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CMST 210

Colleen McGoff
Whatcom Community College
Study Guide for Ch.3

Purpose: The Study Guide is designed to assist you with identifying, recalling, and later being
able to apply key concepts and terms from the chapter.

1. Read all instructions before you begin the assignment.
2. Remember to use the reading strategies we talked about in class: read the chapter objectives
first, then read the chapter summary, and only then, begin to read the chapter itself:
Read until you come to a section heading then stop. Take notes. Write your reactions and
questions. Then read to the next section heading and stop. Take notes. If the section is quite
long, read until you reach a main sub-heading in that section and then stop. Take notes. Then

The study guide is worth 10 points and is graded based on
 how effectively and clearly you express ideas in your own words
 how completely and concisely you convey your understanding of the material for each
 how accurately you follow directions

Study Guide for Ch. 3: Communication and Identity: Creating and Presenting the Self

Reminder: Read the overview on page 61, and then read the summary on page 100 FIRST.
Then, read the chapter using the method we discussed in class.

1.. Describe in your own words how each of the following terms relates to the creation
of our "self":
a. Self-concept

b. self-esteem

c. biological self

d. personality

e. socialization and reflected appraisal

f. significant others
g. social comparison

2. Explain in your own words the following characteristics of the self-concept:

a. The self-concept is subjective

b. The self-concept resists change

3. Briefly explain the influence of culture and gender on identity.

4. What is "self fulfilling prophecy" and in what way does it influence communication?

5. Impression Management
a. What is "impression management"?
b. Describe, in your own words, characteristics of impression management.

c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online impression management?

6. Self-disclosure
a. What is self-disclosure?
b. Describe the benefits and risks of self-disclosure.

c. Explain the guidelines for self-disclosure.

d. What are some of the alternatives to self-disclosure?

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