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1 Explain Globalization, Advantages of Globalization and Disadvantages of


Explanation of globalization 4 10
Advantages of Globalization 3
Disadvantages of Globalization 3
2 In foreign exchange market many types of transactions take place. Discuss the
meaning and role of forward, future and options market.

Forward market 3 10
Future 3
Options 4
3 Explain Swap, its features and types of Swap.

Explanation of Swap 3 10
Explanation on features of swap 5
Types of swap 2
4 Explain in detail the types of exposure and measuring economic exposure

Explanation on types of exposure 7 10

Explanation on measuring economic exposure 3
5 Elaborate on the tools of foreign exchange risk management and techniques of
exposure management.

Explanation of the tools of foreign exchange risk 4

management 10
Explanation on the techniques of exposure 6
6 Write short note on:
a. Adjusted present value model (APV model)
b. Forced Disinvestment
Explanation of APV model Forced 5 10
Disinvestment 5

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