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Andalusia, formerly know as Al-Andalus or the Islamic Iberia was a medieval Muslim territory and

cultural domain. The geographical extent today is Portugal and Spain.

The muslim dynasty, kingdom and states in Andalusia lasted from 711 – 1492 which was 781 years.

The dynasty of Andalusia can be divided into 3 phases

1. Under the governorship between 511-756 = 245 years.

2. Under the umaiyyah dynasty 756-1031 = 275 years

Strengths and developments
Crisis and revolt
Golden era
During fall

3. Broken up into smaller states 1031-1492 = 461 years

It was documented that, before the arrival of the Muslims to Andalusia, the Christian community
lived in the dark ages and as “jahiliyyah” which means the age of ignorance and acting against
Islamic teachings.

The Era under the rule of the Muslims in Andalusia has brought up the islam civilization .

Under the caliphate of Cordova, the city of cordova became one of the largest leading and economic
centres throughout the Mediterranean Europe. Achievements that advanced the Islamic and
Western sciences came from the Great Al-Andalus, including major advances in trigonometry.
Pharmacology, astronomy, surgery, agronomy and many other fields.

Andalus, under the Spanish caliphs, Abdul al-rahman 1 was a very capable and tolerable leader,
taking care of not only the muslims but also the Christians and jews who have found peace and
prosperity under the muslim rule. His successor, hisham bin abd Rahman al-dakhil and all the next
successors were equally as capable.

The great successes and achievemnts in the muslim rule in Andalusia not only attributed to the to
social justice amd peace but was also towards the flourishing art, architecture and the spread of
knowledge through the learning institutes. Universities were established around in Cordova and
Toledo. Greta scholars such as Ibn Khaldun and Abd Al-rahman bin Muhammad lived and worked in
Granada. The mosque of cordova and the palace in Alhambra are the lasting legacies of the golden
era of the Islamic heritage.

The last seven caliphs in the Umayyad caliphs marked its decline. The rise of Christianity and the
ineffective communication between centres of pwer, were factors that caused this decline. Families
with strong Islamic beliefs were burnt alive because they refused to change faiths towards
christainity. The muslims were chased out of Andalusia. Works by the Moors were burnt. On july 20th
year 1501M, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella decreed that The muslims were not allowed to live
in the state of Granada. The Muslims were forced to become to Catholics and dismiss Prophet
Muhammad as a servant of allah swt . All this weakened the umaiyad dynasty.

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