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Indonesia Language and Culture

“Sexual Risk Attitudes and Behaviours among Young Adult Indonesian”

One of the most dangerous international disease problem is HIV/AIDS
(The human immundeficiency/ The acquired immune syndrome). In Indonesia, as
a September 2003, the total number of confirmed cases of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia
was 3924 (Directorate General CDC and EH 2003). There are several reasons
why Indonesia has large number in HIV/AIDS cases. One of the reasons is the
lack of prevention education towards HIV/AIDS and SIT in Indonesia. This
condition showed by the extent of condom use in young adults is not well known.
Because of those factors, Simon Simon and Susan J. Paxton did research
with focus group discussion method about sexual risk and behavior among young
adult Indonesia. The research took a place in Surabaya, Indonesia with 18-24
years old Indonesian participants. Basically, the research used focus group
discussion method. There are several discussions about sex that were talking
about. The researcher talked from the most general until the most detailed
discussions about sex paradigm in young people.
From the research, There’s a common beliefs and practice between
Javanese and Chinese people in Surabaya. Sexual desire and curiosity were the
most common reasons given by focus group participants as to why young people
engage in sex before marriage. Religious factors were also found to be very
important determinants in decisions to remain sexually inactive. However, many
young people appeared to be becoming less committed to upholding religious and
moral teachings. However, Chinese people prefer to use sex worker than their
partner. In context of ‘safe sex’, both Javanese and Chinese regarded safe sex as
preventing pregnancy rather than STI’s or HIV/AIDS. Focus group data indicated
that many young Indonesians have poor knowledge about STIs and preventive
strategies. It showed by their unusual method to cure and protect them form STI’s.
We can conclude from the research that Indonesia still lack of sex
education. Condoms are not reported to be widely used for disease prevention and
erroneous beliefs about STIs, their prevention and cure, appear widespread.
Besides that, there are quite changes in sexual behavior and paradigm in
Indonesia’s young people. This condition can increase the risk of STI’s or
HIV/AIDS if effective campaigns are not put in place.

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