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In this world, everybody wants to win the rat race of becoming rich and renowned.

In order to
achieve this they work hard in their particular field so that they can turn the wheel of their life.
Similar is the case with students. Students want to get good marks in examinations so that they can
secure a better future for them. Parents also play an important role in this process by motivating

However, this process is not simple as it seems at times. As parents have a great zeal to make their
children shine amongst the crowd, they put excess pressure on their wards which can have
numerous negative effects on children. An example of problem arising due to this phenomenon is
depression and in some cases when students get unsatisfactory marks they commit suicide. The
examples above can be quoted under a single term which is “EXAMINATION STRESS” or

In the upcoming paragraphs I will be discussing about Examination Stress.

Nowadays, Examination Stress is the most common issue that is witnessed all around India, and is
increasing day by day like the ‘world population’. Recently a large section of students in our country
faced the most decisive time in their life that is BOARD EXAMINATIONS of Class 12. Suddenly,
students started studying day and night so that they can achieve good marks including those who
were never aware of what was going in the class. That’s called FEAR in true words. Moreover, not
only the students were struggling but their parents were also involved in this struggle. This time
period was not less than a war. Amongst this scenario going on there were some students with evil
mind. Rather that studying they found another way of getting good marks that was by leaking the
paper without knowing the fact that in this modern world they won’t be able to hide their theft for
long and their effort will be wasted. Now, what so ever is the scenario the reason behind the above
stated is nothing but Exam Stress.

The main reason behind the hike is stress is the unwanted expectations of parents from children. It is
not wrong to the parent’s side to expect good results from their wards but these expectations
should not be unparallel with the capability and potential of their children. Einstein once said –

“Everybody is GENIUS. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life
believing that it is a stupid.”

Similar is the case with students firs of all parents should know what their child is capable of doing
and then only they should hope for something better.

Another factor causing examination stress is the so called Coaching Classes. Nowadays a majority of
students prefer to ride the bandwagon of coaching classes so that they can perform well in any sort
of entrance examinations. It is an undeniable fact that coaching helps in achieving goals but in this
era most of the coaching centers work only for money and a handful of them provide necessary
knowledge and education but they too are very much costly. Sending children to coaching centers
burn a hole in parent’s pocket due to which the pressure on students to gain good marks increases
and they began to think that if they will not achieve their goals than their parents will mock them.

Due to this phenomenon a teacher even thinks twice before setting a tough paper and in case a
tough paper comes students start protesting and demand for lenient marking but the thing is that if
they have worked hard on their studies then why they complaint in such a case. The intentions of
students behind this don’t seem to be clear. Whether it’s the examination stress or their laziness or
unwillingness to study and work hard?

In a nutshell I would only say that students should eliminate their stress in whatever way they want
provided that it should not harm anyone. Parents should also support their children. The best
approach to get rid of Examination Stress is thinking positively, if we think positive we can eradicate
any dilemma in our life and can make it more prosperous.

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