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Adelson A.

Jaugan #8

The story is a bit problematic especially when interpreted basing only on its surface. If

we grasp the particular text literally, definitely we find out how unfair the law in the story is. The

law given by God in the story does not substantially speak of the superiority of man over the

woman; rather it speaks about the “word” as a person keeps it by means of making "vows” most

especially in the presence of God. Of course the story also depicts the validation of the vow as

dependent to men during that time (which is an obsolete practice nowadays), but that is not the

case. Again, it speaks substantially of “word” specifically in making “vows”.

Word is a very important thing in every human race. Through words, persons can impart

ideas, beliefs and even change lives. We relate and communicate by words. It may be in a form

of speaking, writing, or making a sign. Most importantly, to relate with the story, a person uses

words to make promises (that is why we often hear that someone keeps her/his words). People

make their vows to give affirmation and assurance- that it is their final decision to commit their

lives. Making vows is more than keeping words for ordinary situations; it is formed (preferably)

by the one who had gone through much discernment and is eventually kept in the presence of

witnesses and ,most especially, of God. Words are not cheap, rather, powerful. Vow is the most

powerful word; it is a word of action that involves promise. In other words, it involves future

actions and assurance. The vows of married, as described in the story, need spousal approval.

The vows of the couple cannot stand without the approval of the parents and most especially, of

God. Vow therefore is not an easy thing to do. It needs approvals to see if the couple is ready to

make a life commitment. The complexity of the law about the vow in the story is made to signify

the discouragement of breaking the vow. Vow does not cease to be a vow if one realizes that
he/she is making a wrong choice. It is a lifetime commitment. Vow therefore is not something

that can be easily undone and that should be deeply discerned.

Oftentimes, people do not take the making of vows seriously. Many decide immediately

and make promises with God. In decisions we make, such as whether to get married or not, many

of us tend to rush and do not think twice as if it is just a temporary and an easy task. Many

people reduce vow as a thing that does away with enjoyment. Our mind has become influenced

by some of the problematic modern culture. Our mindset today is filled with seeking of selfish

temporal enjoyment. In other words, many people are centered on self and disregard things that

are very much substantial in life, something that is stable and worth committing for. We forget

how important it is to make vows and be faithful to it. Sometimes, I too personally admit that I

am also guilty of it.

Making vows implies the awareness of God in the outcome of concrete human events.

We make decisions and vows with our expectation also to God to be faithful in the contract. It is

not just us who are carrying the obligation when we make vows. God also carries the obligation.

Many times, we thought that it is only us who carry all the burden and responsibilities, but in

reality, God also carries the obligation in the contract.

Word is a very powerful thing in this world. When we make vows, it is no longer just a

word, but a word that involves promises and future action. To make vow with God is not an easy

decision. Vow is a very serious matter that cannot easily be broken. In many times, we become

very careless with our decisions. Let us not forget that God also carries the obligation. That is

why it is made in the presence of God. Are we careful, selfless and faithful when we make vows

with God? It serves as a lifetime challenge.

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