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2018 PPA ADMINISTRATIVE ORD=e No, Of - 2019 To The For: Manager, PMO-NCR South Lamina! Overators, Maniia international Gomtainer Zerminal (MICT) an¢ South Harbor (SH) Gonsignees/Cargo Owners/Shippers Srokers/-orwarders Others Concerned SUBJECT GUIDELINES ON THE IMMEDIAT: OVERSTAYING IMPORT CaRGo TERMINALS TO DESIGNATED PORTS ee {[Re Authorny:snall take all action necessary 10 ®xpeditiousiy acaress nigh impor dwell Sramote optimal terminal s1, M@haging increased traas ang damand for © clearance facilitation at MIGT and the immediate and acceteratea of all import caraces already closred Tor dsiiverywitndrawai rom the sontaine: nef prover Desianated Fors in accoraance with the following guidelines PPA Saar Resolutions No. 2789 ane 279: March 18. 2079, ress, ively. Section 2(e3, Antsis Il, Presiaentis} Decres No: 57, as amended Section (2 Btik) (xy), Presigential Decres No. 857, as amendec i& Executive Order No 172.dated Sepremper 13, 2044 2. OBJECTIVES 21 Te ensure the smooth flow of Waterporns Sommerce passing through the county's pons, whetner Public oF private, in the conguet of international ang J SUbSmise: control, requiate, construct. maintain, operate, @NG provide sich feollties OF Services as are necessary in ports vested in, or belonging to the Pe, © direct ang authorize tne Tetmina! Operators of MICT and SH to maximize the terminal's SDerating ‘eficiency by UN¢sraking ‘pérational anc Strategic 5 Bar 458 Mune Prikcoones Wine “ar /Scr ase eg FO N81 ee one mC WW ope este Msesurss the: will oreserve ne protect the competitiveness of the counmys oremier intemetiona| gateways Snips Waltins time to prin anc orevent the unwarranted Wwastsiul eiminal varc space as permanent aumpine Groune Tar carSc IMBORES stores To" Ingefinnely lone penca of ume ‘OF Not anc which i DOS O€Vone tns aireaay anc omer government agencies. suicn as the Bureau of jer and/or” windrawal 5) imporers or tnsir autnonzec Gras" shall apply to ali ciearec impor cargoss whieh remained inside the por jor Mors than thirty Gays (30) cays trom dischar INITION OF TERMS Abancones Cargo — rsiers to cargo which has remained in the designated por Tor more than 30 cays from thé gate of ransier Alreacy Cicares tor Dslivery/Witnorawa) Cargo —relers t ah impon cargo aiready relsassd through the Oniine Release Svstam (OLRS) Authonly — refers to the Shilippm= Sons Authority or PPA, Coniner Gwel! Time - refers to + OfOss TIME SxDressed in devs an imporm cargo femains i i= porvierminal. trom the day the jast item of Cargo Is disenarasd irom Me carving vessel. up tc the me ft is witharawn dy the importer/consignes and felsesea from ine por s custody. Oesionates =or — retsrs to any OY por, inland container terminal, depot and Seapor of entry which is cesignated by the terminal operator as altemative por other tan the por oF giscnargs anc where impor cargo may b= transtereg jJons-term sioraa: Dry Por - refers te an inland location as fogistics centre connectes © ons or MOrS Modes Of wanspor jor the handling. storage €NO reguiatory inspection of goees moving in infemations! rece ane the execution oF DIE cust conta! anc formalities. ; Free Storags Period — refers io ME soscified penog during wnish = cnassis OF alge May Occupy space assignee 10 it ai the ismminal, ree of re ai pu Ait Frangie/ Goerstanny er termine storage cnaraes immediately oner t6 the loading or oF semurrac: supsequens {0 the aisonarge off the vesse: Oversiavine Imoor containe® — refers to an impor container tna: remains in tne 5 = maximum: awell ime

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