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Walls of this type are used only when the retained height of soil is
relatively small in sands and gravels these walls may be used as
permanent structures , but in general they are used for temporary support
the stability of a cantilever sheet pile wall is due entirely to passive
resistance developed below the lower soil surface . the mode failure is by
rotation about a point O near the lower end of the wall as shown in Figure
6.21(a) consequently passive resistance acts in front of the wall above O
and behind the wall below O , as shown in Figure 6.21(b) thus providing
a fixing moment : however , this pressure distribution is an idealization as
there is unlikely to be a sudden change in passive pressure from front to
back at point O

FIG. 6.21 cantilever sheet pile wall

Design is generally based on the simplification shown in Figure 6.21(c)

,it being assumed that the net passive resistance below point O is
represented by a concentrated force R acting at a point C ,slightly below
O at depth d below the lower soil surface . The depth d can be determined
by equating moments about C to zero ,a factor of safety F being applied
to the stabilizing moment i.e. by dividing the available passive resistance
(Pp) in front of the wall by F . the value of d is then increased arbitrarily
by 20% to allow for the simplification involved in the method ,i.e. the
required depth of embedment is 1.2d .however ,it is desirable to evaluate
R by equating horizontal forces to zero and to check that the net passive
resistance available over the additional 20% embedment depth is equal to
or greater than R .

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