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This book is dedicated to the

inner soul of everyone.

1. Ask yourself?

2.Elimate excuses 11

3.Best way to live your life
4.Get over from a heart break
6. Find who you are?
For you!

I am grateful for this opportunity
for being able to reach you and give you a
glimpse of how beautiful your life can
Thank you for having the courage
to pike it up.
I value my life experience, my
message, and my voice because I believe
these things have been a gift to me.
The words on the following pages
are heartfelt and written in the high hope
that you will not only connect with

Please do write me

For the creation of the book,
Discover your own hero, I want to thank
my friend(s) for their invaluable assistance
in making this book.
My thanks to my wonderful parents
for their unconditional love and support so
that we can make difference in the world.

This s my first book and I knew I
have something inside me that needs to be
You are holding in your hands, not
a story but an experience that will
challenge you to hold on your dreams till
you realize them and question your reality
and the purpose of your existence.
I urge you to feel easy and look at
the experiences, observations and ideas
written in this book, in their true light.
I have written this book with a
commitment to bring a change in you.

Chapter 1
Ask yourself?
I want to ask you a question? Are
you living the life which you want to live?
Everyone has their dream life
We all have that picture in our mind
of the life we want to live
Here comes my question. Are you currently
living that life?
Most people will say no
Well why? The answers are often close to
 Impossible
 Too hard

 Not feasible
 No opportunities
 Zero confidence
 Lack of confident
And the Common answer is “I don’t
Have you actually tried achieving that
life you want to live?
Most people will say I do it every day
that’s what my job and my education is for
these are the little steps I take every single
day to reach my goal.
Let me question you little differently?
Have you tried your hardest in achieving
that life?
Have you given your best?

And most people fall silent which means
they can’t achieve it
They don’t want to say no and
appear weak or sound like a loser.
Final question?
Have you tried achieving your
desired life as hard as you have tried in
getting girl?
If you think about it the answer is
no your dedication to get girls is
You’re messaging a random girls
on Facebook, whatsapp and twitter every
single day
You don’t give a carp about who
they are if they are in relationship, if they
would even want to talk to you?

You’re texting with girls who
haven’t even seen you. Don’t even know if
that’s a girl
And you’re investing all your time -
days and nights - chatting with that person
with the profile picture of so called
But guys notice the amount of hope
you need in doing that.
It’s almost insane.
There is no guarantee if any of
those girls will ever date you.
But you try every single day you’re
getting rejected by girls you haven’t even

If 9 out of 10 girls don’t message you back,
don’t accept your friend request but that
doesn’t discourage you.
You keep on trying.
Look at the amount of will inside
Now, just imagine for a second if
you have saved all that time and put all that
hope and will to work for yourself not for a
girl not for love just for yourself.
Just imagine what you will
Don’t be the emotional supporter
for someone
I personally know guys who spend
lot of time in texting the random girls.

Guys who have been obsessed with
some girl for years
Guys who haven’t been over their
ex in years
And what are you getting in return?
The grand gift of life with all
innumerable possibilities and opportunities,
is that what you narrowed it down to?
Stop this!

Chapter 2
Eliminate excuses
Are you mediocre?
How many times have you asked
these question?
When you step out of house how
many people do you see?
Well, you don’t because you have
programmed your brain to ignore to not
even acknowledge the vast, never ending
count of people around you.
Today, when we go outside, I want
you to look as many as faces as you can,
and ask yourself how are you different

from them? What are you doing in your life
that separates your existence?
From theirs?
Do you feel a sense of achievement,
sense of aliveness when you are people of
Backgrounds, or with different
range of skills, and talents?
Or do you feel lost, insignificant, and
inferior? My question to you is, why are
you not succeeding?

Let me discuss the 10 parts series of

reasons of why you are not at the top of
your game!!
Enemy of dreams: excuses

When you give someone an excuse,
when you explain to your boss, your
friends, why you can’t do something, you
believe in your head that they can
understand it, that they will relate to your
problem that they somehow become a
participant in that suffering.
Let me tell you first truth, nobody
gives a crap!
Nobody but nobody, your wife,
your friends, your business partners, your
colleagues your parents, your girlfriend.
Nobody gives a s**t
When they say they understand, or
stop trying to explain it to you it’s a sign
that they have given up on you

The truth is, your excuses work
only on yourself .Its only you who
understands them, values them, and on
whom they apply.
Given them an exact same
circumstances, another individual will
make entirely different choices than you
Which makes your excuses a lie
your excuse are the greater betrayal your
inflicting on yourself
Understand one thing unless you
are a kid of a millionaire and billionaire,
your born in an imaginary hole, the first
struggle of your life is to climb out of that
hole no matter what.

Well, you have two legs and two
hands, use them as badly as you can and
you will find a way.
And there amen who in their mid-
20s, call their parents asking for money
when they have to start a business, or buy a
car. Have some self-respect!
Start saving, take some hits your
life may be, just maybe you need to bring
your standards of living down for a couple
of years.
You might feel some discomfort but
you be proud of yourself one day.
Who are you?
What have you done in your life?
What do you want to do?
Why haven’t you done it?

In answering all these questions, all
you excuses will be exposed automatically.
You are surrounded but a world full of
excuses but as soon as you make
comparison with the reality the excuses
You have a house that protects you
from the scorch of sunlight, from storm,
from winter.
There are still lots of people who
can’t afford them please tell them your
I am not completely discrediting
your excuses some of them could be
Make a pack right now, no matter

How bad you screw up!
You will not give an excuse
by not giving reason, you accept your
excuses as personal problem, as a disease,
and by accepting it, the mind starts the
healing process and by ceasing it, the only
option you are left with is to apologize, the
more you apologize the more you feel
shame in front of others.
In case if you apologize make sure
you don’t have to apologize for the same
over again. Crush it!
Destroy them completely in your
second attempt.
Make a historical comeback!

If u don’t change, your friends will
move onto other friends who are more
suited to them in their future.
Don’t go around saying the works owes
you a living. The world owes you nothing
-Mark Twain
Do what you love, and you will be
happy in doing it, because happiness is not
a destination it’s a byproduct of doing the
right thing.
Your goal lifer is your destination
Stop blaming your ex you chose them take
responsibility of your action.
If it was a bad relation and you’re
still haunted by it, learn from it, grow from

Chapter 3
Best way to live
your life

Imagine if you were told that you

have only 12 months to live. That is all you
Your initial reactions to this would
be shock, doubt….
But then preparation
After accepting the fact that you
have only 12 months to live.

Your personality will go through a
systematic, miraculous form of evolution
almost instantaneously.
And this evolution is what changes
the entire diagram of your existence.
In a way, for the first time you will stop
being a part of society, and consciously
take your first step to individuality, which
will be the first way of separation of your
existence from the rest of the world.
And this happened because for the
first time you have no other option but to
take live seriously.
So, what is that evolution?
Well, after having accepted your
mortality your mind will go through the
following changes

First thing happen is
***all your excuses disappear, regardless
of the scheme of actions you’re going to
pursue in your future.
All the excuses in your life until now, that
you have struggled with, never truly cared
to solve
And unconsciously made a part of
your personality, gets surgically removed
from your brain as if they have never
***for the first time in your life, you’re
truly blessed with focus shared by greatest

***Second, you’re blank. All your past
consist of stupid mistakes, habits,
memories and regrets gets deleted.
You now look forward in making
great memories with people who really
matter in your life.
All your stupid things get deleted
and move on within a seconds
***Third, you discover priorities.
You mind acknowledge the people
whom you want from the crowd of people
whom you had these years. You get rid of
***Five, you are vigilant.
The days in your life are not
divided by weekdays and weekends

Each morning will be different and
separate from the other.
And you won’t wait for
opportunities you tend to create them.
***Six, you’re reminded of your legacy
You ask yourself?
What would I be remembered for?
And finally you will be finally at
the peace.
You seek happiness rather than joy
because joy is momentary once you
understand this disinclination, you will find
Lastly, you realize that you are
All you need to do is, constantly
ask yourself, urge yourself, make yourself

to believe that you have only 12 months in
your hands get into the mindset.
And once you do, you will
experience the evolution and you will
conquer any goal in your life.

Chapter 4
Get over from a
Facing heartbreaks is not easy.
It is not the end of life, come on!
Missing them is inevitable initially but
you’ll have to move on.
Distract yourself.
Try stuffs which improve your self
Excel in anything you love, hit the
gym or
go on trips with beloved ones!
Time heals.

It pains but the best thing about
facing heartbreak is that we discover
ourselves the best once the heart is
shattered the most.
That proves our ultimate existence.
It's a big world, seven billion people.
Why waste time over someone who
didn't know your Worth! Move on.
Make new friends.
Get new crushes.
Stay content.
The right one is already coming
along your
way, don't be too blinded by your
Good things sure going to happen.
Take care of yourself and have faith

everything happens for a reason. Some
things are just
Not meant to be!
And many people are not nearly as
interesting or good as you think they are
when you are seeing them through the very
foggy lens of infatuation.
Because you can't have them, you
them even more.
But you're imagining things.
They might not be that great, after
Pretend you're the future you, ten
years from now, and you've come here to
console the present you.

Not for vanity, but because the
rush of endorphins will be a practical

Start Running.
Within a few weeks, you’ll be able
to run
faster and longer than when you started.

Learn a new skill or take up a new

Our brains react positively to
experiencing new things- it's challenging
and exciting. You'll meet new people, build
a new skill, and get a sense of Pride and

Double down on work.
Now's the time to take on that
big new challenge/responsibility.
It require late nights and
Then it's perfect.
You should minimize contact with

To be clear: time won't heal all

wounds, but it does three crucial things:

1. Gives you perspective.

2. Shows you that you can, in
fact, survive.
3. Lessens the emotional pain of

Chapter 5
I have asked myself this question
countless and countless times.
I believe this quote says it best,
“The most important thing is this: to be
able at any moment -sacrifice what you
are, for what you will become!"
The reason why 99% percent of the
people are at the bottom is because society
conforms everyone to think the same.
You have to be willing to change
you mindset, read books and literally be
your own philosopher.

Think about everything you were
taught, and question it.
Socrates, Aristotle and Descartes all
strived for achieving ones best self.
The exact question you are asking.
Learn and learn and learn.
Never stop seeking knowledge
whether you’re an artist, business
There is always something to learn
and ways to improve yourself.
The only way to be your best self is
to improve in every aspect of your life.
So here are my main
recommendation to start your best self-

The morning is the best time to
focus your energy on the
Things that really matter.
It is also a great time to work on
yourself mentally. For instance, every
morning I have a 30 minute routine here it
is to help give you a visual:

In whatever subjects you’re
interested in but vary your subjects. For
instance, get a book
For spirituality, one for business,
one for health etc.

It is a whole lot easier to learn from
people than teaching yourself everything.
Yourself with people who are better
than you, smarter than you and more
successful than you.

This really speaks for itself. If you
don't have deadline or goals to reach for,
then how do
You expect movement in a forward
direction? Make your goals in a hierarchy
manner starting with 18 months outs.
Then you make smaller goals to
achieve that big 18 month goal. They

should be quantified.

12 month goals:
Make the BIG! Where do you want
yourself to be in a 1 and a half? Really
think about this.
As I said in my previous chapter
where do you want to be? Close your eyes
and imagine yourself.
Where are you and how do you feel
in that moment? Our mind has the ability to
Imagine anything but also has the ability to
make the anything into reality.

Chapter 6
Find who you are?
Our Identity is composed from
Each layer has a different degree of
The more the profound the layer is,
the more it is real and cannot easily be
changed. The
Outermost layer is called "False
It is the mask we present to the
world which doesn't necessarily
corresponds to who we are.

For example we may show ourselves as
brave while in fact we are afraid.
The next layer is called
"personality" and it is composed from all
the things in life that we have acquired
from others or from outside sources.
Like opinions, habits, knowledge,
certain emotions and tendencies.
The next layer is called "essence",
and is composed from all the qualities and
tendencies we born with or that we have
developed independently.
This includes our genetic material,
our innermost desires that we had for all
our lives, our core values and our
psychological tendency.

Everything we learn and really
understand, expands our essence.
For example, if we read a book
about how to create a successful business,
this knowledge is superficial and is stored
only in our personality.
The next layer is hypothetical and is
called a soul. There are various sources
claiming that our essence can move on
from one life to another.

To define is to limit.
Don't limit yourself to a certain set
of words, rather explore your being to the
fullest without knowing where to stop. :)

"Truly Find Yourself" imply there is a
"you" that has always been there,
I think this concept of self-identity
is not helpful, generating the confusion you
currently experience.
Your identity is a construction.
You, your cultural environment and your
life experiences is building who you are.
On an individual level we are a perpetual
work in progress.
On a humankind level you are a
prototype capable to program himself.
But what makes you "you"?

Belief, Attitude, Role are the only 3

elements should care about.

Your cultural environment gave
you a particular belief. Your belief makes
you behave in a certain way, you choose,
adapt, compromise your attitude according
to your belief and the strength in your
Belief, Attitude, Role triangulate to
form your Reputation. Your Reputation
will make you experience things.
Some of these experience will
repeat itself and your initial attitude will
Transform into habits.
When habits are closely associated to your
identity (belief + role) people around you
call it your "style".
The thing is, you cannot control

your cultural environment (you can chose
to live somewhere.
Else, but you cannot have a
significant impact on any environment if
you do not have a significant reputation).
You can always choose or maintain
your ATTITUDE, no matter the
And you can define and create a
ROLE for yourself.

The answer to your question is:

You are your independent

You are your courageous choices.
You are your original creativity.

To stop the confusion, start to
clarify your belief.
Set some simple principles that you
know will never change.

For you!
Most people don’t discover what
life is all about until just before they die.
While we are young, we spend our
day’s striving and keeping up with social
We are busy chasing life’s big
Don’t wait until you are on your
deathbed to realize the meaning of life and
the precious role you have to play within it.
I wish you a great filled with
wisdom, happiness and fulfillment.

May your days be spent in work
that is engaging, on pursuits that are
inspiring and with people who are loving.
This is the true joy in life,being
used for a purpose recognized by yourself
as a mighty one.


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