These supplements usually contain a

strain of Lactobacilli, Bifobacterium, and/or Acidophilus. These are

microorganisms that exist in the digestive tract of healthy people, and it is often

these bacteria that have been depleted by the use of antibiotics. Probiotics also

exist in foods such as yogurt, as long as the yogurt is made with live, active


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In addition to probiotics, some doctors who treat Candidiasis will supplement with

prebiotics, such as FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides). These are simple

carbohydrates that stimulate the growth of bacteria that already exist in the body.

Used together—and used in conjunction with other types of treatment, such as

diet and antifungal agents—probiotics and prebiotics can help return the

intestinal tract to its normal state.

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Chapter 4: Treating Candida Naturally

In its normal state, the yeast Candida lives in harmony with the other flora of the

human body, both in the intestinal tract and elsewhere. It is generally only when

there is some disruption in the normal healthy flow that Candida becomes a

problem. Of course, it can be something simple like hormonal changes or an

illness that causes this break in the flow, but once the damage has been done it

can continue to spread through the system.

Keeping this in mind, the goal of any Candidiasis treatment regimen is not

complicated—it is to return the body to its normal state, where yeast exists, but in

its healthy form and in healthy numbers. That is why natural treatments for

Candida are popular and effective. The goal is simple, so many of the treatments

are easy to manage and don’t require special medical equipment. Through the

use of supplements, vitamins and other natural products, dietary changes, and

agents that fight fungi, it is possible to return the body to harmony.

Of course, an underlying goal is to ensure that, once controlled, Candidiasis does

not return. Many of the changes that are brought about by the various treatment

options will also be helpful in preventing future overgrowths of yeast and other

imbalances in the body. It will be important to keep this in mind, since sometimes

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the causes, symptoms, and results of Candidiasis overlap. “Which came first?”

can be an important question to consider, and it’s not always as easy as it may

seem to answer. It is important to keep this in mind during and after any

treatments—especially the ones that work for you!

This chapter contains information about several different types of supplements

that are widely available to treat Candida. These are generally available without a

prescription, in health food stores and from nutritional web sites. There are many

sources of these items out there, but make sure that you buy a high quality

product that contains the suggested amounts of each ingredient. When

purchasing vitamins and other supplements, you also want to be very careful that

the ones you find do not include ingredients (such as sugar and yeast) that are

prohibited in the Candida diet, which is the topic of Chapter 5.

High quality multivitamin and mineral supplements

In addition to the use of probiotics and/or prebiotics, it is recommended that

Candida patients take additional vitamin and mineral supplements. Replenishing

the body’s normal bacteria and other microorganisms with probiotics is beneficial,

because it will help control the yeast, but this is usually not enough. Sometimes

these nutrients are necessary because it was a lack of them that originally

contributed to the onset of the Candidiasis. Sometimes, too, these vitamins and

minerals are helpful in treating the symptoms caused by the presence of excess

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yeast in the body. In other cases, the vitamins and minerals should be added to

the diet to combat the damage that has already been done by Candida.

For example, for those who have suffered from Leaky Gut Syndrome as a result

of Candida, there is a great deal of healing that needs to take place in the

membranes of the intestines. Additional nutrients such as Glutamine are

necessary to make sure that this takes place. After getting rid of the yeast

overgrowth, you don’t want to continue to suffer from the pain caused by this


The vitamins and nutrients that are usually suggested as part of Candidiasis

treatment are:

• Vitamin A (as retinol and beta carotene)

• Vitamin C

• Selenium

• Zinc

• Vitamin E

• Iron

• Essential fatty acids

• Glutamine

• A high potency daily multivitamin

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Of course, many of these vitamins, minerals, and nutrients will be part of a

healthy diet, especially if you’ve changed your diet to one that will help combat

the Candida. However, you’ll still need supplements, because it will be necessary

to get greater amounts of the vitamins and minerals than are available in the food

you eat. You will also see that the diet you’ll need to follow to produce the best

results will restrict you (at least initially) from eating many of the foods that you

could otherwise use as a source of specific nutrients. In addition, a body that has

been damaged by Candidiasis is in no condition to produce all of the healthy

materials required to rebuild the body to health.


Antioxidants are beginning to become widely known as beneficial in a number of

areas that contribute to good health, even for people who are already healthy.

For people who suffer from Candidiasis, they are often suggested as an addition

to a recovery and maintenance program.

Antioxidants are molecules that inactivate toxins, or free radicals, in the body.

Free radicals are overly reactive, unbalanced bodily molecules that, once

activated, can set off a chain reaction of damage in the system. In fact, some of

the same environmental factors that contribute to the growth of Candida in the

body also pose a risk for the growth of free radicals. Antioxidants can also help

heal any organ damage that has been done to the body by Candidiasis.

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Antioxidants are available in supplements that are widely available at health

food stores, and certain foods are also high in antioxidants. These include

berries, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pomegranate, and ginger.

Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil is often used in treatment of Candida, because it is a source of

essential fatty acids. These essential fatty acids are another important

supplement to a healthy Candida-fighting diet. They are rich in omega-3 and

omega 6 compounds, which have rich antifungal properties. There are other oils

besides flaxseed oil that are similar in content, including evening primrose oil,

borage and black currant seed oils. Recent research also suggests that other

ingredients in flaxseed oil are also healthy for the immune system, and it is being

used in the treatment of lupus and other autoimmune diseases.

There are a couple of reasons that essential fatty acids are used in the treatment

of Candidiasis. First, they act as antifungal agents in the body, which combats

the growth of yeast. Secondly, essential fatty oils such as flaxseed oil are helpful

in the repair of Leaky Gut Syndrome. Tests have shown that the ingestion of

these oils makes the intestine less porous, which stops those undigested bits of

food from passing through the intestine and prohibiting these toxins from entering

the bloodstream. This can begin the healing of your digestive tract from the

damage caused by the rhizoids (“legs”) in the fungal form of Candida.

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Vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and flaxseed oil are some of the major

elements that are available as supplements in the treatment of Candidiasis.

There are others, of course, and many different options are now being

researched to observe their effectiveness. Some of these elements are used to

stop the growth of yeast, while others are good for healing the damage that has

been caused to the body up until the point that treatment begins. Still others

should be used both during and after healing has begun, to counteract the

original causes of Candidiasis and make sure that it doesn’t return.

Since the supplemental products listed here are not prescription medications,

they will almost certainly not be covered by health insurance. They can get a bit

pricey, too, but the worst thing you can do is to begin the regimen and then quit

before it really starts to work. One of the most important things to remember

when treating Candidiasis is to be patient. Healing of Candidiasis does not

happen overnight, and the yeast Candida is extremely strong, versatile, and often

does not want to leave your body without a fight.

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Chapter 5: Candida and your diet

Supplements such as vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids, and

antioxidants can all be helpful in the treatment of Candidiasis. However, one of

the most fundamental ways to conquer Candida is through a diet that is made to

combat the proliferation of yeast in the body. Changing your diet is your biggest

weapon against Candidiasis, so it is truly stressed as a way to change your life

for the better.

The foods that you eat definitely have an impact on your digestive system, and in

the case of Candida, also on the rest of your body. By avoiding foods with

ingredients that promote the growth of yeast, and adding foods in your diet that

combat the yeast and your physical symptoms, you will start to see a change in

your system.

How changing your diet can help and why

The purpose of the Candida diet is to “starve” the yeast in your system, causing

them to die out. This process is known as “die off.” Unfortunately, this often

means that your problems will temporarily get worse before they get better. When

you start the process of starving Candidiasis, the yeast will do everything it can to

try to survive. After all, it’s had free reign of your body for a while now, and it

won’t leave without a fight. The worst thing you can do is quit your diet and

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supplements during this time! Even if the feeling is unpleasant, you’ll know your

actions are starting to take effect.

Many people whose systems are in the “die off” process report flu-like symptoms.

Some of these symptoms might include:

• Nausea

• Irritability

• Headaches

• Gas

• Loss of energy

• Craving sugar

• Blurred vision

Because these symptoms may be similar to the ones you are experiencing from

Candidiasis, it may seem like the disease is getting worse instead of better. But

this is actually a good sign. These symptoms may last a few days, or a few

weeks, depending on how much the Candida has spread throughout your


You can compare the “die off” phase of recovery to the muscle pain brought on

by a new exercise program—it may be uncomfortable for a while, but you’ll know

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you are doing something that will be good for your body in the long run. And

speaking of exercise, the symptoms brought on by “die off” can be relieved by

engaging in exercise and drinking plenty of water. Stick to the following diet, and

hang in there!

Foods to avoid

Remember, the primary purpose of following a Candida-combative diet is to kill

off the yeast that are in the body, and create an environment to which they are

unlikely to return. So anything that “feeds” the yeast, or promotes fungal growth

in any way, will need to be eliminated from your diet. After “die off” has been

successful, some of these foods can be added back to your diet slowly. However,

particularly if your case of Candidiasis is chronic, it is not a good idea to “sort of”

follow the diet, especially in the very beginning.

Following is a list of foods that you should avoid, and why:

• Sugar*, in all of its forms. Candida loves sugar, and the more it gets, the
more it grows. This includes white refined sugar, brown sugar, molasses,
honey, maple, corn, and rice syrups. Check packages for the term’s
sucrose, fructose, lactose, glucose, glycogen, galactose,
monosaccharides, and polysaccharides, and stay away from these.

• Yeast products*. You are trying to kill off yeast in your body, so you
should avoid eating it. This includes bread, buns, pizza, breadcrumbs,

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crackers, pastries, bagels, muffins, gravy, and marmite. Check packages,

and avoid brewer’s yeast, baker’s yeast, and Torula.

• Refined grains. These foods contain gluten, which you want to avoid.
They also are high in carbohydrates, which are converted to sugar during
the process of digestion. Avoid cakes, biscuits, wheat bread, rye bread,
barley, prepared breakfast cereals, and pasta.

• Fruit*. Fruit contains large amounts of sugar, which is yeast’s favorite

food. This includes fresh, frozen, canned and dried fruit and fruit juice, and
particularly melons (which often contain mold).

• Vinegar, all types*. This includes white, apple cider vinegar, balsamic,
and red wine vinegar. Vinegar is made with a form of yeast. Avoid foods
that contain vinegar, such as mayonnaise, salad dressing, ketchup,
Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, mustard, pickled vegetables, green
olives, relishes, and barbecue sauce.

• Cured and smoked products. These processed foods contain unhealthy

nitrates, which contribute to the growth of yeast. These include bacon and
other cured meats, kippers, pastrami, bologna, sausages, and smoked

• Mushrooms. Mushrooms are fungi, which like yeast, should be eliminated

from the diet. This includes all types of mushrooms.

• Peanuts and peanut products*. Peanuts have a high mold content, and
should be avoided. This includes foods made with peanut oil, peanut
butter, and also includes pistachios.

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Naturally Eliminating Candida

• Alcohol*. Alcoholic beverages include high quantities of fermented

substances and sugar, which should also be eliminated. This includes
wine, beer, liquor, and other spirits.

• Coffee and tea*. These products are acidic, strips the body of calcium,
and put stress on the kidneys. This includes decaffeinated coffee, instant
coffee, all types of black tea, and root beer as well.

• Most dairy products. These contain lactose, and (except for plain yogurt
and butter) should be avoided at least until you see an improvement in
your symptoms.

• Aged and processed cheeses*. These also contain mold, and include
cheeses like Roquefort, bleu cheese, and processed cheeses such as
processed American, bottled cheeses, and cream cheese.

• Processed and Fast Foods*. These products usually contain yeast,

artificial colors and flavors, chemicals and preservatives, and sugar.

In addition, avoid eating leftovers of any food, since even in the refrigerator,

foods begin to grow mold within hours. It is best to prepare fresh food for each

meal, or to put excess food in the freezer if you would like to save food for the

following day.

It may seem like you will need to cut out a lot, and it’s true that it is a big change

for many people. Particularly in the beginning, though, it is important to do

everything you can to cut out (not just cut back) on the worst of the offending

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foods that are feeding the yeast in your body. Remember, too, that some of these

can be added back gradually after the amount of Candida in your system is under

control. The items marked above with an asterisk (*) are the ones that should be

avoided long-term, while you can eat the others in small amounts after you have

seen and felt the results of the diet for a couple of weeks. It also, of course,

depends on the severity of the Candidiasis at the time you begin the diet and

other treatments.

Because of the popularity of the Atkins diet and other low- to no-carbohydrate

diets these days, you can easily find foods that are perfect for the anti-Candida

diet as well. Low carbohydrate diets prohibit sugar, breads, and pasta, like the

diet that will help the die-off of Candida to begin. There are now alternatives to

bread and pasta that can be found in a grocery store or a health food store.

Foods to eat

When you look at a list like the one above, it may seem like there is nothing left to

eat! That’s not true—there are plenty of foods that are not out of your life forever.

There are lots of “neutral” foods that won’t bring about the growth of yeast or

aggravate the symptoms of Candidiasis. In addition to these foods, there are

some foods that should be stressed—and specifically acquired—in the anti-

Candida diet. These foods contain ingredients that cause a positive reaction in

your body, or a negative reaction to yeast.

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Naturally Eliminating Candida

For example, foods that contain or are cooked in flaxseed oil or other essential

oils would be a good addition to this diet, for the same reasons that the antifungal

flaxseed oil supplement is helpful. Similarly, plain yogurt acts as a natural

probiotics, and foods that are high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C are good for you,

as long as they aren’t on the list of prohibited foods. Any time you can use food

as a natural agent to fight the yeast, this will be a great counterpart to any pills or

powders you are taking with the same ingredients.

Foods that are allowed on the anti-Candida diet include:

• Vegetables and legumes. These include asparagus, beans, broccoli,

garlic, lettuce, onions, soybeans, spinach, carrots, beets, celery,
cauliflower, okra, and artichokes. These should be prepared fresh for each
meal, if possible.

• Cold-pressed oils. If you can cook or include these oils as ingredients for
your meals, you can count on their antifungal powers in the diet. These
include flaxseed oil, olive oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil. Remember
that peanut oil, or any blend that includes peanut oil, is not allowed.

• Meats. As long as they are not processed or cured, these include beef,
veal, chicken, turkey, lamb, and venison. These should always be
antibiotic and hormone free.

• Fish and shellfish. Trout, salmon, halibut, tuna, shrimp, and crab are fine,
unless you have an allergy. The oilier the fish is, the better, because these
have antifungal properties in the body.

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Naturally Eliminating Candida

• Nuts. It is fine (and beneficial) to eat almonds, Brazil nuts, Macadamia

nuts, pecans, and walnuts. Remember, though, to stay away from

• Butter and butter products. Although most dairy products should be

avoided, butter is fine as part of your anti-Candida diet.

• Eggs. These are fine on your diet, and include chicken, goose, pheasant,
and other eggs.

• Beverages. In place of coffee or black tea, choose water, fresh vegetable

juice, lemon water, or Pau D’Arco, peppermint, or red clover tea.

Again, it can’t be stressed enough that in order to see results from the diet; you

need to be willing to make the commitment to cut the “bad” foods from your

everyday life. There are alternative foods available, and they are usually the

foods you should have been eating for a healthy lifestyle anyway. Many

Candidiasis patients find that the results from their diet go well beyond

eliminating yeast from their bodies. Their metabolism is improved, and many

people who previously tried “diets” for weight loss find that this regimen serves a

dual purpose.

Starving the yeast in your body is smart, but remember that your body naturally

includes glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream, so there will always be something

there for the Candida to feed off of to some extent. You’ll want to take action

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through supplements and effective foods so that the normal presence of yeast in

your body doesn’t become a problem.


To get an idea of how to follow this regimen daily, here are a couple of recipes for

meals you can prepare that “follow the rules,” and even include ingredients that

fight the yeast in the body.

Halibut with Tomatoes and Dill

Yields: 4 servings

• 1 pound (about 3 cups) cherry tomatoes, cut into halves
• 1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions
• 2 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
• 2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill or 1/2 teaspoon dry dill weed
• 2 teaspoons olive oil
• 2 tablespoons water
• 1 1/2 pounds halibut fillets or steaks (or rockfish or cod fillets)
• 2 tablespoons lemon juice
• Dill sprigs (optional)

Arrange tomatoes, cut side up, in a 9- by 13-inch baking pan. In a small bowl, mix
onions, garlic, chopped dill, oil, and water. Distribute onion mixture over
tomatoes. Bake on top rack of a 425-degree F oven for 25 minutes.

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Naturally Eliminating Candida

Rinse fish and pat dry; then cut into 4 equal pieces, if necessary. Place fish in a
baking pan large enough to hold pieces in a single layer. Drizzle with lemon juice,
cover, and place in oven, setting pan on bottom oven rack.

Continue to bake fish and tomatoes until tomatoes are lightly browned on top and
fish is just opaque but still moist in thickest part; cut to test (8 to 10 minutes).

Transfer fish to a platter. Add fish cooking juices to tomato mixture and stir well;
spoon over fish. Garnish with dill sprigs, if desired.

Oven Roasted Vegetables

Yields: 4 servings

• 2 zucchini
• 1 red pepper, deseeded
• 1 green pepper, deseeded
• 2 medium red onions
• 6-8 cloves of garlic still in their skins
• Fresh herbs like thyme and rosemary
• 2 tbsp olive oil

Preheat the oven to 375f.

Chop the vegetables, except the garlic into 1 inch size pieces. Place the
vegetables on a baking tray and scatter over the garlic cloves. Drizzle with the
olive oil, add the fresh herbs and mix well to coat everything with the oil.

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Ensure the vegetables fit in the tray in one layer and place into the preheated
oven. Cook for 30 - 35mins, turning occasionally, or until nicely roasted.

Oven roasted pork loins

Yields: 2 servings


• 2 pork loin steaks

• 1 medium red onion
• 2 tsp italian dried herbs
• 1 tbsp Olive oil

Preheat the oven to 365f.

Peel the onion, cut in half and slice. Layer the onion in two rows on the bottom of
a baking pan.

Mix the Italian herbs with the olive oil and brush over the pork loins. Sit the pork
loins on top of the onions. Drizzle with a little more olive oil. Cook for 30 - 35
minutes until the meat is cooked through. Serve with steamed vegetables

Cauliflower Soup
Yields: 2 – 3 servings


• 1/2 Cauliflower chopped

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• 1 onion finely chopped

• 1 carrot finely chopped
• 2 sticks celery chopped
• 1 crushed garlic clove
• fresh or dried herbs of your choice
• 1 cup of water or organic chicken broth
• 1 tbsp. olive oil

Heat the oil in a pan and cook the onion over a medium heat until softened.
Add the crushed garlic and cook for another minute. Add the remaining vegetable
cook for another 3 minutes or so. Add the water and herbs. Bring to the boil and
cook until the vegetables have softened.

If you like it chunky serve as is or blend for smooth soup. Serve with a little
drizzle of olive oil and some black pepper to taste.

Italian Minced Beef

Yields: 2 servings


• 1 lb. lean ground beef

• 2-3 garlic cloves crushed
• 1 medium onion diced
• 1 small green cabbage chopped
• 1 can chopped organic tomatoes
• 1/2 small red chili (optional) finely chopped

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• 2 tsp. mixed herbs

• Olive oil for browning

Add the onions, garlic and ground beef to pan and cook over a medium heat for
10 minutes until the meat is browned and the onions are soft. Stir in the mixed
herbs and cook for another minute. Add the chopped cabbage and cook with the
lid on for 2 - 5 minutes depending on how soft you like your cabbage.

Add the chili (if using) and the can of chopped tomatoes, stir in and heat well.
For seasoning add some ground black pepper and a pinch of sea salt.

No-Mayo Coleslaw

Yields: 4 servings as a side dish


• 2 cups cabbage (1 cup green, 1 cup red cabbage) shredded

• 1 medium grated carrot
• ½ green pepper chopped
• ½ stick celery chopped
• 5 tbsp live bio yogurt
• 1 tps lemon juice
• ¼ tsp fresh dill weed

Place all the vegetables into a mixing bowl and stir well. Spoon over the live bio
yogurt, add the lemon juice and the dill, toss well to coat all the vegetables. Add a
pinch of sea salt and black pepper to taste

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Naturally Eliminating Candida

Plain Omelet

Yields: 1 servings


• 2 - 3 fresh organic eggs

• 1/2 tsp. butter
• 1/2 oil
• Chopped chives (optional)

Break the eggs into a bowl and light mix with a fork adding the chives if using.
Add the butter and oil to an omelet pan and heat on high. When the butter and oil
are hot swirl round the pan to coat the base and sides.

Pour in the egg mixture, ensuring you get an even layer of egg, leave on the heat
until the mixture starts to bubble at the edge. Using a spoon tilt the pan and draw
the mixture towards you - repeat in the opposite direction until the egg starts to
firm up. Now start to fold the egg into the omelet shape and serve.

Coconut “Ice Cream”

Yields: 6 servings

• 100gms of creamed coconut (half a block)

• 2/3 tablespoons boiling water

• 3 tablespoons plain yogurt

• 2 tablespoons soy milk

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Naturally Eliminating Candida

First, put the coconut block into a bowl and break it up with a fork. Add the boiling
water one spoon at a time, mixing well with the fork between each spoonful. Stir
in the yogurt and soy milk, and keep mixing until it is creamy, with no lumps.

Pour the mixture into an ice cube tray (makes approx. 12 cubes) and freeze.
When done, they are very solid and can be eaten on a stick. However, to eat with
a spoon as a dessert, take it out of the freezer 1/2-1 hour before it is needed.

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Chapter 6: Anti Yeast Agents

The final step in fighting your Candidiasis is to include antifungal agents as part

of your treatment. The best scenario is that you have found a doctor who is

willing to treat the Candida seriously, and is prepared, if necessary, to include

prescription medications in your treatment. In many cases, natural products can

be as effective as prescriptions, however, so this is a decision that you and your

doctor should make together.

Prescription Medications

Anti-yeast, or antifungal, agents are administered to sufferers of Candida in a

variety of ways. There are systemic treatments, which usually means that the

patient takes a pill or a capsule to get the antifungal agent directly into the

bloodstream. Occasionally, these are even given in the form of injections, but a

daily oral regimen is usually the preferred method. Beginning antifungal

medication will often begin the uncomfortable “die off” process, so it is not a good

idea to bring this on too quickly.

Sometimes, antifungal agents are also prescribed as topical treatments, which

means that they are applied to the skin. These are usually prescribed if, for some

reason, the patient’s stomach is not able to handle or absorb a pill or powder

form of the drug. They might also be given in addition to a systemic treatment, if

there are skin lesions resulting from the Candidiasis, which some patients count

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among their ailments. These might be in the form of a cream, a lozenge that

dissolves on the skin, or as a liquid wash.

Over the past several years, doctors and scientists have been working on the

best drugs to treat yeast in the body, and to find medications that yeast will not

become resistant to. Because of this, there are a number of medications that

doctors now prescribe to fight Candida. Here are a few of the possible

medications that your doctor might prescribe to fight off the fungal form of

Candida Albicans in your body:

• Nystatin: This is the first, and perhaps most widely used prescription drug
to fight fungus in the body. It is available in the form of pills, powder, and
liquid. It has few intestinal side effects, but patients complain about its bad
taste. Additionally, Nystatin has been used for so many years that some
strains of yeast have become resistant to the drug.

• Amphotericin: This medication is similar to Nystatin in chemical structure,

so it has a similar effect on the body. It is often prescribed if a treatment
with Nystatin is not effective, leading a doctor to believe that the patient’s
yeast is resistant to Nystatin. Amphotericin is, however, quite a bit more
expensive than its sister drug.

• Diflucan: This medication is a more recently developed drug, and is

absorbed by the intestines in its use. It belongs to the “azole” family of
medications, which describes the chemical makeup of the drug. Again,

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Diflucan may be used if treatments with the more traditional medications

haven’t proven effective.

• Sporanox: This drug is similar in chemical makeup and results to

Diflucan. Doctors sometimes need to experiment with the two of them to
see which one works best for the specific species of yeast of each patient.

• Nizoral: This is also an effective antifungal medication, if other

medications haven’t produced good results. The reason Nizoral is a last
resort is because it can cause liver damage in some patients, so anyone
who takes this medicine will have to undergo regular liver enzyme blood

• Lamisil: This is the newest prescription drug treatment available, and is

still widely used. However, there are still a number of tests being run on
Lamisil to ensure its safety. Preliminary reports claim a possible link to
heart failure and liver damage.

There are also many other antifungal medications available. With your doctor’s

advice, it is your decision whether to take prescription medications for your

Candidiasis, as well as which medication to take. Remember, though, that taking

antifungal agents is a step you don’t want to ignore when treating your

Candidiasis, whether you choose to take a prescription medicine or not.

Natural Anti-yeast Agents

There are also a number of non-prescription, natural antifungal agents that are

widely available. You can find these at health-food stores, and many can also be

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found on the Internet through various sites. When purchasing these natural

agents, be sure and get the advice of a doctor or other professional to check on

the recommended dosages of each, and whether or not you should be taking

more than one. Though many of them are actually food items, it may be a better

idea to purchase the stronger versions that can be found in powder or tablet


Many companies that sell natural products and herbal remedies will sell “package

deal” products, which include certain amounts of the various types of antifungal

agents. Make sure that these are formulated specifically for patients who suffer

from yeast overgrowth, and that they don’t include any ingredients (such as

sugar) that will undo the work you are doing by following an anti-Candida diet.

Following is a list of natural products that are useful as antifungal agents. Many

patients, and even medical journals, report that they find these just as helpful as

the prescription medications that are given by doctors.

• Berberine: This is a plant alkaloid that is found in the roots of several

plants, including barberry, goldenseal, oregon grape root, Tree Turmeric,
and Yerba mansa. It has strong antifungal properties, and one of its best
features is that it spares Lactobacilli, the “good” bacteria that reside in the

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• Saturated fatty acids: These acids are naturally found in the human
body, and you can supplement these with products found in palm oil,
coconut oil, and castor bean oil. Saturated fatty acids have been used for
years as treatments for fungal skin infections, and have never been shown
to have negative side effects.

• Oregano: Rather than using your household herbs as your source of

oregano, you’ll want to seek out the more concentrated form, and also
make sure and look for the term Oregano vulgare, which is not the kind
usually used in cooking. This is typically found in oil form, and only a small
amount (a few drops) is necessary as part of a daily treatment plan.

• Garlic: You’ve probably heard that garlic has powerful healthful benefits in
many areas, and in fact has been used for hundreds of years. In the case
of Candidiasis, garlic includes several antifungal compounds that combat
yeast. In addition to the many forms that you can find—liquids, pills,
powders, etc., this is one of the food items that can also be beneficial if
eaten regularly.

• Colloidal silver: Colloidal silver is used in water filters to combat many

harmful materials, among them yeast and fungi. Before the use of
prescription antibiotics, it was also used to treat infections. Some
practitioners still use colloidal silver as an alternative to prescription
antibiotics, particularly because the agents that it contains do not easily
become resistant to bacteria over time.

• Cellulase: This is made from an enzyme that damages the cell wall of the
yeast Candida. By doing permanent damage to the yeast itself, Candida
Albicans is not able to spread throughout the intestines. Because it works

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differently than other antifungals, many patients report that their “die off”
symptoms are lessened with the use of cellulase. This is a new strategy
for antifungal agents, and products containing this are among the newest
on the market to treat Candida.

• Plant tannins: Found in plants such as black walnut and also in tree
bark, plant tannins are a first-rate antifungal treatment. These can be
found in various forms in health food stores.

• Grapefruit seed extract: Grapefruit and other citrus seed extracts have
been shown to have antifungal properties, primarily by discouraging the
growth of yeast in the intestinal tract.

• Olive leaf extract: This is one of the newer products that prove lethal to
the yeast Candida. It is similar in function to colloidal silver.

• Pau d’Arco: Found in the bark of a tree, Pau d’Arco is an herb which has
been used in traditional South American medicine for many years. It has
gotten more press in the past few years for its use in cancer treatment,
and has also been shown to combat yeast. It can be found as an
ingredient in a tea-like brew, and this is probably the best use of the herb.
You may be able to find it in more concentrated forms, but it should be
noted that extremely high doses of the herb can make you sick.

You can find these substances separately, or you may see that there are

homeopathic pre-mixed versions available. Be careful when beginning the

treatments, however, and start with lower doses of the mixtures and build little by

little. The primary down side to getting everything at once is that the “die-off”

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symptoms may be more uncomfortable if the yeast dies out too quickly for the

body to adjust. Flu-like symptoms may be quite strong if you kill the yeast too

quickly, and you may be inclined to discontinue your treatment plan.

Anti yeast therapy

The solution lies in a complete treatment of Candida. All of the factors added

together are considered anti-yeast therapy, and bring you back to the original

equation for conquering Candidiasis.

“Good” Bacteria

Natural Supplements

The Right Diet

Antifungal Agents


Victory over Candida

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This equation really equals anti-yeast therapy, which means that it takes more

than one action to complete the process. Remember that the goal of the

treatment plan is to rid your body of the yeast that caused your problems in the

first place, and not to leave your body susceptible to the return of the yeast

Candida. What you will see and feel, however, is an alleviation of the symptoms,

so you’ll know if your efforts have been successful over time. For some, the

results come fairly quickly, while for others, they are more hard-won.

Anti-yeast therapy is also used in the treatment of other disorders besides

Candidiasis, including autism and chronic fatigue syndrome. You will find that

there are growing numbers of people involved in support groups for patients who

are completing the steps of anti-yeast therapy. These are particularly prevalent

on the Internet, but these may also lead you to group meetings in your area. By

becoming active in these groups, or just listening and reading carefully, it may

help you weed through much of the information that is out there, some of it


By reaching out to others that are attempting to get relief from their medical

problems by the elimination of yeast, you can also rest assured that there are

others out there who may suffer from the same symptoms as yourself. You may

also find links to resources such as doctors who are specialists in treating

Candidiasis, or nutritionists who can help you with the more tricky parts of an

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anti-yeast therapy program. Many people will be available to offer you warning

signs, recipes, and moral and emotional support.

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Chapter 7: Conclusion
Candida, otherwise known as Candidiasis, Candida Albicans, chronic Candida,

and systemic Candidiasis, among other names, has emerged as the source of

medical maladies for a number of people, and finally there is sufficient

information for people to follow to get relief. By now, you have read a great deal

of information about Candida, so let’s go over some of the most important things

for you to remember as you consider treatment to help you conquer this



Chapter 1 Summary: Overview of Chronic Candidiasis

• Candidiasis is caused by an overgrowth of the yeast Candida in the body.

Candida, a yeast normally present in the body’s membranes, may, under
certain conditions multiply and change its form, and in some cases may
cause painful and damaging symptoms throughout the body.

• The signs and symptoms of Candidiasis often are diverse and may seem
unrelated, so it is often missed or misdiagnosed as something else. In
addition, some doctors don’t consider a diagnosis of Candida in a “normal”
patient without a severe history of immune system failure.

• The signs and symptoms of Candidiasis range from skin conditions and
vision problems to irritable bowel and mental impairment. Doctors must
consider all factors together to diagnose Candidiasis as a syndrome.

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Chapter 2 Summary: What are the Causes of Chronic Candidiasis?

• It is well known in the medical community that Candidiasis can arise in

patients with severely compromised immune systems. In addition, people
with “normal” immune systems can develop Candida when they have a
number of contributing factors that have damaged their immune systems.

• By comparing your list of symptoms against a list of risk factors, you can
get a reasonable idea of whether Candidiasis is the source of many of
your medical problems.

• There is a strong connection between Candidiasis and Chronic Fatigue

Syndrome, including history, signs and symptoms, risk factors, and

Chapter 3 Summary: Treatment of Candidiasis

• There are four parts to a Candida treatment plan: replenishing “good”

bacteria, taking high-quality vitamin and mineral supplements, eating the
right foods, and utilizing antifungal agents.

• The prolonged and/or repeated use of antibiotics is a major risk factor in

developing Candidiasis. Because they kill off the necessary “good”
bacteria in the body, they allow the yeast in the body to distort and spread
into the intestines and bloodstream.

• One important part of a treatment plan is to introduce additional “good”

bacteria into the body through use of probiotics.

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Chapter 4 Summary: Treating Candida Naturally

• Another part of a regimen to conquer Candidiasis is taking multivitamin

and mineral supplements. These are necessary to repair some of the
damage that has been done to the body by Candida, as well as to prepare
the system for the healing process.

• Antioxidants are substances that inactivate harmful free radicals in the

body. They, too, should be part of a treatment plan against Candida.

• Essential fatty acids are an important natural supplement when fighting

Candida. They have strong antifungal properties and can be found in
substances like flaxseed oil.

Chapter 5 Summary: Candida and your diet

• Changing your diet may be your single biggest weapon when fighting off
Candidiasis. Your diet should be one that does not promote the growth of
yeast in the body, and—when possible—even takes part in killing them off.

• Starving and killing the yeast in your body can cause a condition known as
“die off.” Many people suffer from uncomfortable, flu-like symptoms during
this time, until their bodies adjust to the removal of yeast from the body.

• There are many foods that you should avoid when changing to an anti-
Candida diet. These primarily include yeast products and foods, such as
sugar and processed foods that “feed” the yeast and help it to proliferate in
the system.

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• There are also numerous “safe” foods in an anti-Candida diet that do not
promote the growth of yeast. These are generally sugar-free, yeast-free,
and prepared fresh for each meal.

• In addition to being “safe,” some foods contain ingredients with antifungal

properties, so these should be added to the diet whenever possible.

Chapter 6 Summary: Anti Yeast Agents

• The final step in fighting Candidiasis is introducing anti-yeast agents to the

system. These are supplements, either taken as a pill or applied to the
skin, that fight yeast in the body.

• There are a number of prescription antifungal medications available. Your

doctor may need to experiment with one or more to decide on the best
medication for the species of yeast that exists in your system.

• There are also antifungal products that are natural, and are available
without a prescription. Some people report that these are as effective as
the prescription medications, and in many cases include natural
ingredients that have been used in alternative medicines for many years.

• When taking any supplement or natural product that you purchase without
the aid of a doctor, make sure that they are made without the ingredients
prohibited in your anti-Candida diet.

• For additional resources and help with Candidiasis questions, seek out a
support group or community group. This can help you feel connected to

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people who are in the same situation as you, while providing you with the
important information you need.

Final Comments

If you are experiencing a wide range of debilitating symptoms, Candida could be

the source of your discomfort, pain, and even confusion. If you can work with a

medical professional to get to the source of these problems, this is certainly your

best plan of action. However, due to the fact that Candida is misunderstood and

often misdiagnosed, you may also need to consider the masses of information

and treatments that others in your situation have experienced.

Treating Candida on your own can be tricky, and it will certainly take patience

and persistence—but it is possible, especially if you catch it in the earlier stages.

Do consider making an attempt to search out a doctor to aid you in your

treatment, especially since there are other medical possibilities for your

problems, and some of the therapies to combat Candida require prescription

medications. Don’t let anyone tell you that your symptoms aren’t real—you do

have a chance at living a healthy, comfortable life with a body free of toxins and


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Naturally Eliminating Candida

Medical disclaimer

This book contains information on a medical topic; however, no warranty

whatsoever is made that the medical information is accurate. There is absolutely
no assurance by the author that any statement contained in a topic touching on
medical matters is true, correct or precise. This book may have been written, in
part or in whole, by non-medical personnel. Even if a statement made about
medicine is accurate, it may not apply to you or your symptoms. The medical
information provided is, at best, of a general nature and cannot substitute for the
advice of a medical professional (for instance, a qualified doctor/physician,
nurse, pharmacist/chemist, and so on).

None of the individual contributors, system operators, developers, sponsors of

this book nor anyone else connected to this site can take any responsibility for
the results or consequences of any attempt to use or adopt any of the information
presented on this web site. Nothing in this book should be construed as an
attempt to offer or render a medical opinion or otherwise engage in the practice
of medicine.

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