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Glass and Ceramics Vol. 52, Nos.

l - 2 , 1995

Science for Ceramics M a n u f a c t u r e

UDC 666.3:535.345.1.002.2


A. V. B e l y a k o v a and A. N. S u k h o z h a k ~

Translated from Steklo i Keramika, Nos. 1 - 2, pp. 14 - 20, January - February, 1995.

A phenomenological description of the processes occurring at different stages of manufacturing transparent

ceramics from preparing the powder to firing is given from the standpoint of the irreversible and nonequili-
brium processes developed by Prigogine and his school. Principles for choosing compacting additions and
techniques which impede powder aggregation and local compaction in drying and firing, and the formation
of closed intercrystalline and intracrystalline pores in sintering are considered.

Transparent ceramics (transparent polycrystalline materi- ramics, water vapor, nitrogen, and carbon can penetrate
als) have a lower transmittance than monocrystals, but are closed pores. This makes closed pores the most dangerous
more heat resistant and sometimes even stronger. This makes factor in production of transparent ceramics. In this connec-
them a less expensive material, especially when the articles tion, the prerequisites for their appearance should be ex-
have complex shapes [1, 2], and explains the growing interest cluded at all manufacturing stages.
in such materials. Crystal boundaries should be thin and optically perfect.
To be transparent, the ceramic should be poreless and The presence of a second phase on the crystal boundaries
have optically perfect crystal boundaries and crystals. The which has different optical properties from the main crystal-
surface of a pore is a boundary between phases with sharply line phase leads to reflection and refraction of light and
different optical properties, and therefore, it intensely reflects makes the ceramic less transparent. For this reason, transpar-
and refracts light. A large number of pores makes ceramics ent ceramics are obtained from raw materials of h i ~ purity
opaque. Pores may be intercrystalline or intracrystalline. The and the amount of additive is chosen so that they completely
elimination of intracrystalline pores, even if they are submi- dissolve in the solid solution with the main phase.
cron in size, is a much longer process than elimination of The crystals in ceramics should be optically perfect. The
closed intercrystalline pores. Intercrystalline pores occur at main requirement is the absence of optical defects, namely,
crystal boundaries which are sinks of vacancies, and this pores, inclusions of the second solid phase, aggregate
makes their removal easier. boundaries, and dislocations. In ceramics from optically an-
Intracrystalline pores may acquire equilibrium faceting isotropic crystals (crystal systems other than cubic), an addi-
[3], which makes their removal more difficult. The impurities tional scattering of liglat arises on the boundaries because of
that form a gaseous phase during heat treatment and create their arbitrary crystallographic orientation [1]. Some investi-
excessive pressure inside closed pores also preserve the in- gators think that the size of crystals in transparent ceramics
tracrystalline porosity. Compacting additions are concen- should be minimal in order to reduce the probability that
trated on the surface of the pores and accelerate the diffusion pores will be captured by growing crystals and to shorten the
processes that lead to their equilibrium faceting. diffusion path for removal of intracrystalline pores [2]. How-
An elevated concentration of the compacting additive, ever, this increases the lengh of the boundaries and thus the
i.e., magnesium oxide, was found on the surface of the resid- light scattering on them.
ual closed pores of translucent ceramics from aluminum ox- These considerations lead us to the requirements to be
ide [4]. Magnesium oxide has a much h i ~ e r saturated vapor observed by manufacturers of transparent ceramics. It is nec-
pressure than aluminum oxide, and therefore, when fired in essary to exclude at all manufacturing stages the causes of
oxygen, the former creates excessive pressure in the pores. In the formation of intracrystalline pores and evolution of the
the process of transformation of hydroxides into oxides and second phase on crystal boundaries and inside crystals.
burning of the temporary technological binder from oxide ce- Transparent ceramics are commonly produced with the
use of special compacting additives [5]. The additives accel-
D. I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Technological University, Moscow, erate diffusion processes, ensure removal of intracrystalline
Russia. and intercrystalline pores, and improve the structure of crys-

0361-7610/95/0102-0014512.50 9 1995 Plenum PuNishing Corporation
Production of Transparent Ceramics 15

tal boundaries and crystals. The amount of additives is cho- efficiently [9]; e.g., an additive of gadolinium oxide to pro-
sen so that they will not evolve as a new solid phase, but will duce transparent ceramics from yttrium oxide [1 O]
enter the solid solution together with the main crystalline
phase. In other words, the concentration of the additive Y2~
Gd203 ----+ (4)
should be less than its ultimate solubility in the main phase at
the firing temperature. In both sublattices, vacancies emerge due to tensile
The additives should impede crystal growth, i.e., slow stresses caused by the difference in the radii of gadolinium
down movement of their boundaries [6, 7]. In this case, the and yttrium ions. Therefore, a coefficient k << 1 is intro-
probability that a pore will be separated from the boundary duced into reaction (4). On contrast to Schottky defects
and transformed into an intracrystalline pore is reduced.
Moreover, the additives should accelerate surface diffusion 0 Y203 2 Vy" + 3 Vo
and thus stimulate elimination of pores situated along crystal
reaction (4) is dependent not only on the temperature but also
The additives are chosen using defect formation reac-
on the concentration of the additive. It is easier to introduce
tions [8, 9]. Let us consi'der the principles for choosing addi-
the additive in large amounts.
tives for production of transparent ceramics frofn oxides. If For a correct choice of the additive, we should know
diffusion in crystals occurs by the mechanism of vacancies, what kind of defect is formed in the crystal in heating and
which is typical for oxides, the vacancies should be both in what mechanism is responsible for diffusion processes. The
the cation sublattice (metal sublattice) and in the oxygen diffusion mechanism can change during heating, for exam-
sublattice. At sintering temperatures, oxygen is more volatile ple, vacancy diffusion may change into an internodal diffu-
in oxides than in metals. As a result, oxygen vacancies Vo" sion [9]. It should be taken into account that at the initial sin-
are formed in the oxygen sublattice, especially in boundary tering stages, the additive may be present as an individual
layers of the crystal, i.e., phase through which the main diffusion flow occurs, whereas
in the final sintering stages it is transformed into a solid solu-
MeO --+ Me~e + Vo" + I/2 0 2 + 2e'. (1) tion [5]. The additives should decrease the anisotropy of
crystal growth and make the crystal shape more isometric.
An increase in the concentration of oxygen vacancies Otherwise, anisotropy o f crystal growth will lead to the ap-
[Vo"] in accordance with Eq. (3) leads to a reduction in the pearance of tensile forces in the ceramics, which causes the
concentration of vacancies in the cation sublattice by [V~e] appearance of closed intercrystalline porosity.
the Schottky equation In firing, the gas medium affects the reactions of defect
formation in the ceramics and hence affects the sintering
MeO process. Brauer diagrams [8, 9, 11] give a visual picture of
0 V 'e+ VO" ; (2)
the effect of the partial pressure of the components of the gas
medium on defect formation reactions. The correctness of the
<. = [Vo3, (3) diagrams can be proved by plotting the dependence of a de-
fect-sensitive property, for example, electrical conductivity,
where K,. is the equilibrium constant in the formation of a
on the partial pressure of the volatile component in logarith-
Schottky defect.
mic coordinates. Transparent ceramics are usually fired in a
Thus we have a deficit of Vs
In complex compounds vacuum, hydrogen, or gaseous medium which forms anions
such as oxides, diffusion is intensified if the number of va- in compounds. The anions are usually a volatile component.
cancies is sufficient in both sublattices. Since there are suffi- Oxide ceramics are fired in oxygen, nitride ceramics in nitro-
cient oxygen vacancies, the additive should stimulate the ap- gen, fluoride ceramics in fluorine, and so on. If we use other
pearance of cation vacancies. For example, in order to inten- gaseous media, they will penetrate the intracrystalline and
sify diffusion in mag-nesium oxide, we can use additives of closed intercrystalline pores and impede their removal.
scandium oxide or zirconium dioxide Gases consisting of the same atoms as the anions of the
main phase reduce the volatility of the anions in reactions of
MgO defect formation that are analogous to (1) and (2) and the
Sc203 > 2SCMg- 30~ + [/M'g "
concentration of vacancies in the anion sublattice. Such me-
M,~O dia require smaller amounts of additives for compensating
ZrO 2 _2.~ Zr~g + 2 0 6 + VMg. the perturbed Schottky equilibrium (Eq. (3)). In additive, the
diffusion coefficient of these gases in regions close to crystal
When possible, isovalent additives that form a wide boundaries is rather high because these regions are enriched
-spectrum of solid solutions with the main phase can be used by anion vacancies (reaction (1)). This stimulates the elimi-

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