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There is a black sheep in every family

Meaning: One member in every family doesn’t fit into the characteristic of the


Think on your feet

Meaning: Adjusting quickly to changes and making fast decisions.

Golden handshake

Meaning: Big sum of money given to a person when they leave a company or


Separate sheep from the goats

Meaning: Examining a group of people and deciding their suitability

In the country of the blind, the one eyed man is king

Meaning: The person with a little ability in a group of those with absolutely no

ability is at an advantage.

Blood is thicker than water

Meaning: Family relationship is stronger than others.

Two blacks don’t make a white

Meaning: You cannot justify something wrong you have done because someone else has

also done it.

First out of the gate

Meaning: Being the first one to make a start at something.

Sink your teeth into

Meaning: Doing something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

Fish out of water

Meaning: Feeling uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings.

Bee in one’s bonnet

Meaning: Carrying an idea which constantly occupies your thoughts.

Keep a stiff upper lip

Meaning: A person who does not show his emotions

Proud as a peacock

Meaning: An extremely proud person.

Makes your flesh crawl

Meaning: Something that makes you feel disgusting or nervous.

Not turn a hair

Meaning: Not exhibiting any emotion where it is expected.

Cake not worth the candle

Meaning: Something in which result as compared to the efforts are too less.

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