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Aeron A.

AGR 150
Reaction Paper on the Abaca Issue
“A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow
draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.”
-Alexander Pope, Essay on Criticism
It doesn’t take to be knowledgeable in plant breeding to understand the gist of these issue, it only
takes a rational mind, a common sense, which indeed is not very common nowadays, even in
bureaucrats and policy makers. Reading Dr. Javier’s article is like listening to a professor
discussing a lesson in the classroom. The discussion was deductive, logical, and conclusive. There
is no need for any ad hominem argument or mentioning other issues and unrelated statistics which
truly are, unless to a mindless fanatic, outside of the topic in question.
In the words of Mr. Costales himself, his expertise lies on the intricacies and the SWOT of abaca
trade and industry. His knowledge in the industry was “fast-tracked”, and his twenty-four-year
experience was in the private sector, he was just new in public service and that’s why he may be
forgiven in this point. But what is unbecoming of a public servant and his culpable fault is in giving
free rein to his personal pride and knowledge, a risky, dangerous, and thoughtless move. In
agricultural industries such as that of abaca, the fundamental knowledge one must have and
examine is that of the science of the crop. Admission of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom. To
accuse a former UP President, a DOST chairman, an academician of NAST, the founding director
of IPB, a long-time public servant of being clueless is nothing but an admission of reckless pride
and ignorance.
Moreover, Mr. Costales also accused Dr. Javier and DOST-PCAARRD of encroaching
PhilFIDA’s authority. He even had the audacity to quote the mandate of both institutions which
anyone thinking enough can see that the mandate of DOST-PCAARD covers that of the PhilFIDA.
And indeed, it is Mr. Costales himself who wrongfully asserts and extends his authority by
demanding the halt of researches and projects outside his authority, violating the independence of
the institutions concerned and the foremost right of academic freedom. A little knowledge indeed
is a dangerous thing, Mr. Costales, it is intoxicating, and the only thing that can make you sober is
drink your fill. There is no need for a wager if you truly believe that your cause is true. Truth will
vindicate itself in the same way that a lion set loose can defend itself.
Mr. Costales also questioned the importance of research, stating that the success rate is only 14%.
There is indeed no question that the advancement of civilization and welfare uses science as its
cornerstone. And if researches do not attain their goal and reach the grassroots, you are a living
example yourself Mr. Costales. It is because of bureaucrats who impedes science and the pursuit
of knowledge. You mentioned the four woes of our abaca industry and you know that arming our
farmers with science and knowledge can cure those woes. Policies will never be enough.
Your use of God in your arguments is also pointless. I pray you learn about this quote, “What we
are is God’s gift to us, what we become is our gift to God.” God gave us a mind, it’s our duty to
cultivate it with knowledge. What our breeders do for abaca right now has already happened in the
evolution of corn and it appears that nature did it itself.
I doubt if you ever really read the article of Dr. Javier. Your empty and unrelated response sells
you out. Your obvious pride and ego bring you down. Indeed, you are suffering under the biggest
problem in communication, you listen, not to understand, but just to reply.
I believe it is no use to discuss science with you unless you are willing to learn and understand.
Even simple students in plant breeding and genetics can identify the basic flaw in the abaca tissue
culture planting materials which you are priding yourself with. We all know that asexual
reproduction leads to segregation of desirable traits in the next generation. I pray that you drink
your fill of knowledge very soon because you are not only dooming yourself but the whole abaca
industry as well. Dr. Javier and the others are willing to help you if you will just allow them.

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