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T : Teacher

S : Student


T : Good afternoon students

S : Good afternoon miss

T : How are you today ?

S : I am fine, and how are you miss ?

T : I am fine too, thank you

T : Before we start the lesson, let’s say a prayer together. juhiyan, will you lead the prayer,

Juhiyan : Yes miss, let’s say a prayer together. (teacher and students pray according to their
respective beliefs). Finish

T : ok let’s check your attendance students. Who is absent today?

S : Nothing miss, everybody present today.

T : ok everything is healthy.

T : Let’s start the lesson. Are you ready everyone ?

S : Ready miss

T : Do you still remember our last discussion ? were we talking about atomic theory Let’s have
quick review on our previous lesson.

S : (silence)

T : Who can mention Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Niels Bohr, quantum mechanics, atomic
theory ?
S : (Silence)

T : ok, Aulia can you mention Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Niels Bohr, quantum mechanics,
atomic theory ?

Aulia : yes miss, Dalton says atoms are like solid balls, Thomson said that atoms like raisin
bread, Rutherford explained that atoms have a positively charged atomic nucleus which is the
center of atomic mass, Niels Bohr explained atoms like the solar system.

T : ok good Aulia, give applause to Aulia.

T & S : (Applause)

T : students, today we will discuss about electron configurations where our electron
configurations will discuss the rules of aufbauf, pauli rules, and hund rules. But we will limit on
rules of aufbauf.

T : at the end of this session, you’ll be able to write electron configurations according to aufbauf

Mains Stage
T : the aufbauf rule explains that electron charging starts from the lowest sub shell to the highest
sub shell.

T : (picture of electron charging according to the aufbauf rule) so we start charging the electrons
starting from 1s then to 2s then to 2p and so on. where in sub skin s has 2 electrons, sub skin p
has 6 electrons, sub skin d has 10 electrons, and sub skin f has 14 electrons. Are you understand
students ?

S : yes miss

T : For example Na has an atomic number of 11, the electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 do
you feel me students ?
S : Yes miss

T : Tika clean the wihite board please.

T : ok another example Mg has an atomic number 12 can anyone do it in front of class?

Ika : 12Mg = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2

T : ok thank you ika give applause to Ika.

T : Ok students, Mg have electron configurations is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 but how about Mg2+ ?
anyone answer ?

T : The meaning of Mg2+ is that Mg releases 2 electrons so the number of electrons decreases to
10 electrons so the sub skin 3s2 will disappear. So electron configurations Mg2+ is 1s2 2s2 2p6
let's count the electrons 2 plus 2 4 plus 6 10 so right 10. Do you understand students ?

S : yes miss

T : one more example F- has an atomic number 9 so electron configuration is ? anyone answer ?
eccless please come here !

Eccles : yes miss, 9F = 1s2 2s2 3s2 2p3, F- = 1s2 2s2 3s2 2p2

T : Ok good eccles give applause to eccles

T : okay students I will grouping you into 4 groups.

S : (form groups based on the nearest seat)

T : allright students ? I will give you worksheet, you have to do it by group.

S : okay miss (students do worksheet)

T : do you finish students ?

S : yes miss

T : okay student let’s check the results of the worksheet. Who can answer number 1, 2, 3 until 10

S : (group representatives come to the front of the class to answer)

Post Stage
T : okay all of you understand so I give you post test. please close your books. Please sit on
every other chair. Do it by your self. No. cheating, please. (give post test to students) I give you
time 5 minute to do post test
S : okay miss.

T : (arround to see students work) well, 1 more minutes. Time is up. Stop working, collect your
work, please.

S : (collecting post test)

T : so far, what was the topic about ?

S : electron configurations miss

T : okay let’s summarize the lesson. It is obvious that rules of electron configurations have 3
rules is aufbauf principle, pauli rules, and hund rules. The aufbauf rule explains that electron
charging starts from the lowest sub shell to the highest sub shell.

T : All right students. It’s time to the lesson now. For homework please you read about valence
electron. I hoped you enjoyed the lesson. See you soon students. Bye bye.

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