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C H A P T E R 164 

Neonatal Resuscitation
Ryan D. Kearney  |  Mark D. Lo

PRINCIPLES in this coordinated physiologic process, although rare, should be

nonetheless anticipated in all deliveries, particularly those outside
Approximately 10% of newborns require some assistance at birth, of the delivery room.6
with 1% requiring extensive resuscitative measures.1 Knowledge After the first few breaths, pulmonary vascular resistance
of neonatal physiology, appropriate equipment, and procedural decreases as a result of alveolar oxygen exposure. Simultaneously,
skills are essential to successful resuscitation. Preparation for clamping of the umbilical cord removes the placenta from circula-
neonatal resuscitation requires an understanding of how it differs tion, predictably increasing systemic vascular resistance. Shunt-
from pediatric and adult resuscitation, primarily as follows: ing through the ductus arteriosus reverses as systemic vascular
1. Newborns have rapidly changing, dynamic cardiopulmonary resistance increases; this usually ceases altogether by 15 hours
physiology, with a unique range of normal vital signs.2,3 of age as the ductus arteriosus also constricts. This reversal of
2. Neonatal resuscitation is almost entirely respiratory (not flow redirects all right ventricular output to the lungs. However,
cardiac) management.2 hypoxia or acidosis can cause the pulmonary vascular bed to
3. Neonates require special and dedicated equipment. constrict again and, when severe or prolonged, recurrent pul-
monary vascular constriction can cause the ductus arteriosus to
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY reopen. The reinstitution of fetal circulation, with its attendant
shunting, leads to ongoing hypoxia and is termed persistent
Transition From Fetal to Extrauterine Life fetal circulation.2,5 When indicated, resuscitation facilitates the
first few breaths, prevents and reverses ongoing hypoxia and
The successful transition from fetal to extrauterine life requires acidosis, and assists the newborn in the transition to extrauterine
three major cardiorespiratory changes: (1) removal of fluid from life.
unexpanded alveoli to allow ventilation; (2) lung expansion and
establishment of functional residual capacity; and (3) redistribu- INDICATIONS FOR RESUSCITATION
tion of cardiac output to provide lung perfusion. Failed develop-
ment of adequate ventilation or perfusion leads to persistent At least one person, whose exclusive role is to ensure safe transi-
shunting, hypoxia and, ultimately, a deleterious reversion to fetal tion of the newborn, should be present for all deliveries, including
physiology.2 those that occur outside the delivery room. Any infant born
In utero, fetal nutrient and gas exchange is dependent on the outside of a delivery room should be anticipated to need
placenta, a temporary organ with remarkably low vascular resis- resuscitation.1-3 Although minimal intervention may be required,
tance, as well as the maternal circulation. As a result of its low a standardized approach should still be followed. Some specific
resistance, the placenta receives approximately 30% of total fetal conditions increase the likelihood that additional resuscitative
cardiac output between 18 and 41 weeks of gestation. In contrast, efforts will be required.
fluid-filled fetal alveoli have increased vascular resistance, leading
to poor perfusion of the developing lung. The pulmonary arterial Hypoxia
bed is so vasoconstricted that the fetal lung receives only 40% of
right ventricular output and approximately 10% of total cardiac Even in the uncompromised newborn, it can take 10 minutes
output; most of the right ventricular output is shunted from the for blood oxygen saturation to reach normal extrauterine levels.1
pulmonary artery through the ductus arteriosus to the descending Pulse oximetry may assist in determining hypoxemia, but it may
aorta.4,5 An additional right to left shunting occurs at the level of take several minutes for a reliable waveform to be achieved.7,8 In
the foramen ovale, with relatively oxygen-rich blood shunted utero or intrapartum asphyxia (pathologic lack of oxygen to the
from the right to left atrium. Reversal of these two shunts is fetus before or during delivery) can precipitate a sequence of
essential to the successful transition into extrauterine life and is events that results in primary or secondary apnea. With initial
facilitated by the significant drop in pulmonary vascular resistance hypoxia, rapid gasps are followed by cessation of respirations
that occurs at birth. The first step in this process is alveolar fluid (primary apnea) and, if prolonged, decreased heart rate (HR).
clearance. Ostensibly normal respiratory effort does not ensure adequate
Removal of this fluid is partially accomplished by vaginal ventilation. However, bradycardia in the newborn (HR < 100
delivery, which provides some compression of the fluid out of the beats/min) almost always reflects inadequate ventilation and oxy-
alveoli into the bronchi, trachea, and pulmonary capillary bed. genation. As such, bradycardia is a major indicator of hypoxia.1,2
The remaining fluid is largely evacuated by the first few breaths, Simple stimulation is required at the onset of primary apnea to
with the quality of the first few breaths crucial to establishing stimulate ventilation and reverse bradycardia. If asphyxia persists,
adequate ventilation. Alveolar expansion requires the generation the newborn takes several final deep, gasping breaths, followed by
of high intrathoracic pressures and the presence of surfactant to cessation of respirations (secondary apnea); this is accompanied
maintain alveolar patency. Because the lung is one of the last by worsening bradycardia, refractory to simple stimulation, and
organs to reach structural and functional maturity, interruptions eventually hypotension. For newborns with secondary apnea,
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CHAPTER 164  Neonatal Resuscitation 2033

more vigorous and prolonged resuscitation is needed to restore immaturity and susceptibility to hypothermia. Those requiring
ventilation and adequate circulation.2 delivery room cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) have
increased risk of mortality, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, severe
Hypothermia brain injury, pneumothorax, and intestinal perforation.13 For
these reasons, in utero transfer of high-risk pregnant women to
Drying and warming the newborn are vital to initial resuscita- tertiary centers possessing expertise and experience with prema-
tion because the newborn’s inability to maintain normothermia ture infant resuscitation has been associated with improved neo-
(>36.5° C [97.7° F]) has potentially dire consequences. Newborns natal outcomes.14 Intubation should be performed for the
cannot generate heat by shivering, cannot retain heat due to low premature newborn in respiratory distress, which is clinically
fat stores, and have excess heat loss due to their large surface- suggested by retractions, desaturation, or tachypnea.15 In certain
to-volume ratio. Exacerbating these challenges in the immediate cases, surfactant may be delivered via an endotracheal tube (ETT)
postpartum period, newborns have an acutely elevated metabolic shortly after birth.
rate, are covered with amniotic fluid, and are suddenly exposed
to a relatively cool environment. Body temperature rapidly Meconium-Stained Amniotic Fluid
decreases, with hypothermia accelerating metabolic acidosis,
oxygen consumption, hypoglycemia, and apnea.1-3 Prematurity Meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF) indicates potentially
and very low-birth-weight status exacerbate these consequences significant newborn stress prior to delivery. Aspiration of meco-
and require extra efforts to mitigate.1 nium and its consequences can be avoided, or at least signifi-
cantly limited, by rapid intervention. Previous recommendations
Hypoglycemia stipulated suctioning meconium from the newborn’s airway after
delivery of the head but before delivery of the shoulders (intra-
Poor glycogen stores, coupled with immature hepatic enzymes, partum suctioning). However, there appears to be no benefit from
place the normal newborn at increased risk for hypoglycemia. intrapartum suctioning.16,17 Therefore, current recommendations
Hypoglycemia is particularly common in premature and small- no longer advise routine intrapartum suctioning of newborns
for-gestational-age newborns, as well as those born to diabetic with MSAF. To prevent aspiration of meconium, previous recom-
mothers. Hypoglycemia may also be a response to other factors, mendations also stipulated tracheal suctioning of all nonvigorous
including respiratory illness, hypothermia, polycythemia, asphyxia, newborn with MSAF immediately on delivery and before any
and sepsis. Hypoglycemia can be asymptomatic or may cause an other resuscitative efforts (including drying and stimulation).
array of symptoms, including apnea, color changes, respiratory However, routine endotracheal intubation in nonvigorous and
distress, lethargy, jitteriness, seizures, acidosis, and poor myo- vigorous term, meconium-stained newborns has shown no
cardial contractility.9,10 A low blood glucose level, particularly benefit, including the incidence of meconium aspiration syn-
when prolonged, recurrent, or associated with hyperinsulism, has drome (MAS), pneumothorax, oxygen need, stridor, seizure, or
been associated with adverse neurologic outcomes9; correction hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.18 Standard measures to support
of hypoglycemia, if detected expeditiously, improves outcomes.11 adequate ventilation and oxygenation should be initiated for all
Neonatal hypoglycemia is generally defined as a blood glucose infants born through MSAF, with a small subset eventually requir-
level less than 40 mg/dL, although this number serves as more ing endotracheal intubation, as warranted.1
of a guideline than a strict cutoff. All newborns exhibiting signs The most recent recommendations from the American Heart
of hypoglycemia, with glucose levels less than 40 mg/dL, should Association have changed the practice of tracheal suctioning after
receive intravenous (IV) glucose. Of note, bedside glucometers delivery for meconium aspiration. Indications for intubation
generally underestimate plasma glucose levels by approximately in newborns born through MSAF are the same as those for all
10 mg/dL.10 neonates; meconium aspiration should only be performed if indi-
cated for signs of airway obstruction secondary to meconium that
Hypovolemia do not improve despite standard resuscitative measures, including
warming and drying and initiation of effective positive-pressure
Clinically significant hypovolemia is rare and usually secondary ventilation (PPV). When performing tracheal suctioning, a meco-
to blood loss. Risk factors include known maternal hemorrhage nium aspirator (Fig. 164.1) should be attached to the appropriate-
during delivery, prematurity, newborns with overt shock, and sized ETT and connected to wall suction at 100 mm Hg or less.
initiation of CPR.1-3,12 Hemorrhage can lead to respiratory depres- On intubation by direct laryngoscopy, the ETT is then withdrawn
sion and overt shock in the newborn, whether secondary to while suction is applied. Serial re-intubation with suctioning
abruptio placentae, placenta previa, umbilical cord accident, or should be repeated to remove obstructing meconium or until
trauma. In the newborn, hemorrhage is one of the few situations the infant becomes vigorous, which is usually accomplished
in which fluid resuscitation and volume expansion improves after two rounds. If bradycardia or apnea persists beyond two
outcomes. The following formula should be equivalent to gesta- passes, ongoing resuscitation should include bag-mask ventilation
tional age in weeks: (BMV) and consideration of endotracheal intubation to secure

Newborn mean arterial pressure (diastolic pressure + [pulse pressure 3])

where pulse pressure = systolic pressure − diastolic pressure.

Examination findings consistent with hypovolemia or hemody-
namically significant hemorrhage include pallor, despite oxygen-
ation, weak pulses with a rapid HR, and poor response to

Premature infants, especially those born before 34 weeks of Fig. 164.1.  Meconium aspirator with suction and 3.0 uncuffed ETT
gestational age, are uniquely at risk due to their pulmonary attached. (Courtesy Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA.)

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2034 PART V  Special Populations  |  SECTION One  The Pediatric Patient

the airway. In tertiary centers with skilled providers, lung lavage

with dilute surfactant may be beneficial, particularly if prolonged
intubation appears inevitable.19

Maternal Factors

Maternal infection (chorioamnionitis) is a particularly common
trigger for premature delivery; premature infants are themselves
more susceptible to infection. Therefore, IV antibiotics should be
administered after obtaining blood cultures and a complete blood
count should be carried out in all infants born before 37 weeks of

Medications provided to the mother during labor or illicit drugs
taken before delivery, usually opioids, can augment newborn
respiratory depression. Maternal opioid administration or ante-
natal drug abuse should be considered in any newborn with iso-
lated respiratory depression that persists, despite a seemingly Fig. 164.2.  Chest radiograph reveals right-sided congenital diaphrag-
successful initial resuscitation. As in adults, opioid-induced respi- matic hernia. (Courtesy Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA.)
ratory depression could be reversed with naloxone.1,20 However,
naloxone may precipitate acute withdrawal and seizures in the
newborn of an opioid-dependent mother; thus, naloxone is not resuscitation efforts should continue until further prognostication
recommended in the initial resuscitation of the newborn.3,21 can occur.
Suspected opiate toxicity in the newborn should be treated with
support of oxygenation and ventilation rather than pharmaco- SPECIAL ANATOMIC ANOMALIES
logical reversal. This should include use of a bag-mask device and,
if necessary, intubation. Diaphragmatic Hernia
Withholding and Discontinuing Resuscitation In addition to pulmonary hypoplasia, neonates with diaphrag-
matic hernias have exquisitely reactive pulmonary vascular beds,
No reliable and widely adopted set of parameters has been identi- predisposing them to potentially fatal pulmonary vasospasm in
fied for newborns who should not receive resuscitative efforts.23 the immediate and late postnatal period.28 Examination findings
Resuscitation is not currently recommended for neonates with concerning for congenital diaphragmatic hernia include barrel
a confirmed gestational age less than 23 weeks, those with birth chest, ipsilateral absence of breath sounds, tracheal or point of
weight less than 400 g, and those with confirmed anencephaly, maximum cardiac impulse displacement, and scaphoid abdomen.
trisomy 13, or trisomy 18.23,24 Parental request has been shown Bag-mask ventilation will distend the stomach, which is usually
to be the most important factor determining resuscitative efforts intrathoracic, further worsening respiratory distress. The neonate
for newborns at 22 to 25 weeks of gestation; most neonatolo- should be emergently intubated if a prenatal diagnosis of dia-
gists consider a gestational age more than 25 weeks of gestation phragmatic hernia is known or if a diaphragmatic hernia is
as the cutoff for obligatory resuscitation, even with parental diagnosed on the chest radiograph (Fig. 164.2).
refusal.25 In the setting of uncertain gestational age and unclear
or conflicting parental wishes, the recommendation is to initiate Myelomeningocele and Omphalocele
resuscitation. Similarly, if prognosis is uncertain at the time of
delivery, resuscitation should be attempted until additional data Infants with myelomeningocele should never be placed supine
can be obtained that can inform prognostication and align with but instead be placed prone or on the side to avoid pressure
parental wishes. Outside the delivery room, every attempt should on the defect. Resuscitation should proceed from this modified
be made to stabilize the neonate until further resuscitation would position (Fig. 164.3). For unclear reasons, myelomeningocele is
clearly not improve the likelihood of survival with acceptable associated with an elevated risk for latex allergy, necessitating
morbidity. Neonates with no signs of life (asystole, apnea), after efforts to avoid latex sensitization in these neonates.29 The spinal
10 minutes of resuscitation, have high mortality or severe lifelong defect should be gently wrapped with sterile gauze pads soaked in
developmental delay, and resuscitation can be terminated.24,26 warm sterile saline and enclosed with plastic wrap.30 Infants with
This is a rare and inherently challenging decision to make and gastroschisis or omphalocele should be resuscitated as needed,
must account for availability of local resources and personnel and these defects should also be covered with an occlusive plastic
skill, transportation needs and options, and parental preference. wrapping to decrease water and heat loss.31 These newborns often
However, enhanced resuscitation techniques and postresuscitation require parenteral maintenance fluid infusion, orogastric tube
therapeutic hypothermia have recently shown promise, even for for gastric decompression, and antimicrobial prophylaxis with IV
neonates with a 10-minute APGAR score of zero,27 highlighting antibiotics.31
the importance of dialogue with the parent(s) and acknowledg-
ment of their feelings regarding the risks of morbidity. Parents Choanal Atresia
should actively participate in the decision to continue or withdraw
resuscitative efforts in cases in which there is prognostic uncer- Because newborns are obligate nose breathers, bilateral choanal
tainty. For infants with a low 10-minute APGAR score but some atresia causes upper airway obstruction and often severe respira-
signs of life, especially when aligned with parental preference, tory distress. Choanal atresia can be rapidly diagnosed by the

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CHAPTER 164  Neonatal Resuscitation 2035

BOX 164.1 

Ductal-Dependent Congenital Cardiac Lesions

Critical pulmonary stenosis, atresia
Severe tricuspid stenosis, atresia
Severe tetralogy of Fallot


Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Critical aortic stenosis
Interrupted aortic arch

Fig. 164.3.  Preoperative myelomeningocele, highlighting the obvious

anatomic challenges and sensitivities required in resuscitation of neonates BOX 164.2 
with this condition. (Courtesy Mandy Breedt, Division of Neurosurgery,
Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA.)
Equipment Checklist for Neonatal Resuscitation
1. Gown, gloves, and eye protection (universal precautions)
inability to pass a catheter through either naris into the posterior 2. Timing device
oropharynx. An oral airway device can bypass the obstruction. 3. Blankets (to warm and dry infant)
Special attention should be paid to initial the physical examina- 4. Plastic wrap (for omphalocele, gastroschisis, possibly premature
tion of these children because these infants often have a multiple infant)
congenital anomaly syndrome. 5. Radiant warmer
6. Bulb syringe
7. Suction and suction catheters (sizes 5, 8, and 10 Fr)
Pierre Robin Sequence 8. Self-inflating (450 and 750 mL) and flow-inflating (250 and
The hallmark of this abnormality is profound micrognathia, 450 mL) bags
resulting in glossoptosis (retraction or downward displacement of 9. Masks (premature, newborn, and infant sizes)
the tongue) and cleft palate. Pierre Robin sequence, therefore, 10. Laryngoscope with straight blades (nos. 00, 0, and 1)
confers a high risk for significant upper airway obstruction. A 11. Endotracheal tubes with stylets (2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4 mm),
nasal or oral airway should be able to bypass the obstruction; if uncuffed
not, intubation may be necessary. Given the technical challenges 12. Scissors and tape to stabilize endotracheal tube
13. Pediatric CO2 detector
of performing endotracheal intubation on a patient with Pierre
14. Meconium aspirator
Robin sequence, fiberoptic intubation is often needed, although 15. Umbilical catheters (3.5 and 5 Fr)
prone positioning and a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) or other 16. Hemostats, sterile drapes and gloves, povidone-iodine solution,
supraglottic airway device can be attempted to support ventila- scalpel, umbilical tape, suture, and three-way stopcock for
tion.32 Consultation with anesthesiology or otolaryngology may umbilical vessel catheterization
be required.

Congenital Cardiac Disease

recommended to treat the possible adverse effects of prostaglan-
Echocardiographic evidence of congenital heart disease (CHD) is din, including hypotension, tachycardia, and apnea. Continuous
as high as 5% for term newborns.33 However, critical CHD, defined PGE1 should begin soon after birth,36 with gradual dose titration
as requiring surgery or catheter-based intervention in the first year to a maximum of 0.1 µg/kg/min. For a more in depth discussion
of life, accounts for only up to 50% of CHD cases.33 Stereotypic on CHD, see Chapter 170.
examination findings seen in critical CHD include a blood pres-
sure gradient between the upper and lower extremities, weak PREPARATION
femoral pulses, central cyanosis, pathologic murmur, and hepato-
megaly. These signs of cardiogenic shock in a newborn may be To maximize the effectiveness of resuscitation, all emergency
fairly indistinguishable from those of severe sepsis and respiratory departments should have an age- and weight-appropriate pre-
failure. Resuscitation of a newborn with known or suspected stocked drug pack, standardized equipment (Box 164.2), and staff
critical CHD should therefore include standard ventilatory man- trained on newborn resuscitation.1,3 The pediatric length-based
agement, as well as empiric antimicrobial therapy. Cardiomegaly resuscitation tape (Broselow Luten tape) can be used to determine
on a chest radiograph is more likely consistent with cardiogenic equipment size and drug dosages for newborn resuscitation of
shock.34 Some common laboratory findings include polycythemia infants weighing 3 kg or more.37,38 A dedicated neonatal resuscita-
and unexplained acidosis. Many newborns with critical CHD have tion cart, organized according to the Neonatal Resuscitation
a ductal-dependent lesion and are likely to experience profound Program (NRP) algorithm, increases the speed of equipment
physiologic decompensation—defined by severe metabolic acido- retrieval and is preferred by providers to other organizing
sis, seizure, cardiac arrest, or renal or hepatic injury—on closure schemes.39 When available, additional maternal information (Box
of the ductus arteriosus.35 Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) should be used 164.3) can help anticipate resuscitation needs so that appropriate
in lesions with ductal-dependent systemic or pulmonary blood staff, equipment and disposition plans can be expeditiously
flow (Box 164.1).36 In case of an uncertain diagnosis or in prepara- managed.
tion for transport to a specialized facility, prostaglandin should be Universal precautions, including gown, gloves, and eye protec-
started via continuous IV infusion. A second peripheral IV is tion, should be followed during neonatal resuscitations. An

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2036 PART V  Special Populations  |  SECTION One  The Pediatric Patient

As part of their shared NRP curriculum, the American Heart
Association and American Academy of Pediatrics, with the Inter-
national Liaison Committee On Resuscitation, have developed a
newborn resuscitation algorithm (Fig. 164.5). This stepwise
approach is detailed below.1-3 However, if a term neonate is crying
and appears to have good tone, she or he can be warmed, dried,
and returned to the mother for ongoing care and evaluation,
without any additional resuscitation efforts.1

Newborn Resuscitation Algorithm

Fig. 164.4.  Appropriate self-inflating resuscitator with appropriate
neonatal-sized mask attached. This device has additional functionality
with manometer and single-use positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) Dry, Warm, Position, Suction, Stimulate, and Assess Need for
valve attachments. (Courtesy Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA.) Further Intervention
Hypothermia increases metabolic demand and oxygen consump-
tion, which can render seemingly effective resuscitation efforts
TABLE 164.1  futile. To prevent these and more subtle sequelae of hypothermia,
all newborns should be dried immediately on delivery and placed
Endotracheal Tube Size by Birth Weight and under a radiant heat source. In the case of crying term infants
Gestational Age with normal tone, this may be accomplished by simple drying and
skin to skin contact with the mother.1 Wet blankets should be
replaced with dry blankets and preferably warm linens, but the
baby should be left uncovered to facilitate radiant warming and
WEIGHT (kg) AGE (wk) uncuffed) (cm)
team access, when required. All resuscitation techniques are
<1 <28 2.5 7 designed to be performed with these temperature-controlling
1–2 28–34 3 8 efforts in place.1 The supine neonate should be further positioned
to maximize air entry and avoid obstruction of airflow. Due to a
2–3 34–38 3.5 9 relatively large occiput and anterior glottic opening, airway
3+ 38+ 3.5–4 10 patency is best achieved with the neck in slight extension. A
slightly extended position that aligns the posterior pharynx,
ETT, Endotracheal tube. larynx, and trachea is best accomplished by placing a rolled diaper
Adapted from American Academy of Pediatrics; American Heart Association: neonatal
resuscitation textbook, ed 6, Elk Grove Village, IL, 2011, American Academy of or small towel under the infant’s shoulders. Placement under the
Pediatrics. neck is not useful. However, a towel that is too large and under
the shoulders can also lead to airway occlusion due to hyperexten-
sion of the neck.
Only if meconium is present and the newborn has poor tone,
BOX 164.3 
poor respiratory effort, or bradycardia (HR < 100 beats/min) after
Maternal History Questions 1 minute of appropriate PPV should the trachea be suctioned with
an ETT and meconium aspirator attachment. Poor respiratory
effort and obvious obstruction from secretions should otherwise
1. What is the estimated gestational age? be treated with bulb or mechanical suction (≈100 mm Hg wall
2. Is this a multiple gestation?
suction). Upper airway suctioning, including that performed with
3. Is meconium present?
4. Is there a history of vaginal bleeding?
a bulb syringe, should be reserved only for newborns with these
5. Were medications given or drugs taken? signs because suctioning has been associated with decreased lung
6. Was there documented maternal fever? compliance, bradycardia, and lowered cerebral blood flow veloc-
7. Did mother have routine prenatal care? If so, were any ity.1 In one randomized study comparing NRP-recommended
abnormalities seen on prenatal ultrasonography? bulb suctioning versus mouth wiping, there were no differences
in mean respiratory rate, use of advanced resuscitation efforts,
APGAR scores, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission,
and discharge oxygen saturation levels.42 When suction is indi-
external heat source should be turned on early and the table cated, the NRP protocol should be followed, with the mouth
warmed prior to the start of resuscitation. Hypothermia is an suctioned first, followed by the nose. This sequence helps avoid
independent risk factor for neonatal mortality worldwide.40,41 aspiration of oral secretions if the neonate inspires after nasal
Similarly, hyperthermia is an effect modifier of neonatal encepha- suctioning. Overly vigorous or deep suctioning should be avoided
lopathy and correlates with respiratory depression, cerebral palsy, because it can cause significant vagal stimulation and subsequent
and mortality.42 Correct equipment size is essential; in particular, bradycardia or apnea.2,43 Because NRP recommendations stipulate
respiratory supplies are most likely to be used and are key to most suctioning with less than 100 mm Hg, emergency clinicians
resuscitative efforts. Appropriately sized self-inflating devices (Fig. should be judicious with syringe use because even standard
164.4) decrease complications from overventilation, prevent delivery bulb syringes produce a modest negative pressure, which
injury, and limit the inability to ventilate due to improper mask easily exceed this threshold.43
fit. When available, and in the hands of experienced providers, For most term neonates, these measures stimulate breathing
flow-inflating devices have the added ability to deliver continuous sufficiently and may be all that is required to resuscitate a newborn.
positive airway pressure (CPAP), control ventilation pressure with If adequate respirations are still not present, additional stimula-
greater precision, and ensure a proper fit. Table 164.1 lists the tion should be given. This is best done by flicking the soles of the
recommended ETT sizes by birth weight and gestational age. feet and rubbing the back; more aggressive efforts could prove

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CHAPTER 164  Neonatal Resuscitation 2037

Antenatal counseling,
team briefing, and equipment check


Infant stays with mother for routine

Term gestation? Yes care: warm and maintain normal
Good tone? temperature, position airway, clear
Breathing or crying? secretions if needed, dry.
Ongoing evaluation

Warm and maintain normal temperature,

1 minute

position airway, clear secretions if

needed, dry, stimulate.

Apnea or gasping? No Labored breathing or

HR below 100/min? persistent cyanosis?

Yes Yes

PPV Position and clear airway

SpO2 monitor SpO2 monitor
Consider ECG monitor Supplementary O2 as needed
Consider CPAP

HR below 100/min? Postresuscitation care
team debriefing

Check chest movement,

ventilation; corrective steps if needed
ETT or laryngeal mask if needed Targeted preductal SpO2
after birth
1 min 60%-65%
HR below 60/min? 2 min 65%-70%
Yes 3 min 70%-75%
Intubate if not already done 4 min 75%-80%
Chest compressions
Coordinate with PPV 5 min 80%-85%
100% O2 10 min 85%-95%
ECG monitor
Consider emergency UVC

HR below 60/min?


IV epinephrine
if HR persistently below 60/min
Consider hypovolemia
Consider pneumothorax © 2015 American Heart Association

Fig. 164.5.  Algorithm for neonatal resuscitation. ECG, Electrocardiogram; ETT, endotracheal tube; HR,
heart rate; PPV, positive-pressure ventilation; UVC, umbilical vein cannula. (Adapted from Wyckoff MH,
et al: Part 13: neonatal resuscitation: 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopul-
monary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation 132:S543–S560, 2015.)

harmful. If stimulation and warming efforts prove inadequate, the HR is below 100 beats/min, or if the newborn has primary
PPV is required, followed by intubation, if necessary. apnea or respiratory distress, PPV and pulse oximetry should be
Time is an important component of NRP guidelines. Within initiated within the first minute of life. If bradycardia (HR < 60
the first 60 seconds of life, the newborn should be assessed with beats/min) persists, despite adequate ventilation, chest compres-
simultaneous warming, drying, and stimulation; if necessary, sions should be initiated. HR calculation can be manual—by
upper airway clearance should be performed (see Fig. 164.5). If palpation of the pulse at the base of the umbilical or auscultation

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2038 PART V  Special Populations  |  SECTION One  The Pediatric Patient

TABLE 164.2  BOX 164.4 

APGAR Score Intubation Corrective Action and Deterioration
POINTS Mnemonics
SIGN 0 1 2
Heart rate Absent Slow (<100) ≥100 M: Mask adjustment
(beats/min) R: Reposition airway
Respirations Absent Slow, irregular Good, crying S: Suction mouth and nose
O: Open mouth
Muscle tone Limp Some flexion Active, good P: Pressure increase
flexion A: Airway alternative
Reflex irritability No response Grimace Cough, sneeze
Color Blue, pale Pink body, Pink D: Displacement of ETT
blue hands O: Obstruction of ETT
and feet P: Pneumothorax
Calculate at 1, 5, and 10 minutes of life. E: Equipment failure

of cardiac sounds—with pulse oximetry, or with a standard guidelines recommend PPV, but do not delineate between CPAP
electrocardiographic lead.44 Persistent bradycardia is usually sec- and PEEP (positive end-expiratory pressure). However, preterm
ondary to inadequate ventilation. Thus, intubation is recom- neonates (<33 weeks’ gestation) receiving single-inflation CPAP
mended in the event that chest compressions are indicated. (pressure-controlled inflation at 20 cm H2O for 10 seconds)
Routinely counted at 1, 5, and 10 minutes of life, the APGAR appear less likely to be intubated at 72 hours of age, receive
score (Table 164.2) is a composite that reflects HR, respiratory more than one dose of surfactant, or develop bronchopulmonary
effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color. The score is pri- dysplasia (BPD). When BMV is required for more than 2 minutes,
marily for assessing the need for (1 minute) and efficacy of (5 an orogastric tube should be placed to prevent respiratory com-
minute) ongoing resuscitative measures. In the setting of modern promise from gastric distention.2
algorithm-based resuscitation, low 5- and 10-minute APGAR Resuscitation with 100% oxygen is no longer recommended.53-56
scores are associated with increased mortality because they iden- There appears to be reduced mortality in infants resuscitated with
tify infants who are failing medical management.44 Muscle tone room air, with no obvious evidence of harm.56 Resuscitation-
and reflex irritability do not significantly aid in the assessment of induced hyperoxia results in increased oxidative stress, including
the newborn during resuscitation.44,45 Instead, HR and respiratory direct cardiac and renal injury.57 Neurologic outcomes appear
effort are the important indicators and should be continuously improved by resuscitation with room air versus 100% oxygen,
monitored. Skin color is a poor indicator of oxyhemoglobin satu- likely due to a reduction in cerebral free radical generation.1,3,5,56,58
ration during the first several minutes of life while the transition Current NRP guidelines recommend initiating resuscitation with
from fetal to infant circulation ensues.46-48 In this brief period, room air and then blending to increasing oxygen concentrations,
pulse oximetry may be a useful tool to assess the oxygenation as needed. Use of 100% oxygen for resuscitation should occur
status of the newborn.7,8,48 NRP guidelines specify pulse oximeter only if the newborn has persistent bradycardia below 60 beats/
use in only a few select situations—anticipated resuscitation, min bradycardia after 90 seconds. Attempts to restore adequate
prolonged PPV use, persistent cyanosis, and use of supplemental ventilation are more beneficial than increasing the oxygen con-
oxygen.1 centration. There has been a growing body of literature suggesting
that lower initial preductal oxygen saturation in healthy uncom-
Ventilation, Oxygen, Intubation plicated newborns may contribute to the appearance of cyanosis;
oxygen saturation after birth may not reach 90% or more until 10
Any neonate with persistent cyanosis or signs of respiratory minutes of life.46-48
distress (eg, grunting, nasal flaring, tachypnea) should be assisted Endotracheal intubation is indicated at several points during
by CPAP or PPV. For apnea, severe respiratory distress, or an HR neonatal resuscitation—tracheal suctioning for meconium in
less than 100 beats/min, BMV (with a manometer, if available) infants with failure to improve, despite effective PPV; if BMV is
should be initiated. The first breaths often require higher pres- ineffective or prolonged; when chest compressions are performed;
sures (30–40 mm Hg) to remove lung fluid, with the adequacy and for extremely low-birth-weight infants or infants with ana-
of ventilation assessed by chest rise. An initial sustained breath of tomic anomalies (eg, diaphragmatic hernia). Traditional direct
2 to 5 seconds may further increase functional residual capacity laryngoscopy and videolaryngoscopy are both reasonable options,
(FRC) and promote clearance of lung fluid, but several clinical with video-assisted techniques consistently having improved
trials have yet to prove the efficacy and safety of this technique.49-52 views but slightly longer total intubation times.59-61 Confirmation
Subsequent breaths generally require 20 mm Hg of peak inspira- of proper ETT placement should include detection of expired
tory pressure.1,2 To minimize barotrauma and the incidence of carbon dioxide. Although ultrasonography can show appropriate
pneumothorax, excessive pressures (defined as more than needed ETT positioning in term and preterm infants, the gold standard
to achieve adequate chest rise) should be avoided. An appropri- remains plain radiography.62-66
ately sized mask with a tight seal (covering the mouth and nose, If acute deterioration occurs shortly after intubation, equip-
but not the eyes), proper positioning of the newborn, and use ment must be immediately checked. Consider the DOPE and
of pressure to attain correct chest wall movement are essential MR SOPA mnemonics when trying to determine the cause of the
for effective ventilation. Unless otherwise dictated by blood gas deterioration (Box 164.4). In the absence of an obvious explana-
levels, recommended ventilation rates are 40 to 60 breaths/min, tion, it is safest to extubate the newborn and promptly ventilate
aimed at achieving a heart rate above 100 beat/min. Current NRP with a BMV device by an experienced provider. Needle aspiration

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CHAPTER 164  Neonatal Resuscitation 2039

TABLE 164.3 

Resuscitation Medications
Epinephrine 1:10,000 0.01–0.03 mg/kg (0.1– IV (preferred) or ETT
0.3 mL/kg)
Dopamine Varies Continuous infusion at 5 µg/ IV
kg/min; increase to 20 µg/
kg/min as needed.
Glucose D10W 2–4 mL/kg IV Avoid higher concentrations
Volume expanders O-negative packed RBCs 10 mL/kg IV Give over 5–10 min for acute
bleeding; repeat as needed
Normal saline 10 mL/kg IV Give over 5–10 min; repeat as
Ringer’s lactate 10 mL/kg IV Give over 5–10 min; repeat as
Ampicillin Varies 100 mg/kg IV, IM
Gentamicin Varies 4 mg/kg IV, IM
Cefotaxime Varies 50 mg/kg IV, IM
D10W, 10% dextrose in water; ETT, endotracheal tube; IM, intramuscular; IO, intraosseous; IV, intravenous; RBCs, red blood cells; SC, subcutaneous.

of the chest may be considered for treatment of a possible pneu- or asystole unresponsive to effective ventilation and chest com-
mothorax, particularly if unequal breath sounds are appreciated pressions, as well as hemorrhage (maternal, fetal, or placental)
upon extubation, ventillatory pressures are inexplicably high, or that necessitates fluid resuscitation.1-3
a neonate’s condition fails to improve with effective ventilation.
If ETT intubation is indicated but is technically challenging, Vascular Access
the LMA has been shown to be effective for ventilating full-term
newborns.67-69 However, there are limited data on LMA use in The umbilical vein is the preferred route of immediate vascular
preterm infants (<2000 g or <34 weeks’ gestation), in the setting access because it can be easily identified and cannulated. Umbili-
of MAS or during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). cal vein access can have serious complications (eg, infection,
portal vein thrombosis), so the umbilical vein cannula (UVC)
Chest Compressions should be removed by the accepting neonatologist after the infant
has been stabilized and additional venous access has been obtained.
Bradycardia (HR < 100 beats/min) is a reliable indicator of clini- Other vascular access routes include peripheral veins, peripherally
cally significant hypoxia. Fortunately, most neonates with brady- inserted central catheters, and the femoral vein. Intraosseous (IO)
cardia respond promptly to effective ventilation. If a neonate has access can be problematic in neonates (especially premature
an HR less than 60 beats/min, despite oxygen and adequate ven- infants) because of bone fragility and the small size of the intraos-
tilation (good air movement and chest rise) for at least 30 seconds, seous space. However, in simulated resuscitation, placement of an
chest compression should be started.1,2,70 Compressions should be IO line has been shown to be almost 1 minute faster than a UVC,
performed at a rate of 90/min, coordinated with 30 breaths/min even for skilled providers.74 Preferred IO access sites in newborns
for a total of 120 events/min. The preferred neonatal resuscitation include the proximal tibia (≈2 cm below the tuberosity and 1 cm
compression-to-ventilation ratio is 3:1. If the provider is certain medially on the tibial plateau) and distal femur (midline; ≈1 cm
that the cardiac arrest has a primary cardiac cause, a compression- above the superior border of the patella, with the leg in extension).
to-ventilation ratio of 15 : 2 may be considered.1,3 The preferred If vascular access cannot be achieved, certain drugs including
method for performing chest compressions, the two thumb- epinephrine, can be given through the ETT, although this is not
encircling hands technique, is as follows: the fingers of both hands the optimal route.
encircle the chest and support the back, with the thumbs of both
hands placed side by side or one over the other on the sternum, Types
just below the nipple line. The depth of compression is one-third
the anteroposterior diameter of the chest.2,71,72 Spontaneous res- Epinephrine.  Epinephrine is indicated for asystole and
pirations and HR should be assessed every 30 seconds, attempting persistent bradycardia less than 60 beats/min despite effective
to minimize interruptions, when possible, with coordinated chest ventilation with 100% oxygen and ongoing coordinated chest
compressions and ventilation continuing until the HR is at least compressions. Although it may be given by ETT, the preferred
60 beats/min.1,2 A yellow color change on a colorimetric CO2 epinephrine administration route is the IV route. The recom-
monitor during PPV administration often precedes a significant mended IV dose is 0.01 to 0.03 mg/kg, or 0.1 to 0.3 mL/kg, of a
rise in HR and should be used, when available.73 1:10,000 solution. Unlike epinephrine use in adult patients,
weight-based dosing with no known minimum is required for
Medications neonates. Repeat doses may be given every 3 to 5 minutes.1,2,75 If
administered via an ETT, higher doses (0.05–0.1 mg/kg) with a
Few neonates require pharmacotherapy during resuscitation.12 1:10,000 solution are indicated, but the safety and efficacy of this
Medications (Table 164.3) are primarily indicated for bradycardia practice have not been rigorously evaluated.1,2,75,76 Unlike many

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2040 PART V  Special Populations  |  SECTION One  The Pediatric Patient

adult resuscitations, sodium bicarbonate is not routinely used,77,78 hypothermia for patients with suspected early neonatal asphyxia.
although it may be beneficial in the NICU setting when ventila- Symptoms of possible evolving brain injury include abnormal
tion is known to be adequate.1,79 levels of consciousness, seizures, hypotonia, and hyporeflexia.90
Established protocols generally recommended the initiation of
Volume Expanders.  When indicated, volume expansion is cooling within 6 hours of birth, for a total of 72 hours, followed
accomplished with packed red blood cells (Rh-negative type O by gradual rewarming over at least 4 hours. Neonates meeting
blood), normal saline or Ringer’s Lactate solution given in IV eligibility criteria should be transferred to facilities capable of
boluses of 10 mL/kg over 5 to 10 minutes. During resuscitation providing this specialized care. Emergency clinicians and families
of premature infants, rapid administration of volume expanders should be aware that the risks associated with therapeutic hypo-
should be avoided because this practice has been associated with thermia include thrombocytopenia and hypotension.81-88
increased incidence of intraventricular hemorrhage.2 Higher
volume (eg, 20 mL/kg) fluid boluses are recommended for full- DISPOSITION
term infants. Boluses may be repeated several times, as indicated
by the ongoing response to resuscitative efforts. Early consultation with a neonatologist can assist in the resuscita-
tion and postresuscitation phases of care. Once a neonate is sta-
Antibiotics.  Antibiotics are not indicated in the initial resus- bilized, the monitoring of oxygenation, ventilation, perfusion,
citation phase, but may be required once the neonate has been temperature, and glucose level continues. Neonates who require
stabilized. When suspected, sepsis should be treated aggressively extensive resuscitation (ie, obtaining venous access, medication
with broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy directed against the requirement, and/or endotracheal intubation) should be trans-
most likely pathogens. The most common bacterial pathogens ported to an NICU by personnel skilled in neonatal resuscitation.
implicated in early-onset neonatal sepsis are a heterogeneous If feasible and safe, parents should be allowed to see, touch, and
group that includes group B Streptococcus (GBS), Escherichia coli, hold the newborn before transport.
Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., and Listeria. In the United States,
where GBS and E. coli represent the most common newborn OUTCOMES
pathogens, a recommended empirical antibiotic regimen is ampi-
cillin (100 mg/kg IV) plus an aminoglycoside (usually gentamicin, Safety
4 mg/kg).80 Reasonable alternative regimens include ampicillin
with a third-generation cephalosporin, but there is evidence that Advanced life support skills are critical for successful neonatal
several members of the latter group predispose a neonate to resuscitation, yet are far from routine for most emergency clini-
invasive candidiasis. Because ceftriaxone can increase the risk of cians. For example, in a cohort of almost 5000 births at a tertiary
kernicterus, cefotaxime (50 mg/kg IV) is preferred.80 level hospital, only 30 infants required intubation, 15 were given
chest compressions, and only 10 received epinephrine or volume
Glucose.  Concomitant hypoglycemia should be considered expanders.90 An important step toward improving outcomes is
and promptly treated in a neonate requiring ongoing resuscita- team adherence to NRP guidelines. Highlighting the importance
tion. Hypoglycemia is most easily diagnosed by rapid bedside of safety, an essential component of the new NRP curriculum is
glucose testing or serum glucose level measurement. Neonates the inclusion of simulation.91 Simulation in neonatal resuscitation
with a glucose level less than 40 mg/dL and with symptoms of allows for a multidisciplinary team to practice behavioral and
hypoglycemia—irritability, tremors, jitteriness, apnea, tachypnea, teamwork skills, not only individual technical skills, in a safe
seizures, cyanosis, lethargy, poor feeding—require treatment with environment. Implementation of an integrated TeamSTEPPS
IV glucose. Standard therapy is 2 mL of 10% dextrose in water (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient
(D10W)/kg as well as starting a continuous infusion of D10W at 80 Safety) and NRP curriculum has been shown to result improved
to 100 mL/kg/day.10 Higher concentrations of glucose (eg, 25% outcomes in regard not only to communication, but also to incor-
dextrose in water, D25W) are hyperosmolar and should be avoided. rect medication dosing and inadequate chest compression depth.92
If the newborn can safely tolerate feeds, oral glucose solution, Furthermore, routine (and unannounced) simulation-based
maternal breast milk, or formula should be given by mouth (PO) neonatal resuscitation training has been shown to improve pro-
on demand. Repeat glucose measurement should be obtained 10 vider self-confidence in addition to knowledge and technical and
to 20 minutes after glucose administration. Asymptomatic neo- nontechnical skills.93
nates with hypoglycemia should be encouraged to feed more often
and are treated with IV glucose only if glucose levels fall precipi- Effectiveness
tously (<25 mg/dL at birth to 4 hours of age or <35 mg/dL at 4–24
hours of age).10 In the hands of trained emergency clinicians, neonates requiring
advanced resuscitative efforts receive improved PPV, decreased
Dopamine.  Dopamine is indicated only when signs of shock time to vascular access, and shortened time to first IV medica-
(eg, poor peripheral perfusion, weak pulses) are still present, tion.94 Deliberate training of emergency medicine residents
despite adequate volume replacement. Given as a continuous has been shown to result in double their self-rated confidence
infusion beginning at 5 µg/kg/min, dopamine may be increased scores and improved ability to perform the key first steps of
to 20 µg/kg/min as necessary, before additional inotrope support resuscitation—dry, warm, position, stimulate.95 These dramatic
is indicated. provider level improvements are seen worldwide with the imple-
mentation of guideline-based care. For patients, the results are
Therapeutic Hypothermia just as profound. For example, implementing neonatal resuscita-
tion practice protocols at county-level hospitals in China has
When moderate to severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is been shown to decrease birth asphyxia from 8.8% to 6.0% and
suspected, selective cerebral hypothermia in asphyxiated infants asphyxia-related deaths from 27.6 to 5.0/100,000.96 Early analyses
may protect against brain injury.1,81-89 Therapeutic hypothermia of of the NRP program, which has now trained more than 5 million
33.5° to 34.5° C (92.3°–94.1° F) in this population can lower mor- providers in the United States alone, have suggested that fewer
tality and improve the likelihood of normal neurologic outcome high-risk infants experience a drop in APGAR score from 1 to
at 18 months. Current NRP guidelines recommend therapeutic 5 minutes, with many actually showing an improvement since

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CHAPTER 164  Neonatal Resuscitation 2041

implementation.97 However, resuscitation is not without potential Further Considerations

The need for chest compressions and CPR is a known prognostic
Complications marker for increased rates of morbidity and mortality in neonates.
Undergoing CPR at delivery increases the likelihood of pneumo-
Relatively common complications post–neonatal resuscitation thorax, grades 3 and 4 intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopul-
include hypoglycemia, transient tachypnea of the newborn, MAS, monary dysplasia, and death by 12 hours and 120 days after
pneumothorax, hypermagnesemia, significant hyperbilirubine- birth.100 Unfortunately, these complications have also been associ-
mia, and sepsis.97 These conditions are associated with increased ated with long-term neurodevelopment impairment (NDI), with
NICU admission rates, as well as morbidity and mortality.98 less than 15% of infants with 5-minute APGAR scores lower than
Additional risk factors in infants requiring prolonged PPV at 2 surviving without NDI.100 The implementation of a local neo-
delivery that predict NICU stay for longer than 1 day include natal resuscitation protocol appears to improve neurodevelop-
placental abruption, assisted delivery, small for dates, gestational ment outcome; follow-up data have suggested that the incidence
age less than 37 weeks, low 5-minute APGAR score, and need for of electroencephalographic abnormalities, cerebral palsy, and
intubation at birth.99 seizure disorders are all greatly reduced.101

• Resuscitation should be anticipated for all neonates born outside the or PPV. Endotracheal intubation should be performed in several
delivery room; 10% of newborns will require some resuscitation, and situations, such as when bag-mask ventilation is ineffective or
1% will require advanced life support interventions after birth. prolonged, chest compressions are performed, an extremely
• Predictable indications for resuscitation include hypoxia, hypothermia, low-birth-weight infant is born, and tracheal suctioning for
hypoglycemia, hypovolemia, prematurity, maternal infection, and meconium in infants results in failure to improve, despite effective
adverse effects of maternal medication. PPV.
• Drying, warming, positioning, and stimulating the infant are sufficient • Chest compressions are rarely required because bradycardia generally
resuscitative measures for most deliveries. responds to effective ventilation. However, compressions should be
• Adequate ventilation will reverse most bradycardia whereas, in started for an HR less than 60 beats/min, despite oxygen and
general, 100% oxygen is not indicated for most neonatal adequate ventilation for 30 seconds.
resuscitations. • The umbilical vein is the preferred route of immediate vascular
• The NRP resuscitation algorithm provides a proven guide for access, followed by peripheral veins, peripherally inserted central
management and its implementation has shown to improve catheter lines, and the femoral vein. IO line placement can be
short- and long-term outcomes, including neurodevelopment. problematic in neonates.
• Routine tracheal suctioning of vigorous and nonvigorous infants born • No reliable and widely adopted set of parameters has been identified
through meconium-stained amniotic fluid is no longer recommended. for newborns who should not receive resuscitative efforts. Unless
• Weight-based epinephrine and volume expanders are rarely required. there is clear family, parent, and/or health care provider agreement,
• Significant hypovolemia is rare in neonates. Hemorrhage is one of all resuscitation efforts should continue until further prognostication
the few predictable situations in which volume expansion improves can occur.
newborn outcome. • Infants receiving appropriate resuscitation efforts nonetheless
• Preterm infants and those born to mothers with suspected infection, showing no signs of life after 10 minutes may have further efforts
including chorioamnionitis, should receive empirical antibiotic withheld, particularly when this decision is in accord with parental
therapy. An acceptable regimen includes dual therapy with ampicillin preference.
and gentamicin. • All newborns requiring IV placement, medication administration,
• Any neonate with persistent cyanosis or signs of respiratory distress chest compressions or endotracheal intubation should be transferred
(eg, grunting, nasal flaring, tachypnea) should be assisted by CPAP to an appropriate neonatal intensive care unit.

The references for this chapter can be found online by accessing the accompanying Expert Consult website.

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CHAPTER 164  Neonatal Resuscitation 2041.e1

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2041.e2 PART V  Special Populations  |  SECTION One  The Pediatric Patient

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164.1. With most neonatal deliveries, which resuscitative minute. If the cause of the bradycardia is known to be cardiac, a
measures are usually sufficient? ratio of 15 : 2 is acceptable.
A. Administer fluids.
B. Administer glucose. 164.4. A nonvigorous and crying newborn is delivered with
C. Bag-mask ventilate. copious meconium-stained fluid. What is the correct
D. Intubate. recommended resuscitative measure?
E. Warm, dry, stimulate, and position. A. Bag-mask ventilate.
B. Intubate.
Answer: E. Drying, warming, positioning, and stimulating the
C. Intubate and suction.
infant are usually sufficient resuscitative measures in most
D. Suction at maternal perineum before cutting
umbilical cord.
E. Gentle mouth suctioning if needed, followed by
164.2. For a newborn with cyanosis, respiratory distress and a
warming, drying, and stimulation.
heart rate more than 100 beats/min, which of the
following is not initially indicated? Answer: E. For infants born with meconium-stained amniotic
A. Apply 100% oxygen. fluid, routine intubation and endotracheal tube suctioning are no
B. Position airway. longer recommended because they have shown no consistent
C. Suction. benefit. Vigorous and nonvigorous infants born through even
D. Ventilate with bag-mask with room air. thick meconium should instead have gentle mouth suctioning, if
E. Warm, dry, and stimulate. needed, followed by warming, drying, and stimulation.
Answer: A. 100% oxygen is no longer indicated for initial resus-
164.5. After drying, stimulating, and bag-mask ventilation, what
citation; avoiding unnecessary supplemental oxygen is thought to
is the next step in resuscitation of a newborn that
minimize free radical creation in the brain and decreases the
appears floppy and apneic and with a heart rate of
incidence of retinopathy of prematurity. Initial resuscitation with
50 beats/min?
room air is recommended.
A. Give a normal saline bolus of 20 mL/kg.
B. Give epinephrine (1:10,000) intravenous (IV) at a
164.3. In a typical neonatal resuscitation, what is the preferred
dose of 0.1 mg/kg.
compression-to-ventilation ratio?
C. Intubate.
A. 3 : 1
D. Start with a chest compression-to-ventilation ratio of
B. 5 : 1
C. 10 : 2
E. Suction.
D. 15 : 2
E. 30 : 2 Answer: D. With a heart rate less than 60 beats/min in a neonate,
intubation may be considered, but compressions should be
Answer: A. Unlike pediatric or adult cardiopulmonary resuscita-
started. If the low heart rate persists, IV epinephrine (1:10,000)
tion (CPR), neonatal CPR is performed at a ratio of three com-
may be considered at a dose of 0.01 mg/kg.
pressions to one breath, with a goal of approximately 90
compressions with 30 synchronized breaths (120 “events”) per

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