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Mindset: These are all a Moral Obligation upon me.

Allah is #1.
Voluntarily Face Your Demons

Put the hours in when the motivation to put them in has left you

If you want to have financial freedom you have to have financial discipline , same thing with free
time. You have to have a more disciplined time management schedule.

You have to say NO to the things that don’t move you forward. IE PROCRASTINATE

For Instance you would think that sleeping in is a form of freedom you don’t have to do anything at
that time but the reality is you don’t get things done. You HAVE to wake up early the NEXT DAY to
get the things needed to be done the day earlier.

Some people not cut out for it. The guys who looked and acted tough, quit.

The discipline factor doesn't bring ANY MENTAL SUFFERING OR PAIN and if you still
think it does, then you obviously don't understand why discipline gives you freedom. You
might have physical pain maybe, but you are accountable to yourself only. So if you're lazy
and do not follow your own set of rules, you are basically admitting to your own
enslavement. But if you do as you promised to yourself, then you are honouring yourself and
truly free. Not anyone else.

STEP #1 – Wake Up EARLY


Embrace the pain

Gives you strength and you can learn from it

Focus on yourself

Lone Wolf

Become comfortable being uncomfortable (this is where growth lies) – Tony Ferguson

Confront things that frighten you forthrightly and with courage.

Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not who someone else is tomorrow

Don’t ‘engage’ in power struggles – Stay Calm and resolve the situation by talking preferably

Whenever there is an option, choose the harder/tougher one

Stand up straight with your shoulders back

Don’t let fear of failure stop you from doing what is necessary for your growth

Sleep early and wake up early

Don’t let the temptation of comfort take you away from being great.
excellence is not an act but a habit – Aristotle
Once it becomes a habit it requires less activiation energy to do. It’s just something you do and it
becomes part of your character.

Nazi Germany – You don’t want to be the Concentration Camp Guards at any cost.

If you search for freedom you end up becoming a slave to your desires, if you search for discipline
you find liberty

Most people who think they work hard, don’t.

Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm

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