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Leni's dream goes bust

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SieteDintso Senate tens of millions have been spent by

desperate for
the protestant
In the case of Marcos declaring
ffi :*. ,,Is$
..gffi statements but worse, a Martial Law goyemment, which
lnwyer to even come up with *WR, : false statements. could be termed as a reyolutionary
ghtes his highty illogical and Wi${Sh.W . Macalintal also said government, his then Vice Prcsident
Inpez, never assumed the presidency
under the 1935 Constitution precisely
for themselves, and-l; S:lLlG and the threat to his because this was abolished together
rot *r" v"uo". 'to f,$IK
ffi ior]"n'aiog tne priuit"ge with the proclanation of Martial Law.
notonlv back in power of ihe writ of habdis In the same fashion, sometime in
hi.ghlg position, which"nd is
FRQl{TLlllE corpus arc inconsistent. the eark Eighties, in an election that
misl,ead,ing really- pathetic. NineZ CaChO-OliVares 'Ifyou'rcarwotrtionary Ferdinand Marcos was pressured by
st^tements lhe latest gwemment, there realb is the United States to hold, he and his
campaign spiel had Vice President
but worse. no frivilege ofthererit ofhabeas coryuq, vice Fesident, Arturo Tolentino were
declared winners.
fy:^_ is gunning for a Senate seat, claiming What? A revolutionary government However.
Stacet',entq assumei can suspend the writ of habeag
that his client automatically neither Marcos nor-66
' ili-e presitlency once President corpus, i}the new government says Tolentino assumed This being
Duterte declares a reyolutionarywar. it retains the writ in his goyernment their elective seals thn caae,
'Vice President Leni Robr€do since he or who heads the for long since Cory how can
will be the president of a duly revolutionary govemment becomes Aquino and her so Bobreda then
constituted goyernment because ifhe the sole law and sole goyernment. called reYolutionaxy assut tz the
makes such declaration, that means What he says goes. . government took presidcnc!!
he ceases to be the President of a that Dutefte, or any
Assuming over, with her under the
duly constituted government. said oth€r strongman president, seriously assuming the sole aboliahed
election lawyer and Otso Diretso declares a reyolutionary government, power, as she becarne Con-stitution?
senalorial bet Romulo Macalintal. it is he who becomes the sole power an absolute dictator.
It is €ertain that Macalintal linows and the sole president and sole Cory and her yellows, so geedy
that this won't happen, whether in law since presumably in a new for power, again staged a farce of a
the Philippines or anywhere else goyernment, albeit revolutionary, coup by ousting th€n democmtically
in a world where an elected yice the Constitution is automatically elected President Joseph "Erap'
president assumes the presidency abolished, as the vice-presidential Estrada and they dare talk about
lvhen a revolutionarywar is seat is also automatically abolished. respect for the Constitution? What
And neither, would Leni be This being the case, how csn h)?ocrites!
Fesident through an election, after Robredo ttlen assume the presiden€y And guess what happened to
President Duterte's terrn is over. She under the abolished Constitution? her vice president, Salvador "Doy'
can't win in a presidential election, ln the same vein, wen as Robredo Laurel under Cory's revolutionary
that's for sure, still continues to assume the vice government? Why, Doy was in
Macalintal and other opposition Uesidential post, her seat is still power only for a day as Prime
bets were campaigning with Robrcdo precarious atrthis )oint, since her Minister of the government (which
and used the occasion to attack vice presidency is undel serious was the deal made for Cory and
the statements made by Duterte protest. Although Leni will probably Doy to together win the polls under
threatening to declare a revolutionary finish her term despite a questionable the then parliamentary system
government and suspgnding the writ poll victory, it's nainly because in place) since Cory arld her
of habeas corpus. the Presidential yellows wanted all the power
Robredo's election Electoral for thernselyes and completely cut
lawyer gives d@se<e- off as prime minister and even as
Foreign Affairs Minister. Cory and
her yellows ensured that Doy was
Tribunal bypassed by ambassadors then
in most, if later kicked out claiming he was a
not all protests coup plotter.
filed against the But what's even more laughable
winning president or was Magdalo Rep. Gary Alejano, one
yice president, has of the s/rets, who called on the milita.ry
been and continues
CJ* to be, suspected of
to remain loyal to the Constitution.
Does this SDar really believe he has
not t{anting to rock any moral aut}rcrity or eyen €r€dibility
'R E
H the political boat. Thus, ii to ask the military to stay loyal to the
deliberately slows the protest Constitution when he himseq along
oF''sn; <*g
to a halt, and allows the term with his idol. was a rebel solider who
to lapse, after which the PET, twice staged unsuccessfirl coups, dnd
which is really tried unsufeessfrily to cofivincp the
'F{f dF the Supreme military id Join rheir cause? He and
- HF E:. Cout, mercly his co-rebels certainly disrespected
F= S8
the protest
case has
becom e
the Constitution and he has the face
to call on the military to remain loyal?
Get lost, Alejano or maybe therc
moot - and isn't any need to say that. He will be
this, after out as a legtslator anyway sometime
opAgn in May this year as he defiritely won't
-q u win a senatorial seat, And neither, by
the way rould Macalintal.

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