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4. Write the test cases for any known applications (e.g.-Banking applications).

Aim: To write the test cases for banking applications.


Known attributes to be checked:

Classes Attributes
Banks Bank_ID
Branches Branch_ID
Customers Customers_ID
Accounts Account_number
Transactions Transaction_ID

Banking applications to be checked:

1. As a system administrator, the user

a) Can create new bank information.

b) Can update existing bank information.
c) Can activate a new bank account.
d) Can deactivate an existing bank account.
e) Can setup a bank system administrator.
f) Can assign a user as a bank administrator.
g) Can delete a user from the bank administrator.

2. As a bank administrator, the user

a) Can update bank information.

b) Can update bank administrator user information.
c) Can create new branch information in the system.
d) Can update existing branch information in the system.
e) Can activate a new branch in the system.
f) Can create branch manager information.
g) Can delete an existing branch manager.

3. As a branch manager, the user

a) Can update a branch profile in the system.

b) Can update branch employee information.
c) Can create new customer in system.
d) Can update existing customer on the system.
e) Can approve customer account receipt.
f) Can approve customer credit card request.

4. As a customer, the user

a) Can create login profile online.

b) Can update online customer information.
c) Can submit a new account request.
d) Can submit account close request.
e) Can order new checks for checking accounts.
f) Can submit credit card requests.
g) Can send email to bank administrator.
h) Can transfer money to bank accounts.
i) Can send money to other customers.
j) Can setup bill payments.
k) Can pay online.

Backend database verification:

a) When customer create profile online, customer information should be inserted into the
customer table.
b) The system should store every bank transaction for customer.
c) Transactions log should have account_number, transaction_id, transaction_type,
account_balance and transaction_amount.
d) When a customer schedules a bill payment, the scheduling system should setup a bill
payment task.
e) When a customer set up a new bill payment profile, the billing system should have
customer_id, account_number and bill_payment_info.
f) The system should store a customer login account activity and logout information in the
Test cases:

Test case 1:

Steps Test steps Test data Expected Actual Status notes

output result
1 Navigate - User should User should Pass -
to login be able to be able to
page login login
2 Provide Credentials As expected Pass -
valid can be
username entered
3 Provide Password : 1234 Credentials As expected Pass -
valid can be
password entered
4 Click on - User logged User logged pass -
login off off
button successfully

Test case 2:

Tester data:

Test_case_id BU_001
Created by <name>
Testers log Review comments from bill incorporate in v2.1
Tester’s name <name>
Date tested 1-JAN-2019
Test status PASS
Preconditions Access to chrome browser
Test data User id - ab1234
Password - df1192@1
Test scenario:

Step number Step details Expected results Actual results Status

1 Navigate to Site should open As expected PASS
2 Enter email id and Credentials can As expected PASS
password be entered
3 Click submit Customer is As expected PASS
logged in
Test case 3:

Tester data:

Test_case_id TC_Functionality_01
Priority High
Description Test the login Functionality in banking
Module Main line screen
Prepared by <name>
Tested by <name>

Test activities:

S.NO Step description Expected result Actual result

1 Navigate to website Site should open As expected
2 Enter login id and Credentials can be As expected
password entered

Test database:

DataType Dataset 1 Dataset 2 Dataset 3

Login with email and user1 user2
password 123456 1234322 qwerty@!$$

Test case result: PASS

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