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1. What is the difference between STM and LTM?

STM refers to the part of the memory where information, which is received, is
stored for short periods of time while it is being analyzed and interpreted.
LTM is the type of memory responsible for the storage of information for an
extended period of time.

2. Provide teaching recommendation to enhance LTM activities.

In order to help the learners retain your learning, is important
to consider using the following activities:
- Use multiple ways to present the information.
- Use chunking, also don't forget repetition all time, "makes sense" with the
activities in your classroom.
It is to stick in the minds of its learners, so that they are able to delve into the
depths of their memory to apply what they have learned in the real world.

3. What is the difference between declarative and procedural knowledge?

Declarative knowledge is the knowledge that we are aware of having.

Procedural knowledge is the ability to use the knowledge.

4. What kind of knowledge do we develop when teaching grammar rules?

Declarative knowledge

5. What type of knowledge does a learner develop when s(he) writes a

composition, Explain?
It is important remember that writing is a productive skill, therefore, when my students
write a composition are develop procedural knowledge, also that help in their long term
memory throug experience.

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