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I’d like to share that how to make dumplings. First of all, we need to prepare what we need.

We need
flour and some worm water to make dumplings wrapper. We also get some filling for dumplings, it can
be vegetables or meat. Personally, I prefer vegetables and a bit meat. Secondly, the vegetables and
meat need to be cut into pieces and add some salt, oil, sauce, then mix them well. Dumpling wrappers
need to be made into round shape, so the dumplings can be made easier. Thirdly, dumpling filling
should be put on the center of each dumpling wrapper with a spoon, pay attention to not too much, so
as to avoid the dumpling filling overflow, and you wrap them carefully. In the end, they need to be put in
boiling water and wait for several minutes. When you take them out, they are already to be eaten.

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