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Modulo Division (MOD):

A MOD B means A is divided by B and remainder of division is returned. Here, both A and B must be integer
and the remainder is also an integer. E.g. 43 MOD 11 = 10
Integer Division (\):
A \ B means A is divided by B and quotient of division is returned. A and B are integers and the quotient is
also an integer. E.g. 43 \ 11 = 3
Division (/):
It is a binary operator which divides one number with the other. E.g. 43/11 = 3.909090

Library Function:
The built-in functions that are used for commonly used operations are called library functions. For e.g. ABS(),
INT(), SIN(), COS(), TAN(), SQR(), ASC(), CHR$(), LEFT$(), etc.

String Library functions:

a. ASC(): It returns a numeric value that is the ASCII code for the first character of the string.
Syntax : ASC(string expression)
E.g. : ASC(“A”) = 65
b. CHR$(): It is used to convert an ASCII code to the character it represents.
Syntax : CHR$(n) where n is a value from 0 to 255
E.g. : CHR$(65)=”A”
c. LEN():It returns the no. of characters in a string.
Syntax : LEN(string expression)
E.g. : LEN(“Mango”)= 5
d. STRING$(): It is used to obtain a string of length n composed entirely of the character whose ASCII code is m
or of the first character of x$.
Syntax : STRING$(n, m | x$)
E.g. : STRING$(5,”*”)= “*****”
e. VAL(): It converts a string expression consisting of digits into a numeric value.
Syntax : VAL(string expression)
E.g. : VAL(“5 Mangoes”) = 5
f. STR$(): It is used to convert numeric expression to its string representation.
Syntax : STR$(numeric expression)
E.g. : STR$(5)=”5”
g. SPACE$(): It is used to generate a string of spaces of length of n.
Syntax : SPACE$(n)
E.g. : SPACE$(5)=” “
h. LEFT$(): It is a string processing function that allows to remove the desired number of characters from the
left-hand side of the string.
Syntax : LEFT$(string expression, n)
E.g. : LEFT$(“Mango”,3) = “Man”
i. RIGHT$(): It is a string processing function that allows us to remove the desired number of characters from
the right-hand side of string.
Syntax : RIGHT$(string expression, n)
E.g. : RIGHT$(“Mango”,2) = “go”
j. MID$(): It is a string processing function which is used to extract number of characters from given position of
the string.
Syntax : MID$(string expression, start, length)
E.g. : MID$(“Mango”,2,3) = “ang”
k. LCASE$() and UCASE$(): These are used to convert string values to lowercase and uppercase respectively.
Syntax : LCASE$(string expression)
UCASE$(string expression)
E.g. : LCASE$(“Mango”)=”mango” and UCASE$(“Mango”)= “MANGO”

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