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Response and Assessment Tools

Lesson Idea Name: Fast Multiplication
Content Area: Mathematics
Grade Level(s): 3rd
Content Standard Addressed: MGSE3.OA.1. Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the
total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number
of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.

Technology Standard Addressed:
1. Empowered Learner Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and
demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.
Selected Technology Tool:
☐ Socrative ☐ iRespond ☐ Quizlet ☐ Plickers ☒ Kahoot! ☐ Office365 Forms

☐ Other:
URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):
Technology that student will use to respond to questions/prompts:
☐ Computer ☐ Hand-held student response system (like iRespond) ☐ Phone ☒ Tablet (such as iPad)
☐ Other wireless device (such as iPod Touch)
Type of session:
☒ Teacher-Paced ☐ Student-Paced

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): The technology tool is intended for students to interactively be quizzed
on questions that the teacher creates for the assessment. This particular Kahoot! Is a timed quiz, only
allowing the students 20 seconds to select the correct answer. This technology tool is typically used on a
device that is touch screen, such as a tablet, smart phone, interactive white board etc. This allows for the
student to interact hands on with the activity. Kahoot! Also uses large colorful shapes as the answers number
as opposed to numbers, letters or bullet points. This appeals to the visual learner as well. The tool gives the
student their answer correct percentage, the whole class rankings in third, second and first place and other
student ranking. This can be used as an incentive to get the students to take the game seriously if the teacher
is using the assessment summatively.
Engagement: The Kahoot! application is set up as a timed quiz, so the students are competing in a race to be
the first person to answer the question.
Representation: The webpage is set up with four shapes in four different colors and is visually appealing to
the eye. The questions and answers are displayed in a clear large font for the students to see on the
Interactive Whiteboard and on their devices.
Action and Expression: The students are the ones who will interact with the devices to choose their answers
to the questions. If the answer is correct, the student will be given a green page that congratulates them and
then they are ranked based off accuracy and promptness. If the question is answered incorrectly, the
students receive a red page indicating to try again next time, and then are ranked with the other students
who answered incorrectly.

Prior to the SRT activity, the students will be working with manipulatives to show grouping of whole numbers
and how this relates to multiplication. The students will be given ten strings that are tied into circles. The
students are in groups and will be given one large bag of M&M’s per table. The students will be asked to use
Spring 2018_SJB
Student Response and Assessment Tools
the thread as the groups and the M&M’s as the amount that equally goes into each group. If a student is
asked to show 4 X 5, the students can make four groups of five or five groups of four, then explain why they
did what they did and use this as a connection to why 4 x 5 is 20. The teacher will then tell the students to pull
out their tablets after they have cleared off their desks so they can participate in the Kahoot! They are asked
to think about the activity as a way to help them answer the questions.

Describe the purpose of the SRT activity (check all that apply):
☐ Assess prior knowledge ☐ Anticipatory set (Create interest in a topic) ☐ To illuminate common
misconceptions ☒ Formative assessment of content knowledge (for purpose of differentiation and
mastery for ALL students) ☐ Summative assessment of content knowledge ☐ Test preparation
☐ Survey/Poll ☐ Discussion starter ☐ “Homework” collection ☐ Other (please explain):

The teacher will pull up the Kahoot! assessment on the interactive white board and ask that the students pull
out their tablets and pull up their Kahoot! The students will use their tablets to answer the questions one at a
time as the teacher reads the questions aloud. The Kahoot! is a 20 second timed multiplication formative
assessment that will help the teacher measure the student’s application of fast multiplication based off
previous activities done in the classroom. Once a student answers a question, they will be informed if they
got it correct or not, then the interactive whiteboard will pull up the answer for the whole class to see and the
top three students with accuracy will be ranked.
Type of questions/prompts used in this activity (check all that apply):
☒ Multiple choice ☐ Multiple select ☐ True/False ☐ Yes/No
☐ Short open-ended response or fill-in the blank ☐ Longer open-ended response

If you are unable to provide a working sample of your questions, please list them below (8-10):
1. What is 4 x 5?
2. What is 10 x 2?
3. What is 5 x 5?
4. What is 10 x 20?
5. What is 15 x 2?
6. What is 5 X 6?
7. What is 10 x 11?
8. What is 5 x 12?

Right/Wrong answers: Will there be right/wrong answers to these questions?
☒ Yes ☐ No
☐ Mixed (Some will have correct answers, other will not.)
Immediate corrective feedback: Will you pre-select correct answers to some of all of the questions and
display correct response to the class after the SRT activity?
☒ Yes
☐ No
Why or why not?

After the SRT activity, the students will be provided with feedback once the teacher has gone through each
student’s Kahoot! answers. The teacher will use this formative assessment as a tool to measure what
students are struggling with multiplication and who is ready to move on to the next lesson. This will help the
teacher individualize plans for each student struggling.

Spring 2018_SJB
Student Response and Assessment Tools
How will the data be used? The data collected from this activity will be the accuracy of the multiplication
problems based off each individual student. This data will be used by the teacher in order to differentiate
instruction for those who are showing signs of struggle with multiplication and how to challenge the students
who are mastering multiplication. The data will not be graded against the students, it is strictly to measure
their knowledge on multiplication in that moment in time. The students will be given their results to help
them see what they need improvement on. The parents will not be notified of these scores, unless the
student needs additional support. The students will already see the overall rankings and percentages of
scores as a whole class when the Kahoot! is over, because this technology tool shows that data after the
whole class has taken the quiz. For the students who need improvement, the instructor will provide the
student with manipulatives and ask the student to come up with their own multiplication problems and solve
using the manipulatives. Then the student must share their findings with a partner (the students who
mastered the subject) then they must explain to their partner why they did what they did. The partner who
mastered the subject must then decompose the students work and make sense of division out of the

Describe your personal learning goal for this activity.
I will be using Kahoot! for the first time in order to see what it offers for myself and my students. In doing this,
I am hoping to learn how much data can be collected and how it can help me support my students. If Kahoot!
can offer students an incentive to be in first place, it may get students excited to learn and help them prep
themselves before certain class periods where they know they will be playing a Kahoot! game.

Reflective Practice: This activity will be a tool to help support student learning through feedforward
information. If Kahoot! can provide helpful data to assist the teacher on where a student is struggling or
where a student is excelling, the teacher will be able to use this data to differentiate learning. Once the
teacher has set up the differentiation, the teacher can talk with a student, show them their results, and
update them on their new plan and help them be a part of the learning process.

Spring 2018_SJB

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