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WKCE Test Practice 2

How to Tell a Story
by Mark Twain
I do not claim that I can tell a story as it ought beforehand that it is one of the funniest things he
to be told. I only claim to know how a story ought has ever heard, then tells it with eager delight and
to be told, for I have been almost daily in the is the first person to laugh when he gets through.
company of the most expert storytellers for many And sometimes, if he has good success, he is so
years. glad and happy that he will repeat the “nub” of it
There are several kinds of stories but only one and glance around from face to face, collecting
difficult kind—the humorous. I will talk mainly applause, and then repeat it again. It is a pathetic
about that one. The humorous story is American; thing to see.
the comic story is English; the witty story is French. Very often, of course, the rambling and dis-
The humorous story depends for its effect upon jointed humorous story finishes with a nub, point,
the manner of the telling; the comic story and the snapper, or whatever you call it. Then the listener
witty story upon the matter. must be alert, for in many cases the teller will
The humorous story may be spun out to great divert attention from that nub by dropping it in a
length and may wander around as much as it carefully casual and indifferent way, with the pre-
pleases and arrive nowhere in particular; but the tense that he does not know it is a nub.
comic and witty stories must be brief and end Artemus Ward used that trick a good deal;
with a point. The humorous story bubbles gently then, when the belated audience presently caught
along; the others burst. the joke, he would look up with innocent surprise,
The humorous story is strictly a work of art— as if wondering what they had found to laugh at.
high and delicate art—and only an artist can tell Dan Setchell used it before him; Nye and Riley and
it; but no art is necessary in telling the comic and others use it today.
the witty story; anybody can do it. The art of But the teller of the comic story does not slur
telling a humorous story—understand, I mean by the nub; he shouts it at you—every time. And
word of mouth, not print—was created in when he prints it, in England, France, Germany,
America and has remained at home. and Italy, he italicizes it, puts some whooping
The humorous story is told gravely; the teller exclamation points after it, and sometimes
does his best to conceal the fact that he even explains it in a parenthesis. All of which is very
dimly suspects that there is anything funny about depressing and makes one want to renounce
it; but the teller of the comic story tells you joking and lead a better life.

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1 In the context of this essay, the word nub 5 In what manner, according to Twain, should
most nearly means a humorous story be told?
A funny story. A seriously
B punch line. B comically
C laughter. C uninterested
D oral tale. D goofy
2 Which of the following statements from the 6 Twain believes that the witty story can be
selection is a FACT? effective only if which of the following is
A There are several kinds of stories but only excellent?
one difficult kind—humorous. A the teller
B Artemus Ward used that trick a good B the manner of telling
deal… Dan Setchell used it before him; C the subject matter
Nye and Riley and others use it today.
D the teller’s accent
C The humorous story is American; the
7 Twain points to many differences between
comic story is English; the witty story is
humorous stories and those that are comic or
witty. Fill in the chart below to identify these
D The humorous story is strictly a work of differences.
art… and only an artist can tell it.
3 Which statement probably best describes Type of Length of Artistic Manner
story story Talent in which
Twain’s personal philosophy? required story is
A Life is short so live each day to its fullest. told
B We should take life more seriously.
C A good life contains elements of humor
in it.
D It doesn’t matter how one tells a story as Comic or
long as it’s funny. Witty
4 According to Twain, his best qualification for
being the judge of superior storytelling is
that he
A has published many books, most of
which are humorous.
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B has frequently heard stories told by

extremely talented storytellers.
C has conducted extensive library research
on the history of storytelling.
D has attended storytelling contests since
he was a boy.

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The Great War
War Affects the Home Front people could buy only small amounts of those
By the time the United States joined the Allies, items that were needed for the war effort.
the war had been going on for nearly three years Eventually, rationing covered a wide range of
in Europe. In those three years, Europe had lost goods, from metals to butter and shoe leather.
more men in battle than in all the wars of the pre- Governments also suppressed antiwar activity
vious three centuries. The war had claimed the —sometimes by force. In addition, they censored
lives of millions and had changed countless lives news about the war. Many leaders feared that
forever. The Great War, as the conflict came to be honest reporting of the war would turn people
known, affected everyone. It touched not only the against it. Governments also used propaganda—
soldiers in the trenches, but civilians as well. It persuasive information designed to promote their
affected not just military institutions, but also goals and opinions—to keep up morale and sup-
political, economic, and social institutions. port for the war. One of the main instruments of
Governments Wage Total War propaganda was the war poster. In nations
World War I soon became a total war. This throughout Europe, striking, colorful posters urged
meant that countries devoted all their resources to support for the war by painting the enemy as
the war effort. In Britain, Germany, Austria, Russia, monsters and the Allies as heroes.
and France, the entire force of the government The War’s Impact on Women
was dedicated to winning the conflict. Total war meant that governments turned to
In each country, the wartime government took women for help as never before. Thousands of
control of the economy. Governments told facto- women replaced men in factories, offices, and
ries what products to produce and how many of shops. Women built tanks and weapons, plowed
each. Numerous facilities were converted to muni- fields, paved streets, and ran hospitals. They also
tions factories where weapons and ammunition kept troops supplied with food, clothing, and
were manufactured. Nearly every able-bodied civil- weapons. The propaganda effort sought to glorify
ian was put to work. Unemployment in many women’s part in the war effort. In reality, much of
European countries nearly disappeared. European the women’s work was dangerous and low pay-
governments even enlisted the help of foreign ing. In Britain, the conditions in factories were very
workers. For example, thousands of civilians were bad. As a result, the membership of women in
sent from German-occupied Belgium and France trade unions increased by 276 percent during the
to work in Germany as farm and factory laborers. war, and women workers sometimes went on
Britain and France recruited Chinese, West Indian, strike during the war itself.
Algerian, and Egyptian laborers to work behind Although most women left the work force
their lines at the front. when the war ended, their work for the war effort
So many goods were in short supply that gov- set an important precedent. Copyright © McDougal Littell
ernments turned to rationing. Under this system,

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8 By the third and fourth years of World War I, 11 What point does the author make clear
Britain and Germany about the effects of the war?
A lost fewer men in battle than they had in A All citizens of each country supported the
any previous wars. war effort.
B had the lowest percentages of B After the war, the governments refused
unemployed workers as nearly every able to relinquish their wartime controls.
person was put to work. C Prior to the war, women had not been a
C prospered due to the increased war large part of the work force.
production, and many citizens became D Governmental propaganda was very
independently wealthy. effective.
D recruited women, Algerians, and
Egyptians to work behind the lines at 12 What is one probable outcome of so many
the front. women working to support the war effort?
A Women would later become an
9 How did the short supply of goods affect the
important part of the work force.
role of the governments?
B Women would take over the work force
A The governments rationed civilians’ completely.
C Women would never return to the work
B The governments shortened soldiers’ force.
D Women would want to serve as combat
C The governments decreased the war soldiers in the next war.
D The governments bought up all the
butter and shoe leather.

10 What role did women play in the war?

A Women had a significant impact on the
war by taking on several jobs.
B Women were given the easy or less
dangerous jobs.
C Women stayed home to care for the
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children and keep the house while their

husbands fought.
D Women were recruited to the front lines
to help the men fight.

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13 Read the following sentence from the 14 Why did wartime governments suppress
passage. antiwar activity and censor news?
Although most women left the work A The governments felt their citizens were
force when the war ended, their work too free.
for the war effort set an important
B The governments thought winning
the war justified temporarily limiting
Which of the following means about the freedoms.
same as precedent?
C The governments had always wanted to
control citizens more carefully.
A mistake
D The governments did not know what was
B limit really happening in Europe.
C result
D example

15 Compose three questions that the passage answers.

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The Battle for San Pietro and the Art of War
During World War II, Ernie Pyle, an American Huston came from Hollywood, where he had
journalist covering the war, wrote a very famous already directed successful films. For years after
story. The story concerned how American troops the war, Huston would make his mark as a movie
reacted to the death of a young military officer director. However, in the winter of 1943, Huston
during the famous battle for San Pietro. This battle was a captain in the U.S. army. His assignment, in
was a part of the fighting in Italy in 1943 and his own words, was to document “the triumphal
1944. Pyle’s article about this military operation entry of American forces into Rome.” It didn’t
and what happened to that young soldier became work out that way. Instead, Huston and his crew
his most famous piece of writing about the war. produced one of the most frightening visions of
The Germans were strongly established both in modern warfare ever filmed. The documentary
the town itself and in the surrounding hills and showed how difficult it was for these soldiers to
countryside. The Germans had all of the cover, fight in the mud and rain day after day with little
and the Americans had to walk right in and try to food and even less rest. It demonstrated both the
take the area from them. San Pietro is in the Liri respect and the anger soldiers had for the idea of
Valley, and there was no other good way to get war, and it was something that people had never
American troops into it than through the south. seen on film before.
Those American troops were determined to suc- More than any previous conflict, World
ceed, and they were very courageous, but many War II was an event to be captured on film and
were killed. For the most part, the Americans paper. During the 1930s, there was a shift in film-
could not see their German attackers, who were making toward a more realistic, “documentary”
hidden in the olive groves and the high rock ridges style of storytelling. The war began in the middle
surrounding the entrance to the valley. of this shift, and the way the war was covered
Compared to some of the other battles in was very similar to the way fictional stories were
Italy, the fight for San Pietro was a small opera- being told in literature and film. In “The Death of
tion. Many soldiers died trying to land and take Captain Waskow” and San Pietro, it is easy to see
the beach at Salerno, and the operation at Monte the influence of documentary storytelling. Both
Cassino seemed to go on forever. Still, in spite of works present themselves as records of factual
its lack of size and importance to the overall war events, and yet both clearly reveal the influence of
effort, San Pietro inspired two great documentary fiction. Both show how human beings can be
works of art to come out of World War II. Pyle’s brave and dignified under the most terrible condi-
article, which was called “The Death of Captain tions. At the same time, each piece offers criticism
Waskow,” appeared in newspapers all over the of those conditions and how humanity could have
country on January 10, 1944. The other work of created them.
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art was a documentary film called San Pietro,

which was made by John Huston and photogra-
phers from the U.S. Army Signal Corps.

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16 With which of the following statements con- 19 Why did the author most likely write this
cerning the battle for San Pietro would the passage?
author most likely agree?
A to indicate the causes of World War II
A The battle in San Pietro was more B to inform readers of the works of John
important to the war effort than any Huston
other battle.
C to describe the major battles of World
B The U.S. army’s strategy did not give its War II
soldiers a good chance to survive.
D to describe the documentary works of art
C The officer who died at San Pietro should that emerged from World War II
have been given a medal.
D The Germans were defending their territory 20 What is ironic about Huston’s statement that
and should not have been attacked. he was to document “the triumphal entry of
American forces into Rome”?
17 Which statement best reflects the main idea
A Instead of the glory of triumph, Huston
of the second paragraph?
documented the hardship of war.
A San Pietro, a film by John Huston, was B Instead of the entry into Rome, Huston
made in 1944. documented the entry into San Pietro.
B A small battle in Italy during World War II C Instead of Americans winning the battle,
became the subject of two important Huston documented them losing it.
D Instead of a film about a war, Huston
C The battle for San Pietro in Italy was a documented the death of one officer.
relatively small military encounter.
D Ernie Pyle wrote an article called “The
Death of Captain Waskow.”

18 According to the author, what is one effect

resulting from the fact that World War II
began during the documentary movement?
A World events other than World War II
were rarely documented during this
B Many historical accounts of World War II Copyright © McDougal Littell
are fictional.
C The coverage of the war drew heavily
upon documentary techniques and
D U.S. citizens acquired a biased view of
World War II.

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21 How were the fictional war movies of this 22 Which statement best reflects the conclusion
period probably filmed? the author draws on the battle for San
A They showed people with clean uniforms
who never questioned what they were A It was one of the most frightening and
doing. deadly battles in the war.
B They were filmed on location in Italy and B The Americans were strongly established
used actual Italian soldiers as actors. in the town and the surrounding hills.
C They were often based on newspaper C The Germans could not see their
articles and books written by German American attackers.
soldiers. D Compared to some of the other battles in
D They showed angry soldiers fighting on Italy, San Pietro was a large and
very little food and no sleep. important operation.

23 How were “The Death of Captain Waskow” and San Pietro similar? Use details and information
from the reading to explain your answer.
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