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Global warming are referred to a climate changes. Global warming also significant and
costly effects on our communities, our health and our climates. This global warming are
causes by environmental issues. The environmental issue are divided into two which are
natural and human influence. For natural issue is a original or direct from environment,
such as greenhouse effects, volcanic eruption and rotation of the sun that changes the
intensity of sunlight and moving closer to the earth. For human influence issue is from
human activities such as industrial renovation, mining and deforestation. Based on that
causes, it will give an effects on global warming.

First effects is drought. Drought is a situation when the rains is not fall for long time.
Warmer temperatures can give the impacts of drought. Increased temperatures can increase
a evaporation from soils, making periodic droughts worse than they would be under cooler
conditions. The drought phenomena can affects the agriculture, transportation and wildfire.
To overcome this phenomena, cloud seeding is the effective way, Examples have been
done in Selangor by Puncak Niaga (M) Sdn.Bhd in collaboration with the Malaysian
Weather Forecast Department. By using the Dornier Skyvan plane a salt solution is sprayed
on the cloud of Cumulusnimbus located at an altitude of 800-6000 meters. The salt solution
serves as a 'Condensation Nucleus' to attract vapor in the clouds to gather and assemble in
it Every time a cloud seeding is done 50kg of lime salt dissolved into 1000 liters of water
is used and sprayed on the cloud by using flow rate indicator that can determine the
insurance rate is strong or slow.

Next, heavy rainfall with floods is another effects on global warming. When the
temperature is increase that triggered by human, it can cause climate changes and have
created more intense storms with the capacity to dump incredible amounts of rain. The
heavy rainfall with floods can give an effect of death, illness, and destruction of property.
So, to overcome this phenomena, government should control the human activities that can
give bad impact to environment. Next, providing drainage system by cleaned the shallow
trenches from waste material. With this abundance of water and rain can flow well. Lastly,
preserving forest from any illegal logging. This is because logging can causes a landslide.
Forest can be a catchment area capable of absorbing rainwater from direct flowing to the

Lastly, effects on global warming is haze. Haze is an air pollution that occurs when many
dusty particle fly in the air. This haze occurs from the open burning, smoke from vehicles
and smoke from industry. When the haze is continuous too long it can give an effects to
human and environment. Haze can give a bad effects to children, old people and people
that have a bad health. Haze also can block the plant from sunlight and cannot do a
photosynthesis. So, it will destroy the plants. So, to overcome this phenomena, government
should avoid peoples from do a open burning, reduce deforestation and recycle. Another
than that is reduce the gasoline by choose a hybrid car and use a public transport when to
go work. From that, it can save cost and reduce carbon dioxide.

In conclusion, global warming can give a bad effect to human and environment.

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